David's Journal
20 most recent entries

Date:2008-08-28 21:39

hey just wanted to let u all know i am having the time of my life, even though the courses are quite challenging.. i hate studying but i cant be having fun all the time.. if anyone needs my # or adres just email me

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Date:2008-08-21 16:24
Subject:Going Going Gone

Tomorrow at 6am I leave.....

If you want my address email me..

Sorry if i haven't been talking or easy to get ahold of ive been really busy ... Peace and love to ya all

God Bless
Ugodan Dan


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Date:2008-08-15 08:51

Maggie is back from Italy :)

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Date:2008-08-08 15:30


Katy got her wisdom teeth out today.. I spent the day there and am going back for dinner... Her mom was happy I was there because she normally wouldnt do what she was supposed to in eating and medicine.. I guess I just had a way.. Well it was rather cute seeing her like that..

Ugh.. I have to work tomorrow...

Well anyways Im rather tired..

Oh Tammy tonight i'll call after 8 or 9 prolly. Im not sure.. it depends on whats up with my parents.. so dont wait for me (like u would) but anyways



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Date:2008-08-08 09:58

So whats been up lately.. Just enjoying my summer.. but now with alot more freedom.. Its gonna be somewhat of a drag tho, cause Katy gets her wisdom teeth out today.. But I wont mind really..

I finally have gotten a chance to sleep intoday.. (no work, no darien lake, no church (i can go in the evening), no reason to get up in the morning ) so that was finally good to get some rest.

Maybe today I will actually have time to clean and get some work done and mail some stuff.. thats if I dont get a billion phone calls... ehhh.. Well it is good to be so close to God, and so happy at the same time, and any suffering there is, it doesnt even seem to bother me... God Bless you and keep you all always :) Shalom......

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Date:2008-08-05 10:55

Yahoo.. goin to Darien Lake tomorrow, it will be my first time this year.. Im getting really excited about going to Steubenville.. It is definately the place of wholistic growth. So I am quite happy.. My water aerobics lady took me to McDonalds for hot chocolate so that was nice.. and thats it for now.. I think i'll go see my grandmother tonight..

God Bless you and Keep you...

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Date:2008-08-03 13:17
Music:I need a lover who wont drive me crazy, John Mellon Camp

Theres that thing at the lake till, 8 the artfest with all those bands and such.. katy and i'll be there around 4 in case anyones bored. ciao baby

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Date:2008-08-03 12:24

Ok! So........ the last pics didnt work sorry

U can go to my web page now to see them.. theres 2 links
on to Tornoto Pics and on to my latest pics
those ar ebothe myt latest pics


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Date:2008-07-30 02:25

Well today has been a great day

Today I went to Therapy with Lili ..
for those of you who dont know.. I had been going since March or Aprilish... I went due to the fact that five close people died to me in on year, being adopted, having some friends who made it worse, stuff in the family, and all of that led me to dealing with it in an unhealthy way.. So I got meself some help.. I was told my case is closed and I am doing alot better. Im independant, aware of the temptation of false guilt (but knowing where its due as well) able to deal with my folks, and all around happy..

It was so good to finally not be takenadvantage of , to not let people make me feel guilty (whether they recognized it or not) and everything is amazing, and I know the answers are in side..

I called Fr Marion today.. That was really nice to hear from him again.. He was really excited and happy to hear about the Pope and him seeing the Rosary Hour sign, and how we actually got it up with sticks necklaces and all sorts of wierd stuff. He then talked to my parents, told me more about how happy I will be at school.. and all that jazz..

So my Babci came over and so did heather and katy.. We hung out for some time, pritch came over so we watched shawshank redemption...... as I quoted quite a bit of the movie... SHUSH!
then they left... and i brought her hhome lataz. and now I am back to find that Michele from the retreat messaged me, and I was gone
:( but Im glad i just didnt sit on my butt today..

>Note to self >>> Check the balance of ur checking account..

Well thats it for now..

I prolly should get some sleep soon..

