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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Chris' LiveJournal:

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    Friday, February 22nd, 2002
    2:31 am
    Funny Buffy Quotes: "The Freshman"
    Buffy: 'Introduction to the Modern Novel?' I'm guessing I'd probably have to read the modern novel.

    Buffy: How do you get to be renowned? I mean, like, do you have to be 'nowned' first?
    Willow: Yes, first there's the painful 'nowning' process.

    Girl: Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior?
    Buffy: Uh, you know I meant to and then I just got really busy.

    Willow: It's just in High School, knowledge was pretty much frowned upon. You really had to work to learn anything. But here, the energy, the collective intelligence, it's like this force, this penetrating force, and I can just feel my mind opening up--you know?--and letting this place thrust into and spurt knowledge into... That sentence ended up in a different place than it started out in.
    Buffy: I'm with you, though, I'm all for spurty knowledge.

    Buffy: Speaking of slack, have you heard anything from Xander?
    Willow: Not for awhile, he's still on his cross-country-see-America thing. He said he wasn't coming back until he had driven to all fifty states.
    Buffy: Did you explain about Hawaii?
    Willow: Oh, he seemed so determined.

    Riley: Let me give you a hand. Let's put a few of these down here. So, uh, are you girls taking Intro Psych, or do you just want me dead?
    Buffy: Uh-huh. I mean the first one.

    Buffy: I still feel like carrying around a security blanket.
    Eddie: Of Human Bondage. Have you ever read it?
    Buffy: Oh, I'm not really into porn... I mean I'm just... I'm trying to cut way back.

    FatVamp: Does this sweater make me look fat?
    Sunday: No, the fact that you're fat makes you look fat. That sweater just makes you look purple.

    Xander: Buffy, I've gone through some fairly dark times in my life, faced some scary things, among them the kitchen at 'The Fabulous Ladies Night Club.' Let me tell you something, when it's dark and I'm all alone and I'm scared or freaked out or whatever, I always think, 'What would Buffy do?' You're my hero. Ok, sometimes when it's dark and I'm all alone I think, 'What is Buffy wearing?'
    Buffy: Can that be one of those things you never, ever, tell me about?
    Xander: It's a deal. Let's put this bitch in the ground! What do you say?
    Buffy: I think I say thank you.
    Xander: And nothing says thank you like dollars in the waistband.

    Xander: You up for a little reconnaissance?
    Buffy: You mean where we all sculpt and paint and stuff?
    Xander: No, that was the renaissance.
    Buffy: Oh. I've had a really long week.

    Willow: Buffy wouldn't just take off, th-that's just not in her nature. Except for that one time she disappeared for several months and changed he name, but there were circumstances then.

    Willow: How can you be so calm?
    Oz: Long, arduous hours of practice.

    Buffy: When you look back at this, in the three seconds it'll take you to turn to dust, I think you'll find the mistake was touching my stuff.
    Sunday: What about breaking your arm, how'd that feel?
    Buffy: Let me answer that with a head butt.
    Buffy: And for the record, (Buffy makes a fist with her left hand.) the arm is hurt, (She uppercuts Sunday, sending her flying.) not broken.

    Xander: So, all that other stuff in there? That's just gonna sit in there, right? Uh, I mean, no one owns it in the strictest sense.
    Oz: It seems wrong, somehow.
    Xander: Dibs on the rowing machine.

    Giles: I've been awake all night. I know I'm supposed to teach you self-reliance, but I can't leave you out there to fight alone. To hell with what's right, I'm ready to back you up. Let's find the evil a-and fight it together.
    Buffy: Great! Thanks! We'll get right on that.

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: "Rock The Boat" -Aaliyah
    12:30 am
    Could Teachers Care?
    I didn't mean to fall back asleep, but at 4:30 AM, I just felt the need for a quick hour-long nap. My alarm clock shocked me back to the real world. I walked Cybill, and my parents, noticing my sluggishness, almost told me to stay home from school. But I missed too much already.

