Johnny-chan's LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]

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[11 Feb 2002|05:41pm]
Kayla saw my webcam

superbluecrayon: you have to marry me
superbluecrayon: THATS IT
superbluecrayon: you are so hot
superbluecrayon: I claim you
superbluecrayon: screw danielle or sunset or whatever

Sunset, LOL! :D That's fucking hilarious.
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[10 Feb 2002|05:40pm]
I got a webcam for my birthday. I'm just gonna leave it on from now on. If you wanna see my, get Yahoo! Messenger and add bleachinjected to your friends list.

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[09 Feb 2002|04:19am]
k1i4o9s4t5i7k: shes just pissed cause she thinks you've left her to raise makayla on her own and you dont give a shit about her or makayla

Jordan, while usually rather quiet, is full of insight when he speaks.

What's more, he's probably right. I hope I clarified my actions in my email to her.
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[06 Jan 2002|03:35am]
Yay! I -finally- got my new hardware and my dad's old computer so I could build a nice system (1400MHz)
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[01 Apr 2001|02:09pm]
Hello. If you're seeing JUST this post, that means that I'm not on your friends list. I post as friends only, so you must do this to see my stuff. Go 'head, do it. I won't mind.

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