Good night God Bless

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Date:2008-07-29 01:55

Katy just left.. I just found out I am getting taken out to breakfast.. word up yo..... oh yeah.. for those of you that know Peter, I saw him get his simple vows.. Which means he has commited himself to being a friar for 3 years and after that will decide for the rest of his life.. dobranos

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Date:2008-07-29 01:10

Wow.. words can not describe all that happened at world youth day... The people I met there, the experiences I had, the actual physical closeness i got to the Holy Father.. It was all amazing.. If I were to try it would be better in person.. So if u wanna know meet up with me or call 3-4107

Well I have 8 billion people to email so

God Bless

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Date:2008-07-21 00:38

So today was rather interestings. I went to bed around 3am... Watch a movie with Tammy Dave and Heather.. Got up around 830,
went to Wally World.. Saw Ashleys mom.. Got my oil changed, bought some bird seed and dried apricots, and also cashed my check at the bank.. Went home, hung out for a while.. Then I went to Saint Alphonsos for Mass, hoping to see my grandmother that.. Who ended up being late (her granddaughters wedding shower is tomorrow) so she went to a 5 oclock mass at Saint Marys.. She never misses mass.. Well I went home and katy galloway calls (am I spelling her last name right? ) well anyways the 4 of us heather and dave to hang out.. THen Katy and I just kinda snuck away and it wa s really happy night... i doubted it would be but wow it was...


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Date:2008-07-20 11:24
Subject:Happpppppppppppy Birthday

Happy Birthday Maggie & Erin


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Date:2008-07-19 17:17

whoa..... she actually likes me... ackkkkkkkk

and Im leaving in a month to a place 6 hrs away...

heather drives to ohio alot, so she can go with her then I guess, but still ... grr. owell enjoy whats infront of u i guess.

ta ta

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Date:2008-07-18 16:50

So whats been up lately.. Tuesday Dave came over swimming with Heather (a girl from ohioAd hes alot closer with then he was before someone (i dont know who ;)) talked to her) well anyways Katie gallaway or something came with her.. So yeah that was fun til everyone had to go to work, except me.. I feel so wierd not having a job.. Like I am a minority :-P well anyways yesterday was pretty good too We went waterskiing and some girl named cassie came too (not the cassie whos # i lost) lol so yeah it was the first time I got to go waterskiing this year so that was fun.. Then dave went home and we all went to applebees then back to pritches then after the trampoline and pool katie cassie and I decided to go to my house so heather and dave could have some time to talk.. so we just hung out on my back deck for quite some time then that was it.. wow.. an entry that has nothing depressing in it. :)

Oh yeah Adema wants me to go see Bosnia when I go back to Europe but its really out of the way and I dont know how exactly safe it is.. well if u know anything about getting into Bosnia and all that as a US citizen.. let me know

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Date:2008-07-17 13:09
Subject:another dumb survey