    Ms. Ingram, Mr. Winter, and Ms. Poduska commented on how tired I looked. Brian commented on how my eyes looked bloodshot, so that freaked me out a little. When I checked it out in the mirror, I saw it and was bothered by it. Other than me talking about it, I thought it wasn't that visable on how tired I feel.

    Luckily, I've got Baltimore today, and Montgomery Scholars on Tuesday, so those are slight reprieves. Monday is still a toss-up as to whether I'll go or not.

    Didn't go to Mr. Watkins Mill tonight. Too tired and too much make-up work to complete. This weekend, it will get done and turned in Monday. I think being absent for 3 days is making me look like I'm flunking AP Government and AP English 12. That's almost funny; my grades are shaping up as pass/fail with either an A or E. That amuses me.

    Michael Jackson's Invincible sucks. I've been listening to it, hoping for new songs to include on my tape, and the album isn't good. There are only two good songs: "Heaven Can Wait" and "Butterflies." No wonder Justin said he fell asleep listening to this CD.

    I'm down to just a cough. Yay me.

    Ooh, cookies.....

    Current Mood: melancholy
    Current Music: "Heaven Can Wait" -Michael Jackson
    Thursday, February 21st, 2002
    2:35 am
    Change In Plans
    Just got out of the shower. Feel a little cleaner/better. But I thought about my current situation and realize this:

    1. Erica, I just can't go this weekend. I've got too much work to still make-up. Plus, with my mom and dad feeling like shit, I have to take care of Cybill. I'm all for a day trip on Sunday (assuming I complete everything), but as for an overnight thing....nope, can't do it.

    2. I'm having serious doubts about attending Mr. Watkins Mill. In the shower, I just remembered that I had forgotten about a test in AP Government completely. I'm in no way ready for it. I'm not having classes Friday, so I'm not worried about missing work. It's all very much up in the air.

    3. No one (with few exceptions) try to call me. I'm going to work out something new where I sleep when I get home (around 6) and get up around midnight or later to do my homework. I'm trying that Thursday to see how that goes.

    Current Mood: working
    Current Music: "Heaven Can Wait" -Michael Jackson
    Tuesday, February 19th, 2002
    11:27 pm
    Long And Tiring
    A somewhat nice groove to settle back into when I went back to school today. But the sheer length of the day, including Fiddler rehearsal killed me. And all my make-up just about overwhelmed me. I'll be buried in it for the rest of the week.

    Can't transcribe like I usually do. I have do complete at least the Hamlet work for tomorrow.

    I'm alive, barely.

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: "Butterflies" -Michael Jackson
    Monday, February 18th, 2002
    9:06 pm
    Last Day
    So much for waking up at 9:30. Meh.....

    My dad had a doctor's appointment (in Columbia), so my mom and him were out for a few hours. With Heather at work, I decided to make an exit as well. After showering and getting ready, I was gone.

    It felt weird, knowing that you are the lone person in your house and taking a shower. I don't know. I liked the feeling of being alone save Cybill. Just struck me as an odd feeling.

    Most of MoCo's population must have thought that President's Day would be a good one spent at Best Buy and Home Depot in Rockville. The lines on the highway were just ridiculous. Luckily, it wasn't quite the madhouse inside like I thought. I priced some webcams (cheapest: $49.99) and scanners (cheapest: $39.99 with the $50 rebate included) just cause I was there. My real reason wasss to get a new All For You album, which included the "Son of a Gun (I Betcha Think This Song is About You)" remix. Only $13.99. Yay.

    Tempted to go joyriding, I didn't because of a threatening rush hour. Instead, I hightailed it via 270 North to Lakeforest for a pretzel and my usual stroll. There are these army pants I want there. My size too. One of the (gay) guys that works there is pretty nice. Granted the store is empty a lot when I'm there. I babbled when I left to him for no reason. Wasn't that cute. And besides, I'm taken.

