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Jesus is a Democrat [10 Feb 2002|12:56pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Dixie Chicks - Travelin Soldier ]

8:30am: ring, ring

Shawn: hello?
Mike: Shawn, this is Pastor Mike. Denise is sick, and we need someone to teach her Sunday school class.
Shawn: and...?
Mike: The kids like you, and I was hoping you and Jason would come in early for Sunday school.
Shawn: to teach?
Mike: Yes
Shawn: I can come in, but Jason will probably just come for the sermon. He hasn't slept much lately and worked late again last...
Mike: That's fine, thank you, Shawn.
Shawn: uh huh

And so it began. Following the family tradition of my Great Great Aunt Hester, Aunt Bev and others...I have become a Sunday school teacher!

I arrived at church about 9:45. I mingled and gossiped with some friends about what others were wearing. That's what goes on in Carolina churches, you know. We sang a little song and on we went to Sunday school! It was just me and thirteen children, ages nine to twelve. Uhm scary.

Denise didn't leave a lesson plan for me. Aren't they supposed to do that for substitutes? Those little brats thought they could get away with anything because Shawnie was there, but they were WRONG. I told them it was time to be quiet, and we were gonna learn about church stuff. And, wow, they listened! May I just say COOL!! My own little zombies.

Since I didn't know what to say, I started asking them what they thought about stuff. Eventually the subject of the war came up, and I was discussing Islam vs Christianity with a bunch of kids. I loved how they just listened to me and did/believed whatever I said. Why can't the whole world be like this?

Then we were talking about President-select Bush, and nine-year-old Justin says:

"My Uncle Tommy said Democrats were the downfall of this country."

What the FUCK?? Who says this to a kid, and what 9y/o remembers it and repeats it verbatim??

Me: "That is not true, Justin. Jesus is a Democrat."

Then he asks me what is a Democrat, so I tell him someone who believes in the rights of others, as long as it leads to no harm. An open-minded person who is less greedy than the average Republican and wants to help other people. Duh, of course Jesus is a Democrat. In the end, they all agreed that he is.

I can't wait to get a call from Uncle Tommy yelling at me:

All in all, Sunday School was pretty fun. The kids said Denise always lets them play Pictionary for candy at the end of class. I didn't have candy, so I gave them dollar bills. Then they all seemed to look up at the clock at the same time to see it was almost time for the bell to ring to go back upstairs. They yelled at me!! "SHAWN SHAWN, it is almost time to go. What is our bible verse??"

Me: huh?

Apparently, Denise gives them a bible verse to learn every week. Oops, I forgot to quiz them about last week's verse. So I told them to learn the best bible verse of all:

Consider the work of God: for who can make that
straight, which he hath made crooked?
Ecclesiastes 7:13

I do hope I will be invited back to teach Sunday school.

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I love my brother [05 Feb 2002|08:31pm]
My little brother, Peter, has experienced a lot of loss in his life for a seven year old, and it amazes me how strong he is. For quick background reference: he never knew his father, and his mother died in 1999 in a house fire. He went to live with my mother around Thanksgiving of 1999, and was eventually adopted by her =)

He called earlier today when I was not here, and talked to Jason. Jason asked him how he was dealing with Toby's death, and if he was ok. Recently, they have had two animals disappear at my mom's...a stray cat that was there when I was in high school went missing a couple weeks ago, and I mentioned how Molly disappeared last summer. But this was really the first death, at least in Peter's mind.

Peter's reply to Jason was: "I'm ok, Toby is with my angel mommy now."

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New job! [05 Feb 2002|08:11pm]
[ mood | happy ]

I quit my job.


It's really not a bad thing. There was no scandal or uproar about it. I just didn't like it. I know this will make me sound like a snob, heh...but I don't care. I am too educated for that job! When I was first going to work for this organization, I was to take a friend's job, since she graduated and moved. Then I was asked about becoming an administrative assistant, which was one step above the bitch who answers phones and get coffee. But hey, ya gotta start somewhere! The main thing I did was working on the newsletter, for which I got NO credit.

I don't even need a job. Well, as far as money is concerned, I do not. The problem is that I want to get a good job on a political campaign after I graduate next year, and I need something on my resume besides a two-month internship.

I will still be working there, but now I will be a sign language interpreter. This is actually what I wanted to do from the beginning. This will be something I enjoy doing, perhaps even challenging...and I won't feel as worthless as I did before. I need to know I am doing something to help someone, or else I lose interest.

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[04 Feb 2002|09:12pm]
[ mood | morose ]

My mom just called. Her dog, Toby, was hit by a car and killed today =(

He was about a year and a half old, so I didn't see him much. Last August, our family dog Molly disappeared. She had three legs and was very cute. They think that coyotes may have gotten her. (Rural Missouri, afterall) Toby was roaming around and found it to the paved road, which is five miles by vehicle, but about a mile if you go through the fields. The road is not even that busy, but I guess he got unlucky.

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A Baker's Rack for everyone [04 Feb 2002|12:37am]
I don't have willpower sometimes. Christopher Lowe has a baker's rack. Martha has a baker's rack. I needed a baker's rack. I don't quite know why it is called a baker's rack, but I knew I needed one. So I let it be known that I was on the lookout for a baker's rack. The problem was that I needed one to match the glass table in our breakfast nook. Most of what I could find that were of any quality looked like this:

Eh...not what I had in mind. But several weeks ago, I got a call from Dessa. She was on her cellphone and in a furniture store. She had found a baker's rack to match our table!! We needed something with like black tubing to match the legs under the glass of our table. So I rushed over there and saw her! (The well as Dessa!) She was like a perfect match, even has glass shelves. And at $249, a bargain! (The one above is $550...WTF?)

They finally delivered the rack, and WHAT THE FUCK!? It was in a box! It was not assembled!! This majorly pissed me off, but I thought...uhm ok, at least it is new. So I got out my tools and put it together.

The above picture was taken in my friend Ellie's trailer home. Her and her husband bought me tools for my birthday last year, so I could "butch it up" after doing musical theatre for six weeks. Notice the yellow shirt. Be assured, this was the only time I wore that thing. I would tell you the name on it, but much like jourdannex's shoe through the does not have one. Or if it does, I do not know it. Wasn't it nice of me to wear her Christmas present at least once, though?

Back to my story. Once I got it almost all put together, and the glass shelves put in, I was noticing something odd about it. It seemed lighter than the one I saw, more flimsy. It was odd, but I didn't pay much attention because I had my baker's rack! Then I reached over to get the top part, that sits behind the top shelf (I think this is what makes it a baker's rack)...

And then it was all too obvious. This piece of shit I had spent 45 minutes assembling was, in fact, not my baker's rack!! My god, how could I be so stupid? I was more angry than I was feeling stupid, so I found the furniture store's number on a stapled paper on front of the box and called them. They kept saying I got the same one I paid for and shit, and told me to find my receipt. Of course, I did not know where it was. So I told them I would call them back.

I then logged onto the site for my credit card I paid with, and there it was...a charge of...$82.12! They had sold me the WRONG baker's rack! So I called them back and told them this was not the rack I ordered. blah blah blah

So Dessa and I went back to the store and showed them the rack I was supposed to get. They had given me a similar model from their cheap side! eww

Well, they picked up the wrong rack the other day. I did not bother taking it apart...I should be paid for the labour. Finally, My real baker's rack was delivered. Already assembled. One-of-a-kind, at least as far as the good side of the store is concerned. christopher79 thinks I should have received a discount on this rack, because it was a "display model," but uhm...that's what furniture stores are, unless you're buying K-Mart furniture, right?

