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[07 Mar 2002|09:52am]
everyone come see anything goes, march 21 and 22, at 7:30. tickets are $10 and i'm in it so yeah.

work is fun. come visit me and buy girl's clothing.
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[26 Feb 2002|01:04am]
well well.
like when the computer was in my room because the house was all torn up and shit i used it ever single waking hour and now it's back where it came from except it's hidden in this cabinet/entertainment center/desk thing and i forgot about it. i've been going to a gym a lot. i'm getting this muscular back that i don't really like. if i don't stop this craziness i'll end up looking like john basedow in a few months.

in other news i took out my lip ring because i might (i hope) get this job at rampage and this girl who had a moustache was like, take that shit out, girl, so i was like, ok man. i decided where i am going to college. you'll never guess where.

i love connie and frank and all their friends. they make me happy when skies are gay.
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[03 Feb 2002|07:43am]
bob dylan is the fucking man. i only wish i got to see his whole show instead of just like 20 minutes of it.

i got my nose pierced and i got the singing glow in the dark asparagus from veggie tales. and a new belt and a pink hoodie and hair stuff and i got my nails done and my hair dyed but i didn't get the part of an angel in anything goes. something has gone terribly wrong.

everything great on the george front.
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[26 Jan 2002|10:32am]
[ mood | indescribable ]
[ music | bob dylan - highway 61 revisited *feb.1st!!!* ]

I am Margot Tenenbaum. Who might you be?

fitting, yet i'm not as hot as she is. yet.

today i went to walgreeens to pick up my prescription for some sinus shit, and passing through the makeup aisle, i merely glanced at a small red sign that said "SALE" which completely made my day. for $18, yes, only 18, i bought 11 different makeup items. now, i'm not really a fan of cheap makeup, i definetly don't get the same satisfaction as i do when i buy a $26 stila lip glaze at sephora, but since june is approaching, and i come closer and closer to leaving (or not) for college, i am beginning to understand the value of a dollar and appreciate the fine things i have now because in less than six months chances are i will have absolutely nothing.

an acquaintance at school told me the other day that my attitude problem is gone. i was unaware that i had an attitude problem, but if i did, and it's gone now, i'd probably attribute it to the fact that since january 1st i have been euphorically happy. she said she noticed a difference in my behavior because i stopped telling her she was a whore because everyday she eats a raisin bagel in 3rd period and what she does is first she picks all the raisins out of the bagel one by one and sets them in a little wrinkly, nauseating pile at the side of her desk. then she eats the bagel, and then the raisins. i call her a whore because this method of bagel consumation disgusts me and she knows this and still she eats the same way. but now that i think about it, it hasn't bothered me for a while, or at least if it has, i've been too busy daydreaming about my new tap shoes or george to reprimand her for it.

maybe it's true, maybe i am different now just because i met someone who makes me happy. i kind of noticed it too, when i was driving home after sleeping next to each other on the floor of his room (i know what you're thinking...the answer is no)and i was on the ramp that connects the turnpike to I-95 and the ramp goes really high in the air and i looked up at the sunroof and the sky was really pretty and i was happy it was so beautiful outside because i got to wear my new sunglasses and i was so happy for the duration of that short drive on that ramp really high up in the air. i was on my way home and i was going home to go to sleep because i had nothing to do that day except sleep and make myself beautiful to see him again that night and my cd player wasn't skipping for once and after considering all these wonderful things i realized i was still on the ramp and should pay more attention to the road and less attention to the sky above my head.

and the funny thing is, it's been like that ever since.

spectacular quote of the week: "what's your tattoo say? i'm gonna fuck nasty over with fashionista gay boy?" - nasty
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[23 Jan 2002|05:08am]
i bet everyone's wondering whether i'm alive or not...
i am.

i forgot my livejournal password so i just figured i'd delay writing until it came to me one day. i remembered it last night when i looked at the computer just before i left for the strokes (fucking amazing show) so yeah, here's whatis been going on lately...

i got superiors at individual events
i spent a lot of time with george
i am the shit

ok more later
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[07 Jan 2002|12:51pm]
You are Bubbles

Everybody knows you’re the scarediest, but deep down you know you can be hardcore. Your power is rivalved only by your excessive cuteness. You might have some evil in you somewhere, but you do a pretty good job of hiding it most of the time. Oh, and you like to kick ass.
Take the What Powerpuff Girl Character Are You? quiz at Fire For Ice!
Quiz by fire4ice

that's the shit right there.
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[07 Jan 2002|11:16am]
today frank pointed out that there is a chunk of my hair that is cut very uneven in the back. thank you for letting me know, frank. i went home and took care of business with a pair of crayola scissors and no mirror.

