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...my so called life...

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(1 huggy!|show me you love me!)

(14 November 01|05:51am)
( mood | morose )

~Sorry guys im peaceing out for a little!~
Things have been crazy in my life n I have been falling behind on my posts/comments... *SoRrIeS* I'll be back sooner or later... or whenever the hell my life gets back on track... *arg* but as soon as I come back I will prolly have a big story, so... I'll talk to yah all later... :-*
<3333 Rachy

*n thanks kel for the user piccie!*

(30 huggies!|show me you love me!)

(11 November 01|03:12pm)
I redid my journal... I don't like it, but it'll do for now.. I needed a change...

(5 huggies!|show me you love me!)

sorry (11 November 01|02:10pm)
( mood | lazy )
( music | Blink - Stay Together For The Kids )

I haven't been around guys, I know, you prolly knowticed the lack of comments from me.. sorry I've been lazy.. :o\ I still love all yah all things have just been realy wierd with my bf and all..

N I visited Mike at work today :) whata cutie he is :)

And uhmm I'm going to Brian's tonight, hopefully him and "Movie Night" will cheer me up a bit.... he's a sweetie so I'm sure he'll help a bit.

*Tomorrow = Comments, I promise*

Oh and I deleted all my songs from Morpheous. *points to self* is a dumbass does anyone know any good songs? :-\ I forgot all mine

(10 huggies!|show me you love me!)

(11 November 01|08:09am)
( mood | productive )

Happy birthday Jillie!!!!

(9 huggies!|show me you love me!)

(10 November 01|12:00pm)
( mood | sad )

Inbox for luffablelilangel@yahoo.com:

Folder Inbox is Empty



does anyone know any good BG sites?

(show me you love me!)

(10 November 01|08:33am)
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Have a great one!!!

<33 Rachy

(10 huggies!|show me you love me!)

(09 November 01|06:17am)
( mood | thoughtful )

Ive decided... I'm going to totalyy redo my journal... tonight!! muahahah! I'm getting bored of these colors n backgroud... blehh bleh bleh!!

(9 huggies!|show me you love me!)

(08 November 01|08:39pm)
( mood | good )

New user pic! OmG how cute I <3 it!

*My Benny*

:-P delish :-P

Uhm yeah I have no pictures of meeeeee!!! *ArG*

(3 huggies!|show me you love me!)

tina (08 November 01|06:08pm)
( mood | cranky )

user pic for tina!

<33 Yah gurlie hope you like it!

time to go find a BG for stacee!

(10 huggies!|show me you love me!)

new (08 November 01|03:51pm)
New Layout!!! *wohoooo* Should I keep itcentered or move it to the left or right side *thinking* Hummmmmm....

(2 huggies!|show me you love me!)

flirt (08 November 01|03:49pm)
( mood | flirty )

"Rachel, you flirt to much with evry guy you know!" -Mal

I got a hug from Mike today! Oh man! I am radient! Look at the smile! Look! *BIG SMILE*

And Brian is the coolest guy I know! He helped me this morning when I was all pissed off, man, he's the biggest sweetie I know! Thanks Brian!!!

*I failed gym* I'm sucha looser! Oh well, that's what I get for not making up my classes! I hated swimming anyways! I'm gonna do so much better in bowling.. *woot woot* Can't wait!!!

Nothin much happened today.. it was borring n I was bitchy!! hehheh.. well, gtg!

(10 huggies!|show me you love me!)

(07 November 01|09:46pm)
( mood | distressed )

This week cannot get any fucking worse. *cries*

It's down to the point where i cant eveTALK to my bf on my 10 month. What the fuck is this all about?


(show me you love me!)

...g o t . i t . f r o m . t i n a... (07 November 01|08:01pm)
( mood | content )

Old Name: Rachy

I now dub your ass:
Fine Bitch

Hell yah! ;o)

What be yo gangsta name?

(2 huggies!|show me you love me!)

...1 0 . m o n t h s... (07 November 01|03:47pm)
( mood | silly )

Hehheh.. Tina and I had fun today in her band room... I don't want to offend any random readers of my journal so I'm not gonna say anything sept.. it was halarious!!! :oP Hehheh.. Ima big lez!! :-X

I also rammed Brian into his locker.. SORRY BRIAN! I <3 you! hehheh...

Mike isnt talking to me anymore :'( Oh well I stil have Paul to entertain me in science! haha, that kid is halarious!!! :) So I had an arite day on my 10 month.. *woot woot* yea yea, well I'm out it's time to go comment *yes I'm commenting today guys!!!*

<3333 Mucho

(7 huggies!|show me you love me!)