Now I have only one problem. What the fuck do I do with a baker's rack?
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[02 Feb 2002|04:48am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Solar Stone - Seven Cities ]

Tonight I decided to do nothing. Well, actually early in the evening I did go back on campus and saw Stephanie but then came home. Jason works Friday and Saturday nights, so it's not like we can go do something when I don't feel like going out with all my friends.

So, instead...I talked to cute boys! Two *very* cute Christophers...christopher79 and rlpoloboy8, who sounds just as cute as he IS! ;) And next time I will make him sing to me, when it is not midnight on the west coast.

Since we all know I have a thing for Brits, I also talked to eezb! Who's next??

Got a question for those of you who have used Friend Test...When I first started looking at the statistics of people who have taken the test, it reported them accurately. But now when I go in and look at them, someone will have a score of 50 (I used the basic test), but the stats only show three correct answers.

I shared these statistics with a friend of mine who took my test, and he said the answers on that stats page are ALL wrong. We compared his real answers to the correct ones, and it is reporting the score correctly. I guess that is the important thing, but it still bugs me. I have no luck with technology.

Oh, and I think I messed up a stick of RAM today, installing it in a friend's computer. brosely, you are not alone. That is my fourth one. It isn't my fault, people...I swear it isn't ME! I have installed others that have been working for years, so there! :P

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Go Duke! (whatever) [31 Jan 2002|11:40pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Russell Watson - Amor Ti Vieta ]

Went to the game tonight. My friend Josh and I sat with Meredith and a few fellow UNC friends from back home. I shoulda stayed here like everyone else.

87 to 58

That was way too easy *yawn*

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Papa, can you hear me? [30 Jan 2002|07:48am]
Looking at the skies
I seem to see a million eyes,
Which ones are yours?

Where are you now
That yesterday has waved goodbye
And closed its doors...?

I sorta felt like Jack typing up those lyrics, but there is a reason why I did! Yesterday, I was chatting with my newest LJ friend, doubleedge - Everyone should read his journal and website. He is very sweet and I like him much =)

Anyway, in the process of our conversation...the phrase "Papa, can you hear me?" came up; An obscure reference that I cannot be bothered explaining. But then when I turned on the TV this morning, I saw that there was a search result on my DirecTV receiver. So I go in to see what it had found, and it was Yentl. Which is, of course, the film for which that song was recorded!

To be honest, I am not a huge Streisand fan. While I love her political leanings, I would much prefer attending a Linda Eder concert with cebastiankraine and venusflesh than sitting through another Streisand "final" concert. But I do love the story in the film. It comes on TCM tonight at 8:00PM eastern time.

Last night Jason and I got all dressed up and went to dinner with our friends Stephanie and Nathan. I love that shit, especially when we look better than anyone else there...and we did! Then later on, I just plopped down in front of the computer and did nothing. I spent the early morning chatting with aforementioned sweetie, finally went to bed at 3:30...only to wake up half an hour later. I don't know what it is with sleeping anymore, but I just do not do it. It's not as if I catch up on sleep in the morning while I'm in class, or the afternoon at work. So I cannot tell you how I am still a functioning human being with so little sleep.

I ran about six miles this morning...only stopping once to buy a bottle of Evian before I turned back around. Usually I slow down and walk some. That coupled with the lack of sleep makes me wonder why I did not collapse. Oh well, who cares!? I must get to class now. Tomorrow night we are going to Chapel Hill to watch the boys kick some Tarheel ass. We all know who will win, but if UNC does win, I have to lick a breast in front of everyone on Franklin Street. HAHAHA Where do my friends come up with this stuff and why do I agree to it?

9AM Update: I am in class on my laptop, and about to fall asleep...ahhh
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Did he think I wouldn't notice? [29 Jan 2002|10:18pm]
[ mood | enraged ]
[ music | o/~ Memories of the way we were o/~ ]

Someone tell amiselfcentred to button his blouse. I think his heart fell out.

He didn't mention me in his latest entry. *cries*

OK, I'm over it...


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As gay as it gets [25 Jan 2002|07:04pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Josh Groban - Vincent (Starry, Starry Night) ]

I was just browsing on Amazon, and added Linda Eder's new CD, "Gold" to my cart. It is released February ALL must buy it!! But anyway, when it took me to the next had a section with featured magazines, and it was FRESHMEN! haha

I bet they would not feature that magazine had I been buying a Christian sing-a-long album :)

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A day without Rain [23 Jan 2002|11:09pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Jason's Piano ]

I have such great friends! You would think amiselfcentred takes the cake for mentioning me so often in his entries (Notice how I return the favor? I'm sweet) -- but dear Alex, you have been outdone by briangriffith -- This lovely, sweet, wonderful, cute boy named his KITTY after ME! SHAWN is a fabulous name for a kitty, I think. In fact, I think you should all have some sort of animal named Shawn. I love Brian and his kitty!

Tonight, Jason and I went to the ADpi party at Parizades. I don't know why...I hate that sorority girl shit. But Steph wanted us to come, so we did. It was ok. There were too many strange people there for my taste, though. Not the ADpi girls...but the others. For instance, Bethany. She is a girl whom I had a couple of classes with Freshman year. She is pretty and a good dresser and all, but MY GOD is she annoying. And she always has these two girls with her, Heather and someone else. They used to come to the tennis courts and watch me play. A few times Bethany even played against me. Bethany + tennis racquet = lost tennis balls.

Every time Bethany would hit the tennis balls in the wrong place, I had to hear Heather and unknown person giggle. Those high annoying giggles you hear in sitcom audiences long after everyone else has stopped laughing. This is why I came to name them "Bethany and the singing chipmunks". They sound a lot like Alvin, Simon, and Theodore. And if you do not get this reference, just assume you are too young to be reading my journal ;)

Rain was also there. Yes, it was raining today, but that is not what I mean. "Rain" is the name of one of Jason's friends. I hate this girl. I know I shouldn't hate anyone, but she is one annoying little bitch. First of all, she wears Birkenstocks. She also has NASTY hair. It is stringy and frizzy at the same time, and obviously bleached to a sad "white wall that hasn't been washed in fifty years" kind of color.

She annoys me to NO end. One time I let her borrow my laptop, and when I got it WinAmp playlist had "aim.exe" in it. HOW do you put aim.exe in WinAmp, and who would think this a song for listening? Jason likes her, because they are both very musical. I will give her that...she can sing and play a few instruments well, but that's it. I think she is in love with my boyfriend, because she calls ALL the time. I always get on her nerves by calling her "Jason's weather friend." And when she calls on the phone, I yell "JASON! It's Storm..." or "JASON, it's Snow..." and then put her on hold before she can correct me. I've been doing this for a couple of years. You'd think she would learn to get over it by now. If I thought it did not bug her, I wouldn't be bothered doing it.

