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Friday, March 15th, 2002
4:46 pm
whats up. lol greyson is gone now. we were being hyper. now im chillin gettin ready to go clean the house cause nobody else will in my house cause there all out and tomorow abbie will be here. YAY i cant wait!! i miss her sooo much and finally i get to be with her agian!! yay!! everyone is going to be so happy at chruch. lol. ok just to fill you in on some things everything below that is from like awhile ago is all over and done with. on my birthday we didnt do anyting of that crap we walked to wendys WITHOUT eddie. and yeh we went out but he dumped me after a week or two or something. but i dont care bout him anymore. i jus broke up with vic today but we still like do stuff. weird huh? lol. im gonna be single for awhile and jus flirt. it was funny like me and vic started going out and all these guys still kept like comin up and huggin me and crap and vic was like what the hell. lol. so i just want to be single and do crap. well im gonna go clean. fun fun. xoxo bree

current mood: awake
current music: jagged edge ollddd song. lol

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4:14 pm - Greyson is at my HOUSE!!! AHHH
whats up. greyson is at my house. i spiked his hair. he is a preppy boy now. he wants to marry me. he says HECKKKKKoooo HECCKKKOOOO. lol. LALALLA we are BORED!! well have a nice day. goodbye. lol xoxo bree.

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Thursday, March 14th, 2002
10:19 pm - AHHH lol
You might not want to read what is below in all those enrtys.. Lol. There is alot of crap.. lol. I dont have time to write right now but seriosly i am going to keep this up and like kinda explain what happend with that last entry cause it was um yeh long time ago and i dont want people to think things. but whatever untill bye.

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Tuesday, February 5th, 2002
6:17 pm - Im bak `n better than ever!!
Hehe. I havent writin in this thing forever so I dont recommend you reading the stuff under this entry. Anyways. My birthday is friday!! I cant wait. Im not doing anything big. Just going to Tazha's ((her and ash are having a lil party for me)) then we are going bowling with Eddie and a couple of his friends (i think) and then Rashad Ash `n Tazha and her sister and her friends. Yay! Then saturday I am going to Aragotos (sp?) with my family ( the only family i have my mom and dad) lol. All I am getting is a hair straitiner cause my hair isnt straight enough already and a lil CD player that I wanted for x-mis that I never got.
Well...I realllllyyy want to go out with Eddie but I dont know what is going to happen. Hopefully we will cause there is just something about him that I really like. lol. Anyways. I dont know if that was earl who asked me out or not. I dont understand so I think I am going to call him and see what is up. xoxo Bree

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Monday, November 12th, 2001
9:23 pm - HAPPYNESS!!

hey hey. long time no write. hehe. alot has happend. i went trough alot of crap the past couple weeks. but then it all turned out all right. i think people look at me as a different person now. at least some people that i know of. everything is pretty much almost back to normal. just about. im really happy. but i cant say why or some people would get mad. not naming any names. its just not right to put out in public but you know its all good. hehe. next week we have no school at all and im really happy cause im going to hang out with.... um yea... thats who... you really want to know who i am talking about dont you. hehe. well only 1 person knows and thats that person. so you know i dont think you will find out. hehe. i really like school right now. all my friends arent mad at me only one witch i really could care less about but he isnt my friend anymore. im happy. just plain happy. well im going to stop bragging about how happy i am and im going to go brag to my REAL journal about how happy i am so ill write later.
bree wrote this on 11-12-01 at 9:22pm

current mood: happy

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Sunday, November 4th, 2001
1:09 pm
hey its sunday. ashley is here. we wnt to church this morning. i saw justin :o) hehe.
bree wrote this on 11-4-01 at 1:08pm

current mood: cold

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Friday, November 2nd, 2001
5:12 pm - yada yada yada
im bored. im putting this picture on here:

