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Lil' Krissy

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(3 snootchie boochie noochies | wanna get high?)

So Fresh and So Clean Clean! (::Thinks's she's used this as a Subject Before...::) [13 Feb 2002|12:43pm]
[ mood | Clean ]
[ music | "Universe" - Alien Ant Farm ]

Whatever though! I just got out of the shower a couple minutes ago.. I feel all nice and clean now.

Now I'm sitting here listening to Alien Ant Farm! (Woo!!) Which totally rocks. Other than that, nothing..really is going on.

I was suppose to be in School today, but on my way there I ran into an accident (I wasn't involved) and they were blocking the turning I had to go all around town, which took a fucking eternity, by the time I got to school, it had already started. There were no parking spaces, and when I looked for one around the school..there were none! So I called my mom frantically and left. Then came back here.

So here I am!

Once I got home I ate my breakfast (Special K Baby!) Yeah..I'm on a diet, so I can't eat my usual Rice Krispy Treats Cereal =( My Goal is to get to a 110, and better abs. I was exercising for about 2 hours. Then I came on a bit, took my shower and thats all so far!

Nothing good is on TV either..Maury's gonna be on soon though! Muahah! Maury is the Man! If I ever go to New York ( Which hopefully I do during the summer.. ROAD TRIP!! ::Smirks at Amanda:: ) I wanna go to his show! That would be keen as hell.

Haha! I said Keen.. Funny Word =)

Gah..I'm bored now. So I'm gonna go look at some stuff and wait till more people get on to talk to..Seeing as JUSTIN is off somewhere while his away message is a Scene from the Matrix.. ::Chuckles::

See ya laters Snoochie Boochies

(1 snootchie boochie noochie | wanna get high?)

Now this is what I'm talkin about! [13 Feb 2002|11:40am]

What is YOUR Highschool label?

Ok, I'm going to take a Shower now.


(4 snootchie boochie noochies | wanna get high?)

"Look! It's a Scooner!" "..Hahaha..You Dumb Bastard.. It's a Sailboat!" [12 Feb 2002|08:23pm]
I just got done watching Mallrats for the second time. I swear, I'm addicted to that movie now. Seriously.

I downloaded some sounds from the Movie too. One is when Jay says "Snoooochie Boochie Noochays!" and the second one is where Willam is staring at the Eye Spy poster and a group of kids walk up.

"Hey Look!" ::Point:: "It's a Scooner!"
"Hahaha! You Dumb Bastard..Thats not a Scooner, It's a Sailboat"
"A Scooner IS a Sailboat Stupidhead!!"

::Willams Dramatic Pause::


I swear, Kevin Smith is a bonified Genious. I can't wait to See "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back"

In other news, I started talking to Jim today about my little crush. Not for long though because his dad was there and he went with him. But I'm going to talk to him later on about the whole thing. He told me that It's probably best If I didn't because of how our relationship ended up. The only thing was, that with me and Jim's relationship..there was another guy. I don't think it was so much the distance. Then again, we were pretty miserable because the only way we could see each other was online..which wasn't really seeing each other at all.

Ohh! Gotta Go! >_o

(2 snootchie boochie noochies | wanna get high?)

Stolen Questionare! (Taken from Erynpie's LJ) [12 Feb 2002|02:39pm]
[ music | "Leader" - Bif Naked ]

QUESTIONAIRE(hot shit!);

1. What's your name?

2. Where were you born?
Palos Hills, IL

3. Where do you live now?
Chicago, IL

4. What are your nicknames?
Krissy (Mostly Everyone), Kris (Jim), Lil Krissy/Missy(Matt), Mel (Tyler, LOL)

5. When's your birthday?
March 4th, 1985

6. What's your sun sign?
Piecies (I could never spell my sign right..)

7. What's your favorite color?
Baby Blue

8. How tall are you?

9. What kind of music do you like?
Anything except Country & Classical

10. What's your favorite song?
"Summer", "Death Day" and "Universe" by Alien Ant Farm

11. Do you have a boyfriend?
No ::Frowns::

12. What's your favorite food?
Mexican and Italian Foods. (Pasta is my Favorite)

13. Do you look like your parents?
I look alot like my mom. Or So I'm told.

14. Do you look like anyone famous?
Not really..although I wish I looked like Midajah.

15. Who is your favorite celebrity?
Jay Hernandez

16. Have you ever been kissed?

17. Are you a virgin?

18. What kind of car do you want?
Baby Blue BMW Z-3 Roadster (As Seen in 007 Goldeneye)

19. What would you change your name to, if you could?
Melinda or Lorelei

20. What do you want to name your children?
Lots of Names. Mostly from Hispanic Orgin ::Not gonna list them all::

21. If you could have three wishes, what would they be?
- Have Lots of Money
- Get a Boyfriend
- Become WWF Women's Champion =)