If all of this isn't bad enough, she comes over to drink our alcohol. I make great drinks, and she has had them before. I only use the best when making drinks. Only Belvedere vodka will do. But this stuff is like $60 for 1.5 liters. You do not DRINK sip it. But when SHE has my Cosmos, she drinks them down like they are Coca Cola or something. I just want to pull her poorly-bleached hair out by its black roots and stuff it in her face to stop her from drinking more. Unfortunately, she is Jason's he stops me from doing these things or refusing her more drinks. I wish I weren't so kind-hearted and considerate of others' feelings.

Oh, what I would give for a day without rain!

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Rio, here I come! [20 Jan 2002|12:35pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | Cybill Theme Song ]

Last night I was feeling a bit under the weather, so I thought I'd rent a DVD and stay in. But instead I chatted with my new favorite chat buddy, evin :-P Dessa called and wanted to go to this club in Raleigh, so I said I would go. It was a latin club, and I had so much fun! The last time I went salsa dancing was last summer when I was in Washington, DC. My friend Raya and I went, and totally out-danced everyone there. This should be no surprise to anyone =) Then last night, Dessa and I did the same thing. It's amazing how bad other people can suck at dancing, hehe

I could soo imagine amiselfcentred in this dress!

Thus far, I have not had a reaction to my small decrease in meds. I've been having dreams lately of the people I mentioned in my prior post, but both my doctor and I think that has more to do with the apprehension I've been experiencing lately, as opposed to a physical reaction. She said I could still have a reaction after a while...that's why it has to be decreased so slowly. But so far, so good!

Jason and I didn't feel like going to church this morning, so I am staying home and watching the "Cybill" marathon on Oxygen.
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Got my head shrunk... [16 Jan 2002|07:20pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]

I finally got my laptop connected to the network at work, so I can get on AOL and waste away my day chatting and reading journals. YAY!! But I ran out of time at work, so now I am back home finishing up this entry :)

Yesterday I went to the shrink to talk about my PTSD and medication and how to wean me off of it. I mentioned this in my New Year's Resolutions post, but I didn't really explain why I am on the medication to begin with. This entry will be long, so if you are really interested in it, I suggest waiting for sometime when you are not very busy.

( Click here for more )
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Fridge No. 5? [14 Jan 2002|10:11pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | Bobbie Gentry - Ode To Billy Joe ]

I'm listening to Bobbie Gentry. I love this woman, though I am unsure as to why. Perhaps it is the storytelling in her songs, and the mental images that inevitably come along with her music. Right now "Ode To Billy Joe" is playing; Such a mysterious song in itself...what were they throwing off the bridge? Why did he jump? Then there was the film that showed us they were throwing off a doll. And he killed himself because he was gay. But Ms. Gentry herself would never say for sure why he did it. "It's a song about indifference" is all she says. I love that.

So anyway, yes...Fridge #5. You will understand in a moment. While I was at my mom's for Christmas and Jason was at his parents' house, our friend Dessa stayed at the apartment, as did Kirsten -- a friend who graduated last year, but was here for Christmas. They decided to try to be fabulous like me and cook, so they bought some chicken, and had it in the fridge.

Problem is...they forgot about it! Then one day, they started smelling a foul odor out of the freezer when the air was blowing, and could not figure out what it was coming from, until they saw the chicken in the bottom of the fridge. The blood juice had run down into the bottom drawer and beneath it...EW!! So they cleaned it all up, and even after a few days, it apparently was still stinking...even though they used bleach and baking soda.

But fear not, these young women had a plan!! What better way to mask a smell than to give it a better smell? Yes, I know you are on the edge of your seat thinking "NO, NO...They didn't!!"

Well, they did. They sprayed perfume in the bottom of the fridge...Chanel #5. Honestly, I could not have made this up in a million years, so I have no idea where they got *this* idea. But I must tell you, I had to clean that entire fridge get the residue off of everything, and it still smells...even in the freezer! It has been WEEKS since they sprayed it! Is this something that all heterosexual women would think of, or are these two girls alone in coming up with this amazing solution? I am actually quite curious.

Problem #2: My CD changer is pissing me off. It isn't detecting any CDs!! I put them in and press play, and it keeps saying "No Disc"...So I have 101 CDs stacked on the floor in front of it, so I don't lose the order they are in. I really don't want to have to take it to be fixed. That's a lot of trouble and would take up precious time that I could spend sitting at my computer, awaiting LJ's servers to return to operating status.

Problem #3: I heard from the Sooo Lucky!! guy again. Aww, and I thought we had finally gotten rid of him. Here is how our conversation went:

SOO LUCKY GUY: hey sup
Me: Hello
SLG: ur friends are kind of mean but i liked meeting u
ME: No, they aren't...I'm sooo lucky to have them
SLG: who was the model guy behind us?
ME: Josh...he is my best friend Zach's older brother and my sister's ex-fiancee
SLG: i don't like him
ME: I don't think he liked you either.

I then signed off. Is that a little harsh? Or am I being too kind...should I tell him he is an annoying freak and give him a LiveJournal invitation code, so he can release his angst to other needy people like himself, as the all-knowing jourdannex suggested? I am liking this suggestion.

Yeah, Yeah...I am going to Hell. We all know that. I am sure most of you will be there too ;) I bet amiselfcentred's new scarf is even flame-retardant! Yes, I am sure it is. It's WAY retardant.

Kidding, of course...we love Bottega!!

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D-U-K-E Who the fuck you come to see.... [11 Jan 2002|02:41am]
[ mood | giggly ]
[ music | Train - Mississippi ]

First of all, someone give me a crown. (No, amiselfcentred, not your tiara...a King's crown) The time has arrived for me to be crowned the stupidest person to ever own a LiveJournal. I typed up an entry getting some thoughts out of my head, and since it was about a few LJ people, I put it on here...and marked it as private. Well, Thursday afternoon I get back to the apartment and check my email, and I see there is a reply to it. I somehow marked it as a friends-only entry or something; Oh My God, talk about embarrassment!!

My latest user icon?

Last night we went to the game and watched the boys kick Georgia Tech's ass...HELL YEAH!! I needed that, even after two days of didn't feel like I was back at school. I still felt bored like I was at my Mom's, but not anymore! Sure, there was a foul every other minute (literally!), but that's cool. OH, and how much do Dunleavy and Duhon ROCK?? I miss Battier, but the boys are doing ok without ya, Shane!

In Early December, a guy contacted me on AOL...and we've been chatting online and the phone since then. He is kind of annoying, but he wanted to meet me and Jason at the game tonight, so I said ok. He lives in Cary, so it's not as if meeting him would mean I have to see him everyday. I told him he could sit with us and our friends.

What an aggravating annoying little freak!!

The entire first half we are all sitting there watching the game and he is going on and on and on about his life and how he doesn't have a boyfriend and we're "sooooo lucky" to have been together for so long. If ever a boy needed LiveJournal, it was this person. I'm not your fucking psychologist. I consider myself a pretty good listener, but I don't like people who sit around passively complaining about shit, but do nothing about it. See my New Year's Resolutions...PITY PARTIES! UGH

And why is it that two gay people in a relationship means they are lucky? I don't hear that about breeders! Any relationship takes compatibility and WORK. Lots of WORK. Sorry, but I do not understand these people who sit around online all the time and then complain about not meeting anyone. Or the people who complain about the kind of guys they are meeting, but yet STILL go to the same bars and clubs they've always frequented. Go there for fun, but if you don't like the guys you're meeting...don't go to look for guys. You can't live your life the same way as always and expect a different result! Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get off your ass to do something for someone else.

