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Merry Christmas...If that's OK. [21 Dec 2001|02:41pm]
I would like to wish all a happy holiday season. Please enjoy one of my favourite carols...

Let us all now sing
Our praises to the Lord today
Although you may not share
Our belief system
Which is perfectly O.K.

Maybe you worship an abstract being
That is kind of vague.
Or maybe you just
Worship a guy
Who's name is Greg.

Perhaps your religion doesn't
Include a time called Lent,
But whatever your religion
Is, we support you one hundred percent.

So sit around the fire
And have a chestnut roast,
Or raise a glass in toast
To "Happy Days" Donny Most.

But if you prefer to eat
Indian food on Christmas day
I can only shrug my shoulders
And say "Namaste"


Personally I prefer,
Turkey, gravy and salad
But lets never forget
All cultures are valid.

So let's have peace on earth
And cut out all the bull.
Let's have a holiday season
That's multi-cultural.

If there's one point
We'd like to make
With this festive holiday song,

It's that Christmas comes just once a year
So for a few days
For crying out loud

Can't we all just get along?
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WORD! [21 Dec 2001|08:14am]
Below you may read a post about my being challenged for one word to describe 2001. The bloke that challenged me has decided he wants to know everyones word- so...

What is the one word you would use to describe 2001?

and your name
and your age
and where you are from

Tell all your friends- he wants 1000 words- and he only has 500.
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Feeling better [20 Dec 2001|03:15pm]
[ mood | Yeah.... ]
[ music | Nancy Jazz mix ]

Panic has subsided, had fun last night...

Had a great talk with the big sis last night about Stuart Adamson. My big sis is Patti, a friend I've known for 12 years or so. We used to work in crap retail together. She is an unapologetic, and unashamed ex-groupie. She used to tell me stories all the time about going to shows and yelling and screaming, getting back stage, and what-not. She even fainted when she saw George Harrison at an Eric Clapton show. I never understood what she was on about, and I used to tease her endlessly. Then I saw Big County. When I got into work the next day, I ran up to her
'Patti, I am so sorry. I understand now. I actually WHOOPED!'

It was good to her her tell me that story last night, made me feel better.

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A question for a wide variety of people... [19 Dec 2001|02:22pm]
Would it piss you off if two people on a 8 person email group spent a whole afternoon and about 50 posts doing lines from the movie Aliens?
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Sorry Mr Helfgott [19 Dec 2001|01:22pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Big Country- No Place Like Home ]

If I were a Dead Russian Composer, I would be Sergei Rakhmaninov.

I lived in the early Twentieth Century and was well known for my compositional, conducting, and piano skills, yet I am melancholy despite this talent. My famous works include my nearly-impossible piano concerti.

Who would you be? Dead Russian Composer Personality Test

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Weird [19 Dec 2001|10:33am]
[ mood | Still paniced- ]
[ music | Big Country- Steeltown ]

I had a panic attack this morning. Never had one like this before- shortness of breath, shaking, cold sweat, forboding, the whole works. It was actually pretty strange, but cool, in a 'what the hell is my mind and body doing, and why was I not invited' kind of way.

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Movie connections [18 Dec 2001|02:44pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Big Country- 1983 NYE Barrowland Concert ]

Love these things!

In fight club Brad Pitt's character learned how to make excplosives in the Boy Scouts, and in Spy Game his character learned to shoot in the Boy Scouts.- Comments?

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This is highly suspect... [18 Dec 2001|11:46am]

Take the Corporate Mascot Test at Willaston's Lounge!

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Today's CD- [18 Dec 2001|09:36am]
The Crossing
New Years Eve 1983 Barrowland, Glasgow concert
The Seer
Peace in Our Time
No Place Like Home
Buffalo Skinners
Why the Long Face

Thank you, Stuart.
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[17 Dec 2001|12:31pm]
If you could feel how I must feel
The winds of quiet change
If you could see what I must see
Still hidden in the rain
But when the thunder rolls
It comes and covers up my soul

And you will take my hand
And be with me in wonderland
I am an honest man I need the love of you
I am a working man
I feel the winter too

If you could hear what I must hear
Then nothing would replace
The fifty years of sweat and tears
That never left a trace
But when I look at you
I see you feel the same way too

And you will take my hand
And be with me in wonderland
I am an honest man I need the love of you
I am a working man
I feel the winter too

You still remember other days
When every head was high
I watched that pride be torn apart
Beneath a darker sky
With innocence within ourselves
We sing the same old song

And you will take my hand
And make believe it's wonderland
I need the love of you
I am a working man
I feel the winter too
I am an honest man
I need the love of you
I am a working man
I feel the winter too