    I was afraid Walmart lost the pictures I dropped off to be developed today, but they didn't. I finally finished the roll of film in my real camera, and what a flashback. They start at Homecoming and end with Jeff's Graduation last week. I'll take them to school tomorrow so people (Ryan, Erica, Justin if I see him) can check them out.

    Hopefully I'll cash in my change this week for Erica's scanner. Unless your mom wants a lot of change Erica...hehehe. There must be a movie playing.

    I'm going to start my Senior Will for The Current, get it planned out and everything. I randomly was thinking about it in the car today. That and my legs. I'm getting weaker for an odd reason. I haven't done much walking or driving, so I'm thinking that's the culprit. Just in time for a Chambers performance in Baltimore this Friday. In this month, I will have been absent 6 days of school. Go me, I'm sure.

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: "Son Of A Gun (I Betcha Think This Song Is About You) (P. Diddy Remix)" -Janet Jackson featuring Missy Elliott
    12:17 am
    "Every Gay Man's Dream... To Have Sex With Janet Jackson" -Me
    I hate everyone would didn't contribute to my "Chris-needs-to-fly-to-Hawaii-to-see-Janet-Jackson" fund (which is everyone :þ). Who knows, that could have been me strapped to that upright chair and Miss Jackson grinding against me and coming thisclose to giving me a blowjob. My first Janet concert, lived through HBO. WIth her track record, I'll have to wait till 2005 at the earliest for another chance.

    I want to change my name. Something that looks better in cursive script. Like Jon or Jeff. They have great names.

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Current Music: "Trust A Try" -Janet Jackson
    Sunday, February 17th, 2002
    6:35 pm
    Flu Reprise
    I coughed much more today than yesterday, and my throat felt worse. Even if Janet Jackson wasn't on HBO tonight, I wouldn't be going out.

    This whole week has felt like Winter Break, Part 2 for me. I haven't been to school in so long. Feels weird. And with the exception of Myrtle Beach and Spring Break, there aren't anymore extended breaks (that are foreseeable) for me. :( Unless I get mono or something. Which isn't going to happen; I saw the Hell Viva went through.

    So I've got the British and French government history covered. Next up: the Russian Federation.

    Current Mood: sore
    Current Music: "Find A Way" -A Tribe Called Quest
    12:13 am
    Irony, Foreshadowing, Or Both
    I'm reading my Australian LiveJournal yet again. How funny that I watched Fiddler on the Roof in the Religion class I attended. And I wasn't one of the ones that fell asleep. That would be Jon.

    Which reminds me, I should email the Lift Plus Crew. And get around to mailing my Senior pics to the family halfway around the world.

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: "The Art Of Love" -Toni Braxton
    Saturday, February 16th, 2002
    11:27 pm
    As much as I don't want to, I have to take people off of my friends list. I have personal reasons for doing so, which vary depending on the individual. If you read this, and then see you aren't listed anymore, you can IM me asking why (if you care). I hate offending people by taking them off of friend list, but I have to run this risk. Sorry.

    On a related story, I just removed about 15 people from my AIM buddy list. I feel better. Just dead weed hanging on for no reason.

    I think I'm going to adopt a personality where I don't give a shit as much as I do now. Being the diplomat, the middleman, the calm reasonable one sucks ass. I'm pissed off about it, I'm not happy with it anymore, and I'm not going to censor myself in attempts to placate someone to distrub their fragile feelings. I'm done with it, and don't you threaten me because my bite is no where near as vicious as my bark.

    I've been giving more and more thought to quitting Fiddler on the Roof. It's only because I've been sick and will dred having to make up work at the same time playing catch-up with the musical. But if it doesn't pass when I'm caught up...

    I forgot if I ate dinner tonight. Probably didn't.

    Watched Real World: Chicago for the first time. Already looks infinitely better than RW: RTNY, so maybe I'll watch.

