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Wednesday, January 16th, 2002
9:31 am - Yet another dream
I'm just starting to remember what I dreamt about last night...

Right before bed I got an email from a friend of mine at work. he was moved on the night shift recently, we used to smoke wed together, drink, BS, etc... In his email he was telling me ho whe totally cleaned up his life.

So my dream was about this friend. We were sitting in what looked to be a big cathedral or something. My friend from work was with me and he was kinda talking incoherntly about some new drug or something. He pulled out a big syrrange that was filled with something yellowish and slimy. He then told me that it was the chemical that they use to perform leathal injections to criminals on death row. He then started to squirt me with it, not stick the needle in me, but just push down on the plunger and cover me in this slime shit. He told me it was kinda like acid and that it would soak in the skin. I've been put under for surgery before, so the next part was kind of familiar. I started getting really dizzy and everything was a blur, then I was passed out. So I'm lying there and I realize that jake gave me way too much of this drug, and it was actually trying to kill me like it did to all the criminals in the past. I felt myself not being able to breath, having to focus to make my lungs push out air, then pull in air. I knew I was dreaming so I didnt panick. In my head I suddenly realized that we give drugs to criminals when we want to kill them, and all the drug really does is get them so stoned they forget to breathe, and thats how they die.

So in my dream I wake up after having to fight all night for my life. I find jake and he says he is so sorry for getting me that fucked up off of lethal injection drugs. He then squirts some on his finger and rubs it all over the back of his neck and walks away.

I decided at this point to go talk to Jim, which I did, jim had no shirt on for some reason and he was not the Jim I know. He was giggling and smiling, and then he handed me this piece of paper all folded up. It looked like that old crinkly paper that the constitution was written on. Inside the paper he had written 'MERRRRRRRRY CHRISTMAS Ibn' I remember there being 8 R's in the merry. I thought this was odd since xmas was a little while ago, but I shrugged it off and gave him a hug.

This is when my alarm went off. Not sure what was scarier, the whole drug trauma, or the fucked up super happy jim.

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Saturday, January 12th, 2002
11:19 am - more dreams
Gunna start writing about my dreams in here more often.

Trying to remember my dreams, they were really weird. I rember at one
point there were zombies all over and we had to like, beat them up, but at
the same time you had to beat them up while you were dancing to some
music. It reminded me of the 'thriller' video.

Then I was at home with my mom talking about wanting to get a new house to
live in. So she told me to check out such and such place, I got on my
bicycle and rode over there. It was like something out of starwars, there
was a giant cliff with houses attached to the side of the cliff, kinda
like giant birds nests, but they were houses. I rode my bike to the top
of the cliff and found a house up there with an open door, so I rode my
bike inside to check it out. When I realized it was furnished and prolly
had someone living inside the house I left, as I was going out the door
some woman in a bathrobe stopped me at the door, I think it was the booty
dancer on my computer, I told her she had a nice house but I couldnt talk
because I needed to go surfing. So I left and went surfing in some little
bay right near downtown Port Townsend. I was surfing with someone I
didn't like, they kept trying to talk to me, so I eventually picked up
some rocks from the beach and was throwing them at him.

Then ames called and woke me up.

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Friday, January 11th, 2002
9:55 am - this weird thing.
This is an email addressed to my girlfriend:

Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 09:43:10 -0800 (PST)
From: Ibn Archer
To: Jillerz
Subject: this weird thing

So, there I was sitting on the porch of this vacation rental house, I cant
seem to recall where exactly it was. I just know it was tropical, there
was a nice ocean beach, and a jungle. The only thing seperating the
jungle from the ocean was this little town, and in the outskirts of the
little town was the vacation house, with me, sitting on the porch.

As I'm sitting there I'm not really sure why I'm just.. sitting there.
Then I remember I'm waiting for everyone else to arrive. My sister shows
up, my dad next, then you, Jim is there, and last Beth and Ian
come. We all get ready, drop our stuff off then hop in some ghetto
mexican looking van and head for the beach.

While we're in the van, the driver is this scuzzy looking mexican guy, or
some sort of native, like I said before I'm not sure where were. Anyway,
he starts yakin to us about the sun, he is reminding us that scientest
discovered that something is wrong with the sun and that if you are near
sidewalks or pavement or anything like that you are going to have problems
breathing. It was something along the lines of some solar flares or
something heating up rock and dispersing some sort of gas.

At that point I remember why we are all in paradise and going to the
beach, the earth is coming to an end, and this is one of the only places
we'll be able to survive because of the jungle and the ocean, they provide
is with good clean air.

