Sunshine's LiveJournal

About Sunshine
Lacy Underal Rocks My Fucking World

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Wednesday, January 23rd, 2002

11:45 pm
I've got my first motherfucking assignment due in my Excel class tomorrow. It's an easy assignment. But my stupid goddamn computer won't let me save the damn thing! GRRRRR, I HATE IT!!!
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*Missing Him*
12:22 am
[Mood | lonely]

A day without Jim is a day... uhm... I don't know, but it's just not fun. :-P
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Monday, January 21st, 2002

12:21 am
[Mood | aggravated]
Fuckin A.

Finally, there's a guy I'm really interested in. And what do you know, he's interested, too. And then what happens? He fuckin feels the need to go smoke some weed. Dammit.

I've stopped talking to some very close friends in the past, just because they've smoked weed on a somewhat regular basis. This is one guy I don't want to stop talking to.

It's not that I want Jim to change. Hell, even if I did, it's not like he would -- no one has ever changed for me, so why would they start now? ... It's just that... well... I guess I just want him to respect me (more than he already does, I guess I could say) by not doing something he knows very well that I don't like.

Fuckin A. This hurts.
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Sunday, January 20th, 2002

4:11 pm

What obscure animal are you?

I was Kelly Kapowski on Saved By the Bell! Who the heck were YOU? Find out.

You are ... Princess Kashmir
Princess Kashmir
Take the Simpsons Quiz @ Space Monkey Mafia dot com

Drink me!

Which drink are you?

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Saturday, January 19th, 2002

Know Me
3:49 pm
[Mood | bouncy]
( Know me. )
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1:37 pm
[Mood | naughty]
I. Am. Such. A. DORK!!!

I just love making a total ass out of myself.

Don't you just love when you can't tell if someone's being serious or not?
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Friday, January 18th, 2002

4:12 pm
[Mood | pensive]
[Music | 'NSync - Crazy For You]

Wherever I go, whatever I do,
Whenever my heart is crying out for you,
Wherever I go, Whatever I do,
I'm crazy for you

It's not easy to be alone
It's not easy to fall in love
Every night I just get down and pray
That you'll come my way

I've never had a girl like you
I've never known what love could do
Wish you'd come baby and set me free
I can't let it be

Wherever I go, whatever I do,
Whenever my heart is crying out for you,
Wherever I go, Whatever I do,
I'm crazy for you

I wanna, I wanna rock with you
I'm gonna, I'm gonna make it true
I wanna, I wanna rock with you
I'm crazy for you

I'm waiting for the phone to ring
And all the wonder love should bring
All the things, darling I left behind
Please give me a sign

A little smile would light my life
A single touch would blow my mind
Girl you know, by now you've got to be mine
Till the end of time

Wherever I go, whatever I do,
Whenever my heart is crying out for you,
Wherever I go, Whatever I do,
I'm crazy for you

I wanna, I wanna rock with you
I'm gonna, I'm gonna make it true
I wanna, I wanna rock with you
I'm crazy for you

Wherever I go, whatever I do,
Whenever my heart is crying out for you,
Wherever I go, Whatever I do,
I'm crazy for you

Not quite. But close.
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Thursday, January 17th, 2002

12:28 am
[Mood | confused]
Erica's making me mad. Not completely, but just sorta getting on my nerves. She keeps on asking me -- every day -- if I'm dating Jim. No, I'm not. Not technically, anyway. Meaning, he hasn't asked me or anything.

At the same time, though, I wish he would. I don't know what it is... Jim's cute -- but not truly HOTTT as some of my friends would say -- but I'm still strangely attracted to him. I like the way I am when I'm with him. I'm just. Me, I guess. Completely comfortable.

When we're... uhm... well... anyway... he does what I've always wanted a guy to do -- to go from being soft & sensual to being... well... for lack of a better term, horny. He'll call me Sexy, yet at the same time, Cutie, Hun, and if I'm not mistaken, even Sweetie earlier.

I just feel completely at ease any time I'm around him, or even when I do so little as briefly think about him. That may be why it upsets me that some of my sisters question him, though they don't even know him. They tell me to be careful, to watch myself -- and I know I should, and I do, to some extent. But I truly feel that he's a good guy. A great person. Sure, he's a horny guy. That's only natural. But it's not as if I'm letting him do anything I don't want him to...

But anyways. Back to Erica & a few other sisters who insist that Jim & I are actually dating... maybe it just frustrates me because I want to be? Lord only knows. Oh well. Whatever. And such.

