d.a.n.n.i.s.u.c.k.s' LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]

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meegs is a penguin...or is he? [07 Nov 2001|10:42pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Ani DiFranco - Superhero ]

torn up laces x: i keep getting orange and red
torn up laces x: i want pink!
XxNoMoReFa1tHxX: lol
XxNoMoReFa1tHxX: That sucks
XxNoMoReFa1tHxX: Goodluck
torn up laces x: i'll keep trying
torn up laces x: ahhh1
torn up laces x: !
torn up laces x: more orange and red
XxNoMoReFa1tHxX: lol
torn up laces x: IT'S A CONSPIRACY I TELL YOU!!!!!!!!
XxNoMoReFa1tHxX: lmao
XxNoMoReFa1tHxX: Damn government
torn up laces x: lol
torn up laces x: the penguins did it?
XxNoMoReFa1tHxX: Im sure
torn up laces x: damn penguins
torn up laces x: they're after me!
XxNoMoReFa1tHxX: Damn.....them...
XxNoMoReFa1tHxX: Why?
XxNoMoReFa1tHxX: Did you eat their fish?
torn up laces x: no i swear i didn't!
torn up laces x: AWW HELL YEAH! PINK AND RED!
XxNoMoReFa1tHxX: lol
XxNoMoReFa1tHxX: Now they're coming after you even faster
torn up laces x: ahh
torn up laces x: how?!
torn up laces x: NOOOOOOOOOO
XxNoMoReFa1tHxX: They know
torn up laces x: -runs in circles trying to hide-
torn up laces x: -stops- that doesn't work
XxNoMoReFa1tHxX: A red next to punk is peguinese for human sacrifice
XxNoMoReFa1tHxX: punk = pink
torn up laces x: it is?
torn up laces x: -faints-
torn up laces x: heeeeyyy
XxNoMoReFa1tHxX: Yes
torn up laces x: how do you know penguinese?!?!?!?!?
torn up laces x: ahhh! you're.... you're.... you're one of them aren't you?
XxNoMoReFa1tHxX: Why...no
XxNoMoReFa1tHxX: What would make you think that?
XxNoMoReFa1tHxX: Bwahhhh hahahahaha
torn up laces x: ....-looks both ways the runs away-
torn up laces x: -thinks- hahah he will never find me now
XxNoMoReFa1tHxX: *Turns and walks away, is going out for a nice cold chocolate milk*
torn up laces x: no not chocolate milk
torn up laces x: -uses odd mind trick to stir you away from the chocolate milke-
XxNoMoReFa1tHxX: *Fly's away and disappears*
torn up laces x: ahhh he can fly!
XxNoMoReFa1tHxX: *Little did you know he didn't fly away...that was a decoy...he can turn invisible though, and he is standing right behind you*
torn up laces x: -fiddles with fingers- boy it gets boring in this chocolate milke container
XxNoMoReFa1tHxX: lol
XxNoMoReFa1tHxX: Goooo choco milk!
torn up laces x: AHHH WHO SAID THAT?!?!
torn up laces x: rabbit pellet?
torn up laces x: i thought you were a penguin
XxNoMoReFa1tHxX: Yes...you heard me...
XxNoMoReFa1tHxX: The penguin is gone now
XxNoMoReFa1tHxX: He flew to Saudi Arabia
torn up laces x: pffft
XxNoMoReFa1tHxX: He was Saddam's bitch
torn up laces x: man i was hifing from a rabbit pellet?
torn up laces x: *hiding

spin in circles

[07 Nov 2001|10:08pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Mortal Kombat - Sub-Zero ]

i'm writing in here.. yeah...

lets see... i told patrick that i liked him. i knew it wouldn't make a difference but i just felt i needed to tell him. i should really back away from him. i think i will. -sigh- i say that but it's hard to do.

bobbi just went through alot... maybe it's over now. maybe not. i love her alot i just wish she'd be happy. she means alot to me.

i want to watch pink floyd. never have time. god damn people always coming to my house and interrupting my "alone" time.

i really don't know what to write... i'm just....gunna go over there....


spin in circles

[18 Oct 2001|10:40pm]
[ music | New Title ]

