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(12 beans | spill the beans)

[19 Feb 2002|05:34pm]
im cleaning out my annoying mp3s
and downloading some new ones.


(5 beans | spill the beans)

[19 Feb 2002|01:08am]
so mike likes good movies just as much as i do.
so, damn, we didnt see the britney movie, we saw a beautiful mind instead.
im like "oo jennifer connely is in this movie"
and hes like "who?"
and im like "labrytnth duh!"
and hes like "oh, ive never seen that"

then i go on and on and on about how great a movie it was and how it was my favorite in elementary school and i even wrote a story that revolved around it in like 4th grade or something.

and i own it.
so im gonna make him watch it.
enough said.


(spill the beans)

[18 Feb 2002|09:40am]
ahhh niiice sleep last night.
the nyquil actually worked.
my computer ended up freezing around 5 this morning.
i could tell cause the clock said 4:59am.
ah oh well. im gonna test it again now.
cause it literally froze, it didnt do all those weird things it always did before.

stupid towson. why cant we have off for presidents day?

(2 beans | spill the beans)

sweeeeeet [17 Feb 2002|09:39pm]

I'm Ludo!

I am Ludo! People just don't understand me. I'm a sweetheart who loves making friends - even with rocks, but I seem like a monster. Once people get to know the real me, they just can't help but love me.

Take the "Which Labyrinth character are you most like?" quiz by smarmy

(3 beans | spill the beans)

[17 Feb 2002|08:32pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | dashboard "hands down" ]

guess whos goin to go see the britney movie tomorrow after work?

im so glad mike shares the same sense of humor as me.

this will be kick ass funny.

(spill the beans)

[17 Feb 2002|05:14pm]
lj has been real boring lately.

i need a break.

just lettin ya know

(7 beans | spill the beans)

[15 Feb 2002|01:18am]
guess who got 2 (not 1 but 2) cards
and a rose?


first ever awesome valentines day :)

(1 bean | spill the beans)

[14 Feb 2002|09:46am]
[ mood | sick ]

that nyquil induced sleep last night was one of the worst nyquil induced sleeps ever.

i kept wakin up, tossing and turning.

i am so incredibly sick :(

and mike works late tonight :(

its ok though. doesnt ruin me.

ive got a valentine for the first time ever.
even if we dont get to hang out tonight. we are tomorrow.

(5 beans | spill the beans)

a few more just because [13 Feb 2002|10:49pm]
( you may skip if you wish )

(12 beans | spill the beans)

[13 Feb 2002|10:16pm]

cara and mike

i wuv it :)

(1 bean | spill the beans)

[13 Feb 2002|09:19am]
[ mood | sick ]

i got the cutest pic of me and mike
i'll get it up here after work tonight.
my voice is lost... and it hurts when i cough
im not goin to bio lecture, but i gotta go to damn lab :(
stupid sciences.

mardis gras is fuckin crazy.

(1 bean | spill the beans)

wut up gary meow [10 Feb 2002|11:49pm]
[ mood | tired and soar ]
[ music | warrant "heaven" ]

my ankle hurts like a mofo. :(
went out with mike tonight to see obstates and some other shitty bands (*cough*mrs*winslow*cough) at the 8x10 for some chica's bday party that they all went to high school with.
its starting to set in how much this kid likes me.. cause i realized how sketchy i become when i can tell someone really likes me. SAME thing happened with juggalo steve.
its ok though, im not letting mike get away.

it was so adorable. we were walkin back to the car afterwards, and i was eating a blowpop, and i was holding the wrapper still. and he was all "whats in your hand?" and im like "the wrapper" and im like thinkin, what the hell why do you care.. then he was like "fuck it" and grabbed my hand anyway.
his little dorky ass was all drunk and dancin. his friends are way awesome and fun.

brandon pepper was there. he like barely remembered me. i was a little hurt, (he fucking flirted like a mofo with me when we worked at checkered flag) but when he saw me he remembered me. and gave me a goodbye hug.
i love hugs, and so do all those boys.

i am now starving and tired.
off to bed before the comp dies.

