Ghetto Supa*'s LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Ghetto Supa*'s LiveJournal:

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    Thursday, March 21st, 2002
    11:12 pm
    "Why must my love fall so deeply?
    And why must I always follow?"

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Wednesday, March 20th, 2002
    11:30 pm
    "Well maybe nothin' lasts forever...
    Even when you stay together
    I don't need forever after
    It's your laughter won't let me go
    So I'm holding on this way

    Did you know, could you tell
    You were the only one
    That I ever loved
    Now everything's so wrong"

    Well, life is kind of crazy right now! This 7am to 9pm days are really starting to wear on me! Sheryl Crow's "The Globe Sessions" is currently the music to my life right now and it is brilliant! I really am very glad that I have it to listen too. It is helping a lot! Music is just amazing! Ummm...21 is a strange age to reach. Or at least for me it is. I have just been thinking about so many crazy things recently, and I can't really help it. I just feel like such a freak sometimes. Actually, I feel like the 'difficult kind'. Ha. Sometimes, I truly wonder about my sanity;) Bus Stop is a little rough at times, okay a lot rough, but it has its moments too. I am enjoying it for the most part. Learning very much from the experience. I hope that we can get together by showtime which is April 11, 12, and 13 at 7:30! I bought two stuffed animals for my birthday!) One is a very soft and very adorable hippopatamus that is huge...his name is George! He stays on my bed. And then I bought this blue/purple giraffe that is from a set of animals called Limbo Legs! Because their legs are huge compared to the rest of their body! So cute! Anyway, Chance the Blue Giraffe sits by my alarm clock! I am very happy to have them. Well, you know, I am going to try and go to sleep now. We'll see what happens. Good Night and have wonderful tomorrow!

    Current Mood: crazy
    Current Music: Sheryl Crow---Mississippi
    11:29 pm
    Anything But Down
    I light your cigarettes
    I bring you apples from the vine
    How quickly you forget
    I run the bath and pour the wine
    I bring you everything that floats into your mind

    But you don't bring me anything but down
    You don't bring me anything but down
    You don't bring me anything but down
    When you come 'round

    You are a raging sea
    I pull myself out everyday
    I plea insanity
    Cause I can't leave but I can't stay
    You say, won't you come find me and yes is what I say

    You don't bring me anything but down
    You don't bring me anything but down
    Everything is crashing to the ground
    Maybe I'm not your perfect kind
    Maybe I'm not what you had in mind
    Maybe we're just killing time

    You with your silky words
    And your eyes of green and blue
    You with your steel beliefs
    That don't match anything you do
    It was so much easier before you became you

    You don't bring me anything but down
    You don't bring me anything but down
    Everything just crashes to the ground
    When you come around
    When you come around

    No more playing seek and hide
    No more long and wasted nights
    Can't you make it easy on yourself

    I know you wish you were strong
    You wish you were never wrong
    Well, I got some wishes of my own
    ---Sheryl Crow
    Wednesday, March 13th, 2002
    8:28 pm
    This Is The Remix

    The new Destiny's Child album is so WONDERFUL!!! I was listening to it in the car this evening when I was doing some running around because Bus Stop practice was cancelled tonight!!! Oh my gosh, I was jamming in my car and actually was so taken back by one of the remixes that I yelled..."WHAT" to the tape! And was all "Go On Child!" It was positively bootylicious!!!
    4:16 pm
    Good Morning Mr. Sun! Welcome to the sky!!!
    It is so beautiful outside today!!! YAY!!! I love this weather!!! just want to say that I just went to Media Play and used some of my REPLAY points to buy a CD! I went there with the intention of buying Destiny's Child's new album: This is the Remix but I walked out of there two others in addition to that with The Majestic Soundtrack which I have wanted for a while, lots of good jazz on it, and Carole King's Tapestry which I feel is a staple CD to any collection and it was only 7 bucks so why not!!! Love Media Play!!! And I told my brother while we were in the store, that I really am going to start buying CDs like crazy now, because there is so much good music out there. It is a very exciting prospect!!! Anyway, now I am going to play with my new CDs and look at them and what not!!! Have a wonderful day!!!
    Tuesday, March 12th, 2002
    12:24 am
    Little Thing
    I almost forgot something I was going to put in my entry tonight. One of those beautiful moments in life where you take a breath and release how wonderful being alive feels. On my way home from work tonight, I was listening to Dinah Washington and "I've Got You Under My Skin" is playing and I love that tune and must continue driving to finish singing it, thankfully it lasted just about as long as my trip but then right as I am coming up the hill to my house..."I Wanna Be Loved" comes on! Now that is my cut! So I decided to continue driving around singing at the top of my lungs telling the world that "I wanna be loved...with inspiration...I wanna be loved...starting tonight!" and it felt wonderful!
    12:20 am
    This is such an amazing song and I just got to this track (again) on the Cd and I felt like posting it.