one of my kittens threw up. i felt so bad for her.

very late saturday night i checked my email, thinking it would be somewhere between 5 to 10 porn emails, a few from jcrew.com, or bluefly.com, telling me about great sales i can't miss, and my daily horoscope. i definetly didn't expect to see an email from adam there, in fact i kind of gasped when i saw it. like when you're cleaning your room and you see a dead lizard in the corner or something. you're like, wow, i didn't expect to see that. anyways, i read it and it wasn't bad at all. strange, but not bad, i guess. who knows, maybe one day we'll be friends.

i pulled this muscle in my left shoulder while carrying a massive bucket of paint around home depot, and to the car, and into the house. it seemed like nothing, but now it hurts bad, like someone put a cigarette out on my back. at least my cold is going away.

if melissa and i go to orlando next weekend, i'll have words for the jilted nation of silent friendships #2.
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[05 Jan 2002|11:26am]
i have a cold.

friday night i met joe and melissa and sabrina at fox's for some drinks, only i shoed up when they were already finished. i didn't realize it, but i took almost 3 hours to actually leave my house. i am a fucking procrastinator in a bad way. i can never just like, DO something, and get it done. i have to fuck around with fifty other things and THEN do whatever it is i have to do. it's getting out of hand. so after my brief encounter with them at fox's, joe and i went to revolver while sabrina and melissa went to the atm. joe told me that george was gonna be there, which made me all silly. it was great, i got this giddly little girl feeling when he said that, which i haven't felt since may of 2000. it felt kind of stupid, since i hardly know him, but he has that thing about him, i don't know what it is, but it's comforting and genuine.
anyways, so we all went inside and melissa and i were at the bar, and i saw him across the bar, and he waved and i waved and he came over. we talked a lot and we all bought drinks for each other, it was rad because he doesn't just stand there, he has something to say, and i liked that. the place started to get boring, but we were having this amazing conversation, it was like compliments zinging back and forth, and smiles and eye contact, which was akward at first, but i got used to it. we left revolver and went to eat.
melissa gave me the thumbs up, and i knew it was ok from there.

he and i sat and talked and ate. we talked about everything conceivably possible, and i didn't feel insicure about talking too much, because he talks too, which was amazing because lately i've been meeting imcompetant fuckwads who can't carry any sort of conversation whatsoever. he walked me to my car. we began what seemed like a goodbye, and ended up to be a firey conversation about ex's that lasted until the sun came up. while we were sitting there on the back of my car, martin the door guy drives through the parking lot, rolls down his window and says "kiss her already" and george said "we're watching the sun rise" and martin says "watch it and then fucking kiss her already, it's freezing." which it was. my hands were blue. at about 9, i remembered i never went home at all, and started to think my parents might worry about me, so i told him i had to go but it was like this unspoken thing, how neither of us really wanted to stop talking, and i devised the plan of the century: to go home, pretend i had been in bed since 3, and then tell my paretns i was going out to breakfast. shockingly enough it worked beautifully, and he and i went to the park and talked and i've never felt sparks like that since the first time i saw brandon boyd on tv. he's laid back and funny. i liked how he wasn't all like "so baby tell me what you want from me" because i fucking hate that. he's got it going on. half a box of tissues for my runny nose later, we began another series of byes, which finally ended at two o clock this afternoon, in the parking lot of coral reef park, with an akward sharing of how we dig each other, and then a pause that could be open for interpretation. i turned right and he ruened left at the stop sign, and we waved and i turned up the cardigans and drove with my hand out the window.

monday = school = death.
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[02 Jan 2002|02:12pm]
i want a boy
who makes mixed cds for my car
good ones
wears thrift store haute couture
has brown eyes
and is just a little bit
i want him to think bad thoughts
then blush.
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[02 Jan 2002|10:51am]
You're Edward Scissorhands!

i'm lemon flavoured!

This quiz says absolutely nothing about your personality. Take it!

lemon again? what's going on.
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[01 Jan 2002|03:57pm]
words for the jilted nation of silent friendships #1

