Thursday, March 21st, 2002
7:34 pm
OnlineHost: *** You are in "Arts and Entertainment - Streets of Harajuku". *** OnlineHost: DanoSempai has entered the room. DanoSempai: hello ^^ Marisu Miseru: "Mm..Let's try there." One hand holds on to his while the other points to some underground unisex shop along the street. BluishKey: ::Lauren walked down Takeshita Doori, checking out the clothes stores..:: Yuss! 40% off skirts... Drunken Pata: "Sure..." Marisu Miseru: Pulls him into the shop with a grin. "Now, let's see.." BluishKey: ::she poked her stuffy British sidekick Dano:: Wow, there are totally mad crazy cosplayers in Harajuku. BluishKey: It must be like this everywhere in Japan. I bet that everyone in Japan listens to visual rock. DanoSempai: :stands with a look of mild perplexity on his face: it sure seems that way... o.o DanoSempai: ::Dano smirks, and pops in his earphones to listen to m-flo:: BluishKey: Come wif me~ ::she headed up a narrow staircase to a record store above a lingerie shop (whose name she can't remember.. what the hell was it called..?):: Drunken Pata: Stood looking over her shoulder, remaining somewhat silent. DanoSempai: :dano resigns to being dragged along like the tourist he is:... kay BluishKey: Ooh.. indies stuff.. Marisu Miseru: Goes from rack to rack, beckoning him here in there. "You're supposed to help, you know?!" Drunken Pata: "..I am?" His attention averted to her, blinking a few times. OnlineHost: Ridedownhill has entered the room. OnlineHost: Ridedownhill has left the room. BluishKey: ::she looked at Dano, smiling happily:: We ought to go to the bridge and see those culturally accepted and totally common cosplayers! DanoSempai: :tugs key's arm: keey... the "fack you man" graffiti around here? i wanna see that, so i can say i did.... DanoSempai: ....but... i like the bridge! BluishKey: No, that's at Enoshima, I think.. I saw that once. XD BluishKey: So do I! I mean, come on, it's the hot spot of the country. Everyone loves to cosplay as Toshiya. Even old people. DanoSempai: they should make that a shrine to engrish.... ::walks to record shop door:: BluishKey: ::she went with him, descending the staircase carefully:: But Dano, I don't see why there aren't more mad crazy cosplayers around here.. Isn't the whole population of Japan comprised entirely of goth people who love visual rock? BluishKey: These people are like.. normal. DanoSempai: indeed.... i feel quite disappointed, i wonder what happened, i mean, everyone knows the whole of japan is like a giant anime convention.... BluishKey: What is this music coming from this perfectly normal clothing store...? ....Mi...sia..? What's this "Misia"? The Japanese don't listen to R&B;, do they? DanoSempai: :listens: ...r&b;? nooo... this shop must be owned by gaijins! BluishKey: Gaijins, yes. What a baka na concept.. R&B; in Japan.. OnlineHost: Marisu Miseru has left the room. DanoSempai: :grabs a can of UCC black from handy vending machine: BluishKey: ::grabs a can of MAD VISUAL KEI DRINK (the most popular soda in Japan) from a vending machine:: DanoSempai: you're such a wannabe, key, you havent got a costume or anything... such a tourist BluishKey: I know, I wish I had a big, crazy Miyabi costume! Then people would really come up and talk to me instead of running the hell away or looking at me like I'm an escaped convict. Drunken Pata: ((::Watch.:: o_o ....)) BluishKey: Yeah, I really wish I fit in with the Japanese, Dano. You should dress up as Chun Li and we'll roam the streets, making mad friends. DanoSempai: yeah, you're more popular with the japanese if you're a cross-dresser, everyone knows that.... OnlineHost: Drunken Pata has left the room.
current mood: accomplished current music: GIR - The Doom Song
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| Friday, March 15th, 2002
5:51 pm - Hiroshimayaki!
You want to eat me! >o Now!
current mood: accomplished current music: Hamasaki Ayumi - Evolution
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| Thursday, March 14th, 2002
6:16 pm
Hi people. It's me. Sorry I haven't done anything but post some quizzes and things about masturbation making God kill kittens.