LoopZombie: hi
torn up laces x: hey
LoopZombie: how is everything
torn up laces x: not good
LoopZombie: care to talk about it?
LoopZombie: oh, and i did get you letter.
LoopZombie: so i kinda wanted to talk about that
torn up laces x: i was waiting for you to call about it
LoopZombie: i wasnt sure if you would want to talk or not.
LoopZombie: i can call tomorrow or we can talk online
torn up laces x: tomorrow i have to study
torn up laces x: taking the psat's saturday
LoopZombie: good luck.
LoopZombie: hope you do good
torn up laces x: thank you
LoopZombie: so then can you talk right now?
LoopZombie: online i mean
torn up laces x: yeah
LoopZombie: look, i know alot is going on now because of the accident, and you said that everything is going downhill. but how do you think i feel.
LoopZombie: everything is definetly going downhill for me.
LoopZombie: first of all, we are losing so much money because of this
LoopZombie: second, i will probably fail school because of this
LoopZombie: and i havent even seen you once since the accident
LoopZombie: dont you know how much i wanted to be there for you?
LoopZombie: but i couldnt, and i feel so bad that i couldnt be there for you.
LoopZombie: even though i wasnt able to be there in person to comfort you. you could have just called and i would have been more than happy to do anything i could have
LoopZombie: i didnt want to lose you. and i was afraid that it would happen, all because of this damn accident.
torn up laces x: you want to know what's gone wrong with me? the girl that told me she'd love me and i should trust and the only person i gave my trust to baisically told me she doesn't want to talk to me again. i know you're going through alot but i just want to be alone throughout all of this
torn up laces x: i don't want to make sure i do something that i most likely can't do
LoopZombie: well, i understand that. if you want to be alone, then thats ok with me. but remember, if you ever need anything, just please ask me and i'll do anything i can ok?
LoopZombie: what do you think you cant do?
torn up laces x: thats the thing. i don't want to be dependent on anyone
LoopZombie: ok, i understand.
torn up laces x: i told you i'm not a good person
torn up laces x: i never was i never will be
LoopZombie: no, don't say that. if i though you were a bad person, would i still like you?
LoopZombie: dont say that about yourself.
LoopZombie: everyone goes through bad times, and it always affects the way they act
LoopZombie: i know you dont want to be dependent on anyone, but im still going to like you ok.
torn up laces x: i didn't say you couldn't like me i just said that i don't want to rely on anyone to get rid of my problems
LoopZombie: ok. im fine with that.
LoopZombie: but i'll still be here for you.
LoopZombie: sorry if im annoying you.
torn up laces x: you're not
LoopZombie: but i do care about you
LoopZombie: and to tell you the truth, i was more worried about you than myself when the accident happened
torn up laces x: you shouldn't have been
LoopZombie: and why not?
torn up laces x: i'm not that special
LoopZombie: if i thought that, then i would'nt have worried about you. so obviously you are very special.
LoopZombie: so now do you know how i feel?
LoopZombie: hello?
torn up laces x: ...i don't know... it's not gunna go through my head till it's too late
LoopZombie: well please just keep it in mind, i really care about you ok? and im going to continue to no matter what.
LoopZombie: well, i gotta go to bed. i really want to talk more about this as soon as your available.
LoopZombie: so try to be online if you can tomorrow night ok?
torn up laces x: a\i'll try
LoopZombie: goodnight
torn up laces x: night
LoopZombie: and sweet dreams
torn up laces x: you too
LoopZombie signed off at 10:37:53 PM.

spin in circles

[15 Oct 2001|01:40am]
[ mood | bitchy ]
[ music | Incubus - I Miss You ]

i'm a retard... i really am...

proof: last night


talke to mike but then my sister made me go to the mall : \
i wonder if he still has that phone card..probably not... why would he want to talk to me? blehhh. i'm just a ball of depression huh? yeah whatever.

one thing i need to do... break up with kenji... that sounds so wrong but i mean whats the point now. i didn't give blake the letter to give kenji and then when me and jamie walked home the letter got wet so it's baisically useless now...i don't know.

i miss nake dboy. he couldn't come to starbucks with us. that sucks. maybe we'll see him again....one day. but what if he doesn't want to see us? -sigh- whatever...shutup danielle go to sleep

ps. new icon

spin in circles

[12 Oct 2001|03:41pm]
[ music | Garbage - Drive you home ]

me and jamie are wet

spin in circles

[12 Oct 2001|12:09am]
[ mood | apathetic ]
[ music | Garbage - Drive you home ]

-sigh- i miss mike. wee. HE IMED ME... it's so odd. maybe it'll be better. aww i love him -sighs- oh... speaking of odd things with ims...patrick imed me. he never ims me anymore.....wow... people might actually start being nice to me...

i wrote a letter to kenji... jamie rewrote it for me...i'm bad at disappointing people.note: i'm not breaking up with him in the letter...