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12:14 am
[Mood | silly]
I'm Isaac Hands!
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Wednesday, January 16th, 2002

3:17 pm
It's snowing again. Has been for the last 4 days. Mainly flurries. I likes. That's all.
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1:10 pm
[Mood | happy]
[Music | 'NSync - Up Against The Wall]
Dude. So I'm walking out of French class & stop to talk to Erica's little, Kim (who's also in class with me). Then all of a sudden, her friend (Jack? Jake? I forget...) comes up & puts his arm around me & says, "This is my friend Liz." Uhm. Hi. Uhh... You're scaring me? Oh well.

Oh yeah, and Jim thinks I have sexy eyes. :-D
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Tuesday, January 15th, 2002

Fucking contract?
1:43 pm
[Mood | pissed off]
[Music | Britney Spears - Let Me Be]
My fucking God, if Tiffiny doesn't grow up, stop trying to be my mother, or start letting me know when I've done something to make her mad, I swear to God, I will kick her fucking ass to Pluto or something.

Okees, let's see... the night before I left last semester, I was drunk off my ass and didn't have my card to get into the dorm, or my keys, or anything. So, at 5:00 in the morning, I had to call my room to get Tiffiny to let me in. Damn, was she pissed. Not only was it really early in the morning/late at night, but she had a guy over. Dayum. Sufficient to say, I slept down the hall in the lounge.

Last night, however, there was a "The Price Is Right" game going on somewhere on campus from 11:00 pm. to 1:00 am, and Tiffiny went to it (or at least she left the building, saying to me as she left, "see ya at 1"). And I went over to Jim's room around the same time. He walked me back to my dorm a little bit after 1, and I was just planning on letting myself in as usual. But, of course, I realized I was trying to let myself into my dorm by using my Visa card. That ain't gonna work. Shit. My ID card was up in my room, 'cause I'd gotten a new one made earlier in the day. So naturally, I had to call Tiffiny to let me in. I figured it was only about 1:15 according to my watch, so she would probably be awake. Yeah, I mean, she's usually in bed by midnight, but she said "see ya at 1" even before I told her that I'd be going out. So I figured, yeah, she'll be up, maybe just getting ready for bed. No harm. But dayum, she was pissed when she let me inside.

So on the way up to our room, she said she wants to make up a fucking roommate contract. Why? She said "I feel like it's all happening again." Meaning, I guess, my waking her up at odd hours of the night to be let into the building? Fucker. That only happened once last semester, and yes, I was drunk. I'll admit I was incredibly stupid that night. But last night, I was neither drunk, nor was it 5 in the morning. I had reason to believe that she was still going to be up and able to let me in. If it wasn't a reasonable hour (like even 2), I woul've just walked back to Jim's room with him & slept there. So what else could be "happening again?"

Once we got back to the room, too, Tiffiny said she doesn't want to be my "mother." Whaaaa??? Since when did I ask her to be my mother? NEVER. I don't want my real mom bugging me, let alone my roommate pretending to be my mother. I'm 20, almost 21. I can take care of myself. But, like other people, yeah, I'll forget my key once in a while or do something stupid. It's not like I'm the only one.

Now let's see... I think I'll draw up my expectation of what a "roommate contract" between us should look like...

Tiffiny's Requests
- No more calling in the middle of the night to be let in
- Shouldn't have to play "mother"
- Turn off alarm as soon as it goes off

My Requests
- If you say you'll be back around a certain time, it should be considered 'safe' for me to call around that time if I need to.
- If I do something to make you upset, tell me what it is I've done and talk to me about how we can change my behavior. I expect to be able to do the same in return.
- If someone else makes you mad, don't have a bad attitude around me.
- Don't try to be my mother. Roommate, sister, and friend, yes. Mother, no.
- Give me a few seconds to hear my alarm & turn it off. Five is probably not enough. Ten, perhaps.
- Try not to leave belongings scattered around the room.
- Realize that one person's bedtime is not necessarily another's. If I have a paper to write and I'm still working on it when you go to bed, tough. I will, however, try to type quietly.
- I'm not picky about "sides of the room" or what belongs to whom, or who uses my things, but I am picky about respecting one another and her belongings. So if you (or one of your friends) do use something of mine (whatever it may be), please return it to where it originally was.

That seems reasonable enough. Don'tcha think?