So, what's going on with me lately? So glad you asked! I dunno... Lately I've been really, really worried about my weight. Not that my weight is in any way bad.. I'm 108 lbs (48 kg), but that's really way more than I want to be. It all started a week or so ago, after school vacation, when I noticed I had a protruding belly! >o I was like "WTF is this crap??" Because usually my tummy's flat. But it had gotten all fat! I know that's the muscle tone that's fading and that I really probably don't need to lose a whole lot of weight, but I dunno, now I'm on this eating no fat every day and exercising at night thing. I guess it's good to exercise to get in shape, anyway. I don't think I've got a disorder or anything. :o I just want to be really skinny. >o
Also.. OMG, so lately, I've been having mad nightmares~ They're such strange nightmares, too, not about like, me getting eaten by rabid hamsters, but of like.. cavities. o.o This is significant I guess because I never, ever remember my dreams. But with these nightmares, I remember them all pretty clearly. They're all related to stress I'm feeling during the day. Like, last night, I had two nightmares, both of which I remembered. One was of me not doing my homework for English and somehow having my grade drop and not getting into college (a HUGE concern of mine.. I can't let my grades drop too much or they won't let me in), and the other kinda has to be explained. I'm getting an $18,000 grant from GW this year. But in my nightmares, I found I had read it wrong, and that I was only receiving an $1800 grant! And the thought of having to find out how to pay $36,200 actually woke me up. ^^; These are totally not scary nightmares, but it shows how freaked out I am about college~
But anyway, I guess that's it..! Other than that I really am fine. I just finished a journal on a book for English, due tomorrow.. That's good, not having to crap my pants the period before English doing it. I have to do that with an English essay! Ha ha!
I've really got to get my lazy ass in line, huh? ^^; Anyway, see you later~
current mood: morose current music: Matsutoya Yumi - Haru yo, koi
(1 comment |comment on this)
| Saturday, March 9th, 2002
10:33 pm
| Monday, March 4th, 2002
12:43 pm - I'm ominous. >o
current mood: dorky current music: Jen's playing guitar out in the hall~
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| Saturday, March 2nd, 2002
7:59 pm
| Friday, March 1st, 2002
2:12 am - Okay...?
So, it's 2 in the morning. Sometimes my cat Dante, who's completely retarded and also insane, will attack my hand really viciously when I've petted him too much or ignored him too much (he used to be a lot worse, but he got better, but then lately he's gotten pretty bad again), and that's okay because it's my hand, right? But ten minutes ago I kinda was half asleep and Dante somehow woke me up, and when I opened my eyes he attacked my face. o.o; His tooth nicked my eyeball, it kinda hurts when I blink my eye. I have little tooth marks under my eyes, too, and a cut on my chin from his claws. I wonder if, when your cat viciously attacks you at night more than once a week, if it's a sign that you should have him put to sleep because he's crazy. Either way, my eyeball hurts. Ow.
current mood: sore current music: None, it's 2 AM.
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| Saturday, February 23rd, 2002
7:11 pm - AOL chats are the silly.
P13rpc1: grey- shut up or i will stick your foot in your ear so you can my foot go up you butt
current mood: amused current music: Porno Graffiti -MUSIC HOUR
(1 comment |comment on this)
| Monday, February 18th, 2002
7:37 pm
Sportskat1202: wanna hear a poem that I made? BluishKey: Sure. :o Sportskat1202: People get attached to others Not because they want to it's a certain type of felling its mentally that hurts
they get attached to people but not what they learn they get attached to people because it's what they yearn
they yearn for company they yearn for love they yearn for people they yearn for people that they can love
somone they want somone they love someone they can hold and never let go
someone that is there not meantally but physically
somome they know somone they like someone they care about that cares about them back
but they are some people that could have everything they want but never what they need like love. Im one of those people I just figured out Im empty inside an empty stout.
