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here's my day, oh boy! so i woke up an hour after i wanted to, but i think i planned that, cause it was still early for me, being 9am and all. so i'm all bout it, i gotta go to the photobition phoenix, they close at noon today, cause of stupidass christmas... so go there and run into jennifer, she's this girl from school n shit that use to help me fire the kilns off, well she works there in the back, but luckly she came out when i walked in, so that was cool and she looked at my slides and wanted to buy one of the vases i guess... so that was neat, she's a peach... so than i got ot school and say fuck paying today, i'll just walk across campus to the art building, well i get to my parking structure and the gates are open... hmmm so me being a smartie figure all the parking structure gates were open and drive to structure 3 by the art building, yep i was right, neato. so i say hi to rico and shit, he gets his vaction now, good for him, but he has keys and i don't, so that sucks, well i was all workie workie there today, i think i woulda stayed there forever, but i hate traffic and kind of leave according to when i able to beat traffic, but oh well, i guess i wokred there for 4 hours... i think i'm a little behind on my quota of 600 items, i think i'm at like 40... hmmm but it was 600 at 5 dollars and i have at least 10 at 25 so yeah it'll even out. but yeah i did that and made a mess and said fuck it i'm not cleaning up, i'll be the first person back here anyway, cause i'm the only one who gives a shit anyways. so i've decided and i guess i always knew, i want in to University of Washington! here's why, it was the only application i have a gotten that actually made me smile to look at it. so yes, i hope i go there and not one of the other places, but we'll see. so tomorrow is christmas...fuck christmas, fuck holidays, this isn't new, i hate them, i hate them all, places aren't open on holidays, no one can go out for the most part, holidays can suck an egg. ya know what else, i didn't buy anyone anything and i'm not getting anything. i don't count a book from one friend who lives in seattle as present(s) my parents didn't get me anything and i don't care, whatever...i just want to bbq like all the other good holidays, bbq and drink beer...that is all. i think i am going to try and sleep through tomorrow. if i'm a real dick, i will wake up before anyone else and go hide in the studio all day and be productive and not watch fucking tv and shit. hmmm yeah so whatelse, oh yeah i finally got something down on paper for my statement of purpose, finally actually getting the graduate school stuff done, i can not wait til after feb. 1st, than i'll be done with that, although a lot of the schools are jan. 15th... hmmm taco, hmmm beans, hmmm red rice, hmmm ghetto booty, hmmm casino, hmmm stuff