Friday, April 5th, 2002
2:16 am
Hmm, I was looking at this quizz I did... and realized how much I've changed. I'm going to post the "7 months later.." version >.>
Name that appears on on your Birth Certificate: Jessica D. Brown Nick Names: Jess, Jo, Jessalyn Parent's Names: mommy dearest and daddy Number of Candles on your last Birthday Cake: 16 Piercings: ears, and a few ones that have grown back in (damn school rules..) Tattoos: getting one soon... Birth Place: Clearwater Ever Cried?: yes 2-Door or 4-Door: 2 door Color of Socks right now: white Favorite Number: 2 Favorite Movies: Dogma, Matrix, *list goes on* Favorite Quote: "Any moron with a pack of matches can start a fire. Raining down sulfur takes a huge level of endurance. Mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer." - Loki, Dogma Favorite Holiday: Summer Vacation. Favorite Actor: Matt Damon Favorite Actress: n/a Favorite Day of the Week: Saturday Favorite TV Show: Who's line is it anyways? Favorite Flower: hmm.. Merigolds What Color is your Bedroom: silverrrrr (actually, grey) How many Times did you Fail your Drivers License Test: Haven't taken it yet T_T;; (still) Where do you see yourself in 10 Years: Designing for NASA's (or a small organization's) latest space projects. Which Stores would you Max your Credit Cards at: any book store, hot topic, gadzooks, fast forward, thrift shops! What Words do you Over Use: "I'm confused" / "I'm lost." Best Things in Life: 1) Food 2) My kittuns 3) Sleep
1. Are you a Virgin? yah o.o; 2. Are you a Righty or a Lefty or an Ambidextrous? righty 3. What are your Personality Traits? hyper, happy, loud, funny/amusing 4. What do you like most about yourself?: my hands x-z as bad as it sounds.. my hands are really nice. "elegant" (long fingers, naturally nice nails... etc) 5. Pick a Song that describes yourself: 뚜빠뚜빠띠 by Deli Spice.. erm.. Fag says "oh nick please not so quick" describes me. 6. What's your Name Backwards: Acissej 7. What does your name mean? Present of God/Wealth originated from one of Shakesphere's plays. 8. Do you believe in yourself?: yes 9. Do you have an accent? According to aussies/south afriz/brits yah. 10. Do you believe in God?: not as much as I believe in myself 11. Do you go to Church?: No 12. Can you Swim?: yes 13. Do you Drink?: what? milk? water? yea. Beer? no. Wine? ya 14. Do you do Drugs?: what kinds? ;d only doc. proscribed! 15. Do you Smoke?: nope 16. Do you bite your Nails? nope 17. Are you addicted to the Internet?: yeah. but.. i can probably go without it for awhile w/o totally freaking out. 18. How many Times do you Check your E-mail Per Day?: less then I should. I check it about once a month, or if I'm expecting something to be sent to me... 18. Do you ever have AOL Conversations?: yeah AIM.. I dun have AOL, well, I do, but god FORBID I use it. Did you know that this survey has two #18's? yup 19. Do you have ICQ?: yeah 20. How long can you hold your Breath? *tries* 60 seconds! 21. NoseHairs (on you): none... if I do then they r short.. 22. NoseHairs (on your Boy / Girlfriend or Potential Other) Long or Short?: ew... short! X_X 23. What Hobbies do you have?: webdesign, flirting T_t; 24. What kind of Deodorant do you use?: Secret? 25. Do you think you're Attractive?: not really ;; but guys seem to still like me. 26. Do you Sleep with a Stuffed Animal?: YES ^^ 27. What do you wear to Bed?: shirt and boxers 28. One Pillow or 2?: five XD 29. What's your BedTime?: when i feel like it 30. What do you think about before you go to Sleep?: the things i need to do, or have done/reflect on the past/future. 31. First thought in the Morning: "where did this headache come from..." 32. What's under your Bed?: another bed... 33. Are you an Optimist or Pessimist?: OPTIMIST XD 34. Better to Cry or Laugh?: laugh ^^ 35. Ever been in Love?: I think.. love is such a weird emotion.. 36. Right now, who do you want to Marry and spend the rest of your Life with?: hmm... not sure :O Luna? *coughs* Kim o_O? I DUNNO! 37. Where do you want to go on your HoneyMoon?: A nice place... secluded and romantic.. 38. When you notice somebody of the Opposite Sex what do you notice first?: hair z-O 39. Guys - If a Girl ever asked you for the shirt on your back, would you give it to her?: ... 40. Girls - depends. a) if I'm wearing a bra b) what guy it was c) if I liked the shirt 41. Guys, would you ever ask a Random Girl for her Shirt?: ... 42. Do you think Men and Women can ever just be Friends without wanting each other?: maybe.. 43. Who's better, Boys or Girls?: depends on what department we're talking about ^^ 44. What's your "Type"?: Romantic, smart, but not ugly. Usually has to have dark brown/black hair (originally). At least thats what tends to happen.. 45. Internet Boyfriends and Girlfriends - It depends. if you actually try to make it work, you never know. Anything can happen. Flings suck, but online flirting isn't bad. 46. Are you a Player?: no! 47. Did you ever Cry over someone of the Opposite Sex?: yes 48. Did you ever have a Crush on a Cartoon Character?: yes 49. Are you a Good Friend?: yes.. i think... 