1)Starting time: 9:14 A.M.
2)Your Name: David
3)Nicknames: Dave, Nipples (dont ask), Nap, Bobo,
4)School: F.U.S.
5)E-mail: arthurtomas@hotmail.com
6)Eyes: brown or Hazel
7)Height: 5'10.5
8)Pets: Copper my dog
9)Siblings: no
10)Been so drunk you blacked out: no
11)Taken any illegal substances: Hmm
12)Gone out in public in your pajamas: Yeah to get the mail
13)Missed school b/c it was raining: no
14)Set any body part on fire for amusement: no
15)Kept a secret from everyone: Yes
16) who knows your deepest ones: God, and someone most of my friends dont know
17)Wanted to hook up with a friend: yeah
18)Cried during a Flick: yup
19)Had a crush on a teacher: No
20)Ever thought an animated character was hot?: no i'm not weird like that
21)Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block items: no
23)Prank called someone: all the time
24)Been on stage: yes
25)Shampoo: whatever i have in the shower
27)Color: Green, Black, White,
28)Day/Night: Evening
29)Summer/Winter: Fall
30)Online Smiley: :-D
31)Lace or satin: both ?
32)Cartoons: Loony Toons
33)Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: no
34)Like anyone: yes
35)Who have you known the longest of your Friends: Pritch
36) Who do you talk to about your problems: God and a few people
37)Who's the shyest: ?
38)Who do you go to for Advice: God, Confessors, My Dad, and friends
39)Who comes to you for Advice: No one ;)
39)Who do you get the most surveys from: LJ
40)Who do you cry with: Myself
~~**IN THE LAST 2 Weeks**~~
41)Cried: yes,
42)Cut your hair: no,
43)Worn a skirt: oh yeah, areally short one too
44)Been mean: i'm sure
45)Been sarcastic: no, am I ever?
46)Met someone new: too many, mainly adema janny daniela the rest dont need ot be named
47)Talked to someone you had a crush on: yep
48)Missed someone: yes
49)Hugged someone: yes :) i love hugs
50)Fought with your parents: nope
51)Wished upon a star: no, don't really do that anymore.
52)Laughed until you cried: yea
53)Played Truth or Dare: no but i miss that
54)Watched a sunrise/sunset: yes
55)Went to the beach at night: no
56)Spent quality time alone: too much
57)Read a book for fun:nope
59)Are you lonely: sometimes, not too bad though
60)Are you happy: generally yes
61)Are you talking to someone online: no,
62)God: with everything i have
63)Love: yes
64)The Closet Monster: Well sometimes thats where my stalker hides.. ;)
65)The Big Bang Theory: some of it
66)Heaven: yeps
67)Superstitions: no
68)What is your full name? David Arthur Thomas N.....
69)Who named you? umm, my parents
70)Backstreet Boys or N Sync? Backstreet Boys baby
71)When was the last time you showered? this morning
72)What color pants do you have on right now? green crummy shorts, im doing laundry
73)What song are u listening to right now?: The Corrs (are u shocked?
74)What was the last thing that you said: lyrics to a song
77)What is your phone number? 8675309
78)What was the last thing you ate? grapes
79)Where do you want to go on your honeymoon?: Jordan
80)Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? Who ever makes me happy and I them
81)How many buddies do you have on your list? none i dont have any friends, or i just dont feel like opening it up
82)How's the weather right now: like me, hott
83)Have you ever smoked pot? nope
84)What did you do last night? i forgot already, geesh
85)What's the first thing that you notice in the opposite sex? How old they look, cleanliness, clothers, eyes
86) How are you today? hott as always didnt i tell u that.
87) How do you eat an oreo? smash a bunch in a cup about 1/4 to 1/2 the way then put some milk in and mix it up, yummmmmmmm
88)Who makes you happy? Love, God, Fun, Sailing, anything on th elake
89)Fave CD?too many
90)Dream car? MIB car
91)Have you ever won any special awards? Yeah Hands of Christ award of the Diocese of Rochester, and my Church gave me an award for "Steadfast Dedication"
92)What do you want to be when you grow up?I dont plan on "growing up" anymore, but in the future I plan on being a social worker
93) What are your future goals? To really live as I do today, and to spread the love and enjoy life as I do now, and to go to Heaven, and give myself to God.. all of it fits under the words happiness, love, peace, and all that jazz.
94)My fave music? many different styles
95)Favorite Food? Polish and Hungarian
96)Favorite movie? ShawShank Redemption, Blues Brothers
97)Fave day of this year? Christmas
98)Fave guys cologne? dunno
99)Do you like to dance? Yes
100)Fast or slow? both
101)Are you too shy to ask someone out? yep
102)Fave name brand? JCREW
104)Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? no
105)Have you ever been in love? yeah
106)What is the stupidest thing you have ever done? trusted someone I shouldn't have
107)What will your first son's name be?: Xavier, or Hyacinth
108)What will your first daughters name be: Lorenzina
109) What is your favorite drink: the famous thing that anybody whos anybody drinks, called : Carl E
110)Do you like scary or happy movies better? happy, i hate, HATE scary movies!
111)On the phone or in person? In Person
112)Lust or Love? love, always
113)If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? nothing
114)Do you consider cheerleading a sport? Yes of course.. I want to live :)
115: Do you want your friends to answer this back? no

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Date:2008-07-17 09:58
Subject:From Adema, something to think about

On my way back to Paris, one of the people I met on the way was a Bosnian Opera singer named Adema.. She and I have become good friends and here is part of her letter to me about life in Bosnia during the war. Something to think about...

...... I am sorry to hear that you lost so many dear persons in such a short period of time. I guess it's one of the exames that HE prepares for us. I know so well what you are talking about. Hey, I survived 4 years of war... but many of my friends didn't. Immagine, every day, for 4 years, all you do is await the news about who died next. All of them so young. And there is nothing you can do about it, except accept it. But, if you really believe in things much higher and mightier than ourselves, than you won't have any problems accepting it. You know, my grandmother, several days before she died, knew exactly that she was going to die, and was so peacefull, because finally, she said, she was going to a better place. Anyway, it is great that you managed to overcome these things and that you don't have to .....