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Saturday, October 20th, 2001
11:44 am - i had fun
last night. hehe. i went to raych's b-day party, if thats what you want to call it. she just invited some people over and we hung out watching movies and other crap. lol. today i got to go to the shop and paint the frickin bathroom. i want to paint it its just i dont like painting it. lol you wouldnt understand. anyways.. i might be going to the movies today with some people im not sure yet though. mike isnt here yet.. :o( hes come tuesday. ok well im gonna go take a shower. xoxo bree

current mood: blank

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Thursday, October 18th, 2001
7:26 pm - owwy
today has been such a bad day. for one reason only! MY STOMACH!! its like bloted. its half cramps and half stomach flue witch i hate so mcuh cause anything that has to do with the stomach hurts. but i have never had a stomach ache like that it was the worst. and i lost my retaner. i was coming home from school early and we went to wendys and when i was eating in the car i took it out and i dont know where it went from there and its not in the car cause i dont remeber anything that happend today exept my horrible stomach ache. but yet i am still going to club scoop. im out. xoxo bree

current mood: sick

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Wednesday, October 17th, 2001
9:41 pm - tyler
im going out with tyler. isnt that cool? hes adorible! anyways. its wendsay and tomorow i have confermation and then im going to club scoop. firday we have no school! I CANT WAIT!! hehe. anyways i got to go read my jesus book. lol thats a good way to put it. im home alone and its dark and i keep hearing these noises and im scared. lol HELP!! j/k xoxo bree

current mood: scared

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Sunday, October 14th, 2001
5:39 pm - if all the rain drops...
were candy drop and milk drops oh what a rain that would be. lol i think thats how it goes. wow im typing so fast right now i could just keep going and going and going lol ill stop now. its raining pretty hard and lighting. lightning remeinds me of josh. remeber josh how we used to stay on the phone till like 2 oclock in the morning when it was like lightning and raining. i do. those were the days even thought it was only like 3 months ago. lol i miss that. im not gonna get myself into talking about this agian. anyways. we had a party today. for the football game. it was fun my house is so clean and halloweeny. lol. breeny weeny. joke...inside joke...mmkay.. tomorow is school agian witch reminds me i have homework. lol oh well. ok well im going now. xoxo bree go to my web page at

current mood: exhausted

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Saturday, October 13th, 2001
7:40 pm - tears fall...
from my eyes :o( im not gonna be afraid to say this i dont care who reads it. i miss josh like whoa. it sucks. i love him so much!! grr i cant get over it! ok ill quit now cause i know ill never get a chance with him agian but you know i can still love him. im going to cry a river now so long.

current mood: sad
current music: hero

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7:39 pm - tears fall...
from my face :o( im not gonna be afraid to say this i dont care who reads it. i miss josh like whoa. it sucks. i love him so much!! grr i cant get over it! ok ill quit now cause i know ill never get a chance with him agian but you know i can still love him. im going to cry a river now so long.

current mood: sad
current music: hero

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Friday, October 12th, 2001
2:36 pm - oh lordy! im in love!
o-m-g this kid is so hott! like the hottest thing i have ever seen in my life! if you reading this eddie i love you!! dude im not jokin i would go out with that kid in a heartbeat. i know i said i wasnt gonna go out with anyone else for a couple months cause i want to be single (sorry josh n josh hehe) but i would go out with him if he asked me out today. that would be tyte. i could like always be with him cause he lives right down the road from and and he is so hott! and theres more but we wont go there. i know none of you have no clue who i am talkin about but thats ok. hehe gotta go shopping. xoxo bree

current mood: cheerful
current music: Ja Rule

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Thursday, October 11th, 2001
9:00 pm - omg
omg i am soo happy!! i cant say why though. if you want to know just ask i cant post it on here. lol!! you dont understand how happy i am. everything in life is going so good and one of my biggest dreams have came true. only one though and thats why i am happy. well it has came true alittle bit but not all the way. but its on its way. yay!! tomorow we have a shortend day so we get out at 2. and i have no clue what i am doin tomrow night but i know what i am doing tomorow after school. :o) hehe. anyways i gotta go call rachel and tell her the good news. xoxo bree

