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You're too young for him they told her, waiting on the love of a travelin' soldier [28 Aug 2002|04:38pm]
[ mood | silly ]
[ music | Dixie Chicks-Travelin' Soldier ]

I just went and bought the Dixie Chicks' new cd and boy howdy is it ever awesome!!!!! I listened to the whole thing already and it's so good!! Woohoo for his cd!!!!! It is highly recommended.

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Oh yeah.... [28 Aug 2002|03:03pm]
We're getting a new computer this weekend and I get to have this one!!!! How awesome is that????
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What a beautiful Mess I'm in [28 Aug 2002|03:02pm]
[ mood | giddy ]
[ music | Diamond Rio-Beautiful Mess ]

I had spanish again today, and we actually started's so easy! It's all stuff I had second year in high school. SO for now I think I'll do fine. And I went to the LRC to copy the 7 tapes we need for the lab manual....blech. Even if this is gonna be easy to begin with.....I am so bad at spanish I'll prolly end up hating it. Arg...stupid hard to learn...why can't the whole world just know english? That would make things so much easier! Bah!

Yeah I do realize that if I didn't have spanish I wouldn't have met Edward and Sean, my only two friends in college so far, but whatever. I kinda met two other people in that class today too. Ross (what a hottie! haha) and Timothy. They're both really nice. Woohoo for meeting new people. I've said it before and I'll say it again...I love college!

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Just can't wait to get on the road again... [27 Aug 2002|02:10pm]
[ mood | sympathetic ]
[ music | Lifehouse-Quasimoto ]

I'm about to leave for school tonight...Rick was in a surprisingly good mood today and actualy let me go home early! I'm gonna stop off at the mall though cuz there's a vote rally thing and Trick Pony's gonna be there and I need to register to vote! So that'll be fun. And I don't have to work at all tomorrow and I just have Spanish again. I need to fill out my request card for school again...they screwed them up. Someone remind me. ha

I also need to buy the rest of my books, or as many as I can till my mommy gets more money. My spanish stuff was $117. FOR ONE CLASS! That's so rediculous!

Anyways, I'll see you cool cats latah! haha I am such a dork!

race on

Survey! [26 Aug 2002|03:27pm]
Name : Alyssa
Nicknames : Lyssa, Lysser, Bean
Age : 18
Height : 5'8"
Hair color : dark auburn
Hair type : shoulder length & flipped out :)
Eye color : blue
Siblings : 1 brother
Do they look like you?: not really...he's gonna be cute when he's in high school...and he's gonna be a jerk....I can already tell.
Screen Name: iluvap45 and lilsqeek15
Girlfriend: none thankyouverymuch!
Boyfriend: *sniff* I don't have one. :(
Crush/No crush : yeah.....heh
How do you describe yourself: uhhh.....shy....yeah...and a big dork
What's your sign?: Leo


Cried?: one time, for a stupid reason
Cut Your hair?: YES! heehee
Worn a skirt?: yep
Worn a tie?: no (Brando-you THINK so? heehee)
Been mean?: yeah
Been sarcastic?: I am the queen of sarcasm
Gone for a walk?: nope
Met someone new?: lots of new people today!
Taken a test?: nope
Hugged someone?: yep
Had a nightmare?: yeah

~* On preferences *~

Chocolate milk or hot chocolate: milk!
Coke or Pepsi:pepsi!
Rather marry the perfect lover or perfect friend : technically the "right girl" would be my perfect lover/perfect friend, so both...I have to agree with Brando..except substitute "guy" for "girl" haha
Tea or coffee : neither
Sappy/action/comedy/horror : sappy!
Cats or Dogs : neither...I'm allergic to both
Ocean or pool: pool...the ocean's not that great...but I guess I take it for granted living out here.
With or without ice cubes:oh with....I always suck on the ice
Milk/Dark/White chocolate: white chocoloate...yummy
Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring : spring
Vanilla or Chocolate : chocolate
Skiiing or Snow boarding : haven't done either
Biking or blading : biking
Cake or cookies : cookies
Cereal or toast : cereal
Night or day : night
Gloves or mittens : gloves, not that we wear them that often out here haha
Bunk bed or waterbed : actually a bunk bed...water beds aren't very comfy
Chewing gum or hard candy : hard candy
Motor boat or sailboat: motorboat
Lights on or off : depends on what you're talking about
Who Likes You: I don't know. :( Probably no one.