Goodbye. BluishKey: Not bad. :o Was that for school? :o Sportskat1202: no not really Sportskat1202: I just made it up Sportskat1202: now Sportskat1202: I've made others BluishKey: I'll make a poem~ BluishKey: Let's see.. Sportskat1202: ok Sportskat1202: I hate the world I hate my friends I hate the way I look at you
I can't get mad So I get sad
I cry all day I cry all night I cry untill there is some sunlight
Why don't I get mad? Why do I get sad? Why don't you say sorry?
You ruin my heart Everyday you tear it apart
I stand out there and watch I don't do anything Instead you eat the food that I bring
Why can't I stop you? Why do I get blue? Why can't I stop thinking of you?
I stand outside wrinting this poem I'm trying to hide
My tears are sour I'm not an angel or a flower I'm just a girl that is starting to devour
Why am I so blue? I think I may love you Sportskat1202: I dreamed I dreamed you and me toghether In sunny days and rainy weather
Whenever I felt sad And noone understand I start to cry and feel really bad
But then you came up to me you held me in your arms you said, "I see" Like you know what I mean
When I was around you I could not stop smiling when your not, I felt blue
Im sitting on my bed Listing to music then comes in and then she said
"He is gone He won't come back something with his heart he had an attack"
I still don't belive it all we were going to do I now stand alone on my bed crying boo hoo
I loved you, That will never change Now I am going through boyfriends I number them by the range.
If I don't have you I wont have anyone else Saddly you're gone I wont see you again I will only see pictures in my head Sportskat1202: I spread them around on my bed,
I loved you and I always will that never changed it never will
Sportskat1202: those r the others I made Sportskat1202: hmm BluishKey: Hey you! What the fuck! Why do you stop in the hall to talk to your friends, and just end up getting in my way, bitch?
Move your ass outta the way!! Jesus Christ, I wish I could say something that would hurt your feelings, but nothing witty comes to mind on such short notice!
Get the hell out of my fucking way, you herpes infested chicken head!
The end. Sportskat1202: ok
current mood: relieved current music: EE JUMP - Love is ENERGY
(3 comments |comment on this)
| Tuesday, February 12th, 2002
6:29 pm
Hi people!
So, among other things, I got into the only college I applied to, The George Washington University. :D Whoo!
I dunno, I felt really good about it until my dad kept mentioning it. Like, any time he calls nowadays and all, he's like "HOW'S MY LITTLE COLLEGE ACCEPTEE?!" and he constantly talks about it. x.x Also, he took it upon himself to tell MY ENTIRE FAMILY (including my mother, with whom he's DIVORCED). I knew he'd do that, too! It's like, -I- wanted to tell them. The reason I took the post office box key last week was because I figured he'd go to the post office in the morning, get the envelope from GW, take the liberty of opening it, and by the time I got home from school he'd have told the whole friggin family. Well, luckily he only did -half- of that. I guess I should be thankful. --;;
I dunno, so that kinda made the good feeling of being accepted into a really good college kinda less good. o.o
And I guess my dad's company is giving younger people his job, so he's going to be around the house more in the coming weeks. In case you didn't know, my dad works from Monday through Thursday in New York City, and in that time, I live by myself. And it's going to be so crappy having him around!
I mean, I have a good relationship with my dad, don't get me wrong. But when he's around the house, he's always telling me to do my homework or some project. He'll be like "Lauren, time for you to start working on your project!! Do your project!!" and I'll be thinking "If I hadn't -told- you I had a project, you wouldn't have even known about it because you don't friggin live with me! I can do my work without you nagging me, that's what I've done for the past four years!"
And then he's always bothering me about my room. Compared to some kids' rooms, my room is pristine, hospital-like freshness. But it's still not good enough for my dad. I think it's because my dad has few hobbies or interests since he always works all the time, so he just needs to do eight thousand loads of laundry and fix crap around the house when he's actually home. I wish he'd sit around and watch TV like a real dad, or something. I mean, he's 54 years old, he really needs to relax.
Fmrgh. ._. But anyway, so I guess I feel good about college. I guess it just hasn't really hit yet, since I'm still going to school at shitty Merrimack High and I can't drive and I have no independence or anything. ^^; I'll feel good about it once school ends, I guess.