22. When do you want to get married?
In my early 20's possibly

23. What are some things you say a lot?
"Heh!", "Migga" (I mispelled that on purpose), "Dude"

24. Who do you hate?
The two bitches at my school.

25. What are the worst names?
Gertrude, Fransis

26. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Yeah. 1 Brother

27. What do you notice first about the opposite sex?

28. Who do you wish you were?
Midajah, She's so cool.

29. Who is the funniest comedian?
Adam Sandler!

30. What is the craziest thing you've ever done?
I've never done anything crazy..but If I ever did. I'd want to go to a WWF Event and be one of those girls who tease the guys by almost flashing them.. Then finally after making them wait..FLASH THEM! =)

31. What college do you want to go to?
I really don't want to go to College. But If I did. I'd just go to Moraine Valley

32. What is your favorite movie?
American Pie 2, Mallrats, The Fast and the Furious, Evolution

33. Are you a morning person or a night person?
Morning? I'm asleep in the Morning! (Night =) )

34. Can you define love?
Yeah.. "Kristen can't have any" .. =(

35. What's your favorite television station?
MTV (All of their Shows), NBC (Fraiser, Conan, Leno. Etc.), Nickelodeon (Only for Spongebob!)

36. Do you get along with your parents?
My Mom yes. I have no Father =D

37. Do you believe in God?
Eh.. I guess you could say that.

38. Do you believe in yourself?
I use to..

40. Do you curse a lot?
Hell Yeah!

41. Are you ticklish?
Yes =)

42. What's your favorite candy?

43. What are you wearing?
Black tanktop and Blue Jeans

44. Do you think there is one person meant for you?
I hope so.

45. Who is your favorite cartoon character?
Spongebob! Da-hahaha!

46. What is your favorite television show?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer

47. What's your favorite book?
Anything from Buffy

48. Have you ever cried over someone of the opposite sex?
Many times..

49. If you could be a crayon, what color would you be?
Baby Blue. Because it's my favorite..and I'm always feeling Blue.. I'M BLUE, DA-BA-DI-DA-BA-DIEE! o.o

50. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?
Hell if I know

51. Do you own a lava lamp?
Nope, but I want one!

52. What makes you happy?
Talking to my friends who actually talk normal, and not blab on about this one guy that might not even be real.. ::Shakes her head::

53. What is your favorite perfume?
Tommy Girl

54. Are you rich, poor, or in the middle?
Almost Poor. Heh

55. Flowers?

56. What kind?
White roses.

57. Do you like talking on the phone?
Like Eryn said, Depends on the person on the other line

58. What are five things you have yet to do?
- Get my Dream Man
- Overcome my fear of Heights
- Leave to a State other than Illinois or Wisconsin
- Get tickets to RAW next week
- Confront my Crush. Heh

59. Have you ever smoked weed?
Nope, I don't smoke

60. Have you ever been drunk?
Not completely.

61. Have you ever cheated on your boyfriend?

62. Have you ever been suspended?
No..but If thats the penalty for beating up a Ho..I'll be willing to take it.

63. Have you ever stolen anything?
Nope ::Angel Halo over the head::

64. Have you ever smoked?

65. Have you ever loved somebody so much it made you cry?

66. Do you belong to a certain religion?
I guess..

67. Where do you see yourself ten years from now?
A Wrestler for the WWF

68. Who do you admire the most?

69. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
My Teeth, My Eyes, My Figure..

