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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Blue's LiveJournal:

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    Friday, March 22nd, 2002
    10:12 am
    Last one. Promise.

    I'm Richard!

    Take the Which Rammstein Member are You? quiz here.

    created by Ro.

    9:03 am
    Bow chikka wow wow.
    They have NO idea.

    Take the What Sex Position Are You? test by Ley Ley

    Current Mood: devious
    Current Music: Rusted Root
    Thursday, March 21st, 2002
    8:48 am
    Duck Tales...Aflac!

    I waddled in to work this rainy morning to find a squishy foam miniature AFLAC duck squatting upon my LotR day-to-day calendar. A gift from the gods! Or, more than likely, Robert. It's sort of staring blankly at... the wall... at the moment.
    I saw Ice Age the other day. I swear to dog, I'm the little sabre-toothed squirrel. I liked this movie a lot. Sure, there were tons of corny lines, and the storyline was so predictable I was practically counting off number of times I made like Miss Cleo... but otherwise, the animation was pretty peachy, and they had do-do's.

    They had marching do-do's with melons. And an ice slide scene. It was grand, groovio, darling, and splendiferous. It's the best movie I've seen in a while.

    And considering I'd only give it a 6.5 out of a 10? That's pretty damned sad.

    I left work early yesterday in order to get my hair cut. The boys here were asking me why I wanted it to be shorter. Why I didn't grow my hair long. Which razzled me slightly... certainly, there's nothing wrong with long hair... but I feel less than myself when my hair's long. I feel less able to be spiny, intimidating, snarly, confident, amusing, and powerful. For me, growing my hair takes my power from me, like Samson in reverse.

    Sure, I know my power comes from the inside, my confidence radiates from my heart, and not my hair, but the feeling's there, nonetheless, and I certainly am not at the point at which I can change it automatically.

    Besides, I like being a little bit butch. All the rest of me can't pull it off too well, considering my big boobs, my delicate, girly face, and my teeny body.

    My sticking-up bangs look as though they've exploded. It's fun.
    I watched the MST3K movie with my friends last night. Found out that Dan thinks that E's a "waste of skin."

    Which infuriated me. The last time we all RPed together, Dan said to my face, "I don't care what you think, but he's just god damned weird."

    He has no basis for his belief. E has always been nice and polite and well-liked by my other friends. It sets my teeth on edge and puts a big ball of rage in my gut whenever I think of what Dan said. If he has an opinion, he'd be wise to keep it from himself, next time he decides it's important to share.

    Coming from an RP geek, he's got no right to say anyone is weird, especially a mainstream, middle-American-esque man with a future brighter than his own. I mean, come on. Dan mucks out sewers, for gods sake... no one can understand his opinion.

    Bah. BAH! I say.
    On a better note.

    Cato lent me his German Military WWII handbook which was put out by the Defense Department during the war. *slobberslobbbbberrrr*

    Cato likes me. Which is kind of nice. It means he's uber-nice to me, unlike the rest of the crowd I hang out with, who think bonding means insulting and teasing. They're not a bad crowd, really. They're just socially awkward and sometimes a little odd. Okay. A lot odd. But that's fine.

    So am I.
    Must find Rammstein videos on the net. I'm going through withdrawal.


    Current Mood: predatory
    Current Music: Wrong Impression--Natalie Imbruglia
    Monday, March 18th, 2002
    8:46 am
    Back On The Chain Gang

    I found a picture of you, oh, what hijacked my world that night
    to a place in the past we've been cast out of? Oh, now we're back in the fight.
    We're back on the train, oh, back on the chain gang.

    A circumstance beyond our control, oh, the phone, the TV and the News Of The World.
    Got in the house like a pigeon from hell, oh, threw sand in our eyes and descended like flies,
    put us back on the train, oh, back on the chain gang.

    The powers that be that force us to live like we do
    bring me to my knees when I see what they've done to you
    but I’ll die as I stand here today, knowing that deep in my heart
    they'll fall to ruin one day for making us part.

    I found a picture of you, oh, those were the happiest days of my life.
    Like a break in the battle was your part, oh, in the wretched life of a lonely heart.
    Now we're back on the train, oh, back on the chain gang.

    --The Pretenders
    8:16 am

    I don't know how it started, but it did, and here I am, sitting at my desk with an incredible weariness of body, but a recharged soul.

    Well. At least partially.