Anyway, so I guess I'll stop the complaining now. :D Bye!
current mood: okay current music: Al Green - Let's Stay Together
(5 comments |comment on this)
| Thursday, February 7th, 2002
5:47 pm - thursday
Hallo! Julia said that I don't write enough in here, or something, so I'm going to write something. Just for you, Julia! Now you get to read my bitching! Whoo!
So, let's see.. today.. was boring. o.o ...Yep.
This is why I never write anything on my LJ.. because I usually have nothing to say!
Hah! I was checking cnn.com to see what's going on in the world, and look at this brilliant discovery:
"Alcohol and drug use affects whether young people have sex, how many partners they have -- and whether they use condoms to guard against disease, a study released Thursday found."
...w-whaaat?! ...really?! Thank god CNN found out, because, as a teenager, that isn't something I could ever observe on my own or anything. Well, I'm sure all of the old people of the world will be like "Dear Lord! I can't believe kids drink and use drugs!"
Oh, and this is one of my favorites. So, George W. Bush, in his state of the union address, called Iraq, Iran, and North Korea an "axis of evil", right? I can't get over how socially apt this guy is. Now North Korea is like "Oh, you wanna start a war, you crazy bitch?" and stuff.. Like, good going, George. Iraq and Iran I suppose I can understand, as far as developing weapons of mass destruction (not so much Iran though, because don't we have okay relations with them now? I might be wrong), but as far as North Korea goes, I thought we were doing well with them. Like, the president of North Korea came out and was talking with President Clinton and the people from South Korea. And this moron everyone elected president while I was away ruins it all in under an hour. He's going to try and start a war with every country in the world he doesn't like and lose the support of all the countries in Europe, who already kinda don't like us. They're like "Umm.. okay, well, Afghanistan seems all set now.. are you gonna stop any time soon?" And George Bush is like "Hell no! I've still got more countries to flatten! Hahaha!"
And everyone -agrees- with him, which shows the intellect of the average Joe of this country. x.x God, people are stupid. "Duhh.. well, I don't really like them dark-skinned Muslims, so I think we should just uhh.. kill them or something. So, yeah! Go war!" And it's pretty much just a war against ourselves, because there's not many enemies left.. the only casualties we've really had have been from helicopters crashing or whatever. What, do they think if they just hang around for a while occasionally bombing stuff that Osama bin Laden will scurry out from a bush like a squirrel into the road? "Huh huh, they won't get me now!"
And then Bush is proposing this new budget thingy, where we spend billions more on the military, and cut taxes! I like that. We can use the magical Billions of Dollars Trees we've been developing in secret FBI labs, and then people don't have to pay high taxes ever again!
Not. Actually, he's going to take money out of people's social security funds. ^^; I don't know about you, but I'd rather -not- have a war that causes every other country in the world to hate us, and -have- my social security when I'm old and want to retire. But I guess I'm just silly, because most people seem to want to have a war.
Fwargh! Moron Republican presidents! It shouldn't happen!
Anyway. Random rant. o.o
So, I guess I won't bore you with.. me. Any longer. ^^; Bye! :D
current mood: sleepy current music: Govinda & Aishwarya Rai - Haiyo Hoo Kya Masti
(3 comments |comment on this)
| Monday, January 21st, 2002
3:12 pm - My first post in Japanese.. now you can't read it!
今日はねェ~ 全然やることなくて寝てばかりいた。情けないっすね、こういう人生は。(汗っ) バイト欲しいやー(死)
そういえば先週は運転免許証を得るための授業が始まった! 結構いいわよ~先生がいい人みたいだし、私の...まあ、好きってゆーかカッコイイと思う人(ダン君)も入ってる! 今頃私は別に学校では好きな人がいないな。前は周りに好きな人がいなきゃ「もーう、生きてけない~」って感じだったけど今は「学校では好きな人がいたら困るだけ~」って考えるようになった。 去年男の子とつき合ってたとき、恐ろしかったからなの。誘われたとき「あッ、この人いいかも」って思ったけど結局2か月もつき合ったって一度も面白い話しなかった!(爆) だから人と付き合うのがうんざりなの。ふーん。(泣)
でも会えない芸能人みたいな人に惚れちゃうケースが多くなってしまったの。 友達のザックがタッキーに惚れてるのと同じように、私はジョーネン・ヴァスクエズという漫画家の事が好きになったの。 ああ、嫌~ 誰かいい人に出会いたい~
Hmm.. 昨日起きたら腕時計ついたまま寝たのに気づいて、手首に火傷みたいなのがあった。ちょっとヤバイんじゃない? (汗)
current mood: sore current music: LUNA SEA - Genesis of Mind 夢の彼方へ
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| Saturday, January 19th, 2002
4:51 pm - exams are over!
