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Monday, February 18th, 2002
9:37 am - I think I'm dying...
I haven't really thrown up in Seven years...and now I spent the whole morning doing it...

Jesus, I feel like I'm going to die.

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Sunday, February 17th, 2002
2:39 am - I found my Xenogears Soundtrack!!


I don't type in this poor thing enough, and when I do, it's just me moping. But, here we go...

I think I'm happy right now. I Am, I think. I have friends, I'm enjoying college, I don't have any major worries...just little minor ones I blow out of proportion. Granted, I'm lonely,, who isn't?

This is just a "I'm not dead" update...So, I'm not dead ;)

current mood: awake
current music: Barenaked Ladies & Sarah McLachlan - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

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Saturday, February 9th, 2002
8:55 pm - There's something very satisfying...
About just stopping something in your mind. Experiencing an event that, in the end, changes something inside of you, for better or worse.

A realization moment, if you will. Still, it can be sad, for good or for worse, it's hard to watch something end.

Such is life.

current mood: calm
current music: Counting Crows - A Long December

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Tuesday, January 29th, 2002
9:26 am - It's remarkably easy...
To just let it all fade away.

I hate being lied to.

current mood: drained

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Saturday, January 26th, 2002
3:15 pm - Kinda funny...she Is my favorite character in the game
You're Rikku! You love to be with those dear to you. You're resourceful; a little stealing never hurt anyone! You try to help whenever you can, even if it means going against your own personal believes and desires. Friends come first! like thinks that go BOOM.
Which Final Fantasy X Character would YOU be? Take the test.

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Monday, January 21st, 2002
1:00 pm - On a wallscroll run.
In the last week, I have bought

The Castlevania: Symphony of the Night wall scroll
The Xenogears: Fei and Gear wall scroll
The Final Fantasy X: Lulu and Yuna wall scroll
And, if all goes well, the Morrigan wallscroll for Darkstalkers.

I am done buying things for a while, I think.

current music: Silent Hill 2 - Promise

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12:47 pm - I thought this was funny...

You are ... Kang


You are an alient determined to take over the planet Earth. You are the leader of an army of two. You watch over the Earth in your spaceship, waiting for the right time to conquer the puny humans.

"Anyone from a species that has mastered intergalactic travel, raise your hand."

Take the Simpsons Quiz @ Space Monkey Mafia dot com

current music: Silent Hill 2 - Silent Heaven

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Friday, January 18th, 2002
6:15 pm - Once again clickin' the quizzes
Drink me!

Which drink are you?

This one just kinda frightens me...

Go Faeries!!

Take the What Faery Are You? Quiz!

This quiz was made by lia

Take the Which Wannabe-Baby Are You Test.

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Wednesday, January 16th, 2002
12:42 pm - Shades of Madness
I've been working away at this poem idea I got yesterday, sort of the ramblings of an "End of the world" cultist...sorta. Oh, it's hard to explain.

And I just cant get it to feel right. Stupid classes, taking up writing time...

::mutters and wanders off to math::

current mood: annoyed
current music: Silent Hill 2 - Pianissimo Epilogue

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Monday, January 7th, 2002
9:36 pm - Question:
Does finding unitless numbers faintly unsettling make one a nerd? Post your opinions here!

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Saturday, January 5th, 2002
10:23 pm - Turtles!

Click here to take
the quiz!

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10:21 pm - Amadei puts tests in her journal, I click on them.


If I were a character in The Lord of the Rings, I would be Aragorn, Man of the West, leader of the Rangers who guard the hobbits.

In the movie, I am played by Viggo Mortensen.

Who would you be?
Zovakware Lord of the Rings Test with Perseus Web Survey Software

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6:33 pm - Something seems wrong with this...


Element: Air


Celtic Celebration: Spring Equinox (approx. Mar 21st)

Personality Traits: Optimism, Intelligence, Mental Quickness

Those of the Element Air, tend to be free spirits, creative and fun loving yet intelligent and thoughtful.

Find out what element you are aligned with

This test created by Celtic_Shamanes

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Tuesday, January 1st, 2002
12:59 am - Another year come and gone...
And I take the time to reflect...

I had some fun. Started off rather badly, hating school and fighting with Brit...but it got better, progressively...the summer was something of a plateau...nothing changed, nothing happened. Well, nothing Good. Kevin had a baby, Amadei and Dave had problems, Mark fell in love...and I existed.

I seem to do that fairly often...I'm a bit annoyed by it, but I'm never sure how to change it. I resolve to exercise more. I need to do that. And I resolve to worry about classes more (There Brit.)) But...who knows. I'll try...

Sweet dreams, and happy new year...

current mood: contemplative
current music: Tom Petty - freefall.mp3

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Sunday, December 30th, 2001
2:50 pm - Hrm...
I'm just journalling it up lately, it seems...

A significant portion of my fathers side of the family is currently sitting in the living room. I haven't seen most of them in at least nine years...ten, maybe. I don't feel comfortable around them. They stopped talking to my dad over something really stupid, and I don't think I am capable of forgiving them for it, even if my parents have.

Ah well. I go in and stand around every few minutes...I'm better at hiding, anyway...

current mood: blah
current music: No music. Being quiet

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12:22 pm - Why?
Why is it that, if I meet someone I really like, they Never, EVER live near me?


current mood: annoyed
current music: 07 - Silent Hill 2 - Stairs of Fire

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3:29 am - I am Tired...
I am tired...but it's not a physical exhaustion...I feel Fine, really. Just...sleepy. Ever so sleepy. I would love to curl up somewhere warm and quiet and just sleep for days and days...and never come out. I could dream, and relax...It would be nice. People wouldn't have to worry about me, and I wouldn't have to worry about them.


I am, I think, in a funk. A rather deep funk, tonight. I'm not sure why. They come and go like the wind, fluttering between happiness and depression...I never know When it'll happen, it just...does.

current music: blink 182 - Girl At The Rock Show

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2:33 am - I wonder why...
The music I'm listening to when I do a livejournal is, more often then not, pop music.

I wonder why? Mostly I listen to instrumental music...rather strange...

current mood: curious
current music: Akira Yamaoka - Theme of Laura

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Tuesday, December 25th, 2001
12:29 pm - Present List, of course.
Well well...I got from my family...

Escaflowne Volume One: Dragons and Destiny
Escaflowne Volume Two: Betrayal and Trust

Tales of Destiny 2

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in hardback
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire in hardback

The last Farside off the wall Colander

Resident Evil: Code Veronica the book

A Sony Memory card for my PS2

Jade Cocoons 2
Dragon Warrior VII


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Monday, December 24th, 2001
9:31 am - Merry Christmas and all that Rot...
Well, I have to work. Ah well... ;)

I love Christmas Eve. I'm going to my aunts for a party after work, should be fun...I wont know anyone and I'll just hang out in the back room with my new Cousin.

Work's been fun. I never update...I don't know why...I guess I just never have anything to say. I found a copy of Final Fantasy Legend at work, a game from 1988, brand new, in Perfect condition. I used to play this Constantly when I was little...So I bought it, of course. Ninety-nine cents.

I'm actual feeling quite well lately. Making good money, everyone I want to see is around in one way or another...Yay.

And now, since this strange cheerfulness is So out of character...Bah! And Humbug too!

((Merry Christmas ;) ))

current mood: cheerful
current music: Shakira - Whenever Whereever

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