    Current Mood: determined
    Current Music: "You Want This" -Janet Jackson
    Friday, February 15th, 2002
    8:49 pm
    Fridays Do A Body Good
    My third day of illness wasn't as horrible as the first two (not counting Tuesday). My back and arm were sore for most of the day, but those aches vanished. My fever broke yesterday at 102.7, and has been at or below normal since. My throat is still kinda sore and raw. Everyone agrees that it's doubtful that it's strep, but if I get a phone call on Monday from the doctor, I'll know.

    Ryan was nice enough again to bring by my AP Euro homework. If I can get ahold of Brian over the three day weekend, I'll copy his notes and just go into the test on Tuesday without having to take it later and fall behind.

    Itkin called for me yesterday, wondering where I was and what was up.

    I'm trying to save up money, and I'm doing a good job. Mostly because it's in change and it's therefore too heavy to drag around. So many things I want to buy and do with that money....but I can't.

    I think I shall order a pizza now.

    Current Mood: complacent
    Current Music: "Alright" -Janet Jackson
    Thursday, February 14th, 2002
    10:31 pm
    The Flu
    With no real improvement from yesterday, my mother decided I had to see my doctor today. She came to the similar conclusion my mother and I had: the flu. I have to take 4 Advil every 8 hours, with 2 extra strength Tylonel in between, and any cough syrup or Nyquil when I need it. That's a lot fo drugs, I know. If I don't update for a few days, who knows? I made have gone to the hospital on a drug overdose. That's what I'm honestly afraid of.

    Jon surprised me with a phone call 2 hours ago. It's the closest we could get for Valentine's Day, but I don't mind. Granted I have no voice. My illness just made me all kinds of disconnected.

    Ryan stopped by after school to drop off my AP Euro work. I might as well do as much as I can so I'm not completely behind in my classes when I go back on Tuesday.

    Current Mood: sick
    Current Music: "Butterflies" -Michael Jackson
    Wednesday, February 13th, 2002
    8:57 pm
    The Family At Home
    With Dad's surgery, my illness, Heather on vacation, and Mom taking care of both of us, everyone's been home today. That rarely happens. My dad's been throwing up a lot apparently. I wouldn't know because I haven't been near him. I can't afford to get him sick now.

    This morning, my mom came upstairs and thought I was going to school. That ticked me off, but she didn't see me at all yesterday, so she didn't really know. I cut her slack.

    I doubt I'll make it in tomorrow for Valentine's Day. And I had my outfit with leather jacket all ready. Ryan, Erica, and Diane will have to that without me.

    Hmmm....I didn't even mention how I was feeling today. I've been having the chills and hot sweats all day today. I took a shower because all the sweat made me stinky. But I know I smell again (another sweat spell). My back still hurts, and I coughed so much at one point, I couldn't breathe. Felt like my throat was jumping out of my mouth. Scary. Thought I was dying.

    Man, this is going to suck if Jeff comes up here this weekend and I can't see him because I'm sick. Which reminds me, I need to reply to something.

    Current Mood: sick
    Current Music: "Would You Mind" -Janet Jackson
    Tuesday, February 12th, 2002
    11:28 pm
    To Myself
    I knew I should have made that entry private. I wish I had.

    Current Mood: sick
    Current Music: "Tennessee" -Arrested Development
    10:13 pm
    Shooting People With Sticks Of Butter
    I'm incredibly ill. I think I have the flu. My body aches completely, I've got an obvious fever, my throat is very raw, the coughing and wheezing, and the nausous feeling. Blech.

    I wasn't feeling like this all day. It progressively got worse throughout the day.

    There was a lot of things I wanted to say. Way too weak though.

    Current Mood: sick
    Current Music: "Throb" -Janet Jackson
    Monday, February 11th, 2002
    3:36 pm
    It's going to be difficult to update and talk to Erica and Jeff on AIM. But here's a noble effort.

