Andrea's journal

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Wednesday, February 27th, 2002
10:18 pm - eww practice...
Right so how about everyone buys this new-fangled invention called DEODERANT. The next rank armpit that flies by my beautiful face is getting a nice new stick. I'm going to carry them in bags. And people please, BATHE. Those lights are hot and so's your armpits so really, do us all a favor and either stay home or buy some deoderant... mmmkay?

current mood: dirty
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3:01 pm
My day was ok. I haven't been getting much sleep lately, I keep thinking about things... So needless to say I woke up tired. Hopped in the shower and of course, no hot water for Dre. God forbid she take a hot shower. Got to school and Megan and I BOTH did our SAT math homework but she did some stuff wrong so I helped her fix it. That class FLIES by. Off to SAT verbal. I got another 100% on a test we just took, but I took my practice SAT verbal portion of the test and my bitch ass only got a 540. Fuckshit. That's terrible. I was all pumped cause I thought I tore that test UP, but I got like 20 questions wrong total and that killed me. I only left 4 blank. Should have left more.

Went to English where I was promptly asked "20 Questions" by someone who shall remain nameless. "Are you mad at me? I'm sorry. I won't do it I swear. He said he told you I would do this a long time ago." That only made me more upset. I mean it's one thing to say sorry but when you keep rubbing it in my face that I can't do jackshit about the situation, and someone I cared about more than anything in my life at that time is now gone from my life, and yet you are still stripping down to get your naked body drawn on with paint, you AREN'T sorry. You don't -DO- that to someone you call a friend. Regardless of what the situation is.

ANYWAY, went to Mr. Boats' room (if thats how you even spell his name, because I have seen different spellings) and watched the rest of Death of a Salesman for English. Rob and I tried to follow the movie while reading the play at the same time and we found out that the movie skipped over a part that I played when we read it out loud in class. But then they stuck the part in where it actually fit better so it was ok. I don't feel the need to sue the company anymore.

Went to choir. Mr. Walker wasn't there. Talked to Kaylee about recent events. Cried a little. Then she talked about how her mom is going through another divorce. She cried a little too. Well, I'm gonna go clean something, or like call the Psychic Friends Network to find out if my life is SUPPOSED to be like this and if I actually have anything to look forward to. Peace.

current mood: nostalgic
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Tuesday, February 26th, 2002
2:44 pm - alright so...
I'm single again. Looks like we're just gonna be friends and all. Don't ask me WHY we're just going to be friends because MY version is MUCH MUCH MUCH different from his. Also, I don't like to be friends with people who don't respect my feelings and who get mad because I -have- feelings. But anyway so I lost 3 friends today... all people who I thought actually cared about me enough not to do something like that. But like Fisher said, IOCYHS. Yea. I'll be fine.

current mood: okay
2:34 pm - i found this in Brad's journal... it makes a lot of sense. Thanks Brad.
Just because no one has been fortunate enough to realize what a gold mine you are, doesn't mean you shine any less.
Just because no one has come along to share your life, doesn't mean that day isn't coming.
Just because it seems like no one has made this race worth while, doesn't give you permission to stop running.
Just because no one has come to take the loneliness away, doesn't mean you have to settle for a lower quality.
Just because no one has shown up who can love you on your level, doesn't mean you have to sink to theirs.
Just because you deserve the very best there is, doesn't mean that life is always fair.
Just because your situation doesn't seem to be progressing right now, doesn't mean you need to change a thing.
Keep shining. Keep running. Keep hoping. Keep praying. Keep being exactly what you are already...YOU
3 kisses | wanna make out?
Monday, February 25th, 2002
12:32 pm - la la la
so i'm sitting here in school in the library's computer lab and i'm bored. i feel fat today. yes, today is a fat day. a fat and happy kinda day though. everyone else is in a piss ass mood but i'm cheerful. dunno why.

so i think i might try to start driver's ed right soon cause everyone is driving, and everyone i know's kids will be driving before me. i'm doing a research thing on Death of a Salesman and I think I just got my period. Probably not though because I'm not supposed to have it and I took my pill last night anyway so shut up.