70. Rate your life on a scale of 1-10.

71. What two CDs could you NOT live without?
Alien Ant Farm - Anthology, 112 - Part 3

72. Would you rather be deaf or blind?
Deaf..I'd probably get sick all the time if I were Blind ::Get's Motion sick as it is with her eyes open::

73. Where do you want to go on your honeymoon?

74. Have you seen Empire Records?
The beginning of it. Mallrats is better though.

75. When you need help, who do you turn to?
Maritza, Katie, Matt, Eryn, Justin, Jim

76. Describe yourself in one word.

77. What's your favorite board game?

78. Do you like to read?
Not really

79. What decade would you live in, if you had a choice?
I'd want to re-live and re-write last year.. ::Sighs::

80. If you had a chance to do it again, would you?
Yes..I'd make so many changes.

- x : x : x : x : x : x : x : x : x : -


Color; Baby Blue

Scent; Tommy Girl

Season; Summer

Actor; Jay Hernandez

Actress; Melinda O'Hearn (Midajah)

Heroin; Blunt Man and Chronic =) SNOOCHIE BOOCHIES! ::Laughs like she's high::

Store; Gadzooks, D.E.B, Rave, DEMO, Carsons, Old Navy, The Gap.. Etc. Etc.

Band; Alien Ant Farm

Sport; Snowboarding

Soda; Coke

Brand; Tommy Hilfiger

Channel; MTV

Man; Fernando, Rogelio, Hector, Erik, Justin, The Crush =)

Woman; Me, Amanda, Eryn, Maritza

Website; Live Journal =)

(wanna get high?)

The Stolen Survey! [12 Feb 2002|02:07pm]
General ¤

01. name?: Kristen
02. d.o.b?: March 4th, 1985
03. location?: Chicago, IL
04. religion?: Wiccian in the Making (Or Lutheran
05. occupation?: Junior in High School

¤ Appearance ¤

01. hair?: Dark Brown with Dirty Blond Highlights
02. eyes: Brown
03. height?: 5'3"
04. weight?: 127 Lbs (I'm on a Diet though..Teehee)
05. figure?: Almost perfect ::Hides her Hips and Thighs::

¤ Style ¤

01. clothing?: Playboy, Tommy Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren, Old Navy.
02. music?: R&B;, Pop, Rap, Alternative, Punk, Ska, Techno, Rave, Trance. Basically everything except Country or Classical
03. makeup?: Mascara, Eye Liner, Lip Gloss, Lip Stick, Foundation. Etc, Etc.
04. bodyart?: I have my ears pierced.. but thats not Body Art.. Thats a piercing.

¤ Right Now ¤

01. wearing?: A Black Tanktop and Blue Jeans. I'm in the Computer Room where the fireplace is, so I'm sweating in here >_<
02. listening to?: "You Can Do It" by Ice Cube
03. thinking of?: ..My Crush Dillema
04. feeling?: Somewhat down in the dumps.

¤ Last Thing You.. ¤

01. bought?: Pajamas, A Tiara, A Purse and some Soft Pretzles
02. did?: Played SSX Tricky
03. ate & drank?: A Cheeseburger with Fries and a Pepsi ::Dances around with a Pepsi Can:: FOR THOSE WHO THINK YOUNG! ::WINK!::
04. read?: Journals and RP's from HPWF
05. watched on tv?: MAURY!

¤ Either Or ¤

01. club or houseparty?: Club
02. tea or coffee?: Coffee
03. high achiever or easy-going?: Easy Goin'
04. beer or cider?: Beer!!!
05. drinks or shots?: Drinks
06. cats or dogs?: Dogs
07. single or taken?: I wanna be taken.. ::sigh::
08. pen or pencil?: Pen
09. gloves or mittens?: Mittens!
10. food or candy?: Food
11. cassette or cd?: CD
12. snuff or cigarettes?: Neither. I don't smoke.
13. coke or pepsi?: Coke
14. hard or mild alcohol?: Mild
15. matches or a lighter?: Lighter
16. sunset beach or the bold and the beautiful?: None
17. rickie lake or oprah winfrey?: MAURY!

¤ Who Do You Want To.. ¤

01. kill?: These two girls.. Muaha
02. shag?: I won't comment on this one.
03. slap?: Freddy's Ass.. Hah!
04. hear from?: My Crush
05. get really wasted with?: I don't wanna get High
06. tickle?: ::Shrugs::
07. look like?: Melinda Garcia! (AkA Midajah!)
08. be like?: Myself.
09. avoid?: Some girl I know. LoL! (I'm not gonna post her name on here)

¤ Favorite ¤

01. food?: Anyhting Mexican or Italian
02. drink?: Dr. Pepper
03. color?: Baby Blue
04. album?: Alien Ant Farm's "ANThology
05. shoes?: Converse
06. site?: Live Journal &
07. dance?: Club Dancing
08. song?: Summer - AAF
09. vegetable?: Carrots
10. fruit?: Strawberries
11. berry?: Rasberry

(wanna get high?)

