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[11 Mar 2002|11:11am]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | homewrecker by converge ]

oh wow! look who's making a post. it's been a while. i feel like i've been antisocial and haven't talked to anyone in a while. I've been working a lot lately (a lot at the mall isn't that much to anyone with a real job)I went to the show on saturday. it was fun. lots of making out. (ewww) and lots of boobs! (hey!) I feel bored. i don't feel like i've done anything productive lately and i think someone needs to smack me in the face. so lately i've been ridiculed for wearing so much black...hmmmm all i have to say is suck it. I hope everyone is doing well and i hope to see people soon! everyone come to the show at impact on saturday for mitch's b-day and sidetracked's cd release. woot woot. i hope to see you all there! it's gonna be grand. fucking doo doot doo. HEy if anyone wants to be in my commercial let me know because i need actors! I must give mad props to ash pants for being a slut and to david for making out with heather even though his lip hurt. hope you have fun on your trip. Brian: it's all about the booty! don't forget that! well i'm off.


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[23 Feb 2002|05:20pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]

fucking do doot do for thrice. that was the greatest show. i enjoy them so much. it's been a pretty interesting few days...hmmm. i'm happy. hmmm. oh yeah. i was trying to help jimmy find a ride to dillinger tomorrow. if anyone is up for the job i'm sure he'd be soooo happy! let me know if you can help him out.


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mid-winter break...yay [17 Feb 2002|09:26pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | desaparecidos ]

i've had a lot of fun lately. it's been dandy. on the thirteenth i went to curtis with kayte and we saw nec play. they played living on a prayer. it was great. afterwards eric gave me a teddy bear for valentine's day. it's soooo cute! i love it. it's on my bed. it looks like it has leperacy. it's great. i think that's even more reason for me to love it. on valentine's day i went to tiger army. that was a great show it was really fun, i hung out with nathen and christopher all night and we went out to shari's afterwards. on friday, we went to the paradox to see time to fly and acceptance. that was a fun show because there was a lot of people there and they played well. brynn came with me. i haven't seen her in such a long time. it's so fun to hang out with her she's so nice! i was in such a bad mood on friday because my mom was a bitch. i cried soo hard. but then i was put in a wonderful mood when i was with friends. kayte and christian showed up and i cried just because i was happy. i cry way too much. way too emo holly. well on saturday my mom went out of town and i went to impact to see emery and david play. it was a good show and afterwards we went to shari's. if you ever get a chance to see emery do it because they are great. well now it's sunday and i'm at kayte's and we're eating sweeeeeedish fish (i love that ashley!) and lisening desparaecidos (booyah!) and i'm loving everything. I'm going to go and see eric later and play grand theft auto 3. (take that sucka!) so much stuff has made me laugh so hard but it's hard to think of what to write about. i almost ran into a guy at impact. it was funny. oragami! uhhh. so jay has been giving me the low-down on all the weird things guys do. he told me all their signals for stuff. i laughed really hard. evan and i made note pads with flyers for shows. it worked better than i thought it would. kayte likes to make fun of me becuas ii cantt spel. dam. well now that you know my agenda! i'm off. haha. hope you enjoy reading the babble.


p.s. my birthday's on tuesday! booyah!

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[07 Feb 2002|01:46pm]
[ mood | moody ]
[ music | NOTHING! (maybe that's why i'm grouchy) ]



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WHAT WHAT! [06 Feb 2002|10:47am]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | new thrice ]

Fuckin do doot do for birthdays! oh yes!


p.s. 13 days and counting...

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yay for scarves [05 Feb 2002|11:39am]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | tiger army ]

so this week i'm going to go and get a scarf with christopher. I don't need one but he does. he's been sick lately and he needs to get a scarf. I hope i can help him find a nice one that doesn't make him look gay. I get him one like the one i have but it would make him look kinda gay. nathen tried to wear it but it didn't work. oh well. I wanted to see christopher this weekend but he wasn't home and then he got mad at me for not wanting to hang out. what's up with that?! oh well. So jeremy called me last night. it's kinda creepy. just because the only reason he's calling is because he broke up with his girlfriend. I don't want to get caught up in that just because i'm so happy with eric. he's so fun. I was called in to work at tacoma hot topic last night and he came to see me. I love that. it makes me happy.


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i hate school [04 Feb 2002|11:51am]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | radio by alkaline trio ]

it's monday, i'm tired, i'm hungry and i'm grouchy. oh well. I'll live. At least i had a good weekend. on friday i went to brian's with eric and we watched good will hungting. I've never seen it before. I thought it was a good movie and of course i cried. i'm such a goober. then on saturday i went to nate's and we played x box. that was great. it's probably really funny to watch me play games because i get so into it and start yelling at the tv. I went to work last night. it was ok. physco bitch lesbian whore wasn't there to ruin my day. I haven't seen kayte all weekend. i miss her! hopefully i'll see her sometime this week. i think we need to get toghether and eat pudding with tofu in it! it's great. hmm. Hopefully something will come up this weekend so i have something to look forward to. I want this week to go by fast. just fifteen more days and i'm a year older! woo! I want to see everyone soon. I think everyone should go see hardesty at the paradox on the 19th. oh yeah, and everyone should go see nec at lccc on friday. yay.


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black history month, huh? [01 Feb 2002|09:54am]
[ mood | blank ]

so i need to find someone to do a research paper on for blcak history month. I have no idea who to do it on. Help me out.


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yay for being sexy! [28 Jan 2002|07:39pm]
[ mood | geeky ]
[ music | Battlescars by Ozma ]

So I now have a live journal. yay for that! this is so exciting. God only knows how often I'll update it and who I will piss off! Oh well. I guess i just wanted to be trendy and cool like everyone else. Hopefully something fun will happen so i can tell everyone about it. I got a new coat today. It's sheik and sexy. It's black. Go figure. Oh yeah...and yay for Okie Dokie! Wooo!


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