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Date:2008-07-16 21:01
Subject:Today till toronto

Well I am really glad I didnt get a part time job this summer.. I find it is really hard to find a set time with other people who do.. there were 4 of us, and between the 3 that worked we couldnt get to Darien Lake .. although if pritch gets tomorrow off we might.. so anyways today was interesting, I woke up really late as usual.. Then Pritch Heather and katie came over.. and wow we had fun, and all that other stuff.. me have fun. no way.. anyways thats about all that happened...

I leave for Toronto Sunday afternoon/morning.. I'll practice with our groups praise and worship band (by the way we are one of the largest groups going at the # of about 110. So Sunday we start out with our cook out, welcome stuff, Prais and worship/holy hour, then Private Ador. and confessions..

The next day monday we have a mass with Bishop Grosz, then leave to toronto then the regular WYD stuff for the week, and i think Friday we will be going to that amusement park place.. then we head back to St Francis in Buffalo the next sunday night, more praise and worship
and then i come home.. so I will be back monday afternoon..

God Bless and Peace...

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Date:2008-07-16 00:56

AM I leaving thursday or Sunday, that is a good question, because now I have no clue.. If you see me on, tomorrow (tuesday) remind me... Steubenville has been long awaited and is little more than a month away.. I wonder if I should work on increasing my ultimate frisbee skills.. Hmmm what else, I saw black hawk down again at pritches,, i think we are going skiing tomorrow, thats if i can get ahold of someone.. mmm I could go for some home made potatoe pancakes mmmmm dont ask why.. Well not that I have re-obtained my sanity fully I think I will start enjoying life and people... and for the first time, a girl gave me her #.. not like anything will come of it.. but it was still pretty kewl to get it with out asking.. yeah... well I gotta go...

OH... Adema, I dont know if you even read this, but Happy Birthday..

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Date:2008-07-15 15:21
Subject:A little update for ya'll...

Well.. just incase ur wondering why theres no Europe info.. thats cause u have to ask if u wanna know..

A little about Europe.. I was on my own from about June 29thish on.. Well after I broke the chains that bound me from going anywhere (this happened outside and inside) I experienced quite a bit.. and I met tons of people, infact every train I rode and every place I stayed I became close.. Inparticular on the trains.. In fact one girl decided to show me around all over Milano for the day, and I also met and became close with a Bosnian Opera singer named Adema, and u all know about daniela as well.. Well those were the most important at the end.. Well anyways Im quite free from guilt, and have been quite happy... Infact, it couldnt have happened at a better time.. Lili, for those of you who knw that story, said not to worry about finding another option when I leave because things are so well and figured out.. Well I am not going to explain it here for the sake of not embarrassing anyone, but if you;d like to know let me know..
So anyways when I came back I was even able to have a real convo with dave.. I dont think we ever did that.. actually everything seems to be working out so well, and so much more clear.. im able to enjoy myself, and be really happy. wounds still hurt, but happiness can still be there as well.. im proof.. well Saturday I DJ'ed with Jane for a wedding, helping her and stuff.. The whole place was totally impressed with us, and some of the comments the photographer heard were "Wow they look like they are enjoying themselves" .. "they must have gotten the best"...
oh yeah and one guy told me I looked like I had been DJ'ing since I was ten.. he was really shocked when i told him it was my first time.. Yeah so Jane and I had a really good time,a nd enjoyed ourselves quite a bit.. The bride was so beautiful.. I mean I wanted to faint.. she was supermodel beautiful, but drop dead gorgeous real life wow... anyways everything was so beautiful and a yellow bird was flying around during the wedding.. the only problem was the heat and the sauce on my shirt... So I came home and went to my neighbors house.. Their daughter Amy was home from DC (she works for some senator or something) and Monica , my neighbors sister who used to be a nun was there as well.. So i was glad to see them and have fun with them.. Sunday I had to direct mass and sing and all that.. and once a gain people tried to convince me to stay and all that.. but i have to move on.. so after mass, was the picnic, I helped at the Polish food booth.. We sold out of everything but Keilbasa (pron. Cabasa)

Well today is monday and I am relaxing.. and just to warn you
Dave and I leave for 10 days for wyd on thursday...


oh yeah im going back to Europe in June, and the Corrs already emailed me.. but theres no scheduled dates set.. oh yeah im getting there best hits CD imported :-O

Well i dont know what else is going on other than that...

God Bless

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