I'm Bored! [07 Feb 2002|05:07pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | "Flesh and Bone" - Alien Ant Farm ]

Today has been so utterly boring.

I changed my Screen Name today! For those who remember, my old name was "Sadistic Jezebel".. Now it's "Melinda Nemonic" =D So thats one thing I did. The only thing I did too. Heh

I stayed home from school again cause I was home watching the Dog. He was acting really wierd yesterday, and a little bit today too. So I stayed and Babysat, We slept most of the day, but hey! Nothing wrong with that. I woke up around 11:00 though. So It's not as bad as I would usually sleep in ::COUGH::2:00O'Clock::COUGH::


I heard Freddy and Rogelio missed me at school today. Makes me feel so god damned special =)

Hmm.. I just got done eating a Cheeseburger. ::Blinks::

Umm. Ok. Well I'm rather stumped about what else to talk about. So I'll go and look at random web sites O.O

(1 snootchie boochie noochie | wanna get high?)

My Turn!! [06 Feb 2002|06:03pm]
Here's MY Quiz.. Check it out =)

(wanna get high?)

Home, Sweet Home [06 Feb 2002|11:58am]
[ mood | okay ]

Well, I have my Doggie Back.

He looks so out of it because of the Sedation..I just wanna cry because for some reason I feel his pain =( Not like litterally, but emotionally.

Yeah Yeah, I know he's a dog. But Dog's have feelings to. All animals do! Not just humans.

Winston is like my Ultimate Best Friend in the whole wide world. He was with me before I knew Amanda.. before I knew Eryn, Before I knew Maritza. I'm the only one who really plays with him and gives him love. Sure my mom and Brother do, but not as much as me. My dad treats him like Total Shit..thats why I'm always there to pet him and comfort when my Dad yells at him for some stupid ass reason. Like Shedding..something he can't control. We brush the Winnie, but it's not enough for him. He'll see one strand of Dog hair and I'll get bitched at to Vaccuum it up and He'll make Winston stay in the Utility Room.

So I guess maybe thats it. Me and Winston have something in Common. We both get treated like shit except toward each other. I mean Winston doesen't like sit next to me and wrap a paw around my neck and console me..but he makes me feel happy because 1.) He's the Cutest little doggie in the world! (I really didn't mean "Little".. more like.. HUGE) and 2.) He's the only person..well..Dog, that I know won't talk behind my back. (Not like he can talk), He will love me no matter what I do..unlike people today.

So maybe thats why. We have some kinda Teenager to Doggie sorta Bond here. Heh

But Winston Truly is Man's Best Friend =) or Woman in this case

(wanna get high?)

No School for me. =( [06 Feb 2002|07:19am]
Yeah, I don't have school today! ..So why am I still up at 7:30 in the morning? I'm taking my dog Winston in for Surgery =( He has something called "Hemotoba" in his ear. It's where, say for example the dog keeps rubbing against his ear, like scratching it or rubbing it against the couch alot..then the cartalige in the ear begins to swell, then it fills with blood. Basically I guess you can say it's like Hemophelia, only 1.) He doesen't have it. 2.) It's not as Severe as the Disease Humans Have.

So yeah..thats why I'm awake.

I guess you can say I'm a bit scared. Only because my Dog has never had surgery before so I'm just nervous. But as always, Matthew is finding away to brighten my spirits by talking absolute nonsence to me (We're talking about what Minorities we have in our Town! It's hilerious!)

Well I gotta go start getting dressed now. I'm just basically putting anything on, I dont have anyone to impress today! So I'll post again when I get home from the vet.

(wanna get high?)

Stolen Survey Time!!! =D [03 Feb 2002|09:51pm]

Name: Kristen AkA Dom'
Age: 16
DOB: March 4th, 1985
Place of Birth: Palos Community Hospital in Palos Hills
Where were you raised: Worth, IL
Where do you live now: Justice, IL (20 Minutes South from Chi-Town. Woo!)
Parents names: Donald Jr. & Sue
Sibs names/ages: Donald III (12. 13 on Valentines Day)
Pets names/types: Winston - German Shepard, Husky Mix.


