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So here's a question, [22 Mar 2002|02:23pm]
[ music | Bank Account - Sarah Slean in head ]

I know that among other things, AJ raises money for diabetes research. Anyone know the story behind this one? I mean, afaik the man doesn't have diabetes. Not that that's the only reason one should raise money for a cause, but I've always been a little curious.

*wanders off to beat AtC into submission. I mean, "do some work". Yeah. That's what I mean*

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PSA [20 Mar 2002|04:20pm]
[ mood | amused ]

A rather large percentage of the people on my friends list are on crack.

Of course, that's probably why I added them in the first place.

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[20 Mar 2002|10:41am]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | Sweet Ones - Sarah Slean (in head) ]

In pain. In such pain. Not in the kind of pain Ceili must currently be in, but enough that by the time I got to work I was thisclose to tears.

Ever used something so much you forget *how much* you need it?

My feet are severely messed up. High arches, combined with years of cross country running and figure skating lessons = bad things. I also walk a lot. "A lot".

Yesterday and today I went to work without arch supports. The pain yesterday was pretty much the normal ache I've had lately, seeing as I *really* need new supports. I forgot that the pain is cummulative. Ow. Feet. Ankles. Calves. Must invest in new supports. Today.

In other news, still searching for the answer to whether Chris' mom lives in Florida or not.

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A little help? [20 Mar 2002|02:05am]
[ mood | exhausted ]
[ music | Sweet Ones - Sarah Slean ]

In the interests of killing my writer's block completely, could someone please tell me if the house Chris bought his mother is in the state of Florida, or if I should assume it's in PA.

One is helpful, one will send me back to yelling at the stupid fic. Not telling you which option is which.

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Night Bugs [19 Mar 2002|10:15pm]
[ mood | ecstatic ]
[ music | Bank Accounts - Sarah Slean ]

There's like... electronica on "Weight". (Song recycled from _Universe_) This is really fucking interesting. I like the original better because the drums are really something, but this really works. It almost makes Sarah not sound cute.

But Sleanie is the cutest shoulda-been-a-lounge-singer on the planet. Even when she proves how well she holds her alcohol. Or when down with laryngitis. Or when... fuck. Always. So cute. Adorable. Need icon.*puts on list of "icons I need"*

"Eliot" and "Duncan" aren't much different from the live versions (like this is helpful to anyone beyond hkath mcee and maybe joecaloric)

Oh. Cello. Oh.. what track are we on by now? I'm just... Sarah :)))) (See? good music turns me completely incoherent)

Such a voice. So improved since I first saw her. Kath deducts Sarah was around 18 when I first saw her, 4 years ago. She's found her low range and makes gorgeous use of it. Barely uses her higher range these days. Much easier to understand.

Plus, she's a great writer, and a dream on keyboards. She just... owns them. No, more than that, the keys are just an extension of her body. Alicia Keyes should be so lucky. JC would fall down and worship.

I know I'm not making any sense. She's on Atlantic records, so I know Night Bugs has been released in the States, PICK IT UP.

Ohhhhhhhhh. "Sweet Ones". Kath, you're right I do remember this. And it's even better on record. Oh my God. Sadly, I'm kidnapping this to work tomorrow, but you need to listen to it when I get back.
Dude. Must find out when she's playing Toronto next. Haven't seen her in far too long.

(Kaaaaaaaatie. Where arrrrrre you?)

[Edit]: She arranged and conducted the strings and horns herself. I'm so in love. Oh yes. And wrote all the songs, but I hope you were assuming that.

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*speechless* [19 Mar 2002|02:31pm]
[ mood | surprised ]

*goes pink*



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I love family gatherings but... [18 Mar 2002|09:53pm]
[ mood | pensive ]

...they make me think too much.

Back in October, I bounced over the birth of my youngest cousin, Ceilidh. This Sunday, I attended Ceilidh's christening. It was odd to see the contrast between the members of Ceilidh's family and the families of the other babies. Ours was definitely the loudest and biggest family there. All nine of her first cousins were in attendance, ranging in age from two to thirteen. Most of the other families didn't have any other kids along.

I watched them chasing around my aunt (their grandma)'s house afterwards. Ceilidh is going to grow up like my brothers and I - separated from the bulk of her first cousins by a seven hour plane ride. And like my first cousins, the current generation all live within an hour of each other, see each other at least once a week and some of them are even in the same class.

I know that I'm still inordinately close to my family. I can rhyme off my aunts, uncles and first cousins on both sides. On my Mum's side I can go on to tell you all my second cousins, as well as a good deal of my third cousins. With the exception of a few of the youngest second cousins, I've met them all. If I ever get married, the number of people I'll feel obliged to at least invite is rather staggering.

I don't know if my kids will be as connected to their family. People that know me know I suck at keeping touch, even though I do love knowing what everyone's up to. I'd love to "go back home" and visit Scotland again, but I hate imposing on people. The more I let that stand in the way the longer it'll be before I see the rest of my family.