    It began in part, of course, with myself. It was helped along considerably by something left in my Livejournal by an anonymous poster, which I have taken to heart and have repeated to myself quite often. To this poster, I am so very very grateful. I will repost it here:

    It's easy to say but its harder to practice: Never let a man dictate how you live or how you feel. Not a boyfriend or a father or anyone. You are sacred. You are woman. When you feel your worst, just keep in mind how powerful you are. You are the giver of life, you are the physical incarnation of the thing that every man wants. Read Geogia O'Keefe.

    Today, when you feel down, think about drag queens. Not only are they awesome, but they want everything you have... ;)

    At any rate, I'm attempting to make more of my life. I went out dancing on Friday. The music sucked, the crowd was preppy, Eric didn't want to go (and caused a scene by yelling at a guy who wouldn't get out of the way of our car while we were trying to park, causing the rear end of my Nissan to be stuck out in oncoming traffic...I apologized to the yelled at guy, anyway, which made me feel a little stronger, more mature)... but I was out. I was doing something. And I danced, and it felt good to do so... after a while, Eric loosened up, and we began to have fun.

    Of course, by then, I was tired and we headed home... but we'd been out. I'd have gone out without him, I'd determined, if he had refused to go.

    We're working through things, he and I. BOTH of us have needed to stop taking each other for granted, and we've needed to keep our expectations to reasonable, mature levels. We've let things fall into disrepair, and haven't been trying. Sure, one might say, a good relationship shouldn't need trying at... but that's not the truth. Ever.

    It just has to seem like it doesn't FEEL so much like trying.

    He and I went to the mountains to see his relatives this weekend. We stopped in Asheville, at the Noodle Bowl, and tried some authentic Chinese meals. They were very interesting, to say the least, and I ate all of mine... and bought a little pink tacky dragon's head to hang up in my apartment... but I think it was left behind at his Uncle's house.

    All in all, I had fun there at his Uncle Allyn's. E and I shared a little camper out in the back which I became enamored with, and he and I had some alone time, in which we talked even further. I've felt dead inside about him for a while. I'm trying to feel alive again, and I told him so. I think it's been a defense mechanism, perhaps, or a symptom of this ennui that's been on me for months.

    At any rate, I'm working to better myself. To get out in the world. To eat life.

    I want to live. I've been existing for much too long.

    It'll take some work to get out of the rut that I've been in, to get myself started towards finding new things to do... but I'm going to do it.

    And that's it.


    Current Mood: determined
    Current Music: Rammstein
    Thursday, March 14th, 2002
    7:59 am
    no no no no no

    careful. i might break today.

    last night was horrible. horrible. i feel like i'm on a ship that's slowly breaking apart and i can see the water coming up into the bilges and there's nothing i can do about it but slap bandaids on the hull and stuff napkins into the holes.

    and there's no fucking lifeboat or desert island to swim to.

    i'm going to drown, i think. it's just a question of when.

    why does he have to do this to me?


    Current Mood: fragile
    Current Music: I Want You To Want Me--Cheap Trick
    Tuesday, March 12th, 2002
    8:17 am

    E and I are watching old episodes of that BBC production, the Prisoner. I used to watch it as a kid, and was fascinated with the huge bubbles that would pop up out of nowhere and drag people away.

    "Who is Number One?"
    "I am not a number!"
    "Be seeing you."


    It's really an original series, and amazingly well done. Patrick McGoohan has a nifty eyebrow, too. I find him sexy, even if they do make him pose all goofily at times. Goofy show. Goofy goofy. But gooooood.


    Also went to Borders last night, dammit. Every time I go in there, I buy something. I picked up and put down at least four things last night, refraining from buying them... before I bought two CD's.

    Dar Williams and Gillian Welsh. Wooo.


    It was nice, last night. Very. Waiting for the fall out.

    That's all.


    Current Mood: sleepy
    8:13 am

    So tired.

    Cold sores again, dammit.

    I must start exercising. My heart did crazy flutters and murmurs for about eight or nine seconds last night while on the couch. It does that sometimes, for shorter amounts of time, if I breathe in really hard, very suddenly.

    Bad heart. Baaaad. No cookie.


    Art around me is inspiring me to draw again. I think today instead of crapping around uselessly on chat, I'll attempt to draw one of the C's from my roleplaying group. Which means I must sift through some WWII pictures.


    So sleepy.

    Monday, March 11th, 2002
    8:27 am

    So, I've become adept at blowing heads up in the WWII RPG, Weird Wars. Can we say, "Kat rolled TWO twenties in a row?"