Yay, exams are over! I did well, all A's except for my B+ in math, but hey, can't complain, right? :D
So, let's see.. What's going on in my life? Nothing, really. ^^; Umm.. oh, well something I haven't told you about.
There's this kid in my school who likes me, and like.. I dunno, I don't handle people actually liking me very well. o.o No one likes me, really. And when they do, they're the LAST PEOPLE ON EARTH I WOULD EVER WANT TO DATE. EVER.
So, this particular person was in my lunch, back when I was going to lunch every day (I stopped going to avoid him, because I had a feeling he was starting to like me, and I hate having people I don't want to like me like me), but he's also in my English class.
Umm.. I don't know if you, reader, have ever had the experience of having a person who washes about once a month like you before. It's happened to me TWICE. This person, although very, very nice and a good guy, smells like a very large, very dead, very decaying (maybe even for months) dead animal. And I've got a very sensitive nose.
And one day, an acquaintance of mine who's a friend of his came up to me during the school concert and was like "HEY LAUREN WHAT DO YOU THINK OF ______ BECAUSE HE LIKES YOU~!" and I was like "DAME! DAME DATTEBA~ KIMOIN DATTE ANO HITO, MO~~~U..!" (translation: NO FUCKING WAY! THAT KID'S REALLY GROSS!) in Japanese, because that's what I really felt, then I was like "Um.. I just got out of a relationship and I really don't want a boyfriend right now... could you maybe dissuade him?"
But apparently she is goading him on, I heard. x.x And since not many people have ever really liked me, I've never turned someone down when they asked me out. So I don't really know what I'd say if he ever asked me out. x.x I think I'd just be like "Sorry, I'm a lesbian". Because if I were a lesbian, he wouldn't feel bad, right? Because that'd be -my- fault, if I were a lesbian (I'm not a lesbian, by the way, I'm bi, which surprisingly does not mean "gay", although most people don't perceive the difference). Instead of it just being the fact that he smells like the inside of a horse. Because despite me saying all these things in this journal, I wouldn't tell him this to his face, or to his friends or anything, because I actually -don't- want to hurt his feelings and stuff. x.x
I dunno. ^^;
So, today I went driving with my dad. I'm in driver's ed as of last week, and that means that when my dad is actually home, he needs to take me driving.
And let me tell you, my dad is the BIGGEST SPAZ EVER. He's a really great driver, and so I guess he's not used to being in a car with a person who's like "Oh, you can't just put it in park going 5 miles an hour into the driveway?", so he gets really edgy when we drive. He actually grips the passenger door, which is a great comfort to me when I'm going 70 mph down a highway.
So, I drove down to the Comic Book Store where my friend Julia works to get Johnny the Homicidal Maniac comics and stuff, and I pull into the parking lot and there are some kids walking near where I was pulling in.. and I'm like, 7 feet away, and my dad's like "Lauren... watch for the kids.." so I turn so we're pulling away from them, then my dad's just like "LAUREN!!!! THE KIDS, THE KIDS!!!!!!!!! WATCH OUT!!!!!!!!!!" and I'm like "WHAT THE MOTHERFUCKING HELL I'M FUCKING PULLING AWAY FROM THEM, OLD MAN! JESUS CHRIST!!!" and then he's like "WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE! WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE!" and I'm like "WELL, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU YELLING AT ME FOR? YOUR YELLING FREAKS THE CRAP OUT OF ME!"
And since then I've been in an awful mood. He can't even trust me for a minute, he's always like "Now watch out for that giant, blazing red light, because that means you have to stop... slow down... SLOW DOWN FOR CHRISSAKE!!!" even though I've been driving for the past two months and stuff.
