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Billy D. Williams

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This weekend... [26 Aug 2002|03:26pm]
This past weekend was one of my most eventful weekends in three months. First, the Cal 1 review went well. I only screwed up one problem, and even that was just a minor mishap. Most of the people who attended seemed to think I did a good job. Next, the trip to Austin. Well, I've discovered that I really don't like Austin. It's a bunch of hippies and bums. It's a neat place, but just not my cup of tea. Of course, seeing Zockray and Young Rich was great (they both put out, of course ;) ).

After leaving the folks in Austin, we headed to San Antonio to get a room and chill for a little while at the Riverwalk. We listened to jazz and had dessert, very cool place, decidedly more my style than Austin. Unfortunately, we seemed to have misplaced my brother while in San Antonio. If someone knows his new number down there, please email me.

Lastly, after returning to Dallas, Justin M and I went to the SAE "It's just a party" party. It rocked. It also reaffirmed that whiskey sours are definitely my kind of drink. No incidents with the other fraternities occured, which impressed a lot of people.

There was hardly a dull moment.
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The best show on TV... [24 Aug 2002|01:41am]
Ever since Upright Citizens Bridage was cancelled, there has been a gap on television. That gap, however, was filled a few weeks ago by a show called "Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law". Birdman is now, in the opinion of many, as well as myself, the best show on television. It asks all the hard hitting questions and deals with controversial subject matter, like when Apache Chief from Superfriends was stuck with erectile disfunction. The show also boasts Mentok, the Mindtaker, because, well, mind taking (not asking, taking) kicks ass.
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And now he's IMing me, whining at me for banning him! Ok, I guess it hasn't gotten old just yet.
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Tonight's entertainment... [21 Aug 2002|09:46pm]
Well, there's only so long you and your friends can fuck with someone before it gets old. Although the joy of watching someone blindly stepping into mule shit will always have its thrill.

Farris, Orange, do you think next time we can find someone even more blatantly obtuse? Or did we pretty much scrape the bottom of the barrel this time?
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Neverwinter Nights... [20 Aug 2002|12:46pm]
If I bought this game, is there anyone out there who still plays this? Boner? aZn? Orange?
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Perhaps my favorite day of the year... [16 Aug 2002|05:20pm]
After having been exceptionally poor for the past few weeks, I have finally come to one of my favorite days of the year: the day I pick up my scholarship check.

And now, I'm going to Justin's for something to eat.
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Opera... [12 Aug 2002|04:25pm]
Ok, I know I'm probably behind the times on this one, but I'm really liking Opera. Opera the browser that is, as opposed to the form of music, which I also enjoy. I think mouse gestures are pretty spiffy and I don't think anyone can complain about the speed.
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She's amazing... [21 Jul 2002|03:40am]
I've always found lovesick poetry and ramblings mildly offensive, so I'll spare you this time. However, I will say that while words exist to describe her, my limited abilities could never do her justice.
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Sesame Street... [16 Jul 2002|07:15am]
I haven't posted in a while, so I thought I'd let everyone know I'm still alive and that my journal is still active.

Recently, some conservatives have come under fire for suggesting to PBS that they might consider rethinking having an HIV positive character on a show funded with federal grants. When one concedes that educating two year olds on HIV is a good idea (I won't dispute the point), this character seems like a terrific idea. Certainly, in South Africa, a character which addresses something that is killing millions of people, this is a very legitimate proposal.

In fact, I think having puppets which address social issues are great. HIV, however, is not the leading cause of death in the United States. Not only are people in the US less likely to contract HIV, they are also more likely to receive the latest in medical care. The number one killer in the US, to the best of my knowledge, is heart disease. Therefore, we need a puppet who suffers from some cardiovascular disorder. This puppet would certainly educate children about the various forms of heart disease and the issues such as symptoms and treatment that go along with them.

A personal pet peeve of mine is the lack of Americans to do math. Now, most Americans can count (thanks, in part, to "The Count"), but significantly less can do algebra. Only a handful can do Calculus, which is one of the fundamental blocks of modern technology and science. In response, we need a puppet, let's call him "Count Calculus", who will teach our children Calculus.

The next issue we could tackle that dominates our news is pedophilia. We could have a younger looking puppet that is the victim of sexual assault, teaching the kids differences between "good and bad touch".

Honestly now, if children 5 and younger (the vast majority of Sesame Street's audience) can appreciate the intricacies of HIV contraction, effects, and treatment, they should be able to handle heart disease and calculus. And while we are at it, let's target issues that affect them directly, like sexual abuse. Our youth is ready for serious education. What Sesame Street has been smearing across our TVs recently has been kids' stuff and must be changed.

In case anyone hasn't caught on by now, there was a little sarcasm in this post.
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Beaumont [28 May 2002|04:40pm]
I had a good time. I was glad to see the aZn sex symbol graduate. The little feller's growing up. *sniffle* Anyhoo, Justin M has now moved in and I once again have a roommate (well... I don't really count my brother as having been my roommate for the last two weeks).
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AotC [16 May 2002|03:08am]
Very bad ass. And I'm not just saying that because I'm caught up in the moment. The fight scenes rocked. The special effects set a new standard for movies, in my opinion. Very cool, and certainly worth $8.25 and staying up for a midnight showing.
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I'm a bastard (cont.) [11 May 2002|01:24am]
In all the confusion with finals, I forgot about Dr. Harper's birthday. Happy 21st. Hookers and alcohol are on their way as we speak.
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I'm a bastard [11 May 2002|01:20am]
Zohreh, I'm sorry, and I'll make it up to you if you're in Beaumont when Dick and I will be there (the 24-30th).

I feel like garbage.
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Wow [09 May 2002|11:09pm]
I am now a senior in college. Pretty crazy. It feels like I just got here. It also feels like I've been here for an eternity.

Going to pick up Orange tomorrow. I even bought him a birthday present. Don't tell him, though, as it's a suprise.
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To Farris [05 May 2002|11:20am]
Today being Easter for Easterners, I can eat meat again. Care for some meat tonight? Cow, chicken, dog, I'm up for anything.
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If you like Indian food [04 May 2002|09:21pm]
You'll probably like Thai food, too. Just a hint for a nameless orange.
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Sugarbomb concert [28 Apr 2002|01:42am]
Not bad... not great, but pretty good for UTD. They did an awesome cover of Killer Queen. That made my night.
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Spoke to an academic advisor [20 Apr 2002|10:37am]
Providing Records decides to give me back the credit I had for Rhet 1302, I'll be graduating next May and taking only 14 and 15 hours both semesters before that.

And on another note, Justin and I are going to hit up old ladies for furniture today.
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Bruder [12 Apr 2002|03:06pm]
More like 9pm, but I'm leaving right now, so I'll see you soon.
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Stuff, junk [12 Apr 2002|09:01am]
First of all, sorry Farris, but something really freaking weird came up last night. However, I did run into Ashley McAdams and she specifically wanted me to say "Hey" to you.

Secondly, Rich. I'm hoping to arrive around 8pm tonight, and I'm also hoping whoever I'm with has a cell phone so I can call you when we get to Trinity. Otherwise, I'd have no idea how to get to your room.
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