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20 most recent entries
11:26PM Jordan
  There's a reason why I choose to be out of it, live in my own little world, and not pay attention to what's going on around me: I really don't want to hate people. Whenever I hear bad news I get mad at somebody or something...and it's not good for me.

I could care less about celebrities and gossip, but it's kind of unavoidable when everybody and their mom seems to give a rat's @$$.

Russell brought up the topic of Michael Jordan, his womanizing habits, and his divorce. I told him that I'd rather not hear about it, but he continued to talk. He told me about the ridiculous amount of money his soon-to-be-ex-wife is asking for (not to mention the mansion). I told Russell I didn't care...but he continued some more by telling me that people think it's wrong for her to ask so much when she probably didn't make ANY of the money and yada yada yada. I told him that I didn't care. If Jordan decided to throw away his marriage, take his wedding vows a *little* too lightly, get jiggy with a bunch of women, destroy his image, and whatever else he did, in my mind he deserves absolutely NOTHING. I can't sympathize or have any compassion for people like that. It's wrong, and I'm standing my ground firmly.

Just 'cause you're famous, just 'cause you endorse how many products, just 'cause you can play ball and make a lot of money, just 'cause you were once hailed a positive role model for youngsters everywhere, doesn't mean that you'll forever be respected.

Sorry to disappoint any Jordan fans out there, but I began losing respect for the guy back when he was called a gambling addict. It doesn't take much for me sometimes.

I'll confess something though. I'm going to continue wearing his shoes 'cause I don't have money to buy new ones. I've had these shoes for YEARS...besides, they're well broken in. ;)
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11:36AM Poor Dad
  My dad could VERY well be mistaken for a member of Al-Qaeda. I'm serious.

Right now, Dad and I are watching MSNBC and there was a member of Al-Qaeda that look SO MUCH like my dad.


Now my dad's gonna have trouble travelling again when he has to go to Maryland for his schooling. Security's going to give him a hard time. =\
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9:51PM A New Year...Time for change
  Yes, I'm back...and hopefully here to stay. I've strayed away from the whole journaling business a bit too long and I have to say that it's been both good and bad. Good, because I didn't get much of a chance to put thought into events that I'd rather just forget. And bad, well...because I didn't get to expand and reflect on the good times I've had since my last entry.

I plan on making a few changes with this journal. First of all, I'm deleting a lot of my past journal entries. No need for me to be reminded of things that should be buried and forgotten. Secondly, (if I have the time) I'll make a new layout. I think it's about time I did too. It's been almost a YEAR since I've had this one.

I hope everybody's having a great new year and is in good health and good spirits. :)

Take care,
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1:56PM Electric Doors
  I feel like ranting...about electric doors.

I mean, C'MON! How lazy have we all become?! I know electric doors have been around for quite some time now, but hard is it to open a door? Yeah, I can imagine how hard it is is you're carrying something, but that's what those turning, spinning type doors are for, right? I mean, think about much electricity is used to open and close a door each time someone exits or enters a building. And many times, the doors open mistakenly when the sensors have been triggered. Talk about wasted energy.

*scratches head* Yeah, I'm in a weird mood right now. ;)
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  I was on my way to school when I first heard about the terrorist attacks this morning. I've been in school for the majority of the day and I was really anxious to get home to watch the news and get updated. As soon as I got home, Mina, Lyndon and David were there sitting in my living room. They wanted to hang out and escape all the news coverage of the terrorists attacks. *ugh* So inconvenient. I've always wondered why I have friends who are so inconsiderate and decide to drop by whenever they please without calling. Makes me think they only come over for the food since they KNOW that my mom will feed them. I just felt like watching the news and doing homework tonight. Instead I have to entertain guests who seems like they don't really give a damn about this national tragedy.
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1:21AM Looking Forward
  I'm absolutely looking forward to going to the Getty on Saturday. I've never been to that museum before, but I've always wanted to visit it. I've seen it a few times from driving up in LA and I've always wanted to go there. *claps excitedly* Can't wait!
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12:58PM For You
For anybody who's been feeling down in the dumps or hasn't been feeling too well...this is for you. :)

Peace and love,
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6:15PM Picture

Feeding Cake
(Taken in the back room at the Japanese Friendship Gardens at Balboa Park, California)
March and Jucel's Wedding
Saturday, August 25, 2001
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11:54PM Sick
  I've been having symptoms of the flu since Friday night. By today, we had thought that I'd be better but I wasn't. Mom, Russell, Nicole and I went to the hospital for a check up. My temperature was 102.6 and my blood pressure was really low. They brought me over to ER where they later poked me with needles to draw my blood and to put an IV in me. The antibiotics they gave me are making me feel nauseated.
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4:41PM Shiners
  Two days ago, I saw a Japanese girl in her early twenties get on the public bus from school. She had a black eye.

