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Thursday, March 21st, 2002
1:45 am - I think I screwed up the code.

Take the Which Star Wars Hero are You? Quiz!
...created by Kenzie.

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1:43 am - hehe

take the which one of the trading spaces cast are you? quiz!

DAmn, I wanted to be frank, lol.

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Thursday, March 14th, 2002
6:18 pm - Characterization, Canada and Crap.
Man. I had this whole big schbang plaaned out for my Buffy rant, but really I have kindda lost it now. ONce the initial shock of everything wears off, I dont really feel the need to rant. Pooh.

I can say one thing though is that I am really pissed off on the charcterisation on that show. I mean every character must forget to take their prozac once and again. It seams EVERY single episode, spiecally with Spike and Buffy they are ALWAYS different people. Seriously. ONe week nice, once week indifferent, once week at each other throats and one week something different. It drives me bananas. If I sat here and wrote a brief discription of ever B/S moment from OMWF on, they would looks spastic. I dunno, that has seriously been making me upset. I think I am going to review the footage sometime and seriously look at every scene to see if I am at all hitting the nail on the head.

WEll, I am off to the wonderous land of CANADA till Monday. We are headed up to Toronto for WRESTLEMANIA. I am sure none of you care that much for wrestling, but it is going to be an AMAZING expierence. I have been to Toronto once before and really liked it. Its a cool ass city. Wish me luck.


current mood: rushed
current music: the shower running upstairs

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Saturday, March 2nd, 2002
6:18 pm - Funny Funny
Now this is just hysterical....

Example TWO! Riley from Buffy the Vampire Slayer! So
after Buffy got dumped by Angel, she hooks up with
this paramilitary jarhead named Riley, right? Who has
all the personality of a CAKE OF SOAP! Oh, sure! He
may be built like a brick shithouse, but he was always
"Boo-hoo-hoo! Buffy's stronger than me! Boo-hoo-hoo!
Buffy doesn't love me as much as she loves Angel!
Boo-hoo-hoo! Humpy put me on his Moratorium List!"
Well, Riley finally got something to cry about: a nice
lengthy stay in the unemployment line! Happy ending,
right? WRONG! Because on February 26, Riley is
returning for a guest shot on Buffy, which means he's
#17 in Humpy's "Aneurysm Hit Parade"!

Credit goes to
by Wm.™ Steven Humphrey

This was a paragraph of a much larger artical, but none of the rest of it had any relavence to anything. I dont know who this guy is or what he write for, but someone posted this on one of my clubs and it gave my a chuckle. I am sure it will do the same for you.

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Friday, March 1st, 2002
4:25 pm - "I was being pacient, but it took to long..."
I would just like to state that I am not dead. The computer that is in my apartment belongs to my friend Jason and he is getting it superly upgraded. It sucks ass because I cant be online. However it rules ass, because he is putting a thing on it that will allow us to attach the comp to the TV and then record anything on it to VHS. Which means I can get some Buffy off of there and on tape. It is goign to rock when it is finished... I just wish it would finish faster.

I know everyone has ranted already so this is a bit late, but I am pretty sure my opinion is far diferent then everything else I heard...

First off, Buffy is a bitch, Riley is a jackass. Yeah, we all got that. But now here is my thought... I thought the break up was quite possibly the my possitive break up they could have ever had. Now dont pull out your shivs just yet. When I heard they wee going to break up I was freakin. I mean I thought it would be HORRIBLE. I thought there would be blood and shouting and general badness. But there wasnt. There was admitence and love. She admitted she wanted him... needed him. She addmited she was using him and said that was KILLING her. It wouldnt be killing her if she didnt love him. If anything I think this may have possibly made things stronger. Maybe even made Spike more gung-ho about his feelings, because now I think he truely knows that she loves him. I mean did you SEE his face when she said it was killing her?

I have liked couples in the past on TV, where their break up were absolutly horendous, ie: Luka and Abby on ER. That was totally no good! But here there was no beating, no cussing and no shouting. Honestly, this break up made me want to cry for about 1 minute before i really thought about it then started to smile. (ok maybe I didnt smile, they still broke up!)

Now in general yes, a big FUCK YOU goes out to Joss, Mutant Enemy and Buffy, but reading in to it, I can only hope I am hitting it right.

Ok, so what do you think? Still want to stab me with your shivs? Honest opinions only please.