I don't recall much what we did at the beach, I know there was some guy
out in the water trying to get a shark to talk into a microphone or
something. kinda odd thing to be doing at the beach, but this was mexico
(I think), crazy shit happens. We walk back to the vacation house, along
the way you dissappeared into the jungle, I'm not sure why, but you did.
It had something to do with me not wearing socks (im not wearing socks

We get back to the house and you are still MIA, no one really seems that
concerned though, like they all knew and accepted you were gone. Then we
sit down for dinner, and someone asks about the vacation house, and I
started to mention I heard about it from dad and jim, when I say that my
dad tries to shove a glass of water into my mouth, he spills most of it
and ends up banging my teeth with the glass... ouch. I think he did it
because I said 'dad and jim' when they have been broken up for a while.
and ends up banging my teeth with the glass... ouch. I think he did it
because I said 'dad and jim' when they have been broken up for a while.
This pissed me off so I excused myself from dinner, go upstairs and
decided I needed to roll around inside some closet, which I did. As I was
up there, Jim comes in and just sits there saying 'SUP' over and over
again. It was kinda creeping me out, I thought maybe he had been taken
over by the gasses from our now evil sun.

I got out of the closet and sat next to jim, we were looking down the hall
to a room with a naked beth and Ian. When I say naked, I mean they are
naked but I cant make out their nudity. Jim and I seemed to be used to
this for some reason, we had been de-sensitized from living with them at
ashworth. I was shocked tho when Ian produced a giant dildo and beth was
talking dirty to it and slapping it around.

Jim and I had enough of that after about 3 minutes and decided we needed
to go back to the beach to look into those sharks who like to talk into
microphones. Jim got blisters all over his feet as soon as we stepped out
the door so he decided he wanted to go back and hang out with beth and
ian. I walked on alone.

As I was walking back to the beach I heard loud alarms and felt the earth
shaking, I figgured this was pretty much the end of the world. I was a
little upset but all in all it didn't mean that much to me. I was
definatly looking forward to whatever was going to happen next.

I stuck my hand out and it felt like a bee was stinging me, thats when I
woke up and realized I was lying in bed, sticking my hand out and touching
the really hot part of my net card on my laptop. The earthquake and
sirens had been a result of my cell phone alarm going off, both the noise
and the vibrate mode were influencing my dream.

Bizzare eh?

Hows work?


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Tuesday, December 26th, 2000
1:08 am - xmas
Life is good.

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Wednesday, November 22nd, 2000
2:49 am - insomnia
The dominating thought in my head...


Need sleep... Badly.

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Saturday, November 11th, 2000
5:50 pm - sad
My mom's cat just got hit by a car, she called me up in tears, describing how it had its spine broken, yet it managed to pull itself on 2 legs back to her front door. She had to put it to sleep. I'm pretty sad about this. Somedays are just bad news.

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Thursday, October 12th, 2000
2:22 pm - Sax makes a funny
The setting: Jim just got a job where I work (selling lightbulbs over the phone). So he had to give his notice at his old job, the UW school of dentistry. Luckly we have Sax to advise on just how to depart his old job.

[Ibn] jim, did you give your notice?
[Ibn] at old jobb0r?
[Sax] yah dood
[Sax] jims like
[demo_] yeah i gave it yesterday dood
[Sax] F U C K Y O U
[Sax] jim
[Sax] on your last day
[demo_] my last day here is the 25th
[Sax] go to work with a shirt that has FUCK YOU RETARDS on both sides
[demo_] pay day
[Sax] and a hat
[Sax] that says
[Sax] and a sticker on your ass saying THIS IS WHERE YOU THINK fROM
[Sax] and shoes with little pictures of dentists hanging from a tree
[Sax] and another sticker on them saying I LYNCH DENTISTS FOR FUN

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2:17 pm - The Crazies
So I have this friend, he and I went to college together, and were buddies from day1. Its interesting when you meet someone and you hit it off so well. Youre relaxed around them, have no need to entertain them, you enjoy talking with them, and they are the same way around you. I have a few friends like this, most of them I live with.

So now I am a little bit bummed, cuz this guy is crazy. Not like wild and crazy crazy, but in a mental hospital crazy. I talked to him on the phone last night and he is 100% different from the guy that I know. I talked to him again today, and nothing really makes sense. I had the urge to reach through the phone and shake him and say 'HEY, QUIT FUCKING AROUND, THIS ISN'T FUNNY'. I don't think that would have helped though. Oof. I am glad I live with the people I do, they tend to put everything in perspective.

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Wednesday, October 11th, 2000
12:36 pm - Yay jim
Jim rules, he got a rad job. Now I can quit and he will be my sugar daddy. Keep bringin home the bacon baby.