bob drove me to school and he's taking me home. first he has to go to the bank. bob's car is hardcore guys, an 89 Dodge Daytona. and it's all sporty and sexy lookin. some phly chit. the only bad thing about it was the fog that was everywhere. shit fog.

i think im gonna try to avoid tony for a little. give him some space so he doesn't dump my ass. hopefully he wont because i'd be sad and single and i like tony a lot and i dont really see us apart right now. anyway i am gonna try to leave him alone so he can do his own thing and not get sick of seeing me and talking to me all the time.

hummmmmbbbbb.... just sitting. got play practice tonight. hate it. the only reason im still doing it is for my resume and to give tony space. i buyed him something yesterday though, and i want to give it to him RIGHT NOW! ttyl journal and journal friends. i must finish my research.

current mood: thirsty
current music: got some gas too... that sucks!
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Sunday, February 24th, 2002
7:07 pm - yay i know!

What is your meaning of life?
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5:03 pm - well then... thats just really gross
I am Unindentifiable Road Kill.
Who knows what I am supposed to be.
What kind of road kill are you?
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Saturday, February 23rd, 2002
8:40 pm - sooo
I'm babysitting at Tony's right now, and I was gonna try to write an entry from his name since he doesn't write anything in his journal but I got scurred since I thought he'd be like "WHAT? You violated my privacy mayuhn" or something... I just said that the way he talks to facilitate the imagining of it. right but also i dont know his cotton-pickin password to sign in under his name. good thing too, cause i was gonna write "I LOVE ANDREA LYNN BAILER AND WE ARE GONNA HAVE 193287495 KIDS AND NEVER BREAK UP AND IM NOT GOING TO GEORGIA FOR COLLEGE, IM GOING TO ANDREA'S TO STUDY HER BAWWWWDY."
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7:10 pm - mmm... doughnuts...

*Take This Test!*

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7:06 pm - umm not really, but applejacks are good anyway. go CEREAL!!

Which My Little Pony Are You?
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7:02 pm - werd.

Which "Saved By The Bell" Character Are You?
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4:54 pm - i wish i could put someone on a rack right the fuck now

Victims are tied into you and stretched inch by agonizing inch, until they are either rent limb from limb or they confess. Or hey, maybe both. Not as bad as some people, someone tells you what you want to hear you'll feel better.

What torture would you be?
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4:36 pm - yea ok
so you know how you can tell when "straight" people are really truely gay? yea well, uhh... i got a live one right upstairs. should i tell him i know? :::ponders:::

yeeeeaaaa umm.... i'll be right back. (ladies man voice)

current mood: cranky
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4:28 pm - oh yea... i LOVE simba. jonathan taylor thomas played him.. I LOVE YOU JTT!!!

Which Lion King Character Are You?

Created by CrazyCoasterCo.

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1:01 pm - i hate lazy people
ok so my mom's seat at the kitchen table is like right in front of the phone jack on the wall. is it TOO MUCH for her to lean back about 2º and reach for it? or is she REALLY that deaf? people- don't bother calling here anymore because no matter how many times i turn the ringer to 4 rings instead of 1 and a half rings, she and dad turn it back. and no matter how many times i say "PICK UP THE PHONE!" i get called a bitch and i need to answer it myself. or you could call back like a thousand times in a row to piss them off since they are lazy fucks. they will soon learn to appreciate the ringing of the phone. i mean what would they do if someone called to say one of our family members died? SIT THERE AND PLAY THE MESSAGE BACK? i mean jesus christ. fuckin lazy bitch. i really hate her. i really really hate her. i hope she falls down the steps and becomes paralyzed and needs to hire someone to wipe her ass for her because i will stand there and laugh in her face and throw things at her and her breathing apparatus.

current mood: enraged
4 kisses | wanna make out?
1:03 am - :::giggle:::
I love my Tony. I am in such a happy, goofy mood and it's great. I hope it stays for a while. I'm so sick of being mad at things I can't control, or shouldn't be mad over, because then I really -do- miss out on the good stuff. I think Tony and I had the best conversation ever in our history of us. Not sure why but I am willing to bet it's this goofy happiness.