50. What's your Biggest Fear?: going blind or deaf 51. Do you Type with your Fingers on the Right Keys?: I dunno, I never look at the keys... o_O 52. Do you make fun of People?: no 53. What is the Stupidest thing you have ever Done?: fall in love 54. What is the Smartest thing you have ever Done?: fall in love 55. Do you eat Chicken Fingers with a Fork?: noo o_O 56. How do you eat an Oreo?: Depends on my mood 57. Do you eat the Stems of Broccoli?: i HATE veggies 58. Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full?: half full 59. Which came First - The Chicken or The Egg?: eubacteria 60. What Color is your ToothBrush?: black and white 61. What Color is your ToothPaste?: Green/Teal, White, red 62. What's on your Walls in your Room?: posters, wallscrolls, cork boards, white board, things... 63. What is on your Ceiling?: my fan/light? 64. Have you ever been attacked by a Big Dog?: yes... because I stopped petting it O_o; 65. Words / Phrases you Overuse: "I'm.. confused." hasn't this been asked before? 66. Do you get along with your Parents?: most of the time 67. Craziest / Silliest person you know: Myself 68. What sucks about School?: it being boring. 69. Say one Nice thing about the Person who sent this to you: .... no comment 70. Do you like to Swim?: It depends 71. Do you watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer?: sometimes 72. Do you Sing in the Shower?: yep! 73. How do you want to Die?: in peace 74. Would you ever go Bungy-Jumping?: I have. and would go again if given the chance! 75. Do you like Dressing Up?: nop 76. Do you enjoy Reading?: yep 77. Do you watch TGIF?: THAT is really old, LMAO 78. What Movie do you really want to see?: Nothing right now.. oh "Slap her! She's French!" 79. What is your Biggest Wish?: find true love. 80. Would you ever have Cosmetic Surgery?: no =\ 81. Do you like to Dance?: certain types 82. What do you think of People who Drink?: they're ok... they just have they're own tastes 83. What do you think about People who do Drugs?: *shrugs* half of them are my friends, so... 84. What do you think of People who Smoke?: refurre to question numero 83 85. Do you Shun Nudity?: uhhh... *thinks* 87. Do you watch Happy Days?: used to 88. Do you organize your CD's?: nop 89. Do you read the NewsPaper?: sometimes 90. Who is the Loudest Person you know?: ugh.. Amanda 91. Who is the Weirdest Person you know?: myself 92. Do you Sneeze a lot: yes -_- 93. Are you a Vegetarian?: hell no 94. Best Net Friends? Mrao, Angie, Luna, Kith 95. What was the last CD you got?: a2 2200 96. Who do you Trust the most?: Mao 97. What color is your Computer Desk?: brown and black 98. Do you have a Pager?: used to 99. Do you have a Lava Lamp?: used to, until my dad broke it x_X 100. What's on your Mouse Pad?: nothing (black) 101. Worst Feeling in the World?: being sick... 102. Best Feeling in the World?: i dunno.. 103. Favorite thing to do on a Weekend?: sleep 104. Where do you see yourself in 10 Years?: i swear this has been asked before.. 105. Do you get Motion Sickness?: nop 106. What do you Drive?: LanEvo XD (I wish!) 107. Who are your Best Buds?: Kate, Auj, Mrao 108. What's the Name of the Person you talk to most Online?: Luna, Mrao 110. Have you ever been Convicted of a Crime?: yes -_- 111. Most Humiliating Moment: uhm.. lots... 112. Have you ever called a 900 Number?: nop.. 113. Which Movies have you Cried at?: heh heh XD none that i can remember... 114. Summer Memory: Pudding! 115. Idea for a Perfect Date?: ugh... anythign romantic... 116. Future Son Names: Trent, and maybe some others... 117. Future Daughter Names: Trinity, Adora would be a cool name too.. 118. What is your Favorite Brand of Gum?: extra 119. Which is your Favorite Mentos Commercial?: x-X 120. What's your Favorite Color to Paint your ToeNails?: siiiiiiilver 121. Which do you prefer Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese Doritos?: booooth are yummmy 122. What's your Favorite Flavor of Snapple?: Fruit Punch 123. Who is your Favorite Character on Seinfeld?: mm they're all pretty good... 124. Which one, Coke or Pepsi?: pepsi 125. Which Pez is your Favorite?: all O_O 126. What's your Favorite Room in the House?: my room 127. Which is your Favorite Arnold Movie?: mm... i dunno 128. What is your Favorite Store?: thrift shops 129. What is your Favorite Jell-O Flavor?: hate jell-o 130. Which do you prefer Mud Wrestling or Jell-O Wrestling?: ew? 131. What's the best Number in the World?: 2 132. Boxers or Briefs?: Box0rs 133. Favorite Color Bra?: black 134. Favorite Salad Dressing: salad != good 135. Favorite Shampoo: Finesse 136. Favorite Movies: DOGMA >| 137. Favorite Kind of Music: mmmmm electronica 139. Favorite Food: anything XD 140. Favorite Town to be in?: hmm... Seoul o.o 141. Favorite Ice Cream?: vanilla 142. Favorite Soda: Dr. Pepper 143. ADIDAS, NIKE, or REEBOK: ADIDAS 144. Favorite Cologne or Perfume?: curve (guys and girls) and gio by gorgio armani (guys) 145. Favorite Song?: Any by SFK 146. Favorite School Subject?: Lunch 147. Least Favorite School Subject: English 148. Favorite Sport to Watch: Hockey 149. Favorite Holiday: I feel Deja vu-- Summer Vacation 150. What do you look for in the Opposite Sex?: great personality, romantic, doesn't think of boobs, sex, and kinky fetishes all the time. Knows how to treat a girl. 151. Would you rather go to DisneyWorld or DisneyLand?: Land 152. What is your Favorite Color?: silver 153. Favorite Cartoon Hero?: BATMAN XD 154. Favorite Actors?: Matt Damon x_X 155. Favorite Actresses?: ... 156. Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?: mixed 157. Do you prefer Pools or Ocean?: Ocean 158. Pencil or Pen?: both 159. Who's the Best Looking Person you know of Same Sex?: Auj 160. Who's the Prettiest Disney Movie Gal?: Ariel 161. Gold or Silver?: silver 162. Would you rather be Short or Tall?: short (I'm short, I like it this way) 163. Which Winnie the Pooh Character is your Fav.?: TEE EYE DOUBLE GUH ERR XD 164. What's your Favorite Nintendo Game?: hmmm... lots x_X 165. Who is the Least Attractive Person you know?: Cruel/ 167. Do you like Marilyn Manson?: not really 168. Favorite Radio Stations: 102.1 The Edge 169. MTV or VH1?: Both suck. MTVX is grand. 170. What are your Favorite Musician, Bands or Band?: Paul Van Dyk >.> 171. Best Places to Hang Out?: Mall, movies.. Grapevine mills is great... 172. Do you prefer to Date People Old or Younger then you?: OLDER. 173. Favourite TV Show?: Who's Line is it anyways? 174. Blondes, Brunettes, or Redheads?: Guys with dark hair = <3 but Red heads r0x (me is one!) 175. Glasses or Contacts?: I'm blind as you can get... But I hate contacts... 176. What's the Weirdest First Name you've ever heard of?: Warwick. 177. Brandy or Monica?: ewww 178. Favorite Game?: hmmmmm none sence I haven't played them all XD 179. Favorite Drink?: water/milk 180. Favorite Sound?: tech 181. Favourite Smell?: gio 182. Rollercoasters - Deadly or Exciting: EXCITING 183. Chocolate or Vanilla Cake: CHOCOLATE 184. Thunderstorms Cool or Scary: Scary, especially living in Texas.. tornado alley x.x 185. What is your Favorite Quote?: god, it's somewhere back up there. 186. If I could Shave one thing into your Hair what would it be?: ... nothing? 187. If you could Dye your Hair one color, what would it be?: ice blue 188. If you could have a Tattoo what would you get and where would you get it?: lower back, most likely somehting mystical... 189. If you could Turn into an Animal Real or Imaginary, what would you be? unicorn 190. If you could meet One Person in the World who would it be, Living and NonLiving? Not sure... 191. If you were a Dog what would your Name be?: Bree 192. If you could be Anything in a Kitchen what would you be?: Spoon. It's fun hitting people with spoons 193. If you could be One Gardening Tool what would you be?: I dunno 194. If you could be a Shoe, what kind of Shoe would you be?: sneakers XD 195. If you could be Corn, what Corn would you be?: ewww 197. If you had a Genie, what 3 Wishes would you make?: 1- Find True love T_t; 2- Better Health 3- Better Eyesight 198. Purple: Amanda 199. If you could meet a Net Person who would it be?: Mao... 200. If you could have any Occupation when you get Older, what would it be?: i dunno T-t; 201. If you were to Kill Someone, which Method would you Choose?: o_O 202. If you could do Anything to the Person you hate the most, what would you do?: kick them in the shins and then knee them in the groin 203. Think of the Person you Love most in the Entire World. Thinking of them? OK, now that Person will Die a Horrible Death if you don't have Sex with your Mother / Father... Would you do it?: EWWWWWWW YOU HAVE DESTURBED MIND PLZ 204. If you could Streak in Front of one Person's House who's would it be?: not sure... 205. Better Pre-Sex Foods: Strawberries 206. You are a Virgin. You're going to Die in one Hour. That's right! You have ONE HOUR TO LIVE! So... You lose your Virginity as Fast as you can? Or you call all your close Friends and Relatives to say GoodBye?: I'd prolly go loose my virginity to Hiryuu cuz he's the closest :O 207. Worst way to Die: slowly... 208. Your Favorite STD and Why?: Desturbed PLZ. 209. Does Gay / Lesbian Sex turn you on?: gay sex would make me vomit Lesbian sex would make me wonder how much they were paid. 210. What would your Porn Name be?: Jizzalyn (as Jai says..) 211. Do Bananas turn you on?: uhh... no. 212. Condoms: Glow-in-the-Dark, Flavored, or Ribbed?: flavoured :O 213. Full Body Massage or Dry Sex?: full body massage 214. On a Scale of 1-10, 1 being I may have Sex... Sometime in my Life... Maybe when I'm like 80... And 10 being Whips, Chains, and Automobiles with my Dog and my GramMa in the Back Seat of my GrandPa's Car. Where are you Kinkiness-Wise?: 6 215. My most Graphic Sexual Fantasy was when...: ewwwww 216. Would you have Sex on your Kitchen Counter?: Sounds interesting =o 217. Place I'd Get it On if I could: hmm.. in an elevator! 218. The Person I'd like to have Sex with the most is: ugh.. i dunno >.> 219. If you were Gay / Lesbian, then would you have Straight Sex if someone paid you $1,000.00?: uh... 220. Premarital Sex?: o-o;
(comment on this)
2:13 am
I haven't posted here in forever + a day.. :O