current mood: happy

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Monday, October 8th, 2001
9:30 pm - madness....
god my mom is getting on my nervse!! she never has time for me anymore! god!! now that we are opening the scrapbooking store she always has to be there and never can do anything on the weekends like go shopping or anything! god it sucks. i want to go to burlington so bad but 'she never has time' oh well. at least i am stending more time with my friends now. ok anyways. the air in our school didnt work today so it was really hot. and that really sucked since i was wearing pants. from what i have heard there might be a new chick movin in the next street over from me and she is in 8th grade and 'hott' thats what i heard. n e ways. imma go. xoxo bree

current mood: naughty
current music: blink 182

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Saturday, October 6th, 2001
10:14 pm - im like a bird
your beautiful and thats for sure im in a singing mood. hehe. i spent all day today skatebording with josh josh and tyler and lia. we had alot of fun. hehe. i made out with josh g twice..arent i lucky? hehe he is a REALLY good kisser. thats the first person i kissed withought my braces on. its so much better! lol. then i was skatebordin with these kids and they were chasing me with a snake! ok well im goin to go take a shower. i have booses all over my legs from skatbording. xoxo bree

current mood: cheerful
current music: im like a bird

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Friday, October 5th, 2001
10:09 pm - grrr
i hate josh!!omg i hate that kid so much! he like keeps talking to me and making fun of me so much! thanks for makin me the center of your world buddie! hes sayin all this crap that im a prep becasue i wear a silver chain and i listin to rap music. what the hell? this kid is more of a prep than me he gets strait a's and do i make strait a's no... do i make a's and b's? no ok then how the hell am i a prep? and hes callin me a poser cause i skatebored...whatever. hes the poser he thinks hes all big and bad but when it comes down to it he is gonna get his ass kicked if he keeps talkin this shyt. and hes sitting here tryin to tell me missy is prettyer that me. HELL NO I know so many people that hate that gurl and its not my fault that they hate her cause i didnt say n e thing to them about her and there sittin talkin crap. god i hate people like that! grr! ok well im goin to stop talkin about them. josh c josh g and tyler d were just over here and we were messin round and we were out hang round the neigborhood and now im talkin to them on the phone yayaya! lol okkkk... ok well im out xoxo bree

current mood: annoyed

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Wednesday, October 3rd, 2001
5:08 pm - forgot
ok i forgor somethings to say. i got my braces off. i look so much better from everyones point of veiw. hehe. im not going out with anyone. something happend with me n kyle it only lasted for about a week but thats ok cause we are friends now and i like it better that way. i like josh still but i dont like him. i mean if he breaks up with missy then sure ill go back out with him but i dont want to go out with him right now. i have moved on. think this kid in 7th grade is really cute but i would never go out with him cause i really dont think he is my type and im not telling who that is and only one person knows and i dont think that that person really cares. and i like someone in 10th grade but he has a girlfriend. i really like him though. ok im out xoxo bree

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4:56 pm - yOyOyO
lol hey. im really bored. i havent been writing alot. i just got some pictures back from abbie from the last couple days she was here and when we went to raise the roof with greyson and britta. i look so cute i have my turle viser on and a orange shirt with a hood and i have my hood on. hehe. and when we were playing the cup came at her party we had for her and then at church the last day she was here when i cried my eyes out. dont think i ever cried so much in my life. seriosly. and the pictures you can tell i have been crying. ok n e ways. im still mad at greyson for verios reasons. im pissed @ someone but im not naming any names cause i know this person will be reading this but thats ok. thats really the only problem in my life right now is this one person. n e ways. josh and tyler are coming over to my house in 10 min. hehe. yay! my parents are gone to the shop (happy scrappers) my moms store she is opening on november 1st. its a scrapbooking store and i get to work in it. yay! this weekend i am going to karaoke friday then lia is sleeping over and then saturday we are going to the beach and then to the mall to get our halloween customes. thats about all i have planned exept for church sunday. and oh yea the football game witch is at ashleys house or my house i dont remeber. lol. ok well im gonna go get dressed in some decent clothes to see these boys. lol xoxo bree

current mood: hot
current music: POD alive---i love this song!!

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