Book: The Crucible
Movie: American Pie 2 & Evolution
Colour: Baby Blue, White & Black
Drink (non-alcoholic): Water, Pepsi
Drink (alcoholic):Mike's Hard Lemonade
Food: Anything Mexican or Italian. Spicy too!
Car: Baby Blue BMW Z-3 Roadster & Mitsubishi Eclipse
Boys Name: Fransisco, Hector, Ceaser, Israel, Ikaika, Paul, Lorne or Dwayne
Girls Name: Cordelia, Marisol, Lorelei, Buffy, Melinda, Trish or Terri
Country: Mexico
Song: "Finished Symphony" - Hybrid ( I LOVE IT! )
Band: The Backstreet Boys (N'Sync are Cocksuckers!!), Christina Aguilera, Darude
Actor: Chris Klein, Jason Biggs & Seann William Scott (The American Pie guys! =) )
Actress: Melinda O'Hearn, Sarah Michelle Gellar & Alyson Hannigan
Animal: Dog
CD: 112 - Part III
Radio Station: Energy 92 7&5! ( I AM ENERGY! ) & B96 (Eddie and Jobo in the Morning! OSAMA CRANK CALLS!)
TV Channel: I am part of the MTV Generation.
MuchMusic/MTV: MTV
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Blue

I'll do the rest later.. LoL

(wanna get high?)

This is so true.. [01 Feb 2002|06:30pm]
[ mood | randaaay ]
[ music | Still "Finished Symphony" - Hybrid ]

Take the What
animal best portrays your sexual appetite??

(wanna get high?)

I always knew I was Drusilla.. [01 Feb 2002|06:20pm]
[ mood | evil ]
[ music | "Finished Symphony" - Hybrid (Beautiful Dance Mix) ]

Find out which Buffy villian you are most like!
By calophi

(wanna get high?)

Quiz and a Entry [27 Jan 2002|07:48pm]
[ mood | nervous ]
[ music | "Get's Me Through" - Ozzy Ozbourne ]


I love that show. It may be a cartoon. But It rules. Man, today was gorgeous outside. It was about 60 degrees out..when we Chicagoians should be in about 2 feet of snow already! It's so very wierd I tellz' ya.

My weekend was fun. My Besties Eryn came home for visitation! Seeing her..well not really, but talking to her and RP'ing with her Again was Fun! Here's the scoop about what went down last night at Shockwave (For those who care..LoL)

Stephanie McMahon comes to the ring and confronts Triple H, telling him he either is going to choose Stephanie, or Melinda (AkA Midajah.. AkA Me). Triple H comes out, bitches at Stephanie, then Goes for the Pedigree onto his Dick and says he Choose Melinda (Inside Joke between HPWF'ers..But I'll let you in on the joke. Triple H has a Rubber Duck, Named Dick) Anyway, RVD comes to the save, clobbers Triple H and saves Stephanie (Sounds like something from WWF Betrayl for Gameboy. LOL! GREEN HURRICANE LOOK-A-LIKES! ::Only Matt will get that::)

It was all planned out, so it was really fun.

I feel that the HPWF has had a reality check (Last Months PPV "Redemption") we now are getting stronger. People are finally starting to put out RP's again and actually give a damn. And people's ego's are toning down. The past Warzone drew out 23 people.. TWENTY THREE! More were trying to get in the chat room, but 23 is the limit. So estimating, I think there were almost 30 people from the Fed there. And it was a fucking school night. Nobody shows on School nights!

Battlezone last night went equally well. So I'm very proud ::Sniffle!::

Ok, off of the HPWF Subject. I go back to school tommorow. The first day of the 3rd quarter after Finals. I'm so nervous. I already know I passed Gym, Choir and Geometry. So now I wait to see my History and American Lit, and then hopefully if I pass. I'll be able to get my computer privligaes back..and Krissy will be a very VERY happy camper.

Well thats all for now. I'm off to write a RP.. YES!! I'M GOING TO WRITE A RP! (..Hopefully..) So I'll post tommorow and give you the Midterm details.

(wanna get high?)