    Spend all your time waiting
    for that second chance
    for a break that would make it okay
    there's always one reason
    to feel not good enough
    and it's hard at the end of the day
    I need some distraction
    oh beautiful release
    memory seeps from my veins
    let me be empty
    and weightless and maybe
    I'll find some peace tonight

    in the arms of an angel
    fly away from here
    from this dark cold hotel room
    and the endlessness that you fear
    you are pulled from the wreckage
    of your silent reverie
    you're in the arms of the angel
    may you find some comfort there

    so tired of the straight line
    and everywhere you turn
    there's vultures and thieves at your back
    and the storm keeps on twisting
    you keep on building the lie
    that you make up for all that you lack
    it don't make no difference
    escaping one last time
    it's easier to believe in this sweet madness oh
    this glorious sadness that brings me to my knees

    in the arms of an angel
    fly away from here
    from this dark cold hotel room
    and the endlessness that you fear
    you are pulled from the wreckage
    of your silent reverie
    you're in the arms of the angel
    may you find some comfort there
    you're in the arms of the angel
    may you find some comfort here
    ---Sarah Mclachlan
    Monday, March 11th, 2002
    11:47 pm
    "Everybody loves you when your easy...don't dissappoint them"

    So Spring Break is off to a brilliant start! I am already getting much accomplished and feeling productive. I am cleaning out all my e-mail accounts!) So excited! I also am just getting really into journaling again (like privately) and that is so wonderful! I highly recommend journaling for everyone, it is so cathartic!

    I was selected to be on a committee at work. We had to turn in submissions after getting our supervisor's approval and then there was only two spots open on this committee. The committee is formed to map out the future of Lane Public Library covering the span of three years. I was hoping to get on the committee pretty badly and it turned that I did get selected, which made me very happy! And I am very excited to work with all the others on the committee. Also, just to clarify there was an established group of people that were automatically on the committee before the whole submissions thing. The committee is pretty much comprimised of all the highest ranks of the library and then there were two spots open to all staff! One of those is me! So anyway, I got the e-mail about when the first meeting is and we can expect them to be about 2 hours long! I am very excited and I hope to, during Spring Break, take some time to search the web for other library websites and see what other librarys are doing so that I can generate ideas and walk into the meeting well versed on what everyone else is doing and hopefully have a few ideas of my own, or suggestions to make so we can get down to buisness. Actually, if you want to know the truth, I feel like I have something to prove on this committee. I don't know what exactly but I just feel like I need to prove myself and meet the challenge on this one. I hope I do. Also, in the same vein, I have recently decided after talking with my mom and a few other people that I am going to get my Masters in Libary Science (MLS). I am still going to get my bachelors in education and then on top of that, I can get my MLS in one year, online. So I am going to do that. It just feels like a very natural progression. I don't know what will happen down the road, but Lane Public Library has become so much more a part of my life then I EVER imagined and I honestly love it and love working there. I still want to teach, but I think the library is where I need to be right now. Also, I know I am not going to get done in 4 years with school, I know. The way my life is with family and work and our needs. I just don't have the ideal schedule that will allow me to take all the specific education courses in time to finish in 4 years. It took me a long time to come to terms with this because so many people kind of look down on you if you don't or just act like you did something wrong if you don't finish in four years. I have enjoyed the way my schooling has gone so far, but it has been a struggle because there have been a bunch of people who have said things that hurt me and made me mad, and I don't think that was there intention, but it really got to me. So I have thought about it a lot and decided that this is where I am right now and accepted it and moved on. I can tell you how wonderful it feels to be loose of that burden and worry. So yeah, kind of went off on a tangent but whatever.

