The Murder Scene [entries|friends|calendar]
James Geeo

[ Hate Department | Private little world ]
Hurt by Number
Days & Nights
Hateful Euphoric
A Loving Embrace
Ever changing,
Beyond judgement

Cleaning house. READ THIS if you're my friend, and want to keep in contact with me! [21 Jan 2002|10:18am]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | bjork - like someone in love ]

I will not be using hotmail any longer. will not be a valid e-mail address for me, in a few short days.

I'm trying to get an address book going that has ALL my friends addresses in it. So can everyone here that considers me a 'friend' send me an e-mail at Thankyou. =)

4 Additives|Addendum

LJ T-shirts [20 Dec 2001|04:09pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Tool - The Grudge ]

prayingdevil: hate to keep bugging you... but any word on those T-shirts?
MARKKRAFT: Yes. Heard back very recently. Looks like punctuate (the people who do our shirts) may be going under. They are concentrating on delivering existing orders before they shut down, however.
prayingdevil: heh.
MARKKRAFT: Either way, we plan on taking care of it, so yes, it may not be in time for Xmas, but I am working on it.
MARKKRAFT: They're basically sort of a victim of the dotcoms. a large dotcom defaulted on their debt to them.
prayingdevil: the concern wasn't in time for Xmas with me. just getting them at all.
prayingdevil: can I make a suggestion?
MARKKRAFT: I already asked brad to remove the link from our site, btw.
prayingdevil: remove the t-shirt store from the LJ site?
prayingdevil: yeah. okay.
MARKKRAFT: Brad will hopefully do so shortly, but the site hasn't even been up much today due to a server issue.
prayingdevil: i noticed.
MARKKRAFT: ah well.. sorry I don't have better news, but at least punctuate seems like they are going to be honest about things. I hope so.
prayingdevil: if they aren't, hopefully VISA will reimburse me for the loss.
MARKKRAFT signed off at 3:51:57 PM.

It appears I may not be getting my T-shirt at all, now. I'd advise not buying an LJ T-shirt. They will hopefully be removing that link today. And hopefully they will be adding some sort of public statement on what the situation is so that everyone knows what's going on with their T-shirts/money.

I don't blame LJ for this though.


This is for everyone. Watch it and think about it. [02 Oct 2001|02:22am]
[ mood | somber / thoughtful ]
[ music | Hans Zimmer - Journey to the Line ]

I urge everyone on my friends list to watch this video. A friend of mine made it, and I think it's important.

Click the date to view the Real Audio Clip. I would not recommend watching with anything other than a highspeed connection such as DSL or cable.

2 Additives|Addendum

Webby Awards [19 Jun 2001|05:16am]
[ music | Queens of the Stone Age - Ode to Clarissa ]

Everyone be sure to vote for Livejournal for best personal site on the Webby Awards!!

Vote here: The Webby Awards


[05 Jun 2001|04:48am]
[ mood | Obligated ]
[ music | Tool- Parabol ]

AIDS turns twenty this week guys. Don't ignore it. Don't be complacent. Now I know must of us here in this space are well educated individuals, but for those who haven't looked into safe sex and contraception and things in the same vein, dial 1-888- be safe 1. Ask for their free informative guide on safe sex. Even for those of us that are educated in these matters, it's still important to keep up to date and who knows, you may learn something you didn't know before. Order it. Also visit

Don't just educate yourself. Educate your friends and kids. It's hard to talk about sometimes, for some people, but well worth it. Your body is sacred, treat it that way. Play safe.

This entry is public because the message it holds is important and I think everyone who comes across my journal should see it. Get educated. Apathy kills. Complacency kills. Don't die. Life is precious. Stay a while, stay forever.

Okay, I'm done now.

2 Additives|Addendum

Why there are no visible entries. [04 Feb 2001|02:54am]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | Guns N Roses - Live And Let Die ]

In order to view my journal, you must:

1.) Be a LiveJournal user.
2.) Be on my 'friends' list.
3.) Be logged in.

I've chosen to make my journal only accessable to the people that I like/admire because they are like minded, or at least open minded.

If you would like to be added to my 'friends' list, e-mail me.


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