Ok, that's the end of my Dr. Phil moment. change your ways, change your life!

In the second half, it got even worse. This boy started talking about the only guy he'd ever "been" with. He was talking about how he sucked off this guy in high school and how he liked it a lot, but hasn't been with anyone since then. He was saying this in the middle of the game! Everyone around us could hear him and were chuckling, but apparently his hearing is as impaired as his intelligence, because he took NO notice of anyone.

Then he starts in again about how we are "soooo lucky!" (Note: I sometimes put a few o's after "so" when writing it out for emphasis, but I never actually SAY it that way!) Then he says "I really don't understand, how do you do it??" And Jason looks over at him and says "We eat our lucky charms every morning." Followed by my friend Josh saying, "They're magically delicious!"

That was it...everyone around us burst out laughing. To understand it to a greater degree, you really have to know Jason. He is one of the sweetest people I've ever known. He rarely has a bad thing to say about anyone, and always finds something good in almost any situation. It gets annoying :) So to see him annoyed enough with this person to say that, was just hilarious.

Also, Jason is not a fan of the Internet. He doesn't understand what the big deal is. He checks his email and does research, and that's about it. I like this. It's comforting knowing that he is not an Internet addict like me. One time I got majorly yelled at for sending a picture of us to someone other than who I was supposed to. He let me scan in a picture of us with two of our friends and send to christopher79, because this is the ONLY person I know online that Jason knows and likes :) I sent it to a couple other people, and he didn't like that...he said if people want to see him, they can go watch him sing. haha

But despite this, he is cool with meeting my friends from online. And he's never said anything like that to any of them, so you can just imagine how annoyed he was at this guy. But the good thing is...I bet the boy won't be bothering me online or calling me anymore! YAY :) Let's dance:

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Alone again, naturally [08 Jan 2002|05:24am]
[ mood | pissed off ]

Well, I made it back to Durham with less than an entourage waiting for me. Whatever, heh ... My friend Dessa picked us up at the airport. Jason is still at his parents' house. He wanted to be here, but I knew his mom wanted him to stay another night there, since he was gone last week to my house and then this past weekend, he had to work. So I told him not to come. I'm sweet like that.

My sister, Alicia, has to be back at work in the morning, so she went home. My friend Dessa, who's been staying here, is at her boyfriend's I'm alone here. I've been watching DVD's I got for Christmas before I left for Mom's. I just watched "Broken Hearts Club" -- I'd seen it before, but what is the point of having a DVD if not to watch it?

I've also been reading LiveJournals. I'm reading Evin's right now. He's new to the fabulousness that is shawnly, but I like him and his journal...he amuses me and is cute =)

Oh, bad bad stuff too =( I have this friend Kim, whom I've known since first grade. She has an ex-boyfriend who is a complete asshole. I hate him, and now my hatred has been validated. While I was gone, he beat her up =( She has a black eye and some bruises from where he pushed her. Our friend Meredith sent me pictures. I called Kim and asked WHY she didn't call and tell me what happened. She said it was because I'd get on a plane and go kick the shit out of him. I told her she obviously thinks I'm more butch than I am, but she then reminded me of the time I put a fork through a guy's lip (inadvertently) for throwing a tomato at me and my friend Donna. It was 8th grade, I'm not violent...really.

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Random shit [06 Jan 2002|03:34pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | My mother and sister arguing ]

YAY it's snowing...I'm very happy!

First of all, are we obsessed with TV or what? I'm glad it's not just me. I have received about five IMs today from people excited about the new "Sex and the City" and/or "Queer as Folk". Then "The Practice" is also new...and "Oz"...and there's that new show on between Sex and Oz. UGH! What is a TV addict to do? "Sex and the City" is on at 9/8c, so that's no problem...but I think at 10/9c I'll watch "The Practice" on ABC; that way I can catch "Oz" on the west coast HBO feed.

I am a bad fag...I don't really care about "Queer as Folk." I may watch it Tuesday if I'm feeling especially bored the night before classes start again. I know this makes me a heartless bitch, but I'm not all that worried about Justin. And after season 1's "new-gay-issue-per-episode" strategy, I am curious to see what the fuck they're gonna make the shows about now. We already have gay parenting, sexual harrassment, hate crimes, vandalism, drug use...every other gay stereotype in the world...etc.

Seeing Brian talk about his fucked up life and fucking a few guys per episode just doesn't entice me. I'd rather watch the previous day's TIVO'd episode of "Passions" -- speaking of, WTG TIMMY for becoming a real boy! And God bless Ivy for getting closer to breaking up that disgustingly happy couple of Sam & Grace. Hmmm...sounds like a new morning talk show, huh?

Yes, it's true...I like soaps. I watch "All My Children" and "One life To Live" on SoapNet at midnight, and try to watch "As The World Turns" and "Bold and the Beautiful" enough to keep up with storylines. haute couture de forrester!! (LOVE B&B;)

Brooke FOREVER!!

- - -

Enough about TV...remember that lava lamp I got from my Aunt? It's mentioned two entries down on my journal. Well, it sucks. All it does is stay in one big lump, sometimes two...and go up and down. Last night when it was heated up, I picked up the glass part with the lava and shook it. MUCH better! Lots of little lava balls. Then today I turn it on and it's back to one big lump. blah

I have to pack it up now, though...along with my other Christmas gifts, so Mom can fedex the box to my sister's house. Alicia and I are going back to NC tomorrow. I love my family, but three weeks is just TOO long in this place. It's only been a few days since Jason left, but I do miss him...and I need to get laid again =)

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New Year's Resolutions [05 Jan 2002|09:05am]
[ mood | determined ]
[ music | MTV's USO Show ]

Hmmm...perhaps I am a bit late with this by a few days, but I'm in time for the first full-week of 2002. And we all know, that's when we REALLY start resolutions.

1. Be here next year

Dying would suck, unless it's in a blaze of glory out on Route 46 as a 1950 Ford Tudor slams into my silver 1955 Porsche Spyder. Fini.

2. Stay happy

Ya's not too bad to be me right now, so I guess I should enjoy it while it lasts, huh? Bad times come, but they go...and I don't believe in pity parties. They bring yourself and everyone around you down, like an eternal pull of a flushing toilet! Yes, that was meant to invoke odd mental images. Pity parties suck.

3. The past is the past!

Does this mean I have started forgiving people? HA! No. I've never forgiven anyone for anything, and I'm not about to start now. But I will not focus on the past stuff anymore. The first was someone those on my friends list know about; if you are about it here. Gifts will no longer be dissed by this anonymous person, because I will now only buy him things that go in his ass. I know he'll like those.

And if you're not my friend, you don't know what you're missing so add me! heh

4. Keep in shape

I don't wanna get fat...ew. Prada clothes do NOT look good on fat people, ok? I already run everyday and play tennis a lot, so I need to keep doing that. Especially after being at mom's for three weeks. I'm scared to step on the scale.

5. Get off my meds

This is the most important one to me. I will discuss it all some other time, but basically I have been taking Mellaril for nearly two years...and I think I am finally ready to get off of it. I've been a scared little shit for over a year, and it's TIME!

Come What May....