    Life is pretty wonderful right now, although I did have kind of a rough spot over the past couple of days as my lyrics suggest. I hadn't had a rough spot like that in a long while, but I find that as I grow older, I am becoming more and more resiliant, which is very cool. Prayer really helps me a lot too. Also, Sarah McLachlan's album "Surfacing" is brilliant!!! God, I can relate to all those lyrics so well. It is amazing! Okay, so I think I am actually done for now and am going to head to bed. Oh yeah, the curls are back! Today, I had to use the conditioner in my hair because it is getting that long again and I started to see my little curls in front come back! They are fun to play with but I will be very excited to get my hair cut after Bus Stop is over!)

    Goodnight and I hope you have a wonderful day!!!

    Current Mood: determined
    Current Music: Sarah McLachlan---Do What You Have To Do
    Sunday, March 10th, 2002
    10:59 pm
    Do What You Have To Do
    What ravages of spirit
    conjured this temptuous rage
    created you a monster
    broken by the rules of love
    and fate has lead you through it
    you do what you have to do
    and fate has led you through it
    you do what you have to do ...

    and I have the sense to recognize that
    I don't know how to let you go
    every moment marked
    with apparitions of your soul
    I'm ever swiftly moving
    trying to escape this desire
    the yearning to be near you
    I do what I have to do
    the yearning to be near you
    I do what I have to do
    but I have the sense to recognize

    that I don't know how
    to let you go
    I don't know how
    to let you go

    a glowing ember
    burning hot
    burning slow
    deep within I'm shaken by the violence
    of existing for only you

    I know I can't be with you
    I do what I have to do
    I know I can't be with you
    I do what I have to do
    and I have sense to recognize but
    I don't know how to let you go
    I don't know how to let you go
    I don't know how to let you go

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Current Music: Sarah McLachlan---Surfacing
    Saturday, March 9th, 2002
    9:19 am
    "If you could only see
    What love has made of me
    Then I'd no longer be in your mind
    The difficult kind
    Cause babe, I've changed"
    ---Sheryl Crow

    Current Mood: crushed
    Friday, March 8th, 2002
    9:41 am
    "It's 11:30 and the club is Jumpin' Jumpin'"
    Aye, Poppy!

    Guess what?

    My girlz, Destiny's Child, are releasing an album this week called:
    Destiny's Child: This Is The Remix!
    I am so excited and have been listening to the sound clips from!
    The tracks are as follows:
    No, No, No Part 2 (Extended Version)
    Emotion (The Neptunes Remix)
    Bootylicious (Rockwilder Remix)
    Say My Name (Timbaland Remix)
    Bug A Boo (Refugee Camp Remix)
    Dot (The E-Poppi Mix)
    Survivor (Remix - Extended Version))
    Independent Women Part II
    Nasty Girl (Azza's Nu Soul Mix)
    Jumpin', Jumpin' (Remix Extended Version)
    Bills, Bills, Bills (Maurice's Xclusive Livegig Mix)
    So Good (Maurice's Soul Remix)
    Heard A Word (Bonus Track)

    I am so excited because I have much appreciation for Remixes! Especially Destiny's Child because on several of the tracks they actually sing quite differently from the original! I couldn't even believe they were doing this when I saw it!!! Now if only Britney would follow suit and release a remix album!)

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Current Music: Destiny's Child----Bills Bills Bills (Remix)
    Thursday, March 7th, 2002
    10:12 pm
    SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Hello there! So excited that Spring Break is finally here and I can have a break from my classes! So let see what do I want so share with Livejournal tonight!

    I have started listening to a new tape while I am driving! Sheryl Crow's Globe Sessions! "My Favorite Mistake" is such a brilliant song. So is "Riverwide"! Great to listen too!

    It was so beautiful outside today!!! Are you kidding me!!! How wonderful!!! I was so joyful to take in all the fresh air and sunshine!!!

    Bus Stop is going really really well!!! This week was probably one of the toughest weeks we have had so far because we were all supposed to be off book and we did go through all of the acts without our books...and it was a little rough going. There was also some cast conflicts but by tonight, we got it all resolved and I am making friends and having fun and laughing!!! It is just feels so weird to be working on a show as an actor again, but I am enjoying it! It is actually more and more fun everytime I go! F.Y.I. Show dates are April 11, 12, 13! But I will have more information closer to the show! Yeah, Bus Stop is real good!