    I knew we could.

    And oh, how that translates to so much importance in real life.


    Saw the Time Machine yesterday. I'm sure Nickey will love it. It had all the elements of a movie which would make me puke if I had to see it again. What the fuck? Why aren't there any good movies on screen to watch anymore?

    Still, I was saved in part by an Orson Welles movie. The Third Man. Highly reccomendable. Highly. Har. Especially his speech about human importance on the ferris wheel scene. That'll put a new light in your lantern.


    Dissatisfied lately. Angry, irritable, unsure of things. Not quite happy with the relationship I'm in, and can't tell if it's me, or if I've actual reason to be such.

    Sitting in the middle of a big, fat identity crisis as of late.

    Dreamed of being dressed in military greens last night, and of Chow Yun-Fat. Don't think they had anything to do with each other.


    I want a day off... I need my hair cut. All of them. One thing to be very, very satisfied with, however:

    New boots.

    US Standard military issue jungle combat boots.

    Not only do they have the ass-stompinest half-inch-thick block soles, with a nice lovely topside sheen... the ankle and upwards are made of a black canvas material, which allows for better mobility. In short, less breaking in to do, and far fewer blisters.

    They're a men's size six, and they fit me pretty well, I suppose. ^_^

    The guys in my RPing circle kept saying, "Well, they ain't jump boots, but they're mighty close." I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not. Or. Anything.


    I want a change. I don't want it to be a bad one, of course. But I need some sort of a change. This... All this this... is killing me.

    Oh, and Jono's pissed, and I don't know why, because he's immature as fuck, as most people that I know are.... and won't tell me why. I don't understand why people are so unable to talk through their anger.


    Fucking dumbfuck fuckers.


    Gotta get away from this chickenshit operation.


    Current Mood: discontent
    Current Music: The Cars
    Thursday, March 7th, 2002
    8:48 am
    Batteries not included

    *Slobber* *slobber drool slobber drool drool*



    8:00 am
    ...I've nothing to write about really.

    Well, I've a few things, but they'll sound like bitchings.

    I'm sick of the fact that Nickey can't seem to get angry without tossing around insults and snide, cutting, immature remarks and namecalling. She doesn't seem to know how to get angry and discuss, to explain her feelings. It's all "angry-then-punch-then-pretend-it-all-never-happened-and-be-chipper-happy."

    It makes me sick.


    Speaking of sick. My stomach's been griping like mad lately. I feel as though I've swallowed battery acid, and everything I eat burns. I belch bile now. Yesterday, in an attempt to settle my stomach, I drank some milk... seeing as it's mostly a base, and all.

    But that was robbing Peter to pay Paul, of course, considering I'm highly allergic to milk. I was nearly vomiting on the way home. When I got to my apartment, I took a Happy Pill (tm) and laid down, then floated away on a cloud of tingly limbs for a while. Two hours passed as though they were one.

    Got angry with the MonkeyGod's inconsiderate non-calling of me to let me know he'd be two hours late. Got that worked out. Got dinner at ten. Yay. No hot sauce, though we went to the wings place. Oddly, I tasted some of E's hot sauce (hey, getcher mind out of the gutter), and even the smell of it made me sick.


    I want a sodee pop. Badly. But I'm afraid it'll make my stomach hurt, too. There must be a way to set up an IV for caffeine. No wait, I've a phobia of needles.




    I still want a Stuka. Yes.

    that's all.


    Current Mood: discontent
    Monday, March 4th, 2002
    10:10 am
    They just dropped.
    Bwar har har. The Spark thinks I'm a dude.
    8:53 am

    Friday: I forget. It was exciting, though! Something to do with elephants and wild, feral children. Or perhaps it simply had to do with Eric and me falling asleep at ten pm. Oh yes! Crazy Mae's, a 50's style diner set in an actual train car. Wheee.

    Saturday: I forget again. Oh. Yes. Saw stupid, message-packed sappy sentimentality movie, We Were Soldiers with friends and E. Only consolation for the movie? Lots of fighting and Sam Elliot, who had the best lines in any movie I've seen in a long time.

    Random actor: Good morning, Sgt Major.
    Sam Elliot: How do you know what kind of a god damn morning it is?

    Mel Gibson: Well, I guess I know now how Custer felt.
    Sam Elliot: Sir, Custer was a pussy.

    Mwar har har har. Har. H... hhhmmmph.

    Bowling later, with E's friends. Surprisingly, it was entertaining. I got to bitch at a punk little 10 or 11 year old brat. That was grand.