(2 beans | spill the beans)

[08 Feb 2002|12:31pm]
just curious k?

ew ok thats not a pretty color

(spill the beans)

[07 Feb 2002|10:58pm]
[ mood | cold ]

im so cold
come keep me warm


i should go to bed. that'll make tomorrow some sooner... except for the fact that i have a bio quiz, and i have to work... after work will come sooner right? right.

(1 bean | spill the beans)

[07 Feb 2002|10:17pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]

i finally get to sit down at the computer, but i dont feel like writing.
im incredibly tired.
lets see what i can spit out.

went to the show last night with rachel, julie, mike, and kenny.
got kinda lost on the way there cause mike *thought* he knew where he was going, but we pulled into a scarrrryyy pizza bolis and he looked at the map for like 2 seconds and knew exactly where to go and got us there.
and we got in just in time to see somerset, who i still dont like, and neither did rachel, and neither did mike, and kenny prob didnt cause he only liked brand new and was all bitchy i wanna go home the whole time :(

then brand new came on!
it was so precious.. they are so awesome. you know a bands good when it makes supergiant travis wanna stop making music because they discust him because they are so good. (he was there with his signature travis mullet)
mike and kenny really liked brand new too, and i was happy.

then recover was good. very talented.

then further seems forever was good too. i was expecting better, but they were still satisfying.

um, now i have nothing else to say.

(3 beans | spill the beans)

[07 Feb 2002|09:34am]
[ mood | exhausted ]

i wish i didnt live at home so i could skip class and not have to think of a reason to tell my mom why i didnt want to go cause "im terribly tired" isnt a good reason.

show last night rocked.
im so behind on lj :(
i'll update after work tonight on the well computer and tell my whole thoughts on the show cause it ROCCKKKKED and was one of the best shows in a while (dont get me wrong the stryder rocked too)

i think life is just being so nice to me. i love it right now :)

(1 bean | spill the beans)

[05 Feb 2002|10:10pm]
[ mood | dorky ]

nikki: sooooo....how are things with you and mikey???
nikki: so your first born child was gonna be named what? nikki?
nikki: :-)
nikki: he'd be such a good daddy, and nikki is such a cute name

what a big dork haha
nikki can be awesome sometimes when shes not stupid

(1 bean | spill the beans)

[05 Feb 2002|07:14pm]
[ music | friends ]

im sad because ever since my computer died, i cant post alot, or comment, and hence, i get no mail anymore :(

(spill the beans)

[04 Feb 2002|11:44pm]
the crying room
and caps
are way fun


(1 bean | spill the beans)

[04 Feb 2002|09:31am]
real quick before my comp goes psycho on me again.

i wrote this whole entry about how shitty my comp is... and then, my comp froze before i got to post it, so yea.

im sad cause i havent been able to write about my weekend.

im gonna try to tonight after work on my moms comp if mine crashes AGAIN.

so, bye bye all. gotta get ready for class.

(6 beans | spill the beans)

[03 Feb 2002|01:18pm]
[ mood | dorky ]

mike said i was beautiful

hes such a big adorable dork. :) i love it

ok, now im gonna go finish getting ready for work.

(3 beans | spill the beans)

[02 Feb 2002|02:03pm]
[ mood | indescribable ]
[ music | dashboard "remember to breathe" ]

i am on cloud nine

*insert big cheesy smile"*

later tonight, im gonna have to write all about it and everything and last night and stuff.
ahhhh yes

(7 beans | spill the beans)

[02 Feb 2002|04:30am]
[ mood | giddy and tired and tad drunk ]

so what is it a few minutes since my last post?
i cant get over how much i like mike.
oh man.
i may yes still be buzzydrunk but man
this boy likes me too.

im scared he thinks i dont like him cause i darted away real fast.
oh man
i have to call him tomorrow.

now, forget that dumbass brian, stuff like THIISSSS doesnt happenen to cara.

p.s. mike's fave weezer song??? only in dreams
im going to go die now.

p.s.s. i got home around 4
and my mom did not call me AT ALL the whole time i was out. (my mom always blows up my cell phone when im out late) and 4 is late for me (i usually try to slip in around 3) and, not one phone call. tonight rocked so much.