    Already lagging behind at 7 AM when I woke up, I had to haul ass to school and get there late by my standards (7:15). I felt mentally absent for the first few classes, and started to black out a few times in Chambers. But I sucked it up and actually started to feel better as the day pressed on. AP Gov't was the usual bore, but it was hell on my wrist to copy those notes.

    Received my WMHS parking permit at lunch. This is going to be essential for me to escape the horrors that are the school bus. Surgery is tomorrow. I don't think anyone will be home. Thankfully, I only have rehearsal on Friday, and now I'm starting to think it was canceled.

    Oh, we get report cards tomorrow. I should have a 3.8 unweighted GPA. Someone want to help with the weighted stuff?

    MSND meets at 5, so hopefully I can finish my AP Euro assignment and just come back home to chill out. Oh...wait....AP English 12 also. The never ending pile.

    Monday wasn't the terror that it usually is. Means Tuesday is going to be extra scary. :þ

    Current Mood: mellow
    Current Music: "Someone To Call My Lover (The Velvet Mix)" -Janet Jackson
    Sunday, February 10th, 2002
    9:57 pm
    An Afternoon with Jeff
    Me, wake up at 9 AM on a weekend? Crazy! But I did. Go me. Erica rode with me as we drove down to Arlington, VA to Jeff's house. Arriving at noon-ish, the three of us just sat around and talked a lot. Jess and Shana (¿?), two more of his friends that he invited, joined us around the time we left @ 12:45.

    The five of us, plus Jeff's mom, their house....person, and Jeff's grandfather filled up the Explorer (which is why, regrettably, we couldn't take you with us). The synagogue was incredibly nice and looked extremely well. The ceremony, while long, was fun and more touching than the 3 previous ones I've attended. I don't know if it was the connection to Jeff that we still have or the fact that it was the "Class of 2002." In a few months, that will be myself, Erica, Ryan, Diane, Jordan, Greg, and Gini in Constitution Hall. It's surreal, truly. I don't know how I can grasp that.

    Jeff is apparently going to college in Ohio. Erica and I were semi-crushed by this. More road trips to Ohio now!

    After the ceremony, the eight of us (after running into Viva and some others) headed back to Jeff's house. There was oh-so-good-and-rich cake with chinese food and other strange assortments. Jess and Shana had to leave early, so it was Erica, Jeff, and I once and again. We just sat around on his couch, hugging/cuddling each other (it's the thing we do....don't know why) and talking. I swear though, Austin (Jeff's dog) kept trying to kiss me.

    OH! Jeff's mom covered him in confetti when he walked back in the door. I took picture; he choked on it. It'll be stuck in his hair for weeks. Teehee.

    Around 7:30 (right when my parents called), Erica and I reluctantly left to go home. We decided to make more trips to VA to keep Jeff company and whatnot. The three of us are very tight together. I don't know how I'll sleep tonight: with Erica and Jeff surrounding me for most of the evening, it feels weird to be alone again. If I talked to Jon for too long tonight, it'll break my heart to be by myself.

    Speaking of loves (Jon, Jeff, and Erica), I just saw the season finale to Sex and the City. I'm up for a road trip to NYC.

    Current Mood: lonely
    Current Music: "Someone To Call My Lover (The Velvet Mix)" -Janet Jackson
    1:05 am
    An LJ Entry, Memento Style
    I'm going to make Jon a tape of songs. I've got so many though, I don't know what to include. Here's part of it:

    "Throb" -Janet Jackson
    "Alright" -Janet Jackson
    "Empty" -Janet Jackson
    "When We Oooo" -Janet Jackson
    "Trust A Try" -Janet Jackson
    "Someone To Call My Lover" -Janet Jackson
    "Rock The Boat" -Aaliyah
    "Old School Joint" -Missy Elliott
    "Take Away" -Missy Elliott
    "Differences" -Ginuwine
    "Deeper and Deeper" -Madonna
    "I Would Die 4 U" -Prince
    "U Got The Look" -Prince
    "Let's Go Crazy" -Prince
    "Wanna Be Startin' Somthin'" -Michael Jackson
    "Working Day And Night" -Michael Jackson
    "Butterflies" -Michael Jackson
    "Slowly, Surely" -Jill Scott
    "Gettin' In The Way" -Jill Scott
    "A Long Walk" -Jill Scott
    "Untitled (How Does It Feel)" -D'Angelo
    "All That I Can Say" -Mary J. Blige
    "Beautiful Ones" -Mary J. Blige
    "The Light" -Common
    "The Heat" -Toni Braxton
    "Party" -Dis 'N Dat
    "The Bomb" -The Bucketheads