Wonderland, wonderland, wonderland…
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Fook! [17 Dec 2001|08:19am]
I was going to write about what a fookin asshole I can be when I drink to much- but I just read this on Tyler's page- Stuart Adamson Found Dead
Big Country has been my favourite band since I can remember being into music. I remember buying The Crossing in Cheyenne Wyoming- because it was the only album I could find that even interested me. I remember me and my friend Dave Harden making a pact that we would drive within 800 miles to see the band if they ever came back to the US- this was after the Wonderland tour. I remember that Stuart Adamson was the only rock star I wanted to look and dress like. I remember when we finally got to see them on the Buffalo Skinner tour in 1992. It was a free show in Golden- at the Buffalo Rose- loads of freinds I had not seen from High School were there. There were 200 people in the club, but Big Country played like there were 10,000. I almost got a pick from Stuart, and he left the stage with a City of Denver Pipe Band t-shirt (we skipped practice to be there). We met the band after the show and they were briliant. I was slightly drunk at the time and I remember hugging Stuart, telling him how long we had waited to see them. My freinds told me that the roadies were about to pull me off, but Stuart smiled at them, waved them off, returned my hug and told me they were glad to have finally made it. I had always made fun of my groupie sisters adoration of pop stars, but at that moment I understood.
I'm really going to miss waiting to see if long awaited new Stuart Adamson and Big Country material is coming out. He was my George Harrison, John Lennon...
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Today's Theme song.... [14 Dec 2001|11:46am]
No one knows what it's like
To be the bad man
To be the sad man
Behind blue eyes

No one knows what it's like
To be hated
To be fated
To telling only lies

But my dreams, they aren't as empty
As my conscience seems to be
I have hours, only lonely
My love is vengeance
That's never free

No one knows what it's like
To feel these feelings
Like I do
And I blame you

No one bites back as hard
On their anger
None of my pain and woe
Can show through

But my dreams, they aren't as empty
As my conscience seems to be
I have hours, only lonely
My love is vengeance
That's never free

When my fist clenches, crack it open
Before I use it, lose my cool
When I smile, tell me some bad news
Before I laugh and act like a fool

And if I swallow anything evil
Put your finger down my throat
And if I shiver, please give me a blanket
Keep me warm, let me wear your coat

No one knows what it's like
To be the bad man
To be the sad man
Behind blue eyes
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And the joke is... [12 Dec 2001|08:35am]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | Dance to Keep from Crying- Thanks, Nanc- it's not working. ]

When he awoke, his...
Body was covered in Coke fizz.

Money City Maniacs by Sloan. Why? Because that's my life. A joke. I go to sleep every night with a little hope that the next day will be better, only to wake up covered in Coke fizz. Fook!

Who needs a nine millimeter and a tarp to protect the electronics?

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Damn! I love this song! [11 Dec 2001|11:35am]
Satellites Gone Up To The Sky
Things Like That Drive Me Out Of My Mind
I Watched It For A Little While
I Love To Watch Things On TV


Oh, Satellite Of Love
Ah, Satellite Of Love
Satellite Of Love

Satellites Gone, Way Up To Mars
Soon It Will Be Filled With Parking Cars
I Watched It For A Little While
I Like To Watch Things On TV


I've Been Told That You've Been Bored
With Harry, Mark And John
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday,
Harry, Mark And John

Satellites Gone Up To The Sky
Things Like That Drive Me Out Of My Mind
I Watched It For A Little While
I Love To Watch Things On TV

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Whose up for lunch in Tokyo? [11 Dec 2001|09:36am]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Daevid Allen and Kramer- Who's Afraid ]

A bunch of us want to teleport (ala Star Trek) to Tokyo for lunch- catch a sumo match, have some sake, and sushi. Whose in?

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I just ran up to the old book stacks... [10 Dec 2001|11:36am]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | The Secret Service- Power and Volume ]

and there was some dude, I've never seen up there. Not odd in of itself, but he was wearing a vacuum cleaner on his back. That's odd.

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Strange... [10 Dec 2001|08:30am]
[ mood | indifferent ]
[ music | OCS- Moseley Shoals ]

I actually had a pretty good weekend- considering. Had a great dinner with the pater and then went to the first Friday Lipgloss. Fantastic. Thanks for the breakfast Tyler. Sorry about the brakes, they're fixed. I spent Saturday sleeping and cleaning, then went to a party for some scooter kids from NC who had come out to visit. Did a little spinning. Sunday, I fixed the aforementioned brakes, and watched movies all day. Now it's Monday, and I'm not so happy.

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Ummmmm.... a little warning, would have been nice... [07 Dec 2001|08:39am]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | My sobbing ]

I turned my usual corner this morning- heading to work. All of a sudden I was confronted by a major construction site- no signs, no flagmen, no cones- just trucks and workers. I had to do a little swerving to avoid a guy who was just wandering around. I made it to the light without incident only to have some guy come up top my window and yell at me- telling me I was going to kill someone. HAPPY FRIDAY!!!
Oh yeah- I'm totally broke-

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Well, hell! [06 Dec 2001|02:39pm]
[ mood | AND TIRED! ]
[ music | The Who- Who's Next ]

I was so looking forward to going home and becoming something of the cabbage family over a beer and a frozen dinner, but I just remembered a good mate of mine is having a dinner party. Damn! 5th wheel night again!

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Word! [06 Dec 2001|08:14am]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | Small Faces- All or Nothing ]

I was challenged last night to come up with one word to describe the hell my 2001 has been. After some thought I think I got it right on the nosy! That word- Lost.
I really hope my 2002 will be better- so if anyone wants to get me a nice pressie- I'd like a map and a compass- or at least a convenient gas station. I ain't proud...

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