    I'd been playing some SNK/Capcom game in the arcade, after my first round of bowling, since I'm a weakling, and I couldn't handle the ball anymore... and a slightly... slow... kid watched me play the video game. He was vaguely annoying at first, but I got used to him, and he became even slightly endearing, despite the fact that he'd repeat "K.O.!" every time I won, and decided to tell me often that "Wow! You're good!"

    And yet, a "normal" kid irritated the fuck out of me. He had been watching me for a few minutes, and after a round in which I won, he asked in one of the snottiest voices I've ever heard, "Do you just sit here all day and play video games?"


    To which I replied, with my driest, haughtiest voice and raised eyebrows, "Why... do you want to play?"

    It made him shuffle. That was nice.

    I'll take a "slow" child over a fucking brat any day.

    Heh. Mmm. Roleplaying later. oOoOoOoOoh. Whee.


    Sunday: Er. Driving. Lots of driving around. Surplus Sid's is closed on Sunday, so I couldn't go and buy combat boots. I will have them. I already know what I'm going to attempt to dress up as for Hallowe'en. I'm just not sure how much it's going to cost.

    Watched bad Japanese action movie with an amazingly hot bleached blonde chick... I never thought a Japanese woman would look good blonde... but my god. I'd have killed to have her pay me two minute's mind. I mean. If she wasn't in a movie. And all. Yes.

    Ate dinner at eleven... spaghetti. Woo.


    Strange dreams this morning... my recurring "the world is ending, so let's head to the Blue Ridge Mountains and hide out there" nightmare. This one was filled with snow, and my mother was late on the highway. My father was on the roof, waiting for her, and when she came, she set us about straight, creating order where there was chaos. My father was strangely fragile in this dream. I also remember two jets crashing down into the yard beside me, and yet... they didn't explode, despite the fact that they were all of fifteen yards or so from me.

    It was a thoroughly upsetting dream.


    Current Mood: indifferent
    Current Music: Just a Girl--No Doubt
    Monday, February 25th, 2002
    8:45 am

    Dean Martin, get outta my head!

    Came in late today. Well. Later than usual. By about 10 mins. Whatever.

    I'm starving. As per usual. I had a bit of soggy iced carrot bundt cake from Quiznos. Mmm. Soggy.

    Friday night... er. I forget Friday night. Moving on!

    Saturday was spent RPing with the guys again. It was quite entertaining, considering I got to both actually RP and shoot stuff. Heh heh. Rolling a twenty when shooting at a German officer in a WWII game is just... slurpalicious. I got to loot his body. Whee. Well. The un-splattered part.

    Eric didn't come home until around ten or eleven that night, though, so most of Saturday was spent away from each other. I'm not sure how I felt about that.

    I discovered that my friend Dan and Sweq don't mention Brandy in front of me not because they fear I'll go ballistic and mouth off about her (which I wouldn't)... but out of respect for me. Which adds another level of respect for them ... to me. Or. Something. Words failing.


    Jono hasn't emailed me. It's been... three weeks? Since his last barrage of boobie-mails. I'm not sure if this is a good or a bad thing. It vaguely bothers me, but not so much that I'm wigging about it.


    Saw my 'rents yesterday. With Eric. First time he's seen them since Memorial Day last year. It was nice, though my father did make a couple of comments to E, jokingly, of course, about how he should keep his pants on. I realized that it meant my father was comfortable with and forgiving of E, but it still made Eric nervous.

    E and I got free food at the Mexican restaraunt. My parents took us there-- my burrito tasted as though it were covered in Chef Boyardee tomato sauce, but eh, whatteryagonnado?-- and paid for our meal, and watched us eat.


    Dad had three small margaritas, minus the salt, but who's counting?

    I got to listen to tons of stories from my father's childhood. I tried so hard to remember them all, and once I got home, after E left, I spent an hour writing down everything I could remember... like about the time when my Uncle Bob gave a neighborhood bully a seizure by punching him in the head, after the kid had beaten up on my father who was 4 years younger than he...

    But names fell away, and I couldn't get it all down. That distressed me, but... I got a lot of it.

    My Dad's friend Robert died. Robert was an old WWII vet who served in the Pacific. My father got to know him when Robert opened up a bar close to town... and they became friends. I'd met the guy once or twice. He was nice enough, I suppose... for a grumpy old man.