Grr. Tiffiny's just had an attitude since the day I moved back in. Gee, I'm sorry if my bed won't fit on top of the loft (I've got an inflatable mattress I need to help me get to sleep and also to help my back). I'm sorry if you think my mom's psycho (try living with her, then you might shut the hell up and stop bashing my parents, at least in my presence). I'm sorry if you don't like my walking into the room at 1 A.M. even when I'm doing my best to be really quiet. But ya know what? I have a life, and I'm gonna live it. If you're pissed at the world, then fine. Just don't take it out on me, and don't come anywhere near me with an attitude. Let me know if I've done something you think is wrong, that's fine -- just don't get pissy with me for something someone else has done.

Damn, she really is like my mom. Lighten up, dude.
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Monday, January 14th, 2002

6:33 pm
So Tiffiny, my roomie, is really cool. I love her to pieces. I really do. But today she's been having a bad day. It might be because financial aid is pissing her off (who do they NOT piss off?), or maybe it's because suddenly she came into the room earlier & I was sitting on the couch with my legs on top of Jim's. And then the next time she came in I was pretty much straddling him (yes, clothes were on. I'm ragging, do you think we'd be doing anything?). But really, I don't know what's up. She won't tell me, and I feel pretty much useless to her.

You see, I like to talk with people when I'm feeling down, and I like to talk with people when they're feeling down. About anything. Even if it's a problem they have with me. For most people, talking about problems -- either just to bitch, or to work a problem out -- usually helps. But not with Tiffiny... That's why this is weird... Oh well.
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5:05 pm
[Mood | bored]
3 of 'em

( Again. )
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4:39 pm
[Mood | horny]
[Music | Britney Spears - Boys]
Aaaahhhh, it's good to be back at school.... My parents & I drove out here to OH from MD on Saturday & got me & my roomie, Tiffiny, moved into our room. Yesterday, we got finished moving in. And that's where the fun began.

So we all know (or we do now, anyways) that I haven't gotten laid since last March, right before my birthday. And that sucks major ass, especially 'cause I'm always fucking horny. So when I met this guy, Jim, online & found out he goes to BW too, I was hoping to ease my... err... uhm... self? Anyhoos. Jim not only goes here, but he's also a music major, a junior, and especially horny himself. Perfect match, eh? heheh. I don't think a relationship is in the wings, but that's fine by me. I was talking to him online last night, & he gave me his number, so I called him. Then he asked me to go over to his room around 11:30. So I did (but only after my "daughter" Erica coerced me into taking her along as a sort of chaperone). He's a great guy. Is he cute? Fuck yeah. Gorgeous brown eyes, great kisser (brass players are always the best), and a real nice person, too. Let's just say Erica approves. . . . Heheh. He even has handcuffs hanging up in his room. . . ;-)

So anyways. That's not the only thing that happened yesterday that was damn cool. What else was it? Gee, Idunno. Maybe it was when Erica got to school, gave me a hug, & told me someone was here who wanted to see me. Her ex, Kevin. Erica thinks he likes me. This could be bad. Yeah, he's kinda cute, but judging by the way he interacted with Erica at Carnation Ball last spring ("awww, we get to ride a school bus!" and playing pool all night instead of dancing & being a good date), he's not really my type. Besides, he tried to change the way she dressed & everything... just... no. No. Not my type. Good friendship, possibly. In fact, that's very likely. But I seriously doubt there's anything more there. Of course when I've said that in the past, I've wound up dating the guy. So whatever.