    I turn 21 over Spring Break! That is kind of crazy. I have been thinking about it a lot, trying to figure out what it means and stuff! I just talked to LP the other day and we talked about our birthday, since we were born on the same day, and I think we might do something;)

    Oh, so I was going to get my hair cut tomorrow morning...yeah...not so much because at Bus Stop practice this week, Bekka told me that I need to keep growing my hair for the show. I was so excited to have short hair again, and I felt defeated, but oh well! I cancelled my appointment!

    Okay, so I am going to get off the computer now and maybe get something to eat but more likely go to bed because I can sleep knowing that I don't have school for soooo LONG!!! YAY!!!!

    Good night!

    Current Mood: Kooky
    Current Music: No Doubt---Beauty Contest
    11:17 am
    I'm Ready For Spring Break! Seriously, so ready!
    "Big Distraction"

    Your my concentration,
    everything else is a bore.
    I've got myself snagged on you,
    no self control...
    Now all that I wanna do,
    sleep in the shadow of you
    for the rest of my life.

    Now I can chisel,
    chisel and build a bomb.
    A pain diposited,
    from past scars.
    'Cause the memories they can sleep,
    and we can live comfortably
    for the rest of our lives-

    Wrong or right!
    Shipwrecked into you,
    situation is foolish
    but I will fight.
    Your my big distraction
    or biggest companion,
    I'm falling fast
    like an avalanche.

    Indentured servant,
    A slave to a slave.
    Thank God for my hopeful heart,
    and for mutual feelings.
    Well look how it's balanced now,
    maybe we'll just settle down
    for the rest of our lives-

    Wrong or right!
    Shipwrecked into you
    Situation is foolish,
    but I will fight.
    Your my big distraction
    or biggest companion,
    I'm falling fast
    Like an avalanche.

    Look how it's balanced now,
    Maybe we'll just settle down
    For the rest of our lives...lives.
    ---No Doubt
    Tuesday, March 5th, 2002
    11:40 pm
    Cheer Up Sleepy Gene! Oh What Can It Mean To A Day Dream Believer and a Homecoming Queen
    I saw this survey type thing on Big Kid's Journal and decided to fill one out for myself. Right, I absolutely am looking so foward to Spring Break!!! Life has been real stressful the past several weeks and just when I think I am going to feel peaceful...I don't. Hopefully, come Friday I will be able to relax for a little while;)
    Oh and before I forget....HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEN TICE!!!!!!

    7 things i'm afraid of:
    -Losing my memory
    -My house catching on fire
    -Losing a loved one and having to live each day without them
    -People filled with ugly hate
    -Sometimes myself
    -Not being forgiven
    -Feeling powerless

    7 things that make me laugh:
    -My dad(Jim Carrey)
    -My family
    -My friends
    -Kids (they do say the darndest things)
    -My memories

    7 things that make me cry:
    -My real father
    -Certain songs
    -Injustice in the world
    -9/11 Interviews with people who lost loved ones
    -My thoughts

    7 things I love:
    -No Doubt
    -Jim Carrey
    -Jazz!!! (and music in general)
    -Lois and Clark
    -My family and friends
    -My otha brotha from anotha motha

    7 things I don't understand:
    -People who don't use turn signals
    -Self Destuctive Tendencies

    7 things on my desk:
    -Power 90 Videos
    -School Books(Art History, Theater, Math)
    -Dried corsage
    -ACES Award Nomination Certificate
    -BMG Music Club Mail
    -Scarf and Gloves
    -Scripts for Marvin's Room and Never The Sinner

    7 facts about me:
    -I have written 3 collections of poetry and am currently working on a novel
    -I can/am learning to play the piano
    -I am currently in Bus Stop at Miami Hamilton
    -I have my driver's license;)
    -I work at Lane Public Library
    -I save practically everything
    -Nearly all my clothes are from the Valley Thrift Store

    7 things in my room now:
    -Brave Heart Lion
    -Huge Window Fan beside my bed
    -2 Majestic Posters
    -All my cds and sound system
    -A Signed Truman Show Picture
    -Books on my BookShelf: J.D. Salinger's Short Stories, Stephen Chobosky's The Perks Of Being A Wallflower, Lois Lowry's The Giver, Dr. William Pollack's Real Boys Books, Byrne's Standard Book Of Pool and Billiards, Gary Giddin's Rhythm-A-Ning, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Richard Adam's Watership Down, Kurt Vonnecut Jr. God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater
    -A Set of Tangrams