    My Dad said he hadn't gone to the funeral, which was yesterday, because he couldn't bring himself to do it. I don't blame him. Sometimes one can have just too many funerals. All of his friends are dead now.


    I saw my mom's Uncle Leslie's medic card from 1942. My memory was right... he was tall, at least for a Sanders. He was 5'9". Very lean in the face, like a horse, almost... very solemn looking. He kind of resembled Richard E. Grant, in a vague sort of way. It was weird, holding the card.


    I was weepy, yesterday. Very. Too much history swirling around, and too much..... impending history. I cried most of the way home, and wouldn't tell Eric why.

    Some things you just can't breach.


    Fell asleep on the couch until around one thirty last night. Got up, ate some stuff, then went to bed. Whee. I'm so very... ex...citing.



    Current Mood: nostalgic
    Thursday, February 21st, 2002
    9:45 am
    Muwah ha haaaaa.

    Who's your Fellowship fella?

    I love to FROLIC with the elves

    So you like the pretty boys. And if there's any boy prettier than the rest, it's Legolas. Sure, he may also be a little girlier than the rest, but that's what you want, right? Smooth, beautiful love-making the way only a woman could do it. Or a really faggy elf.


    I emailed Buck Compton's daughter yesterday. I must have sounded like such a putz. How does one say, "I saw something on HBO that may or may not have portrayed your father in a correct light, and, because of Hollywood, now think that he's pretty damned cool?"


    I'm a putz. Yes. Indeedy.

    But she responded. And was very, very nice. ^_^ Whee.

    Speaking of which, Alice responded to me as well... no, she came seeking me out. I'd not emailed her for a while, as I figured I'd be bothering her, what with emailing her out of the blue, despite the fact that mom my told me several times to do so. Alice used to work in my mother's building... she's a Chinese lady who got the shaft from someone working at the University... she paints, from what my Mom says, and I've never met her... but.. nonetheless, it seems I've gained an e-pal... which is pretty darned cool, seeing as I get few enough emails as it is, dammit. (What with Jono not emailing me about boobs anymore, that is... a mixed blessing, indeed.)

    Took Charlie home last night, hooked up with Sweq on the way, watched more Band of Brothers with him last night while waiting for the poncey pizza boy to confusedly drive halfway around his elbow to get to his skinny ass before he found my place, and then fell asleep watching The Black Cat.

    Eric came over, woke me up and made me grumpy, and then all was well.

    There must be a storm on the horizon.

    No, really, it's half-empty, I tell you.


    Current Mood: cynical
    Tuesday, February 19th, 2002
    5:37 pm
    Muah ha.

    So, I'm in the bathroom, goin' about my business, thinkin' about words, you know. And considering what I'm doing, my mind drags around to crude things. And then it stumbles upon the memory of the fact that my Uncle Wade used to have a cat named Stinkie.

    So, about half a minute into remembering how funny it was to hear my Uncle Wade say, "Hey, where's Stinkie? Gimme Stinkie..."

    I realize I'm sittin' in the john, giggling to myself.

    I left pretty quickly.

    8:08 am

    My great uncle Leslie, on my mother's side, was a medic in WWII. I remember seeing him once or twice, perhaps in the hospital waiting room when my grandmother Westbrook had to go into intensive care after having two heart attacks and a stroke in a spanse of a day or so. I must have been eight or nine. I recall him being lean, very skinny... with glasses, and paper-thin skin. I've only a passing, vague impression of him, because a little over a decade and a half has passed since I last saw him. I seem to remember him as being tall... but at eight or nine, everyone is tall.

    My mother's people weren't the largest of individuals. My father likes to tell stories of how they were all "midgets" at five foot five, even the men, if not smaller. I get my height from my mother's side, not my dad's... he was from the race of giants.

    Great Uncle Leslie was a medic in World War II. I asked my mother which front and she replied, "I don't know... oh, he was in Germany."

    She told me he would never talk about the war, but he used to wake up from nightmares at night, screaming about the blood on his hands.

    I want to know the people who have passed on, who are linked to me by bloodlines and history. I barely knew my Uncle Leslie, and I want to know everything about him...and the people on my father's side, as well. Everything.

    And yet, even as I try to cling to memories that are faint even in my mother's mind, I'm coming to the realization that soon, I'll be trying to cling to my memories of her, and my father.

    The past is such a fragile thing. I wonder. Will anyone remember me when I'm gone?