Ceilidh was baptised in a white garment that has been used in baptisms in my mother's family since 1892. Eleven people present at that ceremony had been baptised in it. Aunt Margaret even has a picture of my Great Aunt Sis, the baby for whom the garment was made. Will we have traditions as long-standing?

Always feel kind of... insufficient after these. *sigh*

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[18 Mar 2002|09:43pm]

Oh dude. Freshly Pressed is the scene of scariness and wonderfulness both at once today.

First, 5ive has a greatest hits album out. There seem to be only 4 of them in the video. Major Take That flashback there. May actually pick up the album, if they promise to stay broken up, 'cause there were 5ive singles I liked.

Squeee! *Dances around the room* *Twirls like Nick*
Sarah Slean's major label debut is coming out THIS WEEK! Sleanie!!!!!!! *bounce* It's called "Night Bugs" and everyone absolutely must pick it up. I'm so grabbing it tomorrow. I hope it's all new material - it's been ages since she's recorded anything new.
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[17 Mar 2002|09:13am]
I'm going to drop in my $.02 on the Smash Mouth thing, although dacey has already made the best post and barbarylane made me laugh.

I find it interesting that, while a lot of people are clamoring for Smash Mouth to be dropped from the tour, at least some of them are simultaneously talking about booing the band when they get to see the tour. I don't think it's cause they think NSYNC is too nice to take revenge, either.

There very likely isn't a "don't badmouth the headliner" clause in the contract. A non-disclosure clause perhaps, but I don't think this counts. And even if there was? I think you're underestimating Lance's evil ways if you think Smash Mouth is going to be given a response that a) so obviously comes from the band and b) gives them something more to spout off about.

Smash Mouth is going to be there until the end of the tour. They will be booed until they're provoked into saying something nasty to the audience and then the boos will just get louder. NSYNC will thank them for opening, every night. And there will be tiny little problems every day.

They will be short a hotel room.

A room service bill will get mysteriously bigger.

Dressing rooms will get mysteriously smaller.

Equipment will go missing.

Security passes will change.

Lance is probably wishing for a Canadian date so they can leave them behind at the border for a day.(See Lance, Canadian tour dates are good things!)

If Lance lets Chris play, I wouldn't be suprised if Smash Mouth find their mics turned off and a tape being played over the system one night.

*grin* Have fun, boys!
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[15 Mar 2002|04:27pm]
[ mood | hyper ]

Have formulated a Plan. (It is not a Brilliant Plan because, try as I might, I could not get it to involve Duct Tape(tm) ) Will:

  • Go to 'rents house for dinner
  • Retrieve my copy of La voix des étangs
  • Go home at a reasonable time (They're going to a movie, this will actually happen)
  • Work on the JoeC that I got bitten with on the subway yesterday
  • Try some alternate research avenues to find a workaround
  • Get at least 3/4 of the way through this current chapter. (Possibly including finding a title)
  • Mess around with graphics or go to bed, whatever comes first.

And nothing's going to get in my way, you hear?
Write, write, write must write

[Edit: Also, the brother? Who dropped out of King's College at Western in May? Just got accepted to George Brown. There will be no new crashing spirals of depression and behaviour that just makes Dad yell at him. Thank the Lord! So happy :) ]
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[15 Mar 2002|10:13am]
[ mood | frustrated ]

My need to research things is going to drive me to the grave. Keeps messing with the timespace continuum of my fics. There will be midnight kissage on NYE! There will! *glares at RL* No one essential to the story will be onstage at that moment, I don't care whether it makes fiscal sense or not. Only, I do. *sob*

Incidentally, (and having v. little to do with my previous statement) if anyone has a copy of Gabrielle Roy's Rue Deschambault handy and feels like typing out the mother's speech on the life of a writer from La voix des étangs I'd love you forever. My copy is at my parents' place, it seems.

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I shoulda stayed at work [15 Mar 2002|08:04am]
[ mood | awake ]

Know what really sucks about a 20 minute journey home when you're in writing mode? You get home to find that your inspiration met someone better in the subway and the evening of scribbling you were *dying* for is gone. I stayed at work till 5:20 getting one section down and dammit I could have had the first section done too if I'd stayed another half hour. Bleh.

Oh well. To work. And more research. I swear, this fic requires far too much time and effort. Sparkly boys are so demanding.

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random [14 Mar 2002|11:07am]
[ mood | hungry ]

Hungry. May break into the giant bag of Lay's still unopened from like.. two weeks ago that's lying around the office. It's that or the Oreos, and it's Lent. It's probably not a good thing that twice this week I've been so hungry that I seriously considered eating chocolate if there was no other option.

Want to make pretty graphics and HTML the rest of the page and make the new hosted section all official 'cause Katie deserves more than a random unlinked page somewhere. Also want to write Balance. Have very little to do today - will probably end up writing or at least transcribing from work. Penny's gone again.