    Current Mood: awake
    Current Music: Sarah McLachlan---Building A Mystery
    Sunday, March 3rd, 2002
    9:54 pm
    "We're strange allies with warring hearts"
    Just listened to Dave Mathews Band's "Everyday" and I liked it. I don't think I liked enough to buy, but I enjoyed what I heard for the most part. I love "The Space Between" and "Everyday" and actually "Sleep To Dream Her" is intriguing to me. I think they are a cool bunch of guys and Dave Mathews is enjoyable to listen to him sing and just jump all over those lyrics! Crazy!


    I saw HHS Footloose on Friday night! Now, I have to be honest, I was very excited to see all my Encore kids but I was a little skeptical of the show itself. By this I mean that musicals based on kinda of so-so movies seem like a bad idea to me. (i.e. BIG) However, I can say that I was pleasantly surprised by what I saw Friday night and enjoyed the show bunches! Really really catchy music and a nice sweet story. All of the cast did a really great job and put out a show the audience ate up! Congratulations! Also, I feel it necessary to say that the costumes were SO 80s it was unbelievable. I am glad that decade is over;) It is so much fun to see my Encore kids up on stage doing there thing. It makes me real proud;)

    Saturday I saw the evening portion of the Coca Cola Classic at Fairfield! I wish I could have been in a show choir in highschool, I think it would have been fun for me;) But I just want to say that the company I had (Rhonda and Alison) were very entertaining to sit by during the show!!! So much laughter!!! The Mayor of Fairfield was entertaining, but I don't imagine in the way he intended! Ummm...I definitely loved me some Marysville, and will proudly say so!!! I loved their choreography! Although, I knew there were not going to take 1st, I was rooting for them!!! The Choraliers did a wonderful job, you all have a great show!!!

    Well, I ended up Chatting with several people tonight (including LP), so I am going to focus on those right now and wrap this entry up! Life is still beautiful! Oh, I was very happy to have Power 90 this evening because it was a great way to vent the frustrations of the my 200+ mile journey. For anyone who cares...I am on DAY 40! Well, ohmygod! I just realized I haven't taken out the garbage!!! I gotsto go!!! Brr...its cold out! Good night!!! But real quick, I do just want to say that today's trip was so hysterical!!! It was a fun time for all involved and we can all laugh about it now!!! It makes for a great memory!)

    Have an amazing day!

    Current Mood: grateful
    Current Music: No Doubt---Sixteen
    6:54 pm
    Over 200 miles...
    is the distance I drove today. Yes, ladies and gentleman. My mother, my brother, and my ex-step brother embarked on a journey to the Cincinnati Art Museum this afternoon around 2. It is now close to 7 and I just got home. Ironically enough...I did not step foot into any musuem today! is that possible you ask? I'll tell you. My mother and I didn't realize that U.S. 50 was really EXIT 2 off of 71 so we stayed on 71 North for a far piece until we thought...hmmm...the Mapquest said this trip should only take about 39 miles, and we are approaching 101, did we miss a turn? Yes. To answer my own question, we did! So we got to the lovely town of Grove City which we drove through to try and get back on 71. It is a lovely lovely town!) By this time, we had just passed Exit 94 on 71....our exit was 2, in case you had forgotten! Needless to say, we were not able to make it to the musuem in time before it closed. So my paper..will not be written tonight. So back in Hamilton, I drop my ex-step brother off at his house, then I drop my mom off at our house because she is going to vomit if she has to sit in the car any longer, and then I drop my brother off at my father's house in Fairfield!'s been long day, but wait there it definitely more! On the way to my father's my brother screams and leaps up from the back seat. "WHAT?" I cry "What is it?" It's his is coming out! Interesting to note that at this exact moment...Pink's "I'm Coming Out" begans to play on the radio!!! Are you kidding me!!! I told him that I didn't have anything to stop the blood and I couldn't remember how much blood there would be because it has been years since I was involved with a tooth falling out. So he was a trooper until we made it to dad's house (with "I'm Coming Out" still playing).

    Now, I am very tired as I have been driving pretty much straight through the past five hours. I still have laundary to do. I still have lines to memorize. And I have not seen one displayed piece of art today.