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Saturday, February 16th, 2002
12:41 am - Ow.

I am ELMO.

I'm cute, cute, as a button!

Which Sesame Street Character Are You?

Man, my feeet are killing me. First day in the work force. I worked 5 - 11:30 at teh movie theather. I know thats not long, but I havent stood on my feet that long since, well, I guess since Wrestlemania last year, but that was pure fun. Let me tell you something... a monkey could do my job, honestly. Everyting has a picture, it is so simple. It is very high pressure though cause there are TONS of people, it is a constant stream. NO breaks or nothing. Oh well, money is money, what can I say.

Tomm. working 12 - 830. God, wish me luck!


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Friday, February 15th, 2002
1:03 pm - Mulholland Dr...
Wow. Anyone wanna tell me what the FUCK went on in that movie. I saw it last night at the local dollar theather. The first 2/3's I got, and thought it was rather intriguing... but after that? David Lynch went insane. Anyone know what drugs he is on??? But seriously though, anyone wanna help, cause I was way lost. Dream? Drugs? Psycosis? Help me!

Now all I need to see is Gosford Park and In The Bedroom and I can knock off my list of movies that I wanted to see so far.


current mood: frustrated

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Thursday, February 14th, 2002
12:13 pm - Valentines Day, whoo frickin hoo
Vote for Gunn! He is up against the guy the plays Lex Luthor in Smallville for sexiest guy.

If you look down the scroll down menu, you can also vote for Fred (AmyAcker) as well.

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Wednesday, February 13th, 2002
4:59 pm - I feel special...
I know that rogue usually post these, but I felt special cause they were in my in-box. Sorry to steal your thunder roguester!

These are spoilers. Do not read any further if you do not want to be spoiled. I would do that werid thing where you have to click on it to see the text, but I do not know how to do that. So run away if you are allergic.


Wendy's Spoiler Zone

Latest news – February 13, 2002
Now Shooting: Episode 18

My apologies for this week's delay. Some idiot ran a stop sign and into
me last week, and now I'm the one who has to deal with all the hassle
of buying another car, dealing with insurance companies, and making
sure everything is medically okay with the baby.

Posted by Sweetie on Beyond Surrender on 2-11-02

6.15 - As You Were
Written by Doug Petrie
Airing 02.26.02

-Riley returns.
-Spike is portrayed as the villian of this episode.
-Spike does something to Riley that forces Buffy to break up with him.
(Take this one with a grain for salt, please! I'm still looking into
6.16 - Untitled
Written by Rebecca Rand Kirshner

-Xander and Anya's big wedding day.
-Buffy and Spike share a bittersweet scene (it made me cry!). I'm not
going to put "new" by it though since most people already read that
scene in the script. :)
6.17 - Normal Again
Writer Unknown

Updated! - We find out something very interesting about Buffy. It
doesn't really have anything to do with Spike, but it will affect him
in the long run. And it's positive (not so much for Buffy, but for b/
-We realize that the writers have been misleading us with a certain
-Buffy is forced to make an unfortunate decision.
NEW! - Not only do we find out something interesting about Buffy, but
there's also a particular scene where she goes a little crazy.
Circumstances are unknown right now, but she ends up hurting and
majorly freaking out some people she loves.

Posted by The Partyman on BC&S; Spoiler Board on 2-11-02

"DSM" at the Kitten Board has posted some new stuff from Episode 18 -
Willoe And Tara both very much alive, talking after class..

Willow and tara go foir a coffee togetrher, only to have it ruined by
Anya showing up.
So It looks like Willow and Tara are on the road to reunion.

Some of the dialogue of 18 also mentions some things that happen in
Episode 17:

Buffy goes a little *insane*.
Willows neck is injured.
Ep 17 action in a basement.
This source has apparently been extremely reliable in the past.

Posted by Drew Greenberg on the Bronze Beta on 2-12-02
Compiled by Rbabe on FF

OMJ! Drew Greenberg!~
So will tonight's epi be as wonderful as your first? Are you our hope
and salvation for a light-hearted Buffy?

- Petrona: I wasn't aiming for "wonderful" as much as I was
for "workmanlike." And light-hearted? I dunno. Light-HEADED... yes.
Oh, wait, that's me, not the ep. Yeah, I think light-hearted is
pretty fair. It was a fun, fun, fun episode to write, I got to do a
teensy bit of comedy, some really neat personal interaction stuff, a
smidge of scary (something I ALWAYS wanted to do and now finally
can)... besides, I think I'm officially giving up on serious, because
DeKnight proved last week that he is the BEST, and I would only
suffer in comparison... my only hope is that I can sit at his knee
and learn something... DeKnight, I said your KNEE, cut that out!!