Ice Ice Baby [27 Jan 2002|01:51am]
[ mood | amused ]

- Promo From MTV -

Vanilla Ice: The Song I did, and The Song He did, are so not the same. His does "Ding Ding Ding, Dingy Ding Ding" and mine goes "Dum Dum Dum Du-Du-DumDum"

It's Not the Same!

(wanna get high?)

Why does this seem somewhat false? [25 Jan 2002|11:26pm]
[ mood | still addicted to SSX Tricky ]
[ music | "Shake What Yo' Mama Gave Ya" - Skank ]

See what Care Bear you are.

(wanna get high?)

My Vice. [25 Jan 2002|08:42pm]
[ mood | addicted ]
[ music | "Song for Dot" - Space Raiders ]

Friends.. I have an Addiction.

It's like.. I try to stop. But It lures me in again!

It's so tempting.

It stares me in the face and says "You can't escape! I'm your only friend now!! "THEY'RE ALL GONNA LAUGH AT YOU!"

..What is this so-called Vice you ask?

SSX Tricky

Once I get the X-Box controler in my Hot Little Hands, I can't put it down! Move after Move, Trick after Trick. I just get better! I DONT GET BETTER AT ANYTHING!

Hell, When I play Dave Mirra's game for Playstation, and Freestyle for X-Box, I have to litterally button push to do the good moves. Then I usually end up falling off the bike and getting a "Greed" since I try to do so many moves.

It's like..I'm just good at this game. And there are women in it.. So I kinda relate to this.

There's this one girl, Marisol. I'm great with her. Patricia Vasquez (SP?) does her voice and everything is the Evil Egyptian woman from The Mummy and The Mummmy Returns. She's so cool! She's Spanish, so when she talks in the Game, I understand everything! LoL. So Thats fun.

So yeah, Just thought I would post that and all..tell you what I've been up to..and why I haven't posted in like two weeks. =D It's the XBOX's Fault!!

(1 snootchie boochie noochie | wanna get high?)

Like Trish, I'm One Hundred Percent Stratusfaction GUARENTEED [13 Jan 2002|06:47pm]
[ mood | satisfied ]

Which WWF diva are you?

(4 snootchie boochie noochies | wanna get high?)

God Damn Age Limits!! [12 Jan 2002|04:30pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | "Walk On" U2 ]

Gah, I hate the fact that you have to be 18 to get into Wrestling. No, I mean it REALLY pisses me off. I mean, I'm litterally devoted to why can't I start training early? I've looked in the phone books for Wrestling Schools around the Area, I found some, and they're all 18 and up! GRR! This is why people are always Backyard Wrestling and hurting themselves, because they cant get into a School to learn the RIGHT way untill they're 18! Thats just really stupid if you ask me, and I'm ticked off, so if I keep bragging on and on about this, Don't mind me one bit =)

Hell, I don't even know If I'll be able to get into Wrestling. What with my fear of flying and all. (After September 11th, I dont think that fear will ever go away... EVER!) I mean, maybe if I had a Private Jet or something I'd feel a bit safer. But it's for damn sure that I wouldn't be able to go to Rebellion (The WWF Pay Per View held in England). I'd go out of my mind due to all of the fear of the plane crashing into the water >_< and then Kristen dies a horrible horrible death. Thats basically the only thing I'm afraid of though. Dying! I'm sure though that if the flight was only about three hours tops, I'd be fine.. thats..if it doesen't crash.

::Blinks.. Such a Parinoid Child::

Oh well. I'll just have to see how I feel once I'm in the WWF. Maybe me and Vince McMahon can talk something out where I can just get a nice tour bus and be like a Rock Star and travel from place to place. That would be super Awesome!

Speaking of Tour Busses, in April, Argo Choir is going to see Cats! I've never seen a Broadway show before, so It should be cool! It costs 100 bucks. Because we're going to be riding in a Coach Bus (Like a Tour Bus..IT HAS A POTTY ON BOARD!) I'm gonna feel like a Member of the Backstreet Boys! Other than that, we get some good ass seats (Center, and on the Floor..whereever those happen to be ::Only firmiliar with Wrestling Seats in the All-State Arena::) and we get to go Backstage and all that other good shit. So thats gonna be something to look forward too. As well as the Choir Ensamble Concert.