I should mention Penny a bit. She's the Chemistry Chair's assistant, so she's basically in charge of the office. You'll have noticed she's away a lot. She has an ulcer and medication isn't helping. She came in yesterday after being put on antibiotics instead of whatever painkiller they had her on. Today she's in pain again. It sucks because she's a tough lady and I like her.

She can be a bit of a bitch and she doesn't suffer fools (*whistles* oh this doesn't sound at all familiar) but she lets everyone know when they're doing a good job and that even the smallest task is appreciated. She'll stand up for us if some other department screws up. She doesn't like people pretending to be busy when they're not, which means I get to be on here without guilt, other than the "I'm right in front of the door with the most gigantic monitor in the department" bit.

On top of all that, or maybe underneath, 'cause only those of us who work closely with her know this, she's not afraid to make comments about the um.. hotness of one of the profs or TAs or whoever drops in for a visit. Once they've left, of course. She approves of Nick (My wallpaper is all blue with one small picture of Nick in the bottom left-hand corner. He's hiding!) and has announced that she thinks Howie would be her favourite. So yes. I like her. And it sucks when she can't come in.

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So proud! [14 Mar 2002|01:07am]
[ mood | impressed ]

First she was my beta, now she's my first hosted author. Dude. I bet I'm going to have to go shopping for a new beta. Katie will be too busy with writing to deal with the likes of me any more.

Enough with my melodrama.


Rhode Island, for Slash Across America. Post break-up, for those who care. V. Good. Send her oodles of feedback.

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[13 Mar 2002|05:04pm]
*bouncy* Just booked the flight for Boston. Yay me! If anyone sees my sanity, tell it I'm having fun without it.
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AIM can be a wonderful thing. [13 Mar 2002|11:40am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Back to Your Heart - in head. 'Cause Nicky! Drums! ]

Beta discussions can lead to fun things like Nick, JC and tantric sex. That would never happen in email.

Although if it wasn't for this whole Nick/JC duet on Nick's album rumour I totally wouldn't have thought "Nick" as JC's sex partner. Not that Nick doesn't pair excellently with just about any of the other nine, but apart from that rumour I'm all about the Cartrick lately. (Must. Pound. Chapter. Into. Shape!)

But oh please *God* let that rumour be true. I don't care what he does with the other 14 or whatever tracks, as long as that's on there and they got it right, I'll forgive him three albums of shoddy material.

I need more icons.

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Watching "For the Fans" [12 Mar 2002|09:28pm]
- Boy has their live singing improved since this.
- Nick got a lot hotter when he stopped using a weed whacker to cut his hair.
- However, Howie's hair when it's loose at this point is my favourite Howie hair ever.
- Nick. Drums. I don't care what his hair looks like, that's hot.

Oh! Scrubs! *is distracted* Boys will wait for me.
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because kath needs another online test ;) [12 Mar 2002|04:19pm]
[ mood | cold ]


I am 72% CANADIAN!!!

(Take the Canadian-ness test)

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Yes, I do realize I have to get up in less than 4 hours. [08 Mar 2002|01:18am]
I don't see what people are getting upset about. If Wade is writing with Howie, whoopdedoo.

Fact: Most of the songs Wade cowrote with Justin were pretty damn good. This cannot be all Golden Boy's fault.

Fact: It'll be a cold day in hell before Wade J. Robson gets to *replace* a Backstreet Boy on any vocal track. On "Time", Babyface only managed to get them to do six-part harmony on the backing vocals. Wade may be hot shit but he's not Babyface.

Fact: BSB does not record the first 15 or whatever songs handed to them/written by them.

Fact: BSB has gotten pretty damn good at crafting an album. They have some idea of what does and does not suck.

Opinion: Songs co-written by Wade have less of a chance of getting on the album than songs written solely by members of the Backstreet Boys.

Conclusion: Let Wade write with Howie if he likes. Just don't let him move in on Nick's action. Comprende, Robson?
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Random [07 Mar 2002|12:09pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]

Feel like posting, nothing much to say.

Puttered around this morning, sent myself a reminder about the CONversion competition and found one with a May deadline. Must. keep. writing. non-fanfic.

Tried to write Balance yesterday but my head was all messed up from reading too many Making the Band recaps, so everything came out snarky and weird.

Kath introduced me to this great game, Fluxx, which she discovered at FruCon. Evil Ellen sent her a set. Bizarre, fun card game that can end very abruptly and thwarts all attempts at strategy. We played about four rounds.

Tonight is going to be hectic. Laundry, packing, dubbing a tape for 'ka, hopefully some betaing for Katie, need to get some sleep before 5 am. Woo! Road Trip Eve! If you don't get an ulcer you're not doing it right! *snicker* God help us if I ever get a license and a car. "Packing" would probably consist of throwing stuff into the back seat randomly and hoping I find it when I need it. Plus, having to conform to the bus schedule is seriously what keeps me from being AJ-esque in my lateness. (non-BSB AJ)

Apparently I am being somewhat productive. Took almost half an hour from start to post of this. Good to know.

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