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New year, same ol' me [02 Jan 2002|08:15pm]
[ mood | horny ]
[ music | One Life To Live "drama" music ]

New Year's Eve was GREAT! I only slept a couple hours the night before, and then Mom drove me to the airport to meet Jana to fly to St. Louis. I must admit, despite the fact that she's not very experienced, it's nice having a personal pilot! I think I need to buy a plane, though...these rented ones are just not enough. If I bought my own plane, I could have my Live Journal address painted on it, and get more publicity!

Jason and I spent the day in St. Louis with a friend of mine from high school. I hadn't seen Jason for a couple weeks, so I suppose we could have been forced to watch "Lord of the Rings" and I still would have been happy. Yes, I was THAT lonely here!

We saw the fireworks at the arch and then went to a party at my friend's house. New Years seems like a pretty dumb holiday until the fireworks are going off and I kiss my beh beh, and it really does feel like a whole new beginning. Perhaps even a whole new world! All we're missing is a magic carpet ride....

We all met back up at the airport and Jana flew us to Joplin, where my Aunt Connie lives. (Yes, jourdannex, THAT Aunt Connie! hehe) She is Jana's mom...we would usually go down to my Granny's house after Christmas to exchange gifts with that side of the family, but for some reason...they decided to do it at Aunt Connie's this year.

I love my Aunt, but that really sucked. I was hoping to see my friend Matt, who doesn't live far from my Granny. I still had hopes that Jason and I could drive down there to see him. But, we were doing family stuff most of Tuesday and Wednesday...and there would not have been an available car to drive down there anyway =(

I got some more CDs and DVDs from my cousins, my Uncle gave me $100 -- thanks for the thoughtful gift, Uncle Ron =) My Aunt bought me a lava lamp. I dunno...I guess it's not bad. I haven't had one since I was ten or so. Granny bought me one of those table-top fountains with rocks on it. I suppose I can put it in the downstairs bedroom in our apartment. It is mostly black, so it will pretty much match the decor. The problem is, I have to fill it up everyday because of evaporation.!

We spent Tuesday night at Aunt Connie's, and I had my usual insomnia. Except it was worse this time, because she doesn't have cable or satellite! Ewww! Jana flew us back here this afternoon, while everyone else had to drive...muahahaha Jason leaves in the morning =( There is only a few days before my sister and I leave, but he has to leave early, because he works Thursday night. (He's a singer at a jazz club in Durham...he's awesome!)

I uploaded a few new user icons the other night, but since nobody can agree which one should be my default, it's back to the original one!

(for all of you who dissed my user pics...)

But at least now y'all don't have to look at the same mug for every single reply of mine on your journals! That is, if I can be bothered choosing a non-default icon for my replies.

It's now time to spend quality time with Jason :)
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Happy New Year! [31 Dec 2001|12:03am]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Madonna - Amazing ]

I will be leaving in the morning; flying to St. Louis with my cousin Jana (pray for my safety) to get Jason who is flying in from NC.  I refuse to spend New Years alone, so his airfare was a Christmas gift from Mom.  YAY!  I think we are going to stay up there for New Years too.  There MUST be something better to do there than in this shithole town.

I can't wait for 2002.  Truthfully, I can't think of anything substantial to say that is good about 2001.

(Exception: the fabulous people I've met who read my journal, of course)

Why don't you all respond and tell me good stuff?  Oh...and how about catching up with all of my past journal entries on which you haven't commented *ahem*  I've only been on Live Journal for two weeks, it won't take *that* long!

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A day at the movies [29 Dec 2001|09:30pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | matchbox twenty - Last Beautiful Girl ]

One of the traits that comes with being seven is that you will do anything to get what you want...even if it means behaving. Apparently, back when "Monsters, Inc" came out, Peter wanted to go and Mom mentioned it to her sister. So the deal was...if Peter was good, Aunt Bev would take him to see the movie when it was playing at the Family Cinema. This works great when he's acting up ... you simply say "PETER! Do you not want Aunt Bev to take you to the movie??" Then he is an angel.

Only one problem...the Family Cinema never got it! Oops...

But luckily it's been released again with 'additional scenes' or something, so the main cinema had it again. I've been wanting to see "Vanilla Sky" since it was released, and then my sister and Mom wanted to see "Lord of the Rings" -Eww

I'll join the ranks of the fabulous Jenifer and Alex in saying that movie is for geeks. I saw some of the people going in, and I think my sister and mother were the only two people who have heard of contacts as opposed to oversized glasses, bifocals even. And, I'm sure you will not be surprised to read that I saw a man and woman go in dressed as characters from Star Trek. I kid you not. The guy was wearing the tight blue shirt and the woman a purple one. My disinterest in seeing this so-called film was increased when I saw the trailer. I only wish I'd waited to buy my overpriced, watered-down drink during that. Maybe next time...

When you have a family as spoiled as mine, it is impossible for us all to agree on a movie...and we'd never compromise. So Aunt Bev and Peter went to see Monsters, Alicia and I met my friend Mindy for "Vanilla Sky," and Mom & Emily went to the dweeb convention in Cinema One.

Anyway, I loved the film. I'm sure many people won't...or didn't, as I'm sure I am one of the last to see it, because it's captivating and opposed to a geeky soulless hollywood production. It did, however, have a bit of a Sci-Fi flavor to it, but it wasn't too bad. And it's not at all your typical hollywood film.

I got up once to get the refill on our drinks, and I see my Aunt there practically yelling at the girl behind the counter. She was like "IS THERE A REASON YOU WOULDN'T LET MY NEPHEW GET A REFILL?" The girl behind the counter was like ten, a family runs the theatre. She says "Well, he didn't have a sticker on his bag." don't talk back to ANYONE in this clan, especially not my Aunt! So she starts yelling "I payed $4.50 for the refill drink/popcorn combo and by God I am going to get my damn refill!"

The girl's dad came to her rescue and told my Aunt he was sorry for the confusion and he could get a she went back into the movie. Peter comes out and comes over to me and is like "Shawnie, will you go with me?" I said "Don't worry,'ll get your drink." So he went up there and the guy took his cup and gave him back a jumbo cup for the refill. See, you always get what you want when you are a bitch =)

Our movie finished before LOTR, and Aunt Bev and Peter were waiting for us, so we got in our cars and went to Wal-Mart...right down the road, because I needed some film and some greeting cards. I had coupons for four free cards from American Greetings, and I don't think the Hallmark sells those. But I found a couple I liked. ANYWAY...then Peter and I were in the toy section, and then to Electronics. I saw this very strange, tall guy with glasses and like half brown hair, buzzed but grown out on the sides and back, and bleached on top. He was wearing some gray sweatpants and a different gray shade of t-shirt. Peter looked at him and said "He's a geek, Shawnie!" haha I'm such a great influence.

I got everything I wanted and looked at the time, realizing we were supposed to meet everyone up front like 25 minutes ago. So we go up there, and everyone is waiting for us. Then we see that geek checking out and Peter and I laughed. Emily looked at us weird and said...


..."I know him from school. We just saw him at the movie, he was one of the first to leave the theatre."

Jenifer and Alex, take a bow with me and Peter. We were right all along...

My Exit Music, Please!

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iron bells, cowbells, it's Christmas time in the country... [25 Dec 2001|03:50pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | endless radio Christmas music ]

First of all, THANK YOU to my Aussie friend Kirsty for my favorite gift of the season...

I knew she was sending me a gift here, and was going to be mad if I didn't get it in time for Christmas...then Christmas Eve it came...yay, along with some candy and other stuff.