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Tuesday, October 10th, 2000
2:41 pm - The Electrip Vampire
So my mom was in the hospital this weekend. She has been having some kidney problems related to diabetes. It's weird, I think she deals with it way better then I do. Does life go on?

They told her that she may have to start dialasis, where they take your blood out for you, clean it, then stick it back in. Kinda like an electric vampire. Not looking forward to that.

It's been many moons since I have written in livejournal. I have not felt that anything has been that postworthly lately. Ahh well.

I am stoked that jim updates his LJ, his posts make me smile.

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Tuesday, October 3rd, 2000
11:51 am - A death at Ashworth
It's a sad day this morning. As last night we found the corpse of our stick bug, dried out, and dead. Even in death he still looked like a stick. Kindling was his name.

He lived a short life, but a good life, in his jar filled with sticks. Kindling was a good bug, and will be missed. He shared our moments of joy, as he used to crawl around our hands and arms pretending to be a stick.

So take a moment during your bussy day today. Say a quick prayer for our little bug, now acting like a stick somewhere else.

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Friday, September 29th, 2000
3:04 am - sigh

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Friday, September 1st, 2000
1:44 pm - IRC: I KEEEL YOU!
So my mom has a squirrel problem, and she has enlisted the help of me, and a couple of my friends. Mission: eradicate squirrels.

I am talking to her last night and she tells me she wont need our help now since she poisoned the squirrels. My friends who were going to help me are all bummed out. Here is the conversation..

[Ibn] jim coming wif us?
[demo_] yeah
[demo_] kill squirrels!
[Sax] i got the handgun in my backpack
[Sax] gonna pick the rifle up on vashon
[demo_] rifle is better
[Sax] josh has a rifle too
[Sax] yeah
[Sax] we'll have 3
[Sax] incase we get in close range
[Ibn] I think my mom killed em
[Sax] ?
[Sax] all of em?
[Ibn] she said she poisoned em
[Ibn] heh
[Ibn] dunno
[Sax] haha
[Sax] sweet
[Sax] they will be easier to shoot

It's refreshing living with a house full of sick fuckers.

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Tuesday, August 29th, 2000
11:43 am - baq at it
I'm back at work after 10 days of being gone. Weird feelings. Someone called me scary already. Starting to feel like I should make it 11 days before I come back.

Oh well?

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2:14 am - sux 2 b me
I've loaned nearly 1,200$ to a couple people in the last 3 months, with the thought that I would get that money back at some point. 2 of them have become unreachable, the third will pay me back but I don't know when.

How many licks does it take to get to the heart of a sucker?

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Tuesday, August 22nd, 2000
3:02 am - w00p
MOved into a new room. Looks dope, way more cozy. Thanks Jimbo Jankens, Mr JJ McGruff, and Madan Brooke Balooga for all the help.

I bought my first couple of vynl's on Sunday, getting more and more stoked to spin tunes. Thats pretty much all I did last weekend, spin records and walk around downtown. As lame as it sounds, it was a shitload of fun.

No work tomorow, my back is so fucked up, it's hurting just thinking about standing up. Tomorrow will be the quest to find a hot tub. Hurray.


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Monday, August 21st, 2000
2:22 pm - IRC drama sparks poetry
[b0ggs] so my AIM got wiped out
[b0ggs] lost all the buddies
[vtx] lot?
[b0ggs] all
[vtx] damn that sucks
[b0ggs] I am crushed
**Ibn pats b0ggs on the back and lets him know 'it will be ok'
[b0ggs] the scars are deep, the pain profound
[b0ggs] the world is dark
[b0ggs] till new buddies are found
[Ibn] and when they are, like a ray of light, you'll shine like a star
[Ibn] contacting friends, from near and afar

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Friday, August 11th, 2000
2:38 am - w00p
Got clusterfucked at work tonight. But! I got a PHAT raise so tis all good. Had an awesome night of tetrinet and tunes. Nothing is better then going to bed with a smile on your face.

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Thursday, August 10th, 2000
4:56 pm
Promptness is its own reward, if one lives by the clock instead of the sword.

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1:36 am - weird friends
I have odd friends. I cant tell if most of them are stupid, self centered, or just selfish. I don't say this to piss anyone off, its just observations I make. They sit and talk about themselves all the time. It's so weird, if you bring something up, they instantly find a way to relate that to themself, then they elaborate on that. It makes it hard to even bother ever trying to have a serious conversation with someone, especially if something is bothering you. What is the point?

Maybe it's just late, and I am tired. But, god damm. Whats the point? I find myself questioning why I bother with some people when they never give a damm thing. Consistently you accomidate for them, and when asked the bend they shit on you. Maybe its time to get a little more callus, and grow some fucking backbone.


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