We poured our hearts out that night unintentionally, she and i, perched four stories into the air with our feet dangling over the edges of the window. it was cold, and our two other roomates mumbled angrily from under layers of pillows and blankets, "Shut the fuck up you twats, and close the goddamn window." Eventually they fell asleep and the only sounds that could be heard were our whispers, and the blaring horns and hasty voices, four stories below us.
It was almost hard to talk at first. not just because we'd just had holes punched through our lips and tongues, but because we were two girls, with the exact same story, word for word. there was never any in depth conversation between us, because mirrored circumstances bored us. in the span of four years we never had an arguement or disagreement. We were so alike that we never asked each other for advice. I was always just as clueless as she was.
We tried to smoke, but our swollen mouths got in the way. I could handle it though. The pain of not having a cigarette would have hurt much more than the pain of the piercing. We nestled our hands in pairs of white socks we stole from one of the other girls. Neither she not i had brought anything sensible with us, gloves, scarves, socks, decent shoes, etc. Everyone else looked at us strange, who on earth that girl is wearing flip flops, and why on earth is that girl wearing a skirt, in 28 degree weather? Our roomates laughed at us as they piled on layers of mismatched clothes, putting comfort before style, risking their pride by wearing no-name sneakers, those hideous ski hats, and carrying mini backpacks on their front, not on their backs. We laughed at them as they walked around the city carrying maps, disposable cameras, reaching into their fanny packs to produce twenties with which they would purchase a t-shirt with the american flag on it, as if you couldn't get one anywhere else in this country. We laughed as they bought either the cheesiest souviniers possible, or mundane, generic items which could be found in any Wal-Mart in any city in any state We laughed as they clutched their purses at every person on the subway, petrified that they would be mugged and beaten to death, or as they waited three and a half hours to eat at a ridiculously overpriced restaurant, which is part of a national chain. Most of all, we laughed as they came back to the Edison wondering why everyone thought they were small tourist children, looking for their parents.
We had a certain worldliness about us, we were women who didn't want to talk about the perils of womanhood, we were women who wanted to talk about much more important things, like Roberto Cavalli's new line, or how to give better blow jobs, or whether or not i should get breasts implants and become a private dancer. We talked that night about everything from one night stands, to why we never had a single conversation in four years that had any substance in it. That night we discovered something about our friendship, it was the only one we've ever had where we didn't have to talk about our problems, because we used the friendship as an escape from them.
She and i were warriors, we were both cynical and outlandish, impatient and at times, childish, but nonetheless, emotionally cold and bitter, cruel and unforgiving. We knew the wonders of love, and we knew how love can take a big nasty shit all over your life and leave you to clean it up. I knew how someone had hurt her once, she knew how someone had hurt me once too. We knew what it was like to struggle between the artist and the scientist, the actor and the critic, the most challanging internal conflict we'd ever faced. We favored anything over reason, and we both had this genuine naivity that will probably never leave us.
That night it was thirty one degrees outside, plus wind chill. We shivered and smoked our final cigarette, looked out at the amazing scene below us, closed the goddamn window, and went to bed. --

your holiday spirit is running low.

New Year's Eves meant nothing, just another excuse to get fucked up and not have to go to school for another couple of days. My first actual New Year's was when i was 13, because before that i would just stay at home with my family and watch the Disney channel or something. That night I performed my latest hobby, getting drunk in the wine cellar of Patty's house, and by midnight we were passed out. i didn't see the ball drop.
When i was 14, i went to a party at this kid Mike's house. He was rich and had lots of really good drugs, by midnight i had smoked myself into oblivion, listening to Marilyn Manson, and planning to lose my virginity the next day. i didn't see the ball drop.
When i was 15, i went to a party at this girl Mary's house. i knew her from private school, she was a good girl because her parents wanted her to be, but i could always see she had an inner bitch, a fire of violence and drama brewing inside her, but she hid it behind a sheild of t-shirts that said things like "It isn't easy being a princess" and "Cutie." i shared a bottle of parrot bay with this kid john, and by midnight i was breaking bottles with him in the middle of the street, while everyone else was inside making out. i didn't see the ball drop. When i was 16, i got food poisoning. i had plans to hang out with these two girls, and i should have cancelled them, but it was the millenium. i went to their house to get ready but i ended up fainting. my father had to pick me up, he carried me from inside their house to his car. It was the only time my father's ever carried me that i can recall. He took me home, where i threw up every hour. i slept through the day and evening, and by midnight, i was still asleep. i didn't see the ball drop. When i was 17, my parents told me to be careful. That was it. I could have done anything, my head was so fucking filled with
ideals about this one night, and expecting this unforgetable night filled with hysteria and insanity. Armed with a thick head and no curfew, i planned an evening of delinquency. The plans fell through and i ended up getting drunk with my sister, her friend Katie, and my then boyfriend, Adam. We drank and talked and laughed, except Adam, who just sat there, and by midnight, i was in my room with him slow dancing to a Red Stars Theory song, hearing my sister and Katie scream and yell, followed by a loud thump and laughter.
i didn't see the ball drop. When i was 18, and i am right now too, i had one intention. One and only one. To get obliterated with alcohol and hardly be able to remember the night. i did get drunk somewhere in the night, but not as drunk as i wish i was. By midnight, i was in Melissa's aunt's kitchen, looking at the clock even though i can't tell time, then looking at her, shrugging, and saying happy new year to a bunch of people i don't know. the night went in waves. it started out great, then it got even better, then it got insanely great, then it got mediocre, then ghastly, then akward, then suddenly monumental, comforting, emotional, and at last, musically infinite. i talked a lot, i had some conversations, which i will always remember. i had an amazing night, weird but amazing. i fell in love with friendship, and appreciated the air in my lungs for the first time in my life. i'm happy to be alive and young. i still didn't see the ball drop. --