Drew well, I'll help ya hold that wall up, how's that sound? Thanks
for the little hint about Spike...we take what we can get here..and a
whole lot more!!! Can we expect anymore excellent performances at The
Bronze in the upcoming episodes? I just have to thank you guys for
introducing me to Michelle Branch! Come to find out, she's from a
town about 4 hours from me!!!

- Lilyana: I think we had the best performance at the Bronze in some
time LAST week... how could we top THAT??!?

Drew: Hi! I just wanted to tell you how much I am looking forward
to "Older and Far Away" tonight. I have read some very good things
about it. I am thoroughly enjoying this season and I can't wait to
see where this is all going. Keep up the good work. Oh, care to give
me any clues as to the direction Spike will be taking as the season
progresses? Pretty please...with sugar on top?!

- G's Lucie: Thanks for the kind thoughts! Hints about Spike? Spike's
road is only gonna get more frustrating... it ain't easy livin' with
that dang chip in his head all the time. Metal detectors at the
airport alone would drive a man to distraction. So, who knows, it's
only gonna get more interesting, I promise you that.

Drew Greenberg don't you writers ever tire of toying with Spike??
Can't you cut a vamp some slack??

- Cashmere: Now, where's the dramatic fun in slack??!? Besides, you
shouldn't feel too bad for Spike, things aren't gonna be all bad for
him. He might have one or two things to look forward to. Before we
stake him. Oh, wait, don't tell anyone about that part.

Oh Drew Greenberg you're up tonight! Fantabulous. Your Smashed was a
work of art! The final scene was so powerful, and not only the
action, but the imagery (and who did the score for that - which was
perfection). I enjoyed your turn on the Succubus Club as well.
I'm glad you're getting some lighter stuff this week! Come get some
[heartin'] from us tomorrow - and yes, all hail DeKnight - Dead
Things is on my list of episodes I'd need if stranded on a desert
island (or would be, you know, if I had a power source, tv and a
VCR). Watch yourself around his knees though, what with the
pantslessness and all.
Can you tell us any more about tonight - or do you have a question
you'd like us to answer after seeing your episode?

- Xanderella: Thank you for the generous compliments! I loved the
ending of Smashed to, our own Thomas Wanker did the music for the
final sequence, and I, too, thought it was hauntingly beautiful. I
was sitting in the editing bay with Joss and Marti and Marilyn (the
ep's editor), and when we heard the music track for the first time, I
almost got a little misty... luckily I carry those little travel
packs of tissues with me everywhere I go.

Drew!!!!!!!: ok.....we were just wondering, could you spoil us on
anything to do with cecily/halfrek? we're wondering what is going on
with her!

- Willoschicken_f: You haven't seen the last of Halfrek, I'll tell
you that. She's not done with our crew yet.

Drew! Mr. Greenberg! (I'm polite *and* Canadian too) Did you really
intend that undercurrent of affection that I caught between Buffy and
Spike? Because it was like she's gettin' used to his shenanigans and
able to lay down the rules without *****-slapping him everywhere as
per her usual habit. It was humourous.
Thanks for dropping in!

- Judydh: Yes, one more step in the evolution of the characters'
interaction, glad you picked up on it. Before the staking. Darn it,
there I go again.

Lastly, here is Drew's mysterious clue about oafa...
And hey, I'm gonna go out on a limb and leave you guys with a
challenge... There's a pretty big and none-too-subtle hint in tonight's
ep about the title, at least in terms of where it came from... the
trick is gonna be going to the source and figuring out what it means
and what it refers to... it'll take some work for anyone interested,
but I promise it'll be worth it. For anyone who's up for it.