But still! That's not even the best part of yesterday! And no, it wasn't when my parents finally left the state! It was right after I hung up the phone with Jim, getting ready to go over to his dorm. Another guy called for me. But this one... this one isn't just any guy. The start went something like this...
*Tiffiny hands me the phone*
Me: Hello?
Him: Liz.
Me: Oh my God!
Him: You know who this is, right?
Me: Greg!
Him: Yeah.
Me: Oh my God!
Heheh. I have had THE hugest crush on this boy ever since I laid eyes on him & first talked to him in the spring of my freshman year. I remember I was delivering my ex-boyfriend's Playboy in the mail for their dorm, and Greg walks up to me & introduces himself & I did too, and we just started talking. Now, the custodian for Kohler Hall (where Jim lives too, coincidentally), Marilyn, is an absolute dear. So she made sure that Greg started talking to me more. So he & I got to be fairly good friends. And eventually, I got drunk (thanks to him & some hard cider he gave me one night... damn, that stuff is good) and told him that I liked him. A LOT. And naturally, he told me he didn't feel the same way, so that was fine. It took a while, but I got over it. But yeah, I still adore the boy. I mean, even if I were engaged to Chris Kirkpatrick of 'NSync (and we all know how crazy I am about him) and Greg asked me out for just one date, I'd drop Chris right away and go out with Greg. He's just a wonderful guy. Heheh. And in a way, he kinda reminds me of Lance Bass of 'NSync too, so in that case, who'd care, eh? ;-) But seriously. I heart Greg. He's incredibly smart and sweet and caring and a wonderful friend, and incredibly sexy, too. He's often insecure about his appearance (saying he's getting fat... I swear, sometimes he's a woman), but he's gorgeous, I tell you. My God, that man is a God. I heart him. But anyway. Yeah, he called. And I freaked. I mean, I went to Jim's dorm with Erica just a little bit later, but I still can't get over the fact that Greg called me! I mean, that doesn't happen that often...
Last semester when I left school early, I was trying desperately to reach Greg, letting him know what was going on. But I couldn't, so I eventually just left a message on his machine the night before I left (oh boy, what a night.......), telling him -- in tears -- that I was leaving. He didn't have my home phone number, so he couldn't call me. And I couldn't get Outlook to work while I was at home (it's even acting up here, too! Grrr...), so I couldn't get my hand on his apartment phone number to call him just to talk, either... So I guess he just took the time to find out when the first day of school was this semester so he'd know when to call? I Idunno. But whatever. I just miss him. And now that he has a new car (black PT Cruiser... so him -- much better than the old beat-up Cabriolet), he has no reason not to come see me, right? ;-) Anyways.

I need to call Greg tonight to talk more, 'cause we didn't really get to last night, and he wants to know what's going on & everything. So I must do that after 6 when he gets off of work.

Hmmm... Oopsie... I think I told Jim to call me after orchestra... that gets out around 5:30...................... *nervous look* :-\
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Tuesday, January 8th, 2002

4:55 pm
[Mood | blank]
[Music | Nothing, but I'm humming "Break Me" by Lacy Underal]
I've got a job. It's at my Church. I share an office with Jeannine. Her son, Scott, and I hung out on Saturday. Nothing happened between us. It was quite nice. :-) I mean, yeah, he's really nice & kinda cute & everything... but it was just nice to know that yes, I can meet a guy & be just friends with him. Yay. :-)

On the other hand, I still want to be *morethanfriendscallitwhatyouwill* with Rob. Who the hell is Rob? This is Rob. And this is Rob in the grey shirt. He's fucking hot. I mean, like, HAWT. I so want him. Heheh. He graduated from BW last year, and now he works in Admissions. So yeah, I get to lay eyes on him once in a while. ***I won't say what else I want to lay on him... heheheheheheheheh...***

So yeah. Dude. Go to his band's site, Lacy Underal. Download music. And drool some more for me. ;-)

( These brough to you today, care of my co-worker, Jeannine. )

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Sunday, January 6th, 2002

10:57 pm
[Music | "12:00" - Lacy Underal]
I must be psycho or something. No comments allowed, Tei. :-P

( More Quizzes. )
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:-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P
10:50 pm
[Music | "Break Me" - Lacy Underal]
I want my motherfucking Daydream Bear. NOW.

hehe. I never thought I'd use a swear word & mention Care Bears in the same sentence.......
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Friday, January 4th, 2002

3:17 pm
[Mood | blah]
[Music | "I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman" - Britney Spears]
You know you wanna... And here, too...

Just click. Don't ask. I don't care if you like what you see or not. Just. DO IT. I feel like a Nike commercial. ;-P
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Wednesday, January 2nd, 2002

3:57 pm
[Mood | pissed off]
I am officially pissed.

I sent the damn people in England the money ($170-ish, cash) 3 weeks ago. They got it 2 and a half weeks ago. I still haven't gotten my Daydream Bear. Those stoopid Englanders suck ass. :-P
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I went test crazy. So sue me. :-P
3:32 pm
[Mood | silly]
Quiz happy I am.

( If you dare. )
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- - -
12:01 pm
[Mood | horny]
Want. To fuck. Chad.
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Tuesday, January 1st, 2002

1:22 pm
[Mood | curious]
I'm talking to my friend, Amy. She's one of the very few people I'm friends with who went to high school with me (Towson? Go Generals? Yay? Shithole), and we also go to the same church. And she just told me she's bi. This makes me feel better. . . . I wonder what she'd say if I propositioned her? Hmmmm...
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12:46 am
[Mood | giddy]
[Music | "Girlfriend" - 'NSync!!!]

Another link
High quality version

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Monday, December 31st, 2001

2:26 pm

Cool. :-)
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Sunshine's LiveJournal

About Sunshine
Yes, I Have Friends!
Lacy Underal Rocks My Fucking World

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