...a l l . b e t t e r... (07 November 01|05:37am)
( mood | chipper )

:) Finnally again I'm feeling good, no migranes like last night, no problems at all... *Finally* And thanks to a friend who cheered me up a alot... :)

Hum.. and today is.. the 7th!!! And guess what that means?


Wow.. that's a long time scince January last year... *sighs*

(and it's my mom~ee's birthday!)

Mk, well I gtg.. <33 yah all!!

(14 huggies!|show me you love me!)

...m i k e... (05 November 01|05:10pm)
( mood | intimidated )
( music | POD - Alive )

Today blew my ass. Grr. I fail a test, Ben pissed me off in the morning, and I didnt do my project for spanish. Grr. At least Brian was there to give me lotsa huggs before 3rd and make me feel a tiny teeny bit better. Arg. then I went to science....

*Like the day couldn't get worse*

Mike is my friend, I do NOT like him christina, lol!!! But yeah, so we're sitting in science haveing a dumb staring contest like we always do (hehheh) and Anthony was like dude, he wants you soo bad!!! n then we got into the yes he does, no he doesn't fight. And then Anthony goes asking people what they think, and they were like, yeap, he wants you Rach. Uhhuh. This is not what I need rite now! *arg arg arg...*

Mike wouldn't talk to me for like the rest of the class untill I went and talked to him so he knew I wasn't like... not talking to him because he likes me orsome gay shit like that. He was telling me about his /f and how he treats her so good, like he helps her with her coat, carries her over puddles.. opens the door for her... I was like damn boy you are wipped! (Just because I didn't want to go, omg that is the sweetest thing, I wish my bf arried me over puddles!) but he's gonna break up with her n stuff cause she treats him like shit. *arggg* Seems like everyone is getting treatted like shit by ther g/f or b/f.... I donno, ma~b its just me...

Oh man, this is a long entrie... sorry guys! you just wasted 5 minutes of your time reading my bichin, lol.. <33 you guys for doing it tho!!! <333 Rach

Ohh n I get to visit my other (older) friend Mike at BK on Sunday.. woot woot, really early in the mornin too.. lol

(22 huggies!|show me you love me!)

..w h y... (04 November 01|09:30pm)
( mood | irate )

Why does he have to be like this?
So annoying and difficult and just... *arg*
It's been like this for how long now?
*punches something*

where do I go when I need a shoulder to cry on??

(13 huggies!|show me you love me!)

...s h o p p i n g... (04 November 01|06:00pm)
( mood | lethargic )

I <33 new clothes... I got 3 new shirts from Forever and 2 from Abercrombie.... that's rite! I'm shopping at Abercrombie.. I am! Oh geez what's going on! I'm going preppy.. again! *Ahh!* lol... Well I got a pair of sparkly pants too, I'm wearing them on tuesday with onea my new shirts.. hum, which one, I do not know... *thinking* I <33 new clothes!!!! Ok I have togo comment 'cause I know all of you <33 comments like me! kk *muahs*

(10 huggies!|show me you love me!)

..s u r v e y... (04 November 01|01:10pm)
( mood | gloomy )

I stole this from Nicki... :) hey... she told me I could! :) <33

5 things I am afraid of:
: Being unloved
: Heights
: Dieing
: Rejection
: Getting hurt by a guy I thought I loved *pathetic huh?*

5 things that make me laugh:
: Me
: My friends
: Inside jokes
: Stupid moives
: This

5 things that make me cry:
: Boys
: Confusion
: Feeling lost
: When people yell at me
: Not understanding things in my relationship

5 people I love:
: Ben
: Bre
: Tina
: My dogs
: You! *smooch*

5 things I love:
: Singing
: Crying
: Dancing
: Being with Ben
: Being crazy

5 things I don't understand:
: Guys
: Backstabbing friends
: Friends who leave you hanging
: How people can fall in and out of love so fast
: Why icecream is so good

5 things in the room i'm in now:
: My 2 puppers
: Me
: Tissues
: My fish tank
: A Reeses wrapper cause I didn't thro it out

5 facts about me:
: I'm crazy
: I'm a shoulder to cry on when you need one :)
: I love to be ther for people
: Im funny
: I'm a hug-a-holic

5 things I'd like to do before I die:
: Go to Hawii
: Find the perfect guy *if I haven't already*
: Wake up one morning and have the perfect guy next to me
: Become famous
: Get a life

5 singers/groups I love:
: Staind
: Sum 41
: Lifehouse
: 3 doors down
: Nickle back

(9 huggies!|show me you love me!)

...w t f... (04 November 01|12:09pm)
Lj stop being gay!!!

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