Yesterday morning, I saw a mother and daughter in the bookstore buying school supplies. The mother had a black eye.

Someone please tell me that it's the latest make-up fad.

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11:05PM Sometimes...
  ...the more people defend themselves, the more unconvincing they become.
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11:46PM Praise & Worship Service
  Today, some of our church's congregation went up to Mariner's Church in Irvine, California to watch a worship service led by Hillsong Music Australia, featuring Darlene Zscech.

They sang a few songs from their new album You Are My World (which our congregation basically has memorized. They also sang "Shout to the Lord" and "I Give You My Heart" and a bunch of other hits. Both pastors were great speakers.

Very lively. Very moving. People were very touched. Definitely a memorable moment.

Three Pictures of the Hillsong Worship Team )
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7:54PM Wedding Preparations
  Because of March's wedding this Saturday and the Nowhere Men reunion on the 1st of September, we're having visitors from northern California, Virginia, and Canada. Mom, Dad, Nicole and I have been fixing up the house like crazy the past few days. Mom's been stressing because she hasn't even gotten started on making the decorations for the wedding cake.

Today Mom, Nicole and I went and bought Nicole's outfit to wear at the wedding. Mom and I came up with the cutest ensemble for her to wear. Because she's an usher, she has to wear red. I'm a bridesmaid and Mom's a sponsor, so we have to wear red too. Mom and I are somewhat jealous because Nicole looks cute in the outfit we picked for her. There's no way that outfit would ever look good on me... *sigh* At least I'm lucky that Nicole's a little tomboy. I can use her new shoes after the wedding. ;)
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9:03AM Anniversary
  Yesterday was my 5 month anniversary with Russell. Every month, he gets me one more rose. So yesterday, he gave me a beautiful bouquet of five large pink roses. *sweet*

Can't wait until we start counting years together instead of months. :)
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7:23AM Aerosmith @ the Coors Amphitheater
Coors Amphitheater
Chula Vista, California
Thursday, August 16, 2001

11 More Aerosmith Pictures . . . )

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11:52AM Pictures
  My Dog Sushi )
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8:04AM New Project
  I really want to change the layout of my journal. And I think it's about time too. It's no longer Valentine's Day and all this pink is starting to get to me. *hehe* I already have an idea what I want to do...

I'm waiting for a good skin and hair day to take pictures for the new journal. ONE good picture is all I ask and sometimes it's just impossible. Hopefully that good picture-taking day will come soon.
Current Mood:  creative
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5:04AM Wedding Preparations
  Last night, Mom, Nicole and I went to the mall to find what we needed for March's wedding. Jucel, the bride, wants the bridesmaids to wear red shoes with our red dresses. I had the hardest time finding elegant shoes in red. Some were too fancy. Some were shaped hideously. Others were too simple. A lot of them looked too hooker-ish. Finally I came across some decent looking ones on clearance. *yay* I had a pair of red shoes before, but I only wore them once and they were the cutest pair in the world. I'm planning to do the same with these shoes...wear them once then that's it.

Also bought this full-torso shaper with underwire support to wear underneath my dress. It's a nifty contraption. When worn by itself, it looks like a short tight black strapless dress. I really like how it smoothes everything out and shapes my boobs. Yay! No lumps from wearing a strapless bra and control top pantyhose!

I still have to get the dress altered. Jucel wants us to remove the straps so that it'll match her strapless bridal gown. When I tried the ensemble on last night (with straps off) the dress didn't hold up at all. *slip* So yeah, I need to get it tightened up there first. With the straps on, the dress was perfect. *sigh* Is there a rule somewhere that says that brides NEED to make things hard for their bridesmaids?
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3:28PM Addicted
  I found a new addiction. Well, isn't a NEW addiction. I just haven't played the game in a while. For the past few days I've been playing SIMS Theme Park. I don't know why, but I find this game fun. And it's really cute too. I enjoy the game so much probably because it's about budgeting money and stuff like that. *shrug*

Yeah, like I'm a PRO at saving money! *haha*
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3:27PM Test Drive
  So, yesterday Dad picked up the new car. :) It's pretty neat. I'm not into cars much, but I have to admit that I was excited. The whole family rode in the car to go to COSTCO. 'Twas very fun.
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