And lately, I just can't seem to control my cursing at all. I -never- used to swear before I went to Japan. But then in Japan, I got all stressed about my host families and the problems I was having, and I would swear a lot when talking to my English-speaking friends. Now not a sentence comes out of my mouth without having some awful cuss word in it. And of course, I never get in trouble for it because I'm really cute, and my voice is really small and cute, so in a way, it's not even really swearing. :o And I'll say it in a cute way. I'll be like "Holy shittaronies!!!" or "Oh, my fucking poopies!" and people just laugh.. so I'll never really have a chance to cure my swearing.. x.x
Anyway. o.O
By the way, I love Jhonen Vasquez. <3
Okay, have a good night!
current mood: thirsty current music: L'Arc~en~ciel - Blurry Eyes (hisashiburi naa, laruku~)
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| Tuesday, January 15th, 2002
9:01 pm
If you could relocate to any place in the world, where would it be?: Osaka, Japan What song are you listening to right now?: Animal and the Muppets - Mahna Mahna How often do you shower?: Daily (twice some days) What? the background on your computer?: A picture of a sign in a Japanese train station that says in English "For Restrooms, Go back toward your behind". If you could read one person's mind, who's would it be?: I'd read Britney Spears's mind, because then I could finally have peace and absolute quiet. What is the strangest name of someone you know?: An American person? Umm.. Maybe Ali? What is the most embarrassing CD in your collection?: *laughs* Let's see.. I'd have to say my Japanese Dragonball Z CD.. We Gotta Power, yo! What movie have you watched the most times?: Probably Aladdin, because when I was 10 and my mum was drunk all the time and I had to watch my little sisters, I would just put that on so they'd all shut up. ^^; During which movie did you cry most?: Farewell, My Concubine. That was the movie that I would cry about upon remembering. Do you want to move?: YES. Did you like this survey so far?: It's one of the better ones. It hasn't asked what my favorite color is yet. Have you ever helped an elderly person across the street?: I don't think I've ever encountered a situation in which an elderly person needed help crossing the street... I'm sure I would, if I saw one. Do you sing in the shower?: All the time. Burger King's or McDonald? fries?: McDonald's fries are better, but both food chains make me want to die. Are you addicted to the Internet?: More than "addicted", I'd say I just don't have anything friggin better to do. Read or write?: Write. Are you organized or disorganized?: Disorganized. How would you describe being in love?: I don't know, really.. I've had crushes on people I didn't really know well, but I've never been in a real relationship before... For some reason only the last people on earth I would ever consider going out with (actually, I'd never consider going out with them) ever like me. How many siblings do you have?: Umm.. one blood sister, four half sisters, and one half brother. Summer or winter: Summer. I have too little body fat to handle winter. Pepsi or coke: Pepsi, although both make your bones bad. I try to avoid them, but hell, I like the taste better than coffee. How many hours do you sleep a day?: Umm.. 8. What hours of the day are you usually asleep?: 11 pm to 6 am. Which side of the bed do you sleep on?: In the middle. I think it'd be fun to try and sleep on one half of a twin bed. Worst enemy: Hmm... stupid people. Do you have a journal?: Well, I have this LJ, but that doesn't really count, I never post on it. Have you ever intentionally hurt someone?: Hurt as in physically or emotionally? I've emotionally hurt people on purpose, but I can't even kill flies. Do you like sarcasm?: No, not at all. Why would I like sarcasm? Have you ever thought seriously about committing suicide?: Yes. What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use?: Umm.. whatever will calm my white-afro hair into a kind of normal-looking bob. Who? the greatest looking?: Who's the greatest looking? Well, there's my old crush Tom, and then umm.. at the H&M; on Fifth Avenue in NYC, there's this huge picture of a male model on the wall, and he's like, the epitome of gorgeous. Ugliest?: Umm.. I don't know.. Am I supposed to say me? I like