I guess I'll make this to my lil #ro + #rs adventures (cuz RO is ded now) daily log :E I'll post more later :e
(comment on this)
| Wednesday, December 12th, 2001
6:29 pm
Name that appears on on your Birth Certificate: Jessica D. Brown Nick Names: Jess, wuvvles, Jo Parent's Names: parents? Number of Candles on your last Birthday Cake: 15 Piercings: ears, and a few ones that have grown back in Tattoos: getting one soon... Birth Place: Clearwater Ever Cried?: yes 2-Door or 4-Door: 2 door Color of Socks right now: white Favorite Number: 2 and 24 Favorite Movies: Dogma, Matrix, *list goes on* Favorite Quote: "Any moron with a pack of matches can start a fire. Raining down sulfur takes a huge level of endurance. Mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, next to soccer." - Loki, Dogma XD Favorite Holiday: David's birthday Favorite Actor: Matt Damon Favorite Actress: n/a Favorite Day of the Week: Anyday with David <33 Favorite TV Show: Who's line is it anyways? Favorite Flower: roses What Color is your Bedroom: silverrrrr (actually, grey) How many Times did you Fail your Drivers License Test: Haven't taken it yet XD Where do you see yourself in 10 Years: with David <3 Which Stores would you Max your Credit Cards at: any book store, hot topic, gadzooks, fast forward, and any CD import shop (AUSSIE CDS. OMG Virgin Megastore doesn't HAVE THEM.) What Words do you Over Use: "I'm confused" Best Things in Life: 1) David 2) Food 3) My kittuns 4) Sleep
1. Are you a Virgin? yup! 2. Are you a Righty or a Lefty or an Ambidextrous? righty 3. What are your Personality Traits? hyper, happy, loud, funny, amusing 4. What do you like most about yourself?: my hands x-z 5. Pick a Song that describes yourself: "Everywhere" by Michelle Branch 6. What's your Name Backwards: Acissej 7. What does your name mean? Present of God/Wealth originated form one of Shakesphere's plays. 8. Do you believe in yourself?: yes 9. Do you have an accent? Yea, according to David and everyother Australian I've talked to.. ^~ 10. Do you believe in God?: not as much as I believe in myself 11. Do you go to Church?: No 12. Can you Swim?: yes 13. Do you Drink?: what? milk? water? yea. Beer? no. Wine? ya 14. Do you do Drugs?: what kinds? ;d only doc. proscribed! 15. Do you Smoke?: nope 16. Do you bite your Nails? nope 17. Are you addicted to the Internet?: I'm addicted to David, therefore.. yea 18. How many Times do you Check your E-mail Per Day?: more then I should 18. Do you ever have AOL Conversations?: yeah AIM.. I dun have AOL, well, I do, but god FORBID I use it. Did you know that this survey has two #18's? yup 19. Do you have ICQ?: yeah 20. How long can you hold your Breath? *tries* 60 seconds! 21. NoseHairs (on you): none... if I do then they r short.. 22. NoseHairs (on your Boy / Girlfriend or Potential Other) Long or Short?:ew... short! X_X 23. What Hobbies do you have?: webdesign, bugging david, tackling david... 24. What kind of Deodorant do you use?: Secret? 25. Do you think you're Attractive?: not really x_X 26. Do you Sleep with a Stuffed Animal?: YES ^^ 27. What do you wear to Bed?: shirt and boxers 28. One Pillow or 2?: five XD 29. What's your BedTime?: when i feel like it 30. What do you think about before you go to Sleep?: David ^^ 31. First thought in the Morning:"david <3 school X" 32. What's under your Bed?: another bed... 33. Are you an Optimist or Pessimist?: OPTIMIST XD 34. Better to Cry or Laugh?: laugh ^^ 35. Ever been in Love?: yep, am in love right now too ^^ 36. Right now, who do you want to Marry and spend the rest of your Life with?: DAVID 37. Where do you want to go on your HoneyMoon?: Somewhere nice... Maybe Europe... or somewhere in Australia 38. When you notice somebody of the Opposite Sex what do you notice first?: hair z-O 39. Guys - If a Girl ever asked you for the shirt on your back, would you give it to her?: ... 40. Girls - ddepends. a) if I'm wearing a bra b) what guy it was c) if I liked the shirt 41. Guys, would you ever ask a Random Girl for her Shirt?: ... 42. Do you think Men and Women can ever just be Friends without wanting each other?: maybe.. 43. Who's better, Boys or Girls?: depends on what department we're talking about ^^ 44. What's your "Type"?: David. 45. Internet Boyfriends and Girlfriends - it depends on how strong the bond is. Flings = shit. If you actually try to make it happen, then it will work ^^ 46. Are you a Player?: no! 47. Did you ever Cry over someone of the Opposite Sex?: yes 48. Did you ever have a Crush on a Cartoon Character?: yes 49. Are you a Good Friend?: yes 50. What's your Biggest Fear?: going blind or deaf 51. Do you Type with your Fingers on the Right Keys?: I dunno, I never look at the keys... o_O 52. Do you make fun of People?: no 53. What is the Stupidest thing you have ever Done?: fall in love 54. What is the Smartest thing you have ever Done?: fall in love 55. Do you eat Chicken Fingers with a Fork?: noo o_O 56. How do you eat an Oreo?: Depends on my mood 57. Do you eat the Stems of Broccoli?: i HATE veggies 58. Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full?: half full 59. Which came First - The Chicken or The Egg?: eubacteria 60. What Color is your ToothBrush?: black and white 61. What Color is your ToothPaste?: Green/Teal, White, red 62. What's on your Walls in your Room?: posters, wallscrolls, cork boards, white board, things... 63. What is on your Ceiling?: my fan/light? 64. Have you ever been attacked by a Big Dog?: yes... because I stopped petting it O_o; 65. Words / Phrases you Overuse: "I'm.. confuysed." "I WUV/LUFF/LOVE/LUV YU/YOU/YUU DAVIIIID ;.;" 66. Do you get along with your Parents?: most of the time 67. Craziest / Silliest person you know: Myself 68. What sucks about School?: School -- David not being there 69. Say one Nice thing about the Person who sent this to you: .... no comment 70. Do you like to Swim?: It depends 71. Do you watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer?: sometimes 72. Do you Sing in the Shower?: yep! 73. How do you want to Die? with David 74. Would you ever go Bungy-Jumping?: I have. and would go again if given the chance! 75. Do you like Dressing Up?: nop 76. Do you enjoy Reading?: yep 77. Do you watch TGIF?: THAT is really old, LMAO 78. What Movie do you really want to see?: LOTR XDDD 79. What is your Biggest Wish?: To be with David, and to be able to see w/o glasses x_X 80. Would you ever have Cosmetic Surgery?: no =\ 81. Do you like to Dance?: With David 82. What do you think of People who Drink?: they're ok... they just have they're own tastes 83. What do you think about People who do Drugs?: *shrugs* half of them are my friends, so... 84. What do you think of People who Smoke?: refurre to question numero 83 85. Do you Shun Nudity?: uhhh... *thinks* 87. Do you watch Happy Days?: used to 88. Do you organize your CD's?: nop 89. Do you read the NewsPaper?: sometimes 90. Who is the Loudest Person you know?: ugh.. Amanda 91. Who is the Weirdest Person you know?: myself 92. Do you Sneeze a lot: yes -_- 93. Are you a Vegetarian?: hell no 94. Best Net Friends? Mrao, David, Angie 95. What was the last CD you got?: Beautiful Sharks - SFK 96. Who do you Trust the most?: David 97. What color is your Computer Desk?: brown and black 98. Do you have a Pager?: used to 99. Do you have a Lava Lamp?: used to, until my dad broke it x_X 100. What's on your Mouse Pad?: GTE something or other 101. Worst Feeling in the World?: being sick and not being able to be with David ;.; 102. Best Feeling in the World?: David ^^ (not in a perverted way you blahs) 103. Favorite thing to do on a Weekend?: talk to David 104. Where do you see yourself in 10 Years?: With David! 105. Do you get Motion Sickness?: nop 106. What do you Drive?: LanEvo XD (I wish!) 107. Who are your Best Buds?: Kate, Auj, Mrao, Angie 108. What's the Name of the Person you talk to most Online?: David 110. Have you ever been Convicted of a Crime?: yes -_- 111. Most Humiliating Moment: uhm.. lots... 112. Have you ever called a 900 Number?: nop.. wait, maybe... 113. Which Movies have you Cried at?: heh heh XD none that i can remember... 114. Summer Memory: Meeting David <333 115. Idea for a Perfect Date?: anything with David is perfect. 116. Future Son Names: Trent, and maybe some others... 117. Future Daughter Names: Trinity, Adora would be a cool name too.. 118. What is your Favorite Brand of Gum?: extra 119. Which is your Favorite Mentos Commercial?: x-X 120. What's your Favorite Color to Paint your ToeNails?: siiiiiiilver 121. Which do you prefer Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese Doritos?: booooth are yummmy 122. What's your Favorite Flavor of Snapple?: Fruit Punch 123. Who is your Favorite Character on Seinfeld?:mm they're all pretty good... 124. Which one, Coke or Pepsi?: pepsi 125. Which Pez is your Favorite?: all O_O 126. What's your Favorite Room in the House?: my room 127. Which is your Favorite Arnold Movie?: mm... i dunno 128. What is your Favorite Store?: hot topic.. book stores, circit city... 129. What is your Favorite Jell-O Flavor?: hate jell-o 130. Which do you prefer Mud Wrestling or Jell-O Wrestling?: ew? 131. What's the best Number in the World?: 24 XD 132. Boxers or Briefs?: Box0rs 133. Favorite Color Bra?: black 134. Favorite Salad Dressing: salad != good 135. Favorite Shampoo: Bath and Body Works - Bio ^^x 136. Favorite Movies: DOGMA >| 137. Favorite Kind of Music: ozzzz 139. Favorite Food: anything XD 140. Favorite Town to be in?:Adelaide <3 141. Favorite Ice Cream?: vanilla 142. Favorite Soda: Dr. Pepper 143. ADIDAS, NIKE, or REEBOK: ADIDAS 144. Favorite Cologne or Perfume?: curve (guys and girls) and gio by gorgio armani (guys) 145. Favorite Song?: Any by SFK 146. Favorite School Subject?: Lunch 147. Least Favorite School Subject: English 148. Favorite Sport to Watch: Hockey 149. Favorite Holiday: I feel Deja vu-- My b-day 150. What do you look for in the Opposite Sex?: great personality, romantic, doesn't think of boobs, sex, and kinky fetishes all the time. Knows how to treat a girl, 151. Would you rather go to DisneyWorld or DisneyLand?: world 152. What is your Favorite Color?: silver 153. Favorite Cartoon Hero?: BATMAN XD 154. Favorite Actors?: Matt Damon x_X 155. Favorite Actresses?: ... 156. Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?: mixed 157. Do you prefer Pools or Ocean?: Ocean 158. Pencil or Pen?: both 159. Who's the Best Looking Person you know of Same Sex?: Auj 160. Who's the Prettiest Disney Movie Gal?: Ariel 161. Gold or Silver?: silver 162. Would you rather be Short or Tall?: short (I'm short, I like it this way) 163. Which Winnie the Pooh Character is your Fav.?: TEE EYE DOUBLE GUH ERR XD 164. What's your Favorite Nintendo Game?: hmmm... lots x_X 165. Who is the Least Attractive Person you know?: Cruel/ 167. Do you like Marilyn Manson?: not really 168. Favorite Radio Stations: 102.1 The Edge 169. MTV or VH1?: Both suck MTVX is grand. 170. What are your Favorite Musician, Bands or Band?: SFK PLZ 171. Best Places to Hang Out?: Mall, movies.. Grapevine mills is great... 172. Do you prefer to Date People Old or Younger then you?: OLDER. 173. Favourite TV Show?: Who's Line is it anyways? 174. Blondes, Brunettes, or Redheads?: I go for guys like David. aka guys with Dark hair XD 175. Glasses or Contacts?: I'm blind as you can get... But I hate contacts... 176. What's the Weirdest First Name you've ever heard of?: Warwick. (David... I knwo.. but... =X Sorry XDDD) 177. Brandy or Monica?: ewww 178. Favorite Game?: hmmmmm none sence I haven't played them all XD 179. Favorite Drink?: water/milk 180. Favorite Sound?: David's voice 181. Favourite Smell?: gio 182. Rollercoasters - Deadly or Exciting: EXCITING 183. Chocolate or Vanilla Cake: CHOCOLATE 184. Thunderstorms Cool or Scary: Scary, especially living in Texas.. tornado alley x.x 185. What is your Favorite Quote?: god, it's somewhere back up there. 186. If I could Shave one thing into your Hair what would it be?: ... nothing? 187. If you could Dye your Hair one color, what would it be?: white (like, a really white white, not geezer white...) 188. If you could have a Tattoo what would you get and where would you get it?: lower back, most likely somehting mystical... 189. If you could Turn into an Animal Real or Imaginary, what would you be? unicorn 190. If you could meet One Person in the World who would it be, Living and NonLiving?: DAVID.. or any member of SFK or Jebediah... 191. If you were a Dog what would your Name be?: Penny XD 192. If you could be Anything in a Kitchen what would you be?: Spoon. It's fun hoitting people with spoons 193. If you could be One Gardening Tool what would you be?: I dunno 194. If you could be a Shoe, what kind of Shoe would you be?: sneakers XD 195. If you could be Corn, what Corn would you be?: ewww 197. If you had a Genie, what 3 Wishes would you make?: 1- To Be with David 2- Better Health 3- Better Eyesight 198. Purple: Amanda 199. If you could meet a Net Person who would it be?: David or Mrao 200. If you could have any Occupation when you get Older, what would it be?: David's.. or an Astronomer 201. If you were to Kill Someone, which Method would you Choose?: o_O 202. If you could do Anything to the Person you hate the most, what would you do?: kick them in the shins and then knee them in the groin 203. Think of the Person you Love most in the Entire World. Thinking of them? OK, now that Person will Die a Horrible Death if you don't have Sex with your Mother / Father... Would you do it?: EWWWWWWW YOU HAVE DESTURBED MIND PLZ 204. If you could Streak in Front of one Person's House who's would it be?: i have no clue 205. Better Pre-Sex Foods: Strawberries 206. You are a Virgin. You're going to Die in one Hour. That's right! You have ONE HOUR TO LIVE! So... You lose your Virginity as Fast as you can? Or you call all your close Friends and Relatives to say GoodBye?: I'd prolly spend it with David 207. Worst way to Die: slowly... 208. Your Favorite STD and Why?: Desturbed PLZ. 209. Does Gay / Lesbian Sex turn you on?: gay sex would make me vomit Lesbian sex would make me wonder how much they were paid. 210. What would your Porn Name be?: i dun care coz it'd never be uh.. applied? 211. Do Bananas turn you on?: uhh... no. 212. Condoms: Glow-in-the-Dark, Flavored, or Ribbed?: o_____O 213. Full Body Massage or Dry Sex?: full body massage 214. On a Scale of 1-10, 1 being I may have Sex... Sometime in my Life... Maybe when I'm like 80... And 10 being Whips, Chains, and Automobiles with my Dog and my GramMa in the Back Seat of my GrandPa's Car. Where are you Kinkiness-Wise?: uhhh.... 215. My most Graphic Sexual Fantasy was when...: ewwwww 216. Would you have Sex on your Kitchen Counter?: x_X 217. Place I'd Get it On if I could: .............. 218. The Person I'd like to have Sex with the most is: ... 219. If you were Gay / Lesbian, then would you have Straight Sex if someone paid you $1,000.00?: uh... 220. Premarital Sex?: ....
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5:06 pm
Pick up a book and write a sentence at random from it: "Perhaps," the Baron muttered. Again he turned to the night-blackened window. "I am hungry." (two kudo points for you if you can guess what book this is from o_O)
Do the same with a lyric from a song: rub me rub me rub me rubadubdub me - SFK's version of Genie in a Bottle XD Damnit Jennzah.
