a picture says one thousand words

Welcome to the museum of Michelle. The ancient art is down the hall.

Saturday, February 23rd, 2002

Time?9:34 am
Mood? aggravated
Music?3eb (le sigh)
Yesterday was.. long. Fun at times (I got to see quite a few fun, interesting people that I haven't seen in a long time) but also had to sit through Riverside's showing of Cinderella. Everyone, don't go see it. Th only good parts were seeing Ryan and Dan in skirts and watching Sean be confused on stage. We also went out to dinner.. Me, Ryan, Dan, Ale`, Hunter, Sean, Danny, and Levi. Oh, and Fred the Herpes Dinosaur. Fun times, fun times. Hopefully today i'll actually get ot do something. Please, someone call me, at least! I feel like hanging out with my Lo today. I actually feel more like going to Mayfair with Lo and Damian, like we used to. Before everyone paired into couples, and when everything was cool. Actually, no, everything was not cool. But it was still fun to be a big badass teenager at the mall. I feel like doing that again today. Or even watching Dan and David/Damian play Dance Dance Revolution. Just.. things I miss, for some reason. I shouldn't miss it, I was os sad and lonely at that time. But I guess I am again, so maybe that's why I have that sort of craving. I need ot meet someone. I doubt anyone I already know will suit me. On the other hand, fuck relationships all together. Finally thoughht I had a good one, and then it fucked me over. I don't give a shit anymore. Maybe i'm just saing that because I've lost all need to do anything about my high sex drive. I still have it, but.. I don't really give a shit. It's more frusterating than fun, now. I've written quite enough me thinks. Baí everyone.
paint me a picture

Thursday, February 21st, 2002

Time?6:06 pm
Mood? moody
Music?i'm not telling
i feel as if i'm about to burst.
3 masterpieces/paint me a picture

Time?4:56 pm
Mood? okay
Today sucked, like every other day lately. End of story.
paint me a picture

Wednesday, February 20th, 2002

Time?6:00 pm
Mood? sad
Horrible day. I feel like crying, and I feel like getting over a certain person's ended role in my life. I also need to get control of myself before I blow up and someone who's been quite a bit whiny and self centered for the past fucking year. Oi vey. Must not feed my anger, must remain calm..

I wish I was good at what I do.
paint me a picture

Tuesday, February 19th, 2002

Time?9:45 pm
Leah and me have be having fun conversations lately. Me like, me like! She's a constant source of amusement.
paint me a picture

Time?6:47 pm
Hm, yeah. I'm bored. Too bored to write anything.
paint me a picture

Time?6:22 pm
Mood? listless
I just anounced that, and I forgot to customize the picture ot fit any mood, or anything!!


I can't do it on my program, because it's a bitch. Must DL the better version, fuck the light one.
paint me a picture

Time?6:19 pm
I forgot to mention, I made a whole bunch of new user pics yesterday.

Well, I didn't exactly make them, but I resized them and uploaded them and all that cool shit.
paint me a picture

Time?6:16 pm

I want hot lesbian sex.

Give it to me. NOW.
paint me a picture

Time?5:06 pm
Today sucked.
paint me a picture

Monday, February 18th, 2002

Time?2:54 pm
air the ignition: heh, welcome to the world of 15-year-old boys...
air the ignition: its a dark, desolate planet
Imawhat111: stupid little brats.
2 masterpieces/paint me a picture

Time?9:39 am
Today fucking sucks.
paint me a picture

Sunday, February 17th, 2002

Time?9:24 pm
Mood? hungry
I have a craving for cheesy popcorn.
paint me a picture

Time?4:55 pm
I've missed one day on livejournal this year. I don't know what came over me that day.. I must've been away from the computer that day.. I think I was with Ben, or Lo, or something. Hm, I dunno. Scary though.. Damn that day :( Actually, no, I bet that day was fun.
1 masterpiece/paint me a picture

Time?4:52 pm
Mood? anxious
Music?modest mouse
Want tommarow to come.......
1 masterpiece/paint me a picture

a picture says one thousand words

Welcome to the museum of Michelle. The ancient art is down the hall.