    *And Scene*

    Current Mood: blank
    Thursday, February 28th, 2002
    11:05 pm
    " the one I need
    Be the one I trust most
    Don't stop inspiring me
    Sometimes its hard to keep on running
    We work so much to keep it going
    Don't let me fall out of love

    Running Running
    As fast as we can
    Do you think we'll make it
    Running Running
    Keep holding my hand
    So we don't get seperated"
    ---No Doubt

    Current Mood: jubilant
    12:26 am
    Why am I not in bed?
    Okay, so I have to post my Grammy reactions!

    Well, first off, I did get a late start because I had Bus Stop practice until 9 so I missed the first hour or so. Actually, I started watching a few minutes before Alica Keys performed. CHILD!!! How fun was that!!! Girl la la la! I loved the dancing, I loved the remix!! (Although, her dance partner at the end kind of scared me a little) but it was a very enjoyable performance.

    Dave Mathews Band! My appreciation for them grows more and more and I have that CD checked out from the LPL right now. I want to listen to it because there are at least 3 songs I like on it. "The Space Between" is a brilliant song!

    India Arie! adorable! And note to Rhonda...I did check out her CD and I didn't make it all the way through. I really really want to like her because she just is so gosh darn positive and I really agree with a lot of her messages and I love me some of that soothing low range singing by strong black women! I have to check out the cd again, we'll see what happens!! I will be buying many more CDs now that I have joined the MEDIA PLAY Club! I did feel sorry that she didn't win though, especially at the moment when she was backstage with U2. My heart went out to her.

    Nelly Furtado...enjoyed her performance. Very simple.

    The Stevie Wonder, Bonnie Rait, and Celine Dion kiss kind of made me feel dirty;( And although Miss Jackson looked Bootylicious that whole thing with her Mathew Macaughney and Gloria Estefan was not fun to watch either! Here is a general note to all future award shows!!! Please do not force your presenters to feign sexual attraction to one another and NEVER have them act on that forced and often fabricated sexual energy! It is a stupid idea and most often painful to watch. *Steps off soap box*

    Brian Mcknight absolutley wailed! Go ahead child! and it was kind of fun to see that crazy Al Green!

    Mary J. Blige! Girlfriend is in church when she is sanging! So much passion and so much emotion! Very compelling to watch! I also very much appreciate the message of that song!

    I guess that is it.

    Oh, I know what else...I thought what the grammy president had to say against MP3 piracy on the Internet was interesting. Although, there were points when I was feeling yelled out. I really wonder how much it has effected record sales and profits?

    Okay that is really all this time!
    Good night!

    Current Mood: artistic
    Current Music: No Doubt---Too Late (Instrumental)
    Tuesday, February 26th, 2002
    11:40 pm
    Big Distraction!
    "It's too late now
    I don't think it can fade
    It's too real now
    Fulfillment just adds fuel to the blaze"
    ---No Doubt's "Too Late"

    Thank God for No Doubt! "Too Late" is on "Return To Saturn" and is so good! The song I am listening too right now was only released on one of their singles. It is called "Big Distraction" and wow! can I relate to those lyrics! It is amazing to me how much a song can speak to me. Anyway, I really just wanted to put that in the ol' Lj. Life is still great, but it is pretty full right now. Kinda crazy at times but I am making it!) I definitely have to get to bed though! (It is ridiculous I am even still up)

    Good night!
    Sleep tight!
    Bed bugs!
    Don't let 'em bite!

    Current Mood: sleepy
    Current Music: No Doubt---Big Distraction
    Monday, February 25th, 2002
    10:40 pm
    Today was a very beautiful day....
    and I was filled with a joy that I had been running a little low on. But instead of going on about that I figure I will post these lyrics because I truly have just been reminded what a difference a day makes;)

    What a diff'rence a day makes
    Twenty-four little hours
    Brought the sun and the flowers
    Where there used to be rain

    My yesterday was blue, dear
    Today I'm part of you, dear
    My lonely nights are through, dear
    Since you said you were mine

    What a diff'rence a day makes
    There's a rainbow before me
    Skies above can't be stormy
    Since that moment of bliss, that thrilling kiss

    It's heaven when you
    Find romance on your menu
    What a diff'rence a day makes
    And the difference is you

    Current Mood: grateful
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