Can you sing?: David thinks I can o_O
What's your favorite color of post-it note?: BLUE
How many cassette tapes do you own?: Now? like... 6?
How many CD's do you own?: 20? x_X
Ever bought a CD for just one song?: Never
Have you ever lied to get off the phone?: yes y.y
Have you ever written a survey?: Nope :E
How about a song?: I hav no talent for writing.
Or maybe a poem?: errr
Are you addicted to Napster?: This thing must be old. I knew about Napster when they only had like, 10 channels and one server XD
Ever been in an airplane?: Yup
If so where were you flying to?: California, Florida, Texas, Mass, Chicago.
Be descriptive. What are you wearing?: Black long sleeved Pony shirt, loose flares form hot topic and my big clunky boots form hot topic
Favorite outfit?: The one I'm wearing now XD
Name your favorite type of music: Ozzzzzzz
Are you a vegetarian?: THE OPPOSITE XD
How about an aspiring actor/actress?: I wish y.y
Favorite Actor/Actress?: Matt Damon
What do you want to be when you grow up?: Astronomer
What famous person dead or alive would you interview if you had the chance?: Paul Dempsey.
What movies do you have almost all the lines memorized to?: Dogma x.x
Woooo XDD Another coming up :E *waiting for David to get on*
current mood: bored current music: Something for Kate - Harpoon
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| Tuesday, December 11th, 2001
10:47 pm
6:06 pm
*steals, again*
01. name? jessica brown (go me and mah original name) 02. d.o.b.? July 10 86 03. location? north of dallas somwhere in the US. 04. religion? agnostic 05. occupation? student/slacker
01. hair? red 02. eyes? hazel 03. height? 158 cm 04. weight? 44 kg (96lb) 05. figure? stick
01. clothing? bandshirts, baggy pants. Or baby-tees and cute flares (that are still loose) that I find at hot topic 02. music? lots of junk 03. makeup? none ^^; 04. bodyart? nop
01. wearing? cloud pajama pants and a UW-Parkside shirt 02. listening to? "party quirks" on tv 03. thinking of? David, and now much my immune system is bugging me 04. feeling? achey... sick...
01. bought? pretzel from Pretzel time @ the mall (sugar and cinnamon!) 02. did? goto school... talk to david... sent off Mrao's present... 03. ate & drank? Tea, reeses... 04. read? ugh... I dunno x_X 05. watched on tv? News... Cheers!
01. kill? some of my friends 02. shag? oooo... well.. hmm.. david XD 03. slap? Panda 04. hear from? Angie 05. get really wasted with? I dunno E_E 06. tickle? David XD
01. food? ooo, ltos of stuff O_O 02. drink? MILK 03. color? blue/silver 04. album? Oi.. Echolalia by SFK or S.C.I.E.N.C.E by Incubus 05. shoes? my big clunky boots XD 06. site? uhm... http://aitenshi.nu/tomu XD And davids site... and Mrao's.. 07. dance? I dunno x_X 08. song? Too many to name... But... Right now... Cinnamon Lip by Pollyanna or Dreamworld by SFK 09. vegetable? EWWWWWWWW 10. fruit? apples XD 11. person? David ^^ 12. movie : Matrix, 5th Element, DOGMA! 13. tv show : Whose Line Is it Anyway?
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| Monday, December 10th, 2001
6:15 pm
Got from Hallways LJ mreh!
> [Basics] Online Name: Jess msot of the time... I'm so original Real Name: Jessica Nick Name: Jess... Jess...? Age: 15 Age you wish you were: 18 Occupation: student, slacker extrodinair. Location: texas
> [Appearance] Hair colour: Red -_- Eye colour: hazel. How many times have you dyed your hair?: ahhh none =D What colour(s)?: =\ Ever worn eye colour changing contacts?: nope, I'm paranoid about my eyes, NOTHING can touch them. Favourite body part: hands, feet... x_O Body part people compliment the most: I dunno? Ever been told you resemble a celebrity?: nope o_O Who?: y.y Piercings?: Yus Where?: Ears, used ot have an eyebrow peircing. Tattoos?: no Braces?: nope Ever shaved your head?: no Height: 158cm Weight: 44kg
> [Music] Fave band: Something for Kate Play an instrument?: not really What?: ... How long for?: ... Ever played an instrument infront of an audience?: nop What?: How many concerts have you attended?: uhhhhh 3? 4? First concert ever attended?: NIN one loooooong time ago when I was an itty bitty person XD How old were you?: young? What did you wear?: Hell if I know ^^; What band would you sell your soul to see?: SOMETHIGN FOR KATE ;.; Jennzah, lets go sell our souls together and go see SFK XD What did you listen to when you were 4?: Uhhhh I cannae remember... What did you listen to when you were 8? Ooog... uhm... Metallica, NIN.. What did you listen to when you were 12?: NIN... Best live band: Incubus. NIN was great live tho also. I WANT TRENT'S VESTY THINGY FROM LAST CONCERT >O
> [Clothes] Favourite item of clothing: My grey pants Favourite clothing store: Hot Topic Favourite clothing label: Kik girl among others... (MT:2) You most often shop at: Hot Topic Item of clothing you want: Need those shoes from Hot Topic...