poor blake...read this...
diLLusIOnalFLip7: damn couples
torn up laces x: yeah damn them...
diLLusIOnalFLip7: your part of a couple
diLLusIOnalFLip7: you have a bf
torn up laces x: eh
diLLusIOnalFLip7: its really bothering me
torn up laces x: still doesn't mean i can't agree with you
torn up laces x: what that you don't have a girlfriend?
diLLusIOnalFLip7: i dont know
diLLusIOnalFLip7: wiat a min.........
torn up laces x: -waits-
diLLusIOnalFLip7: look in bobbi's live journal
torn up laces x: yessir
diLLusIOnalFLip7: i wrote something in there
torn up laces x: aww sweetie...
torn up laces x: you know.. i'm not happy in my"relationship"
diLLusIOnalFLip7: with kenji??
torn up laces x: i'd like to know where you're seeing all these damn happy couples
diLLusIOnalFLip7: why??
torn up laces x: blahhh
torn up laces x: i don't want to explain it right now
diLLusIOnalFLip7: look around the school
diLLusIOnalFLip7: ok
torn up laces x: i don't pay attention to couples
diLLusIOnalFLip7: i cant help but to
torn up laces x: i don't know what to tell you blake
diLLusIOnalFLip7: its ok
diLLusIOnalFLip7: dont tell me anything
torn up laces x: i know what you're thinking. i thought that alot and i'm sure everyone does
diLLusIOnalFLip7: *sigh*
diLLusIOnalFLip7: oh well
diLLusIOnalFLip7: im going to bed
torn up laces x: want me to tell you why i'm unhappy?
torn up laces x: oh alright
diLLusIOnalFLip7: yes
torn up laces x: because it's uncomfortable
diLLusIOnalFLip7: ??
torn up laces x: i was really pressursed into going out with him... and him being all oh i miss you wheres my danni bullshit is making it worse
torn up laces x: i barely met the guy and he's acting...i don't know
torn up laces x: it's hard to explain
diLLusIOnalFLip7: do you even like him??
torn up laces x: i do but.. you know some things make me like him less
diLLusIOnalFLip7: i see what you mean
diLLusIOnalFLip7: you guys met like two weeks before you two went out
torn up laces x: yeah
diLLusIOnalFLip7: aww babe
torn up laces x: what?
diLLusIOnalFLip7: nothing
torn up laces x: ok
diLLusIOnalFLip7: what making you like him less??
torn up laces x: i don't know how to explain it
torn up laces x: i don't like how he suddenly changed y'know?
diLLusIOnalFLip7: the way that he is hooked on you ??
torn up laces x: no... the way he changed... i mean when i'm around he doesn't act like the first time i met him
diLLusIOnalFLip7: yeah
diLLusIOnalFLip7: i was just about to type that
torn up laces x: yeah
diLLusIOnalFLip7: he is not like goofy any more
torn up laces x: i wrote him a letter...then had jamie rewrite it... it's explaining everything to my best ability
torn up laces x: yeah thats it
diLLusIOnalFLip7: i see that
torn up laces x: i didn't like him because he was all serious i liked him because he did what he want...whatever...just my views
diLLusIOnalFLip7: kewl
diLLusIOnalFLip7: well im going to go
torn up laces x: alright bye
diLLusIOnalFLip7: getting tired
diLLusIOnalFLip7: goodnight babe
torn up laces x: night
diLLusIOnalFLip7: see you in tha morning
torn up laces x: ok
diLLusIOnalFLip7: bye
torn up laces x: bye
diLLusIOnalFLip7 signed off at 12:07:19 AM.

spin in circles

[12 Oct 2001|12:02am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Garbage - Breaking Up The Girl ]

torn up laces x: o0ooo mikes buiying me sexless demons and scars for christmas
torn up laces x: i'm getting him dirty socks
XDreamsKill: score for you!
torn up laces x: yeah!
XDreamsKill: dirty socks...he'll love that......?
torn up laces x: i told him i'd get him socks cuz i couldn't think of anything
torn up laces x: and he said he wanted used ones
XDreamsKill: lol thats crazy lil boy
torn up laces x: yeah but thats why i lvoe him
torn up laces x: *love
XDreamsKill: ::sigh:: awwww
torn up laces x: eee he's gunna call me soon. i'm gunna go crazy
XDreamsKill: hehehe
XDreamsKill: i think ya'll would be so perfect for each other
torn up laces x: aww
torn up laces x: we are aren't we...haha jk
XDreamsKill: yesssss you are!
torn up laces x: damnit jamie!
torn up laces x: i have a boyfriend
torn up laces x: do you want him? i'll run away to mikes house and you can have kenji
XDreamsKill: lol thats such a nice offer but sorry
torn up laces x: lol

spin in circles

[11 Oct 2001|12:19am]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Adema - Pain Inside ]

blah blah blah

ok i'm done

canahdian pride eh?

spin in circles

hey look at me i'm writing in this [10 Oct 2001|08:15pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Velvet Acid Christ - Melting ]

so hrm... i don't know what to say...

so today i didn't go to school. i didn't get sleep last night and when i tried to wake up my back was aching like a mofo. i feel bad for missing school because it was a b day but whatever.

i try talking to mike. it's useless. but we're talking but y'know...not conversating. i really don't feel like going back to school. i don't want to see people for awhile. damnit how come we can't have a week off in october.

so yeah what was my purpose of this journal? eh i don't remember...who cares anyway not like anyone reads it. it feels good to be writing and no one reads it. so i don't have to filter it for anyone. alright thats all


spin in circles

too many people [19 Aug 2001|03:11pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | TooL - Schism ]

i didn't like having so many people on my friends list so i changed my lj name. whats up? i'm gunna try and update more often now. i have bobbi and marble on my friends list right now.... whoelse do i need to add? hrm i'll think aqbout it later. anyways i'm gunna go spiff up my journal.

1 ejgher| spin in circles

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