( My Christmas... )
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What becomes of the broken-hearted [23 Dec 2001|03:19am]
[ mood | confused ]

*Things were worked out, I there's no reason for this entry to be Friends-only anymore* excuse to do a "Friends Only" entry. Don't you all feel special? ;) Anyway, I wanna tell you all a story 'bout a Harper Valley widowed wife. Oh wait, no...that's Dolly, isn't it, Alex? Instead, you will have to settle for one about a very rude person. And, for privacy reasons, we will call him Dhristopher.

I thought for a long time about what to get this person for Christmas. Then back in November, I decided to get him Reba's Greatest Hits Vol III. He often would tease me about liking her... going to her Washington DC concert, to see her in "Annie Get Your Gun" on Broadway, etc. So I thought it'd be a gift to make him smile. And, well...I love nothing more than to know I made a friend smile =)

I then decided if I was getting the third one, I might as well get the first two also. God, that was a task. I looked all around for them, and no one had either. But since I had made up my mind, I was not about to give up. I eventually ended up ordering the first two through my friend Stephanie's music club membership.

I sent them off on Tuesday via 2-3 day priority mail, and here it was Saturday...and I hadn't heard anything from him about whether he'd gotten them or not. No phone call, email, ICQ message, nada! Until I logged onto LJ to catch up on everyone's replies. And here it was:

As for shawn..I am sending my gifts back to you now. I was going to thank you...even if you did send me some country floozy's greatest hits volumes 1-3. I don't listen to country myself mind you. rude is this? I mean,'s one thing to not like a gift someone gives you. We've all had that happen, but to say it like this?? I couldn't believe it. I thought for sure it must be his idea of a joke, so I checked all of my emails to see if he had mentioned getting them anywhere but on that reply, and there was nothing. If it were a joke, surely there'd be some mention of thanks...or it made me laugh...or an "I got it"...SOMETHING.

I don't even see why he'd say that there. The only mention I made to him was when Alex and I had the thread about doing help and I said I don't like sloppy seconds...or used goods and mentioned Christopher. is a surprise to him that he is not a virgin? hah Then I did the unthinkable...I started to cry. I don't know why...I am just lame like that, I suppose. I felt like Shrek when he thought the princess was calling him hideous and ugly. It generally takes a lot to make me cry (or so I thought). Perhaps it was just the buildup of the events in my earlier entry, missing Jason, etc....and it just put me over the top.

And the worst part is, my brother Peter was in here playing with my koosh launcher and he sees me and he's like "What's wrong, Shawnie???" And I tell him it's not him but make him leave...which just got HIM upset. I felt so bad...when I was composed, I had to go give him a hug and tell him it wasn't his fault. He forgave me after I agreed to let him keep my koosh launcher for the night ;)

So I curse you, an ever-lonely life of two-bit male whores and swilling domestic beer!

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Visiting a little country church [22 Dec 2001|04:03pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Joni Mitchell - River ]

I think the loss of a parent is always traumatic. Some people lost a parent before they are even born, usually the father. For others it may come later in life, be it infancy, teenage years, or later. Speaking of fathers in particular, I am sure we all know people who have lost their father due to many reasons...abandonment, pure anger and disagreement, diseases such as Alzheimer's, and death. Death is sort of the odd one out in the list, because unlike these other situations, or even death of a son or daughter, sibling, friend, etc...the death of a parent is a predictable happening in the circle of life. From the moment we are born, it's a fact that we don't think about...but still, it is there. Unless you die yourself before it happens, your parents will. That doesn't change the feelings associated with this loss, though.

I lost my father on April 2, 1999. I had turned 18 a little over a week before, March 23rd. Then I left on what was supposed to be a trip to see friends and relatives in Southern California, San Francisco, and then to Austin, Texas. I was also to look at the campuses of UCLA and UT in Austin, as I was still deciding where I wanted to attend college. My friend Mindy and I spent a few days in Los Angeles, and then she went home. I was to fly to San Francisco the next day and stay with my cousin for a few days and see some people. Now that I look back on it, it was probably better that I did not.

I got a call early in the morning on April 2nd from my mother. She said my dad died in his sleep. She woke up up when she felt something was wrong. Her first instinct was to check on the kids, until she noticed my dad next to her. She moved his arm to wake him up, and while not was obviously lifeless. She called 911 and the ambulance came, but there was nothing that could be done. He was dead at the age of 48, and I had to find a flight home.

I did finally get to Springfield, and my friend Mindy was there to pick me up. I was still very much in shock. Not the kind of shock where I couldn't do anything, or even that I didn't believe was just as if nothing had changed. When I got home, my older sister, Alicia, was well as my younger siblings.

Life just went on the way it had been for the next couple of days. I had a lot of people calling me, wanting me to talk about everything, but I didn't want to. It was as if I didn't have anything to say. The day afterward, I talked to a friend I was supposed to see in SF online, for hours, and barely mentioned my dad at all. That's what I really needed at the time. I do not at all resent anyone for trying to help me, but for that moment, I needed things to be the way they were before.

Everything changed the night of my father's visitation. As the family, we all got there first. My three older brothers had come in as well. I walked in with my grandma. First through the double-doors that slid open into the chapel, and then between the pews on either side. As I got about halfway up, I could see his name in gold letters on a bouquet of yellow roses to the left of the black onyx coffin. My father owned a trucking business that he started in 1995, and the yellow roses were from his drivers, to symbolize his favorite truck, which happened to be yellow.

That's when the floodgate of emotions started to release. My grandma heard me trying to hold everything in, my mouth shaking and eyes closed. She stopped and asked me if I wanted to sit on the nearest pew. I shook my head and she hugged me. I put my arm around her shoulders as we started to walk closer to the front. My mom was there already and stepped forward to hug me before I got right up to the casket. As I hugged her, my eyes went to the floor. If I had looked forward and down at all, I would have seen him.

My mom asked me if I wanted her to hold my hand and I said no. I then walked right up to him, put my hands on the edge of the casket and saw him for the first time since before I had left for Los Angeles. My dad hated suits, so my mom knew not to put him in one to be buried. She bought a western-style shirt for him. She said it was because when they started dating, in Houston Texas, he used to wear them all the time.

I cried for a minute or so, seeing him there, his hands folded across his stomach and eyes forever closed. Then my older brothers and other family members went up to see him, and my Aunt Beverly took my hand as I went to look at all of the flowers and plants around the chapel that people had sent.

I got through the visitation fine after that, and felt so much better as so many of my friends came to pay their respects and see if I was doing ok. I could not even begin to count the number of people who hugged me that night. And it was also the night I met my other half-sister, Jennifer. She is my dad's daughter, from his first marriage. But she was put up for adoption at the age of three, after her mother took her from my grandma's custody (after her mother and our dad were divorced). It's a long, complex story...that no one really knows the complete facts about, as both of her parents are dead now. She had contacted Dad just weeks before and they had been chatting online and on the phone. But, living in Virginia, she never got to meet him before he died. Fate surely made sure they got to know each other before his passing, and my dad knew that he would soon be a grandpa (April 14th was when my nephew was born...yes, she should not have been flying when she did), but he never got to physically experience it.