MiamiKika: it was a crazy nite but the best
new years i've had since i was with someone
i actually wanted to be with
im not THAT hot: i was with someone special too.
im not THAT hot: his name is beer.
MiamiKika: i think i know him
im not THAT hot: and he is so good to me.
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[01 Jan 2002|11:05am]
i wrote the longest fucking entry about my weekend, and my new year's, but the connection timed out when i clicked "update journal." there's no way in hell i'm re-writing it.
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[28 Dec 2001|01:15am]

You're just a girl; you tend to get frustrated easily, you daydream quite a bit, and you try to avoid making trouble, though curiosity always gets the better of you. Even under tight circumstances, however, you put aside (some of) your fear and figure out what's the best thing to do. You want a better understanding of your world.

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[27 Dec 2001|01:10pm]
we scraped the resin off the relationship
and hoped we could still smoke the silence
we broke boundaries of discomfort that night
discord rang like church bells
and answered our prayers for it to end.

like battered soldiers, we departed
holding tattered limbs and sinewy memories
dragging weapons and boasting wounds
begging for cures and bragging about strength
we would never fight for these things again.

burried in our respective beds
we called out in the night for each other
echoing down the ward and infuriating quiet walls
we threw the food and smashed the monitors
picking away the scabbed over romance
and cursing love for its affliction.
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[24 Dec 2001|02:01pm]
coliene and i opened all of our christmas presents tonight, even though christmas isn't until tomorrow morning, which is actually just a few hours away. i got some great shit, including this bag i'd been in love with for a while, and a shit load of thongs and body stuff. coliene got me a director's chair, with my stage name monogrammed on the back of it. i'm thinking about taking it to class with me and sitting in it so all the kids know i'm the best actress in the world and i'm also the shit. then again, maybe not. i went to church alone. gabriel sat next to me. ohhhh man i don't know if i can wait another year to see him. see, we've had this thing going on for the past three years, this midnight mass/sexual liason thing, and it's great. i thought dirty thoughts about a blonde haired polish prince who i've known since i was 5, while sitting in god's house. it was fantastic.

last night coliene and i went to see josh's band play at hard rock cafe. coliene threw up and nasty tried to impress me by spitting packets of sugar into a glass.

and the night before that i went to cafe krystal [ cafe sogay ] to see the fundamentals. they suck so much but i love billy to death so i'll put up with whining horns and nonsensical lyrics for a short amount of time. i believe that too much ska will drive a person mad. after that i followed johnnie and connie to kelly's christmas party. i ate too much and we all admired how hot kelly is. then i went to see "not another teen movie" with ansen. it was so fucking wrong. i almost threw up about 7 times. i guess i just didn't get it, since i didn't see half of the movies they were parodying[?]

tomorrow i'm doing some family shit...just another excuse to boost my self esteem because my family likes to marvel at how tall and thin i've gotten. they'll all ask me what my secret is, and i'll tell them i eat a stick of soy butter every night before i go to bed. and then i rub toothpaste on the bottom of my feet. the funny thing is, you think i'm kidding. i lose a pound every day. two if i shit.

today's monumental discovery - my breasts shrank!

revolver sucks. this friday is the last time i'm going. ever. EVER. beat that.
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[22 Dec 2001|07:23am]
NeuroKonflict: you know you will go
NeuroKonflict: you dont want to sit at home
NeuroKonflict: and uncle sams boy called me today
saying that he hoped to see you there
Ia bella rota: shut up
NeuroKonflict: he did!
Ia bella rota: oh yeah?
NeuroKonflict: he wants you to touch him naked
Ia bella rota: i know.
NeuroKonflict: he kept talking about it
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[20 Dec 2001|11:15pm]

The Eighties Pop Act Test deems me:

35% Eighties Pop Act

You are Olivia Newton John: You barely made it into the eighties. You skirted in on the tail end of disco, and never quite got it. Go watch Saturday Night Fever.

