i look all white but my daddy was black. |
[16 Dec 2001|09:18pm] |
been listening to the who and mates of state all day.
got a new organ. a roland c-180. it's nice. and the guy at guitar center wants me so he knocked like $200 off the price. yeah.
i have to confront my father in a meeting in three days.
my brother is home.
i'm going to see jessika soon.
i'm gonna have surgery soon.
mikey is coming here soon.
i got to see my sister yesterday. she's getting so big.
i cried all day today. i miss mikey. and jessika. and... jerry lee.
but fuck him.
i don't miss him now i miss what he used to be to me. but i now have someone who's better than jerry lee ever was. his name is mikey. his body may be sick sometimes but he loves me. he loves me for my insides. not my shoes or my hair or who i know. just me. and it feels good. cos it's autumn love just like that song says.
jessika is so sweet. i dont get why she's so nice to me. she's always there. asking if i want her to call. i swear she's an fairy... i wish i could just help her fly.