The funeral the next day, I got through without crying. As the family, we were in a room to the left of everyone, if looking from the front of the chapel. We watched everyone walk by the casket and say goodbye, and then after everyone left, we had to go. The one memory that I remember clearer than anything else was sitting on the front pew and watching my mother standing over the casket. She leaned over to kiss my dad one last kiss, and our Uncle Russell (my Grandma's brother) came up behind her and put his left arm around her as they looked upon him. Later, we found out that they were discussing the grave arrangement. My Aunt Phillis died in 1997 and is buried in front of my great grandfather, then to the left of her will be Uncle Russell...then mom, then Dad. Uncle Russell told her when they are all dead and buried, she will be a rose between two thorns :)

I was standing back as everyone else said their goodbyes but Jennifer and my father's youngest brother. Mom looked at me and I walked to her and put my arms around her neck, holding her as I stared at my father for the last time, not saying a word. She finally asked if I wanted to say bye. With my head rested on her shoulder, I looked at him and just said "Bye." Everything I had ever wanted to say came out with one word. Somehow, I knew that he knew what I was thinking. I broke down at that point, as my mom's sister, Aunt Bev again, took me in her arms and told me to let it all out. I was instantly reminded of six years prior, when my great grandmother died, and we came here from NC for her funeral. I was in sixth grade then...and I also did not break down until the last time I would see my beloved Grandma Cooper. She gave me a tissue then and knelt down to hug me, telling me to let it all out.

Jennifer could not say goodbye, so my Uncle Eric was the last person to do so. We watched them close the casket, and they loaded it into the hearse. We got into the black cadillacs the funeral home has for family behind the hearse and made our way to the cemetery, 30 minutes or so from the funeral home. Many people were already there, and many more were behind us.

The cemetery was not difficult, as I had thought it would be. My father was a veteran and got all of the military honors he deserved. One of the moments I will never forget is when my siblings and I...Matthew, Scott, Kevin, Alicia, Jennifer, Me, Joseph, and Emily...were all standing up. We were holding hands, and it dawned on me that despite that fact that only four of us were biologically his...he had eight children who called him, simply "Dad" -- What more could one ask for at their burial?

- - - - -

I write about this now, because I tend to remember these things more around holidays and anniversaries. Today I visited the little country church where my father and much of my family are buried. I took a large bouquet of flowers to his grave, as well as to my Uncle Jack and 89yo Great Great Aunt Hester, who both passed this year. As for my other family members, I simply pulled single flowers from my father's bouquet for each of their graves...just as I did the day my father was buried.

When I see my dad's gravestone, I revert back to how I felt the first time I saw him in the casket. I wonder so many things...mainly, is he proud of me? Would he approve of Jason, or even my being gay? I came out to my mother when I was seventeen, but my father did not know before he died. However, I cannot help but think that my father, God, fate, etc...has had a hand in what my life has become. If my father had not died, I likely would never have gotten back in touch with Jason and had such a wonderful relationship...or even moved back to North Carolina and went to Duke. It's hard to say where I would be if the events I have written about did not happen. And now, over 2½ years later, I can believe that there is a plan for our lives...that things do work out for the best...and, in the end, there is a reason for everything.

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Friday comes just like a dream, We'll party 'til it's time to leave [22 Dec 2001|12:54am]
[ mood | embarrassed ]

Well, my Friday night wasn't exactly a party...or even eventful. It's amazing how boring Friday nights can be even in college, but nothing compared to when one is at mom's in the middle of nowhere. I did nothing but chat with people online and reply to a few Live Journal posts. And believe it or not, I had fun...I chose this task on purpose.

Earlier this afternoon, I got home to find my friend Stacey from high school sitting in her car, in my driveway. I was surprised to see her and we went inside and talked for a while, then she pulls a gift out of her bag. (It looked like a Prada messenger bag, jourdannex! But I doubt it was) I opened it up and inside was a nice henley thermo-knit-something red shirt from Eddie Bauer. I actually quite liked it :) At least she didn't get me Abercrombie. Ugh, don't get me started on that. Again, I'll mention jourdannex and her anti-slogan preference. I'm with her! Don't wear words on your clothes. It looks ugly...go buy clothes from K-mart for all I care, trust me...they'll look better than being a walking billboard. If I want people to know where I bought my clothes, I'll carry around a Saks bag, thank you very much.

ANYWAY...I then had to face the inevitable fact that I did not get her anything. I mean, I haven't talked to this girl since this summer and before that, I don't remember when I last saw her! So how was I to know she was going to buy me something for Christmas? So what did I do? Just what I told all of you not to do yesterday. I pulled a Geraldo, and lied. I said I ordered her gift online and it hadn't arrived yet. After she left, I logged onto Old Navy's 50% off sale to find her something, but decided it'd probably be better if I put a little more thought and money into her gift. I guess I could always do the cop-out gift for a chick and get a teddy bear.

I'm an awful person. I spent so much time buying gifts for people that I should have known wouldn't get me anything, that I forgot those who would actually buy me something! AHHH! Ooh, I could get her a gift certificate from the local music store. Hmm, or is that worse than the teddy bear? Come on girls and girlie me out here!

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The Lord's Prayer [21 Dec 2001|01:02am]
[ mood | amused ]

I just saw this report on CNN. They were talking about Geraldo Rivera reporting from Tora Bora, Afghanistan after the "friendly fire" death of three American soldiers. Geraldo is now Fox News Channel's main correspondent from the war. He told us how he walked over the sight where the three soldiers, as well as Northern Alliance and other fighters, died when our bomb was misguided toward them. It was very touching, his face was somber...about to cry as he told us of them passing over the sight where the bomb had dropped. It was black, pieces of uniform lying around as he nearly broke into tears. He recounted how he knelt down at the sight and said The Lord's Prayer. CNN then replayed Geraldo's account from about 12 hours later, where he told the same story of how it touched him.

The problem is, it never happened! He was reporting from Tora Bora, at least 300 miles from the sight where the three Americans were killed. Now don't get me wrong, I love Geraldo for the fellow liberal that he is, but COME ON! You don't need to lie. After a Baltimore reporter broke the story in the local newspaper, Geraldo called him and explained that he simply had it mixed up with another friendly fire incident where Northern Alliance soldiers were killed. A plausible explanation, I guess...except for the fact that Tora Bora wasn't bombed until three days after Geraldo's account. Jeez, this is why we don't lie, boys and girls...once you tell one, you have to keep lying to cover it up =)

- - - - -

And while I'm on the subject of current events...the Argentine president has resigned, because Argentina is in financial ruin, and the country has collapsed! HELLO...Where are you when we need you, Madonna?

It's almost 2002. Isn't there a way to resurrect Eva Peron by now? Perhaps if we all recite The Lord's Prayer with Geraldo, we can bring her back to life and save this wonderful country. Oh, do I love thee, let me count the ways. Well, it turns out...I don't love thee as much as I love me =)

The truth is, I don't think she'd be much help now. Peronism is much better in the bastardized 1996 movie-version of Evita's life (Not that Madonna and Antonio weren't's a favorite film of mine). The original musical version for theatre is pretty Anti-Evita, but still doesn't show Peronism for what it was; how it gave all of the power to the ever-discontented Argentine middle class and labor unions, the process...bankrupting the country =) For a while the currency inflation rate was down from like 6,000 (Yes, that's SIX THOUSAND) percent every year, to about 12 percent. But, alas, twenty-some years of civil war and four years of deep recession have caught up to them. At this point, Madonna would probably be a welcomed change. She has her moments...and plenty of style. (If you do not get that reference, you should have come to see me play "Che" for six weeks in a fabulous production of "Evita") I rocked...and have reviews to prove it :-P

So, yeah...there's my brief history of Argentine politics. It's really a fascinating subject to study if you're interested in that kind of stuff.