Join me in the Crypt of Decryption:

As I said on Feb. 1, if I learned that Tara was in an episode after
episode 17, I would retract the spoiler regarding her possible death.
The information from both DSM on the Kitten Board and LadyJ on BC&S;
strongly suggests that Tara is in episode 18, so I am retracting that

The information on episode 18 that we do have indicates that Buffy
seems to "go crazy" in episode 17 and hurt some of her friends or
family. When I read this, it called to mind some old spoilers from
July. I will include them here:

It's nice to have a title for episode 18. The titles "As You Were,"
"Normal Again" (still unconfirmed), and "Entropy" have a common theme.
The first two titles are about going back to a former state, and
"entropy" has to do with: "The tendency for all matter and energy in
the universe to evolve toward a state of inert uniformity" or
"Inevitable and steady deterioration of a system or society." What
these titles are suggesting is that things are, to use a word Marti
once used, "devolving"--going back to the way they were, which is a
process of deterioration, not progress. I suspect that Buffy and the
other core Scoobies think things are getting back to normal, but they
are really avoiding their problems and failing to grow.

I'm glad to see confirmation that Greenberg is writing episode 18 and
DeKnight 19. That still leaves episode 20 unassigned--and Espenson and
Fury as the top candidates to write it.

Scheduled writers and episode titles:

Ep#15 Doug Petrie
Directed by Doug Petrie
Title: As You Were

Ep#16 Rebecca Rand Kirshner
Title: Hell's Bells

Ep. #17 Diego Gutierrez
Title: Normal Again Unconfirmed 2-1-02

Ep. #18 Drew Greenberg
Title: Entropy New 2-13-02

Ep. #19 Steve DeKnight
Title: Unknown

Ep. #21 Marti Noxon Updated 2-1-02
Title: Unknown

current mood: happy
current music: Some rap song thats playing upstairs

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Tuesday, February 12th, 2002
1:48 pm - Yay for cool icons...
I uploaded all new icons. I feel special. I tried my handi work on a gif, which I guess isnt half bad, but the picture clarity sucks. I really love my David Duchovny one, cuase that is one of my favorite pictures of him. Then there is the Tabula Rasa one is just cause it is cool, one of my fav S/B scenes. I have saved probably 50 icons for my journal, but I guess that is relaly pointless, since I can only have 3 at a time. Oh well.

I took the "Which Buffy chick are you" quiz, but lost the coding and dont really want to go back. I am most like Dawn apparently...

I start my job today! Working at the movie theater. I have training at 4pm. The dude said it should be over by 7... I hope so, if I miss any Buffy, asses are to be kicked.

current mood: amused

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Monday, February 11th, 2002
12:09 am - BEST. ARTICAL. EVER.
Everything I have been reading latly from Marti Noxon has kinda pissed me off, but this, this is wonderiferous. SO much better then what she usually said... maybe theres hope left yet... maybe...

'Buffy Relationship Tips Into Domestic Violence
Fri, Feb 8, 2002 05:35 PM PDT

by Kate O'Hare

LOS ANGELES ( - In "Dead Things," the Feb. 5 episode of UPN's "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," the volatile and tortured relationship between slayer Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) and vampire Spike (James Marsters) took some disturbing turns, as the series once again pushed the envelope of sexual content and violence.

In one scene, the two engaged in intercourse while on the catwalk at the Bronze, Sunnydale's favorite night spot, while Buffy's friends danced below, unaware. Then, near the end of the episode, an argument over whether Buffy should turn herself in for a murder she'd been tricked into thinking she committed turned brutally violent. A frustrated Buffy vented her anger on the unresisting Spike, punching him repeatedly until one eye was swollen shut and his face was bloody.

"I don't think anything about that is OK," says executive producer Marti Noxon. "I don't think that we were trying to say that's OK. That's definitely not offered as a conflict-resolution technique. It's part of the pathology of their relationship."

Whatever Noxon and series creator Joss Whedon intended when they brought together Buffy and Spike -- who cannot hurt humans because of a government-implanted microchip in his head (the exception being Buffy, because of a minor metaphysical loophole explained at the end of the episode) -- the best theme song for the relationship would probably be "Sympathy for the Devil."

"We've been getting so much feedback from fans," says Noxon. "They see Spike as a hero now. I've said to you and other people that the relationship is basically something we thought would reflect the kinds of relationships you choose when you're choosing the wrong person."

"People have been very upset about that. They're like, 'He's not the wrong person. He's all redeemed.' Part of what needs to happen at this point is to show that redemption is possible for Spike, but he's not redeemed now, and their relationship is really based on things that are not healthy."

"It doesn't mean that things won't get better for them, but what it's based on right now isn't healthy. It's not showing Buffy in the greatest light, but our intention was to show that they need to change what it's about, or it's never going to last."

