LiveJournal for Robby.

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Tuesday, March 19th, 2002

Time:9:46 am.
Oh yeah, I've got walking pneumonia(woo!), and I'm feeling like crap. What's even worse though, is all of the homework I'm looking forward to(ha!) when I get back in school Thursday.

Sniffle Sniffle....
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Saturday, March 2nd, 2002

Time:3:32 pm.
Went to Science Fair at school. Had a pretty good time, and I think that I did well on my presentation. Thankfully, I had cool judges, not people in their mid-twenties trying to confuse and challenge me.
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Saturday, February 23rd, 2002

Time:12:44 pm.
Just finished bowling. Got a series 339. Wooooo..... gonna go over to Luke's in a sec to finish project thinger.
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Time:12:08 am.
Mood: sleepy.
Just finished downloading stuff off of the internet, the livejournal tool and aim. Surfed the net after that, but I think I'm going to go to bed now.......

Crap. Forgot to ask Mom and Dad if Luke can come over to work on our project after bowling. Oh well.
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Friday, February 22nd, 2002

Time:11:32 pm.
Zach brought over his old computer that he had laying around after he bought his new one, so he was kind enough to hook it up for me. A faster computer with no crap that I've saved onto..... yet
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Thursday, February 21st, 2002

Time:6:08 pm.
Wow. Got a 30 on my science project yesterday, so looks like I'm going to the school science fair. Oh yeah, my legs are really starting to kill me. I can hardly use them, and I can't bend my knees when I walk. Damn.
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Friday, February 1st, 2002

Time:7:17 pm.
Wow, I'm updating. I'm in a bad state. It has come to the point where I would rather update my LiveJournal than do homework.
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Sunday, January 27th, 2002

Time:11:43 am.
Over at Matt's right now. I've figured one thing out from this experience - my brother is really boring.
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Tuesday, December 11th, 2001

Time:6:05 pm.
Mood: chipper.
Music:blink 182 - damnit.
Spent the day at school doing work for others and looking cool wearing a neon bright orange sweatshirt. Oh yeah.....
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Sunday, December 9th, 2001

Time:9:23 pm.
Music:blink 182 - dick lips.
Got all homework done(all of the homework that i know of). Sitting here bored. BORED
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Saturday, December 8th, 2001

Subject:Have any of you heard of SmarterChild? Hahahahaha.....
Time:6:57 pm.
mr butterpants: will you screw me?
SmarterChild: This is SmarterChild, built by ActiveBuddy, Inc.

Um, that's not a very cool thing to say.
mr butterpants: oh really?
SmarterChild: Really? What's that supposed to mean?
mr butterpants: that you're my bitch.
SmarterChild: That's rather, um, how shall I put it? Impolite.
mr butterpants: it's true, though.
SmarterChild: Its true though? Gosh, I'm going to have to think about that for a while.
mr butterpants: you damn right better.
SmarterChild: I damn right better? You really think so?
mr butterpants: yes....
SmarterChild: Hmmm...
mr butterpants: fuck me hard and good....
SmarterChild: Why, that's just terrible. My poor, innocent ears!
mr butterpants: you're innocent?
SmarterChild: Oh?
mr butterpants: that's what you said.
SmarterChild: Interesting. So you think that's me said, huh?
mr butterpants: what the hell are you talking about?
SmarterChild: I'm not sure what the hell I'm talking about.
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Time:5:36 pm.
Belinda accidently called this house, instead of her mother's. When i answered the phone, she said, "Mom?". So i sound like her mother...... what a compliment!
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Time:5:29 pm.
pretty much pissed of today.
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Thursday, December 6th, 2001

Time:7:49 pm.
I haven't updated in a long time. Nice.
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Monday, November 12th, 2001

Time:7:03 pm.
I hate stupid people.
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Friday, November 9th, 2001

Time:6:52 pm.
Was going to go to the Moose with Luke, but I feel like shit. I should probably just go straight to bed.
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Thursday, November 8th, 2001

Time:9:37 pm.
Damn. Looks like I have more fun being less-organized that I am being organized.

Which means I'm not having that much fun right now.
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Wednesday, October 31st, 2001

Time:9:04 pm.
That's it, I'm never going to update on LiveJournal anymore if I can help it.... Unless I hit some kind of urge to write mode.
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Tuesday, October 23rd, 2001

Time:9:47 pm.
I'm going to bed, Mom's mad at me. : > (
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Monday, October 22nd, 2001

Time:9:05 pm.
Music:the best blink 182 song on the planet.
Got all of my homework done so I can get on the computer for a while. My day wasn't bad, it was okay until I realized that all of the football players would be back on the bus so I'll probably have to sit on the floor for the rest of the year. I was somewhat lucky today, Brian Barker helped me bully some stupid sixth graders into letting me sit with them. If you could call it that, bitch. A fucking half inch to seat my fat ass on, fuck.... Anyway, just finally decided to get off at the second bus stop, which is Thomas's.... Mwahahahahaha.... Hung out with everyone for like four hours, went home, got homework finished, played with Mom on the piano, blah fucking blah, and here I am. I shall start a new group, Fat Asses Anonymous. FAA, baby. Join me, won't you?
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LiveJournal for Robby.

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