~* What's your favorite *~

Number : 29 and 45
Color :baby blue
Drink : Mountain Dew Code red...and milk
Animal : don't have one
Holiday : Christmas
Band/Group : Linkin Park!!!
Song : too many to list here...besides y'all prolly know them already
Book : A Yellow Raft in Blue Water by Michael Dorris.
Movie : A Walk to Remember, A Beautiful Mind, and XXX
Radio Station: 92.1 and 91.1
Place : my room
Flower : blue carnations and lillies
Scent : Heaven by Gap
Food : homemade mac and cheese and beef nacho casserole
Shape : uuhhhh....square with rounded corners
Texture: soft

~* In the future *~

What's your house gonna look like: big...but comfy
Car:Toyota Tacoma...any color but white....never white....bad combo.....Sara knows what I mean (or she should!)
Where you gonna live?: north carolina
Names ((GaL)): Kyla Elizabeth
Names ((BoY)): Adam Kyler

~* On relationships *~
Do you like to call or be called : be called
Ever been in love : no

~* Name one thing *~

You love: my signed Adam Petty stuff
You're embarrassed about: myself
You REALLY wanna find: the "one"
You plan on doing on the weekend: working
You plan on doing tomorrow: school & work
What's hard for you to do: concentrate sometimes
What annoys you: the way I'm always an idiot around people I like

~* What's the first thing you do when you *~

Get up: yell at my alarm clock to shut up haha
Get in the shower: wet my hair
See a hot guy/girl: think "wow, he sure is cute" and then wonder if I'm ever gonna see him again, THEN I forget about him
Know someone likes you: that's never happened before. :(

~* Yes or No *~

Female president: yeah!
Roller coasters: NO...scary
Thunderstorms: sometimes
Food in bed: yeah
High heels: sometimes
Mexican food: heck yeah it's my facorite!
Bill Clinton: no way
Body Piercings: sure...but not for me
Insects: depends on which ones and where
Little kids: yeah, little kids are so cute!
Abortion: No way!!!!!!!
Tattoos: sure, but again, not for me
Alcohol: crap...ditto
Smoking: more crap....ditto again

~* Numbers *~

Do you have your own line: nope
Do you have a cell phone: nope

~* Habits *~

Do you twirl your hair:yeah
Impersonate: I couldn't if I tried
Chew gum obnoxiously: not that I'm aware of
Cheat on tests/homework?:nope
Drink/Smoke?: nope

~* How often do you*~

Take a shower: when I need to...usually every day....sometimes more
Make your bed: never
Go online: when I feel like it
Think about the opposite sex:all the time
Think about sex: not very often
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[26 Aug 2002|03:04pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | Keith Urban-I wanna love somebody like you ]

I. Love. College. Yes, yes I do. College is so awesome!!! And I've only had one class. haha. I won't get into the reasons now...but yeah. Great stuff. Except it taking me 1/2 and hour to find a parking spot! Dumb traffic! Oh well, that's ok. There's a guy who sat in front of me (I love the whole cushioned chair thing in there!) and he's just learning to play guitar guy. :)

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I'm home now.... [23 Aug 2002|07:30pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Alison Kraus-Let me touch you for awhile ]

and my feet really hurt. Ouch. Those new insoles for my shoes helped for awhile, but then there's just a point where your feet just hurt. Oh well.

I got good hours next week...I only work 2 weekdays, so that's good for my first day of college. :) And I still have 24 hours. Go me.

Everyone liked my haircut. Lots of compliments...good for the self confidence...cuz I have none.

1 checkered flag| race on

How sad is this? [23 Aug 2002|01:35pm]
[ mood | worried ]
[ music | Our Lady Peace-Gravity ]

I always come home from work for my lunch break and here I go straight to the internet!'s ok this time though cuz there's nothing on tv at 1:00. Ever.

*Sniffle* I just dropped tuna on my pants. :(

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So long sweet summer... (too appropriate...) [22 Aug 2002|04:31pm]
[ mood | hyper ]
[ music | Dashboard-Age Six Racer ]

Just got back from getting my hair cut.....oh. my. gosh. It looks so good! Regina did such an awesome job! She has the same hair I do, so she exactly what I was complaining about! I love my hair!!! It's a little above shoulder length and it's flipped out at the bottom, and now it's all healthy and no split ends or anything. She feathered the bottom for me so it's not as heavy as it was before either. If anyone wants a really good stylist...move to San Diego and see Regina. haha I love that girl. A fine ending to my real last day of summer with nothing to do. I have work all this weekend and then I start school. Three 8 hour days too. Yuck. Oh well. Money's money, right?

1 checkered flag| race on

I'm a ramblin' man (girl haha) [22 Aug 2002|01:05pm]
I am SO glad David Westerfield was convicted yesterday...I don't want that freak running around down here! I knew he did it...I just thought it would be a hung jury though. But hey,I'm not complaining. Poor Danielle Van Dam. She was such a cute little girl. I still think Westerfield's son had something to do with it though!!!

When I go to get my hair cut I'm gonna bring along a few prom pics cuz she's the one that did my hair for prom and I know she wanted so see my dress and everything. (how? you may ask...she told me, that's how!)

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