(1 bean | spill the beans)

[02 Feb 2002|04:17am]
[ mood | happy ]

i like mike
i think, im pretty sure, yeah he likes me too.

wow wow wow.

the ataris "looking back on today"
download it
excellent awesome pretty song
i love it

(2 beans | spill the beans)

[31 Jan 2002|09:15pm]
[ mood | i dunno.. ]

you know that feeling when you tak to someone you like, wether its on the phone on in person, and when the conversation is over, you feel like a complete dork.
then they think theyre a complete dork themselves?
thats its.
thats how i feel.
and i can betcha alot that thats how he feels too.

weird aint it?

(spill the beans)

things are lookin up [31 Jan 2002|07:54pm]
[ mood | optimistic ]

things are goin good right now.
i dont wanna jinx it though *knock on wood*
had a talk with my mom today, and im proud of how it went.
chances of me living on campus next semester are lookin good lookin good
except for the fact we found out its $2000 a semester for the 1 bedroom apt at towson run, not a year.
arg. it cant be perfect can it?
so im fillin out my financial aid as soon as im done writing this.
and, hopefully it wont take too long to find out how much i'll be able to get.

and then, mikes supposed to call me in a little while.
i saw nikki today at school, and found out that he was scared to call me. he was like "i have her number.. now what do i do.. do i call? do i not??" omg how cute is that???

now, im gonna watch friends and fill out aid crap and be productive.
wish me luck!!

(8 beans | spill the beans)

[30 Jan 2002|10:14pm]
[ mood | impressed ]
[ music | homegrown "surfer girl" ]

mike called AND left a message while i was at work.
i am VERY impressed.
its about time for some good in my life.
so, i called him back and he was at his friends house, so we chatted it up for a few minutes till they yelled at him to get back to beer pong (ah... its my game)
and, get this, hes calling back tomorrow!!!

man.. at least im not getting my hopes up.
but, this is pretty cool.

ok i need a shower, and then i need to read read read read read.
or, not really, cause im a slacker.

ok bye bye.

(spill the beans)

this is by far the best quiz [30 Jan 2002|12:51pm]
[ mood | amused ]

find your queer
as folk personality

im sunshine!!!!
have i ever mentioned how much i LOVE this show??

(4 beans | spill the beans)

[30 Jan 2002|09:12am]
[ mood | refreshed ]

unwritten law was just on mtv
regular mtv i sware
i woke up, turned it on, and im like ITS UNWRITTEN LAW!! i can tell by the way that man dances hahaha

i got such a good nights sleep last night. i fell asleep as soon as meet the parents went off.. that was prob like midnight. i was so sick last night, so i needed that sleep.

and theres no bio lab today woohoo!!! so i go to bio, then im comin home, cause im not sittin around for 2 hours like i did on monday. and i'll prob do my spanish stuff eventhough she wont check it... hmmm.. maybe not.. who knows.

stretching in the morning feels so good :)

(3 beans | spill the beans)

[29 Jan 2002|08:28pm]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | undeclared ]

the number has been passed.
now all i have to do is wait for the call.
and you know how boys are. like i know when the call is gonna come.

back to bein all nervousy flirty. arrggg

its like one of those things you hate, but you gotta do anyway :)

p.s. theres a boy in my spanish class who looks like that boy on undeclared.
ya know, the one who was in freaks and geeks.
the one with the glasses.
just thought it was funny.

i dont feel good. gonna go lie down.

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