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[19 Dec 2001|10:03am]

Take the Corporate Mascot Test at Willaston's Lounge!

ha. ha.

so no road trip is going to happen it seems. my car has some weird electrical problem related to the alarm system. i really needed to leave miami for a few days, to get away from my family and this messy house and the eternal hell that is school. i decided that even though i'm going to be here tomorrow and friday, i'm going to hide out in my bedroom and pretend that i'm gone so i don't have to attend this ridiculous "educational" establishment on the two most obnoxious days of the year.

today beca, lillian and i went shopping for presents. somehow i ended up in hot topic, because the kid beca needed to buy a gift for wears slipknot t shirts and shit like that. i found a shirt that said "tell your girlfriend i said thanks." she bought it for him and we left. i never want to go in that store ever again as long as i live. we went to wendy's. i ate french fries for the first time in a month. i felt gross. i bought a shirt that says "virginia is for lovers." then i went back to school and died of boredom. came home and slept, went to dinner with coliene and josh.

carob coconut clusters...mmmmmmmmmmmmm.

"less tending of bar, more giving of chips." - josh.
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[17 Dec 2001|03:27am]
today carla wagner came to my school to talk about what happened in june of 2000, as part of her jail sentence. i had an incredibly weird feeling, sitting so close to someone that killed one of my friends. i mean, i was in the second row. she was so close to me, and i couldn't help but thinking how awful the situation was. for us and for her. this girl came into our school knowing that many of us wanted to tear her to pieces and make her life hell. but what she knows and we don't, is that her life already is hell. i started to understand both perspectives as she was talking, about how she is an unfortunate emblem of the stupid fucked up things we do, not a vicious killer. but that's how everyone will see her for the rest of her life, when the reality of it is that she's a person just like the rest of us, and made a mistake that a lot of us have made. everyone had this attitude today that standing before us was a girl who intentionally ended our friend's life, but i couldn't see it like that. after seeing her up close, and realizing that she was a normal person who liked to have fun and did impulsive things, i began to feel sympathetic for her. but every time i felt sympathetic, i remembered what a mess this girl caused, and how her inability to realize she was too fucked up to drive made me and lots of people lose someone we cared about. after it was all over, we all went out to eat, and then went to the tree, where i spent most of the time hugging beca or dan or tony. i went off by myself for a while, because everyone was getting really emotional, and i couldn't handle that. today was just a really uncomfortable day, and now my thoughts are resorting back to something i thought i had dealt with a long time ago. i guess since i never really get emotional, i don't realize that things of this nature really do affect me. it's been impossible for me to cry lately, the last time i did was because of **** and that was just sheer stupidity. a lot of shit has happened in the past few months, and none of it seems to affect me. i want to feel things. i wish i knew how.
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[13 Dec 2001|09:51am]
[ mood | rejuvenated ]
[ music | dashboard confessional - places... ]

so today i was cleaning out my car, and i foung this measuring tape that i used for something in like, august. i decided it would be fun to measure myself. here are the results.

height - 70 1/2 inches
inseam - 37 inches
chest - 32 inches
waist - 24 inches
hips - 33 inches
wrist - 5 1/2 inches

i can remember when my chest was bigger than my hips.
that was cool.

i felt sick in school, so i went to wild oats to get some lunch and then came home, went online, took aspirin, and went to bed. since my newfound appreciation for organic and whole foods, i've been getting cravings for the strangest things. today it was bananas. yesterday it was applesauce. the day before it was carrot and ginger root smoothies. i made amelia some brownies with applesauce in them, and i discovered that applesauce is one of those things that you don't realize how good it is until you're eating it. like triscuits. but once you're eating them, you're like, shit how could i have gone so long without eating these things? i wish i could explain it better.

tonight i did dr. love, by moliere, in the little theatre. i didn't tell anyone about it because i was ashamed of the play that was performed before ours. plus the fact that i had only a small role, and there's no reason to drag the crew to see me unless i'm the star. sike. anyways, i had to take out my lip thing because it's moliere, you know, and i did, and it felt so liberating, to be able to contort my mouth into funny shapes, and put on lip gloss, and smoke a cigarette in the middle, not the corner, of my mouth.
i forgot what i looked like without it. but i kinda missed it after 15 minutes, so i went to put it back in, but then i realized i couldn't, because of the show, so i got creative and stuck a tiny earring in there. it's funny looking.

tomorrow night melissssssa and i are going to amelia's party, and then to revolver. i'm gonna drink the cheapest alcohol i can find, and tell sexual chocolate that he dances like he has a turtle stuck up his ass.

i hate school but i love my life.

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