me. ;_; Which is the planet with the coolest name?: Mercury. What climate is most comfortable for you?: Warm. Do you prefer showers or baths?: Japanese baths are the best, if they aren't too hot. Contacts or glasses: Green contacts. Fave day: Saturday. The day I get to stay in bed until 2 pm and watch crap TV all morning. Yeeeaaahhh... :D Fave month: June. No more school! Fave 4-letter word: Cute. I like the sound. Cyoooot. Blonde/brunette: I HATED Barbie so much when I was a kid. That bitch is blonde and has big boobs, and so she's the most important doll, eh? Well, fuck you, I'm buying a Theresa doll with nice brown hair, like me, bitch. Deaf/blind: Deaf. TV/radio: TV.. nothing good on the radio anymore. Tall/short: Tall. I'm short, but being tall is better. ;_; Movie/TV: Movie. Telephone/TV: TV. Day/night: Day.. I'm never really awake at night. ^^; Nice/rainy: Nice. Prison/school: School. I don't need big, smelly butch lesbians harassing me. x.x A good student: I suppose so. I get good grades, but I could get better if I weren't so damn lazy. A good driver: OMG, today was my first day of driver's ed, and the only thing we did was watch a video of like, 500 dead people! I'm going to be the most careful driver ever, but I bet you a million dollars I'll be going the speed limit and following all the "rules of the road" someday and I'll just get hit head on by some asshole driver from Massachusetts. Those people are all friggin insane, you have no idea. Good at sports: NO, I SUCK AND I'M PROUD OF IT. A good actor: The few times I've been in plays I've always been the main character, and I've won like, two speech contests, but the new teacher who does plays hasn't let me in any. Not that I tried out for more than one, he can kiss my ass, the fat bastard. A deep sleeper: I don't know. I never have dreams, does that mean I'm a shallow sleeper? A good dancer: I only "boogie", which means "shimmy around the yearbook room after school to avoid doing any work". Shy: Sometimes.. I only can really be myself to people I don't know when they're introduced to me. Outgoing: Umm.. sometimes. A guy gal: What? o.o I'm a girl.. Are you implying something? >o Enjoy school: Umm.. on rare occasions. Enjoy parks: No, not really. They're all covered in dog crap and screaming children and you get grass stains on everything.. Enjoy picnics: No, picnic food sucks. Like the color pink: Umm.. it depends on what kind of pink. Wet the bed: I think I did once, when I dreamed I was going to the bathroom. *dies* Like to sing: YES. It's all I ever do. Like to shop: Yes!! YES!! Wear make up: Yes. :o I dunno, I've got bags under my eyes. Kill someone for 15 million: 15 million..? Umm.. could I close my eyes? Eat someone if my life depended on it: Oh, god, no. x.x I wouldn't even eat a chicken if it required me to take off its skin and feathers and stuff.
This is the end? Isn't that a strange end? o.o; Oh, well.
current mood: crappy current music: Animal & The Muppets - Mahna Mahna
(1 comment |comment on this)
| Thursday, January 10th, 2002
7:52 pm
| My anthem is: "Electro-Shock Blues," by Eels. I'm a very giving person, which means I frequently cut myself short. Everyone sees me as being perfectly alright, without any huge problems of my own, but I beg to differ. Even when I ask for help, no one really believes me... I'm trying, but it's not easy. Find out what YOUR anthem is HERE! |
(comment on this)
7:45 pm
Hey, do I downloaded the LJ write-straight-from-your-computer thing.. So now I can annoy you with boring talk about my life without even having to open up a web browser! Yippee!
So, how are you? I'm fine. Next week is finals, but I really don't feel like studying. Besides, I do just as well at things when I study. I might even do -worse- on tests when I study (like what happened with my SATs.. --;). I guess I'll quickly review my easy subjects and then really study for chemistry and algebra. Yeah, that should work.
So, lately I've just been going to the newspaper room during lunch and posting online tests on my journal. Sorry that I really don't have much to say. ^^; I really am an interesting person, dammit! DAMMIT!
Well, anyway, I should go. ^^;; See ya~
current mood: restless current music: Miki Douzan - Lifetime Respect
(comment on this)
12:56 pm
12:52 pm
12:48 pm - in the newspaper room... :O
| Tuesday, January 8th, 2002
7:01 pm