Asked about showing Buffy -- who is supposed to be the hero of the story, and a moral person -- inflicting pain out of anger on someone who is not fighting back, Noxon says, "This will probably inflame fans of a different opinion, but my only answer to it is that this relationship isn't bringing out the best in either of them. Maybe it's bringing out the better in him in some ways, but it's not bringing out the best in her."

"This is bringing out a desperation in her, and she's going to have to deal with that. Long-term, there are definitely repercussions to what's happened."

The viewership for "Buffy" covers a wide age range, from 'tweens to older adults, but Noxon emphasizes that the show isn't targeted at very young viewers.

"I don't think kids should watch 'Buffy' alone," says Noxon. "To me, the show is definitely aimed at older teens and young adults. It doesn't mean that younger people can't watch it and enjoy it a lot of the time, but I just think responsible parents would make sure that they're watching it with them."



current music: Silence

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Sunday, February 10th, 2002
1:08 pm - Vote
Hey All!

Vote for Spike as Buffy bestest Boyfriend (cause you know he is!)

current music: Beethoven (the movie, not the composer)

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Saturday, February 9th, 2002
1:49 am
I found this amazing fic that spins off from the door scene in Dead Things, (which you know I LOVED). I am sure that you S/B'ers would totally appriciate it, it is quite beautiful. The only problem is I think it has only been posted at a yahoo club I am part of. It is by Wisteria and is titled Clarity, I will try to look for it archived somehwere, but here is the yahoo link to it.

Good Stuff,


current mood: sleepy
current music: Bush - Letting the Cable Sleep (so S/B!)

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1:49 am
I found this amazing fic that spins off from the door scene in Dead Things, (which you know I LOVED). I am sure that you S/B'ers would totally appriciate it, it is quite beautiful. The only problem is I think it has only been posted at a yahoo club I am part of. It is by Wisteria and is titled Clarity, I will try to look for it archived somehwere, but here is the yahoo link to it.

Good Stuff,


current mood: sleepy
current music: Bush - Letting the Cable Sleep (so S/B!)

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1:10 am - "Go Crazy? Don't mind if I do!"
Breaking news at this hour. Ahh, man. I am going crazy. I have this killer sweet idea for a cool ass icon. Its a GIF and I for the most part has figured out how to make them. I have been trying forever to get the stupid thing to go right, but it is not working!!! I can make the animation fine, but for soem reason the pictures I use end up looking like crap when the animation goes. Teh writing I am trying to intertwine, ends up fading away so far you can barely see it. Driving me crazy I sware.

In other news I went and saw CSNY (Crosby Stills Nash and Young) in concert tonight. I didnt want to go but my sister backed out at the last minute, and I had nothing to do. Let me tell you, I was VERY plesently suprized. Those old guys can rock, I am downloading some of their music right now.

And finally in tonights broadcast, I have a job. Go me. I am working at the movie theater. Yeah I know, its nothing big, but its all I really wanted. Just something to get me started.

Join us tommorrow night at 11 where the top story is not yet know.



current music: A really old Real World (blech)

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Friday, February 8th, 2002
12:19 am - God Bless Art
Bush :: Out of this World

(lyric to the lovly song played, in the LOVLY artsy door scene of Dead Things... a great S/B song!, lyrically)


When we die we go into the arms of those that remember us ::
We are home now out of our heads out of our minds out of this world out of our time ::
Are you drowning or waving ::
I just want you to save me ::
Should we try to get along ::
Just try to get along ::
So we move we change by the speed of the choices that we make and the barriers are all self-made ::
That's so retrograde ::
Are you drowning or waving ::
I just need you to save me ::
Should we try to get along ::
Try to get along ::
I am alive I am awake to the trials and confusion we create ::
There are times when I feel we're about to break ::
When there's too much to say ::
We are home now out of our heads out of our minds ::
Out of this world out of this time ::
Out of this time ::
Out of this time


Also looking through the Bush lyrics, there is another great song called Letting the Cables Sleep. More of a Spike to Buffy thing. I never liked Bush all that much, but both the songs are excellent... I need to make a new icon of the B/S, but I dont have my art program on the comp yet :(


current mood: satisfied
current music: Snatch... a mumbling Brad Pitt

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Thursday, February 7th, 2002
11:11 am - "Crime tastes Funny..."
So... two wondiferous shows last night...