Anyway I was thinking, his real name is Anthony but he's Tony to everyone. I just think it's weird that the H was dropped and his name isn't Thony. But yea... anyway.

current mood: giggly
current music: hehehe
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Friday, February 22nd, 2002
11:42 pm - i am pretty f'n beautiful
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8:33 pm - mine's all late and shit
Name: Andrea
Birthday: 7-19-85
Sex: female
Location: Baltimore, MD
What does your live journal name mean: Umm you are really dumb if you don’t know what -Dre Sings- means…

Four things about you:
1. I'm fat
2. I’m pale
3. I’m Dre
4. I sing

Four things that scare you:
1. You
2. any type of bug
3. death
4. tests

Four things that make you laugh:
1. You
2. Tony
3. Erin
4. Me

Four things you love:
1. Tony
2. Erin
3. spelling and big words
4. money

Four things you hate:
1. bitches
2. dumb bitches
3. stupid bitches
4. underclassmen

Four things you don't understand:
1. physics
2. Tony
3. my pointy teeth
4. why I get gas when I’m at a place where I can’t fart

Four things on your desk:
1. my wallet
2. pictures
3. my bunny ears headband
4. a small trashcan (hey I don’t know either ok?)

Right now you are:
1. bored
2. lonely
3. sore
4. tired

Four things you plan to do before you die:
1. be in a movie
2. record my own cd and be famous
3. have kids
4. vacate on an island

Four things you can do:
1. sing
2. make people laugh
3. cry on cue
4. spell ANYTHING in the world and correct spelling errors like a maniac

Four Things You Can't Do:
1. lose weight
2. not be jealous
3. get a paycheck cause I ain’t gotta job
4. dance

Four People You Want To Meet:
1. Britney Spears so I can murder her and be loved by everyone just like her..
2. Brad Pitt
3. Denzel Washington
4. My aunt Lisa.. she died when she was 16 and I am told by my grandmom we have very similar interests and characteristics so I think that would be neat. Plus, I was once her in my past life anyway... so just to say thanks for letting me live in her body

Top four songs people should give a listen:
1. Michael Jackson- Butterflies
2. R. Kelly- World’s Greatest
3. Fat Joe ft. Ja Rule and Ashanti… I forget the name of it..
4. Enrique Iglesias- Hero

Top four things that turn you on about your sex of choice (it doesn't matter):
1. Well, he’s gotta be Tony. Nuff said.

Top four movies you watch all the time (not in Order):
1. Mary Poppins
2. Austin Powers
3. The Emperor’s New Groove
4. The Little Mermaid

Top four things you say the most:
1. FOOD!!!
2. fuck you
3. I love tony
4. uh huh!
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6:12 pm - thinkin...
Yea so whatever happened to 98ºs career? I miss them. They all had huge noses and fake tans and shiny arms and they were all related and crap. And the one guy had bleached-out nasty hair. But man they had sexy voices.

current mood: thoughtful
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6:00 pm - I love erin!!!
so for being grounded, I'm having a pretty good day. erin and I snuck on out to bateman's since my mom doesn't get home until 7 or 8 tonight. I ate wings and she slopped around with some New England Clam Chowder. I have no idea how she can like that shit. It smells absolutely disgusting and I wanted to vomit. But she really is a wierd one so I guess it's not -too- wierd. Just smelly. But so we chilled here for a little bit and then she left. I turned on the radio and started jammin so I was happy. I love singing. Cause Mariah is on right now and I am taking singing lessons and I know how to make proper vowel sounds now and I am tearing UP these songs. I am so happy right now. AND I'M GROUNDED! HA! Erin reminded me of when I beat her cousin Rachel's ass like a year ago because she pushed me into a sliding glass door and called me a bitch. Heh she cried. Don't mess with me.

current mood: satisfied
current music: higher love.. on lite 102... phat jam yo
4 kisses | wanna make out?

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