She had her moments, she had some style
The best show in town was the crowd...
Outside the Casa Rosado crying Eva Peron,
But that's all gone now......

That's when the lights go out and I back off of the stage (temporarily) goodnight, all. Next time I'll try to write something that others will be interested in reading.

Or maybe not.

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Let's be friends! [19 Dec 2001|12:05am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Piano - Water Fountain by David Foster ]

I now have seven people on my friends list. Needless to say, I feel tres popular =) I would probably have more, but I fear if I add them first, they will not add me which would just be awful! To have forty people in my "Friends" list and "Friend of" still at seven?

I just chatted briefly with a fabulous girl named Diane on AIM, and there is venusflesh, who is cool enough to list Linda Eder as an interest :) I must not leave out amiselfcentred for mentioning me in TWO journal entries. The rest of you I already knew, so hugs! Click up on my friends page and check out these cool people. For now, I must take a bow...the night is over.

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Too old for myself [18 Dec 2001|04:49pm]
[ mood | nauseated ]
[ music | static in my brain ]

When I'm at my mom's, I use the computer in my room which no one uses the rest of the year, except occasionally by younger sister (even she usually uses one downstairs.) So, since this computer is never used, nothing is ever deleted from it. Why do I bring this up? Look at the profile for my AOL Instant Messenger screen name:

my name is shawn
im 16 years old 5'9 and weigh 135lbs
if you are over 19, i do not want to talk to you
im gay, like riding horses, and i follow politics

Apparently, even when you update the AIM software, it does not inform you that your user profile is OVER FOUR YEARS OLD. I first noticed this last month when I was here for Thanksgiving, and someone pointed it out to me again last night.

As you can guess, Missouri is VERY exciting with such fascinating entries as this. I went to the post office today to finish mailing out Christmas gifts. I thought it'd be cute to write "Secret Santa" for the return address, and make them guess who it was I did. Then my mom sees the boxes and starts berating me about anthrax and lost packages and how if I don't put the return address on there, she would, so I was forced to.

I took them to the post office, and after ten minutes in line holding seven packages stacked on top of each other in front of my face...I put all of the packages up on the counter and the old man laughs at the "Secret Santa" with an address. What an asshole...sure, it may have been funny, but a postal worker shouldn't be able to laugh at it =) If I weren't so lazy, I would have taken them to "Mailboxes Etc" instead. At least they give me a tracking number. My point? I do not have one...except screw the post office =)

I've been feeling sick all afternoon; that kind of sick where you wanna vomit, but just can't. Perhaps I accidentally ingested some Royal Jelly. I love my seven year old brother, Peter, and I am by far his favorite sibling (of course), but there is something about a seven year old climbing all over me when I'm feeling sick that just...makes me sicker. So I picked him up and carried him downstairs, the whole time he's saying "I PROMISE SHAWNIE I'LL BE GOOD JUST DON'T TAKE ME TO MOMMA!" and I set him on the sofa next to her. Then, of course, he is a perfect angel. I return to my room and ten minutes later, he is back up here...opens the door and says "I hate you!" and runs down the stairs laughing. Ohmygod...he's gonna be another me! I'm so proud

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Made it to mom's [17 Dec 2001|05:24pm]
My sister and I left Raleigh at about 6:45 this if you know anything about my sleeping habits, you know I got very little sleep last night. The plane ride was fine. Usually I see the strangest people when I fly, and that is in first class! Considering my history of fellow flyers, I would be frightened to see the rest of the plane. Earlier this year, there was a guy.. probably in his twenties, who was sniffing his fingernails the whole time. He was not in drag...had no visible nail polish on. Do they make clear, scented nail polish? It was just...odd. Am I missing something? Is this a new way to get high...sniffing beneath your fingernails? I don't keep mine long enough to do that, even if I felt like it.

It was a little over two hours before we landed in St. Louis. Now, family lives WAY out in the stix. Usually we fly to Springfield, Missouri..which is 100 miles from home, but is the closest commercial airport. St. Louis would be a four-hour drive to home, but my cousin Jana now has her pilot's license. So she rented a plane and we flew with her to the local municipal airport. Let's just say her pilot skills are...interesting. Though few flying experiences could be worse than this summer (except for certain hijackings). I was working in DC this summer, and my friends Zach and Steve came to see me. Zach had his pilot's license, so we went up and while we were in the air, he put the plane in a nosedive, raised his hands above his shoulders, and proceeded to shout: "What do I do, Shawn? WHAT DO I DO?" I wonder, why do people buy laxatives for constipation when they could just as easily go in a plane with an asshole pilot? (Mental note: email Zachy link to my journal)

Enough of that. Last night, I was watching cable shopping networks, as I often do, and I saw this item called "Royal Jelly." Here is the description of it:

Royal Jelly is a highly concentrated food made by worker bees to feed the queen bee. It is one of the richest natural sources for pantothenic acid and it's rich in vitamin B. Increasingly popular as a supplement for those who want to maximize their energy levels, it may offer a wide variety of other benefits as well.

Now, is it just me, or is $99.50 plus $10.97 shipping a bit high for this product? Where I'm from, we call this stuff honey. You can buy 12oz of it for $1.25, and it even comes in a cute little bear container. The testimonials were just amazing. The representative for the company said she was so tired she could not get out of bed, but after 90 days of taking this product, she could take a shower without help...and lift a hair dryer. (I'm not making this stuff up, folks) People were actually BUYING this product! The woman even admitted it was honey when she told the story of a young boy eating the whole jar and only being hyper all night. Now I am trying to decide what common household food items I can market. If you have any suggestions, please respond...

Update: Oh, it looks like on their website, they are saying "Royal Jelly" contains NO honey! Well then why did the woman on QVC say no children under two should take it because of the honey content? Perhaps she was speaking of a different "Bee-Alive" product. It turns out Royal Jelly isn't honey at all, it is...wax. Go clean out your fucking ears, it won't cost $99. Ewww
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If I had my way... [16 Dec 2001|08:38pm]
[ music | Performed by Linda Eder, lyric by Jack Murphy ]

Long ago and far away
Before the world had come to this
I took for granted how my life would be
Assuming that my freedom would be free

Before these evil shadows fell
I reveled in the light of day
I rarely ever cried
My patience wasn't tried
And heroes never died

But if I had my way..Things would be different
Danger wouldn't come from a sky of blue
Choices would be clear..Strangers would be kinder
Love a little blinder, As it saved the day
If I had my way

Every now and then it seems
We live our lives to such extremes
Racing all around...Never homeward bound
Losing what we found

But if I had my way..Things would be different
No one would believe that a lie was true
Choices would be clear..Wisdom would be heeded
Warnings never needed, This is what I pray
If I had my way

The milk of human kindness
Would seek us out and find us
And color all the words we say

And hearts would come alive
Instead of breaking
No one would believe that a lie was true
Angels would appear
Children would be cherished
Hope would never perish
Faith would not be tried
If I way

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