    Current Mood: contemplative
    Current Music: Eurythmics
    Friday, February 15th, 2002
    8:12 am
    Sake Shots

    I woke up this morning with a vague urge to kill the MonkeyGod, coupled by an insane insecurity. Why? I dreamed that one of his previous fucks... well, his only fuck... and that's being vulgar about it, since she was a good friend of his, and the second out of three people including me he's ever... well. Y'know. Boinked.... I dreamed that she had tagged along with us and had grabbed his willy right in front of me, as well as flirted with him, and generally made herself a righteously unwanted houseguest.

    I also dreamed that Eric was going to a strip joint with some older guy who looked like a live-action version of Principal Skinner from the Simpsons, and I tried to stop him. It resulted in me chasing after him in Las Vegas, and driving off the edge of a pool into the water while speeding in a golf cart.

    Hm. I wonder what that all means?

    Probably that I had too much Japanese food last night.

    Speaking of which....

    At the steak house last night, after having mistaken one of the sushi women for someone I used to work with a long, long time ago...

    ...this pack of girls, evidently non-boyfriended Valentine's Day refugees, came to sit at a hibachi table nearby. They ordered sake, which I thought was in particularly good taste, considering it's the only alcohol that I can and will drink... and then proceded to have a beer each with it.


    I though it was a bad combo, as did the MonkeyGod, and the blabberific mustachioed gentleman who sat next to me. That was all fine and dandy, however, until they proceded to do the unthinkable.

    The girls, following the direction of their apparent leader, took the small sake cups and dumped them into the beer glasses... cup and all.

    I felt a little... I don't know. Sorry for them, seeing as they were being uncouth and terribly gaijin. Not that I'm not a walking ghost, myself, but... blah.


    Eric bought me a ring yesterday. Nothing fancy, no jewels, no gold. A simple silver one which probably (I hope) cost nothing more than fifteen bucks, with the eye of Ra molded into it. It's pretty, and only the second ring I've ever gotten from a guy.

    This one's very special to me, now. It goes opposite my turtle ring (which isn't really a turtle, but a design that resembles one), fitting perfectly on my left index finger.


    It was good to hear Eric giggle last night, while we watched Buster Keaton's The General. I love hearing him laugh.

    Hurrah for yesterday. Wheeeee.


    Want to play WWII Weird War RPG with Nazi occultism!

    that's it!


    Current Mood: cheerful
    Current Music: Bizarre Love Triangle--Frente
    Tuesday, February 12th, 2002
    8:15 am

    According to Kake's test, I'm Renton. Yay! I get to be an incarnation of Ewan McGregor. Even if that means I'm twenty pounds underweight and a heroine user. Or. Something.


    I was late again to work. It's a habit, of course, borne from the fact that I just don't want to go, I suppose. No, not true. It could be that I don't like getting out of bed at six-thirty. If I could get to work at eight, I'd be just fine. Right? Right.

    Robert continues to crack me up at work. He is undoubtedly a bright spot at work, the polar opposite of Jacob. Bleh. I won't start on him. Robert's the one with whom I make several sexual innuedos, who talks to me in the Droopy the Dog voice at random intervals, and who tells me jokes that involve frogs' asses.

    He's also a gun freak and wigs over germs.


    I hung out with the guys at the Store last night, and created a character for Weird War. It looks like it's going to be a fun game, and hopefully it'll be less random than the L5R game we play has been. I love playing my Crab Clan C, but it seems there'll only be a few of those games, and at intermittent times. I'll have to bug Sweq more often.

    I'll be playing a WAAC pilot, which'll be interesting, in a group of grunts. *G*

    I also spent an hour playing Civ last night, which was interesting, considering I played the Chinese. My cities were Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhu, Mushu, and Chop Suey.


    Jeebus is an ass. I like him, but he's an ass. He's got some issues. I think he likes me (as a friend of course), but is such an ass that he can't admit to it, and results in such behavior as one does when they're five. As in, if we were in kindergarten, and he had a rock... he'd bash me in the mouth with it, to tell me he liked me.


    WOOT! I get Plunkette and McLean tonight, if the MonkeyGod remembered to pick it up for me. I certainly didn't, until eleven last night. Yay! Heh heh heh. I adore that movie.

    Woohoo. Nono. Wuhu.

    the end!


    Current Mood: excited
    Current Music: Just a Gigolo--Louis Prima
    Monday, February 11th, 2002
    8:19 am

    And there goes my mood, because Eric is on the phone with me right now, telling me that he loves me, and missed me last night. And that means a lot to me.




    Current Mood: surprised
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