I'm gonna try and get into that Concert with a Solo. Basically what it is, is that it's a concert where you have all these Soloists from all three of Argo's Choir (Beginning, Acapella and Ebullence AkA Show Choir) and we all sing solos (They either have to be Classical or in another Language.. EWW) and the best ones get to go on to some kind of Finals and we sing again. And whoever wins gets a Trophy. So Hopefully that will be me! ..I have no idea about what song I'm gonna choose since I'm really not a Classical Music Buff, but I may want to sing that one song from the Grand Theft Auto 3 Commercial. LoL, I know it sounds wierd..but you never know. I might be good at it! Either that or I'll just have Mrs Caum help me pick something out that will really woo the Judges =)

I'm listening to "Walk on" again by U2. I really do like this song. I may just get the entire CD, because I also like "Elevation" they did for the Tomb Raider Soundtrack and "Stuck in the Moment". They really do some good songs. As does Ozzy Ozbourne!

Now I really never liked Ozzy, but I do now! I never thought he wrote songs like "Dreamer". I totally have fallen in love with that song. It appeals to me alot! So thats like my new theme song.

Well, I think I'm about done ranting about everything I'm thinking about right now. so I'm gonna go ahead and download some songs off of WinMX.. YOUR Napster Alternative ::Cheap Smile, for a Cheap Plug.. THUMBS UP!::

(wanna get high?)

I!! AM-AH.. THE GAAAMEEEE-AH! ::FLEX:: [11 Jan 2002|04:13pm]
[ mood | pumped ]
[ music | "All About The Game" - Motorhead ]

You are a real bastard without morals. You're very
self-centered and you'll do anything to get your way.

Take The "Which WWF Wrestler are you?" Quiz.
Created by Potman

Now ths is what I call a Good Online Quiz

(wanna get high?)

Boring Day >_< [06 Jan 2002|03:49pm]
[ mood | lazy ]
[ music | "Bootylicious" - Destiny's Child ]

I'm so bored right now. I swear . . nobody is online to talk to, None of my friends are home (Or they just neglect to talk to me O.o) and so now I'm just sitting here, still in my Pajamas. I don't really plan on even getting dressed. I'll probably take a shower at about 7:00, then I'll get some new Pajamas and put those on! Stupid Huh? I know =)

Last night though, Ruled. Shockwave was so cool, I was laughing the entire night thanks to Big Brother Matt. He gave the GREATEST Triple H Promo I've seen in all my years of being in the HPWF. (Going on 3 in May!) It was just one of those "Had to Be There" Moments. Then for the Main Event, it was RVD vs Venom ("Brrraaains") for the HPWF Title (RVD being the Defender). So the match is going great in the first 10 Minutes. Marc is dominating. Then we try and make it look like WWF. Me and Matt have Triple H and Midajah go down to the ring. Midajah distracts while Triple H is beating up RVD. Everything went insane, but it was one of the Best Matches I've seen in years. Some wierd Miracle happened and RVD finally pulled out the win, but both MC and Marc did a hell of a job. Even if it was Half Assed. =) It was so fun.

Other than talking about how fun RP'ing was. Well . . nothing else was fun last night. I ate Macaroni and Cheese from Kentucky Fried Chicken with some Spicy Wings. Boy were they spicy . . I guess thats why they call them "SPICY WINGS". Then I was at my mom's for a while. I was playing with my Aunt's two little Pug Puppy's "Booger" and "Anabelle". They are so adorable. I can't wait till I have my own house so I can get Pug Puppies like them . .

Then on my way home It started to snow. I almost crashed into a Stop Sign as I was trying to stop, because the roads were so slick, but I made it out alive . . by going 30 miles per hour in a 40 MPH road. I swear, people were passing me up left and right. It was funny. They must have thought I was an old person or something, because only Old People Drive Slow as Hell here.

It's like, Everytime I'm in a Hurry to get somewhere, I always have a slow ass Driver in Front of me, So I switch lanes to pass them up . . then they start going fast so that I can't! Then I get back into the Lane I was originally in so I can turn where I'm suppose to . . and they go slow again!!

To quote Hurricane Helms.. "WHAZ UP WIT DAT?!"

I still haven't talked to the Dickhead yet. Im glad too =) GOD! He just really pissed me off that one day, I'll never forgive him for it. NEVER NEVER NEVER!!

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