I liked it. I really really liked it. When people said it was dark, I assumed that the S/B was dark. But really, the only thing I found that dark, was the Nerds. I found all the SEX! to be either seet, or hot. I loved the Door Scene. Very artsy, and I LOVE artsy TV. Alot of Revelations! Buffy doesnt want to use Spike. Buffy found it bad when she beat Spike. Spike loves Buffy, more then I ever though and I think more then she ever though, taking her beating like it was nothing. Both in game face and out of it. That said something to me.

And whats with this... Dawn is being way bitchey. Xander and Anya are being un-funny. Willow is not ever there. Tara is the 'best-friend'. Giles is AWOL. Buffy is all confused. Spike is all not friendly with Dawn and what not. What is going on, really. The show has done like a 360 since I started watching, or if its possible, MORE then a 360... a really BIG circle, how about that...


Loved it too. Very arsty. Like I said before, LOVE the artsy. It really reminded me of an x-files episode called triangle (mulder gets lost in the bermuda triangle on a 1930's (20's?) cruise ship. Now dont ask me why it reminds me of that, but somehow it did. Maybe just the artsy feel of it... So is like Wesly going to go all nutso cause he cant get his girl? I think they are going to be trying to push the Wesley/Fred ship, rather then the Gunn/Fred ship, just cause they sad all sad!wesley at the end. Who knows, though I am all for the Gunn/Fred. Very cute.

Yeah, so thats about it. NO more ramblings.


current music: Buffy - The Puppet Show

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Tuesday, February 5th, 2002
9:47 am - Stupid Stupid
I did something pretty stupid last night. I dont want to post exactly what it is though, cause my sister reads this journal, and I definatly do not want her to know! But it was stupid. Good Lord, really really bad.

WEll, hmm, Thats all the news I really have, I found Angel again, apparently they just moved him for a one time thing. The short info in my cable for the upcoming epi says "Angel goes to the ballet". I must be retarded but when I read that I started laughing hysterically. DOnt ask me I am crazy.

Heres a question. How in the hell do I get people to not like me???? I tell you right now, I am not very attrative. And I am not saying that cause I am a loser and am all like "oh I am fat and ugly" blah, blah, cause I HATE when people do that. It drive me bananas! I really am not that hot, but for some reason my friends (just males, I assume...) keep getting crushes on me. I have a great personality and am nice to everyone, but is that really enough for every male friend I have to be wanting me? Believe me, I am not trying to brag in anyway, I just want to know how to make it stop. Cause I dont like any of these guys that way... well except Kevin, but he is one of the few that doesnt like me. Doh!!!


current mood: tired

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Saturday, February 2nd, 2002
8:34 pm - SPIKE IN PRINT!!!!!
Finally. Spike in print. After tossing out ENDLESS magazines of James back when I had no idea who he was, I now have soem Spike in print!!!!

I went to Brains and NoBall's (barnes and nobles for those not in my family) and was looking around. WEll in their rather large magazine selection I found the new Buffy magazine! I was giddy and didnt think twice about buying it. There is a 'poster' (really just a two page picture) of him and everything. And I also had some money so I picked up and Aunt Annies Cinamon and Sugar pretzel! What a great day!!

So still looking where angel moved to and still harboring feelings for my good smelling friend Kevin :) I dont know what to do with my self!


current mood: chipper
current music: Silence

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Friday, February 1st, 2002
11:15 pm - "Umm, I have to pee."
OH MY GOD. Ok, I dont know if any of you are into car, but I am a bit. I have a 1991 Toyota Celica. It is old, but the previous owner treated it like it was a god so its NICE. Anyway, I was looking a web page for celica owners and found this car. Look at it. Its is amazing. I almost orgasmed!

That car is a year older then mine, so my CAR will look like that some day I sware.

I am having Angel problems right now. My UPN is retardo and combined with the WB. SO Angel is usually on at 10pm after Buffy on Tuesday. Now Smallville is there. They have messed up their whole schedual and I cant find it!!! Ahhh. I really hope I can find it before the next epi cause I am seriously looking forward to that.

SO my friends went to Dayton to get high. I didnt, I babysat them. I also go tto make some good connections with Kevin, who I seriously falling for. I cant though cause he is on the rebound and I am afraid I am just falling for him cause he is WAY vulerable, but I dunno. Love the boy, what can I say.

Well here to Buffy on Tuesday. Anyone know why Spike is always bumpy in the preview??


current mood: pee-filled
current music: News

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