> [Animals] Fave animal: kitties and kangerrrooooos Any pets?: yup Least fave animal: uhhhh... anything that doesn't have four legs and hair?
> [Relationships] Number of males/females kissed: =X Number of relationships: I've had? ugh.. 5? 8? One you regret most: mitchell. Why?: he's a disgusting little.. ughhhhhhh ewwwww Current boyfriend/girlfriend: DAVID! XD Longest relationship: DAVID XD How long?: 6 months and counting! Favourite body part of partner: everything abour him = perfect Why you're with them: Because he's perfect. It's a long story on how we met...
> [Celebrities] Favourite actor: MATT DAMON. Favourite actress: none. Best looking female celebrity: y.y Best looking male celebrity: David? Wait, he's not a celeb.. :O Only to me, of course! *asks David for his autograph* Funniest celebrity: mmmmm that's a toughy Ever met anyone famous?: erm... *thinks* yes? Who?: Dick Van Dyke u.u
> [Movies] Last movie you saw in a cinema: Harry Potter Fave movie: Matrix, DOGMA!!!!!!KJ!WG!SL!HF!SD!!!!G! Fave director: View Askew Productions/Kevin Smith Least fave movie: Hmm.. *tries to think* I dunno?
> [What do you think of when you hear...?] Water: David's voice. (LONG story, only David will understand) Summer: Birthday Snow: Where? Dance music: Raves Metal: ow Hair: shower Boobs:uhh... Children: whiiiiinee Computers: *kicks* Australia: David, I wanna be there ;.; America: evil. TV: news -_- Cars: mitsubishi lanevo
current mood: blah current music: something for kate - pinstripe (acoustic)
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5:31 pm
| Sunday, December 9th, 2001
2:10 pm
Well, jess came up with another idea. Oz music weblog (not a Live Journal... I'm too limited w/ LJs, plus there's already one anyway.
Anyway. I dunno how I should go about getting people to join.. @_@
current mood: productive current music: Jebediah - run of the company
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2:05 pm
| Saturday, December 8th, 2001
11:50 am
"you gotta rub me rub me rub me rub me rub rubbadubdub mee"
this shit is too great >D
current mood: ecstatic
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11:47 am
besides the fact I just stubbed my toe on my PS2... again... I'm very amused.
This song is great... =X
*tries not to laugh*
Paul singing this is just tooooooooo weirddddddddd
current mood: amused current music: Something For Kate - Genie In A Bottle
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| Tuesday, November 27th, 2001
5:10 pm
wooo! 75% chance no school tomorrow! Freezing Rain and junk is always BAD. 2+ feet of snow isn't nearly as bad as 1 inch of ice. Or so I'm told. Maybe it's because Dallas isn't used to this type of weather? Who knows -_o
current mood: happy current music: Something For Kate - Dreamworld
(2 comments | comment on this)
8:06 am
I put up a new Jebediah layout @ echolalia.nu
I actually _like_ this layout XD
Hubby got me a kick arse scan I used for the comments and it's also in the bg of where the actual loggings are.
brrr current temp has dropped so much! 38*! X_X
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| Sunday, November 25th, 2001
4:49 pm
frum jenn mreh.
current mood: pissed. current taste: diet pepsi -_- current hair: down. current dress: slutty top and some pants that are about to be thrown out. current grievance: my thin-ness current annoyance: I can't get the pants I want.. current smell: stuffy current stupid musing: I don't know. current longing: david current game: tekken current thing i ought to be doing: french homework current windows open: e-mail, irc, blogs current desktop Picture: auron and rikku current favorite artist: something for kate current favorite group: something for kate current book: wheel of time current CDs in stereo: somethign for kate current DVD in player: nothing currently current color of toenails: silver current earrings: none current refreshment: diet pepsi -_- current worry: tomorrow current malicious intent: kill hot topic because I can't use american express card there current misguided opinion: dunno. current crush: david current favorite celebrity: matt damon current time: 4:48pm current hate: not being able to find my size -_- currently thankful for: david
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12:48 am
Ahhhh just got off phone with David <3 *_* I lvoe him so much ;.;
Damn distance! Who would have thunk it the most perfect guy is like... 10,000 miles away ;_; Oh well... I love him, and that's all that matters, right? ^^
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| Wednesday, November 21st, 2001
11:13 pm
Mmmmmmm bored. BORED BORED BORED. mreh!
I talked to my luvly Aussie luv today! Two days in a row~ *twirls* After teaching him how to say WATER correctly and laughing at his accent (awww he was so cute ^~;) Awwwww gahds. He's such a cutie. I wuv my David.
*squeals and squirms like a school girl* XD Ahhhh
My cat is making my allergies act up *sneezes like 50000 times* @_@
I finally got one of my projects finished. g.nu has a new layout and it's orange. Again.
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| Monday, November 19th, 2001
7:47 pm
| Sunday, November 18th, 2001
5:20 am
GRR! This makes me SO mad! It's CLOWDY! I thought it would wear off, but no! I can't see anything! I din get a chance! Damn texas.. Damn everything about Texas grrr! >_<
*stomps off*
current mood: pissed off current music: enya - may it be
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| Saturday, November 17th, 2001
12:39 pm - XDD
Ugh, I'm so weird! Leonids are tonight! ^___^ I wish I was in the boonies to watch! Damn Jessica C.! She will get a good show ;_;
Nothing much else to say! I need to go find this French artist I heard earlier =O *runs off*
current mood: cheerful current music: sfk - dreamworld
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