    There's so many more I want to include. Might be two tapes in my eventual package.

    Completed more of my Oedipus Rex questions for AP English. I don't know how long Jeff's graduation will last, so I need to do more work before I go to bed. Erica, call me around 10 to make sure I'm awake.

    When I woke up around 3 AM (Hey, I was up all night, cut me some slack.), I went to Jerry's after Jeff called me. I got some lunch on a not-so-bad day, weather-wise. Just getting out of the house, joyriding in my own way, I felt a lot better. More days need to be Saturday afternoons.

    My fan is possessed. It turns on and off randomly without me touching it. Eep.

    Current Mood: mellow
    Current Music: "Beautiful Ones" -Mary J. Blige
    Saturday, February 9th, 2002
    9:23 pm
    "John Wesley's Rule" -Ella Wheeler Wilcox
    Do all the good you can,
    By all the means you can,
    In all the ways you can,
    In all the places you can,
    At all the times you can,
    To all the people you can,
    As long as ever you can.

    Current Mood: working
    Current Music: "U Got The Look" -Prince
    3:42 am
    "anyone lived in a pretty how town" -e.e cummings
    anyone lived in a pretty how town
    (with up so floating many bells down)
    spring summer autumn winter
    he sang his didn't he danced his did

    Women and men(both little and small)
    cared for anyone not at all
    they sowed their isn't they reaped their same
    sun moon stars rain

    children guessed(but only a few
    and down they forget as up they grew
    autumn winter spring summer)
    that noone loved him more by more

    when by now and tree by leaf
    she laughed his joy she cried his grief
    bird by snow and stir by still
    anyone's any was all to her

    someones married their everyones
    laughed their cryings and did their dance
    (sleep wake hope and then)they
    said their nerves they slept their dream

    stars rain sun moon
    (and only the snow can begin to explain
    how children are apt to forget to remember
    with up so many floating bells down)

    one day anyone died i guess
    (and noone stooped to kiss his face)
    busy folk buried them side by side
    little by little and was by was

    all by all and deep by deep
    and more by more they dream their sleep
    noone and anyone earth by April
    wish by spirit and if by yes

    Women and men(both dong and ding)
    summer autumn winter spring
    reaped their sowing and went their came
    sun moon stars rain

    Current Mood: calm
    Current Music: "All That I Can Say" -Mary J. Blige
    2:43 am
    Sleeping In On Saturdays
    Max told me that Poduska canceled any Saturday Fiddler rehearsals for February. Thank goodness. Because I would completely out of it if there was one in 8 hours.

    I taped Downloading Sex: on HBO. It's the funniest thing. Viva, you would find this one chick really funny I think.

    My teachers seem to have a sixth sense: whenever nothing is planned with my friends for the weekend, they pile on the homework. With Diane and her Prom meeting canceled, I've got reading and questions for AP Euro and AP English 12 that will probably take a whole day to complete.

    With the nice weather making a quick comeback, I think I'll go out with Cybill today to a dog park if I can find it. Or at least a long walk/jog. I just should tape a few songs for my walkman.

    Guess who's back on Prince again?

    Oh yeah, Jeff's graduation is tomorrow. But if I can't find him before the ceremony starts, I'm screwed. Plus, I don't know if I'll drive or try the metro. Mapquest, please help me for once...

    Current Mood: awake
    Current Music: "Alphabet St." -Prince
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