LiveJournal for Yoda the Stampede.
Sunday, February 24th, 2002 |
I went to eat with my brother's girlfriend's family & my mom.... oh boy, wasn't that fun. Anyway, I survived that & on the way home, bought a book! Of course... it's no normal book, and it sure as heck better not be fiction! lol It was an MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer) training book with CD covering MCP Exam 70-270 : Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows XP Professional. They're offering the tests here, so I decided why not, huh? I've learned quite a bit. I disabled half the services on my computer & my average memory usage has gone down from 164 MB's to 72. I know, I'm a loser, I get excited about this kind of stuff. I shall be off, as I've run out of lemonade. Drinking stuff with sugar in it is a great idea at 2 AM, don't you think? I wish they would have given me their leftovers from Shogun tonight, because I left hungry... grrrr ^_^, I'm just being goofy at the moment, so pay me no mind |
Friday, February 22nd, 2002 |
All was boring and normal (as it should be) before I went to class, but I came home to an unpleasant surprise. The water heater thing broke somehow & flooded the house. No, it couldn't flood indiscriminately, nooo no no, that would be too kind. Instead, it chose to smite the hallway carpet & my room alone. Of course, my floor is concrete & is an inch below the carpet.... meaning I was greeted by an inch of water & still rising in my room. My Gamecube, computer, books, papers, everything was on the floor. I haven't tried to play the Gamecube yet, but my computer does not like water in the least. I turned it off & moved it to a safer location quickly. After getting all the water out (with the help of a vacuum & every towel in the house lol), I tried to get it back to working condition. It gave me a BSOD before I even got to log on. I finally coerced it into safe mode, but then it disabled ALL my devices (excluding monitor). I have a USB keyboard and mouse, & it killed off my USB hub. I went & got my old PS/2 keyboard & mouse.... it decided it didnt' like those either. Then, it gave me a couple of horrifying messages.... that ntoskrnl.exe & kernel32.dll were corrupt.... ugh, basically meaning windows was now useless... figures. Knock one point off Bill Gates in my book. I ended up repairing my windows installation from the cd... and so far, it works perfectly, just as it was before! All my settings and documents are accounted for, including my bright orange visual style ^_^ Bill Gates gets 2 points for being able to fix what he screws up. And that is what I've done for 8 hours - clear out water, & kick my computer to work. The hallway is still wet (you can hear squishy sounds when you walk on it -_-), but it was soon to be replaced anyway. And I shall stop the endless posting & go bother someone with my renewed instant messaging capabilities :) | ||||||||
Thursday, February 21st, 2002 |
My teacher gave us a really stupid homework assignment. I'm not sure if she's really dumb enough to do it this way, or if she was trying to get us to think & really understand how this works. In either case, I wasn't exactly happy to do it. Now that I've done it, however, I learned how to pass the addresses of functions in as variables, and all sorts of other good stuff. It was such a pain... but now I'm going to go back through it & replace all the if...else statements with ? : if possible. That will add to the unreadability of my code ^_^, she's going to wish she never gave us difficult assignments lol Doing that & looking over the spreadsheet problem is all I've really done today. I found a gas measurement book with the things I need, but it's tedious and hard to convert from the cryptic spreadsheet to something usable where I can start the long and painful process of solving the equations. In the end, it's going to end up being a 2 variable equation. I can hold the other 20 or so constant with the values I have, and I may go get a student copy of Mathematica so I can plot the thing. I'll need to find the point on the surface...... doh..... ok, forget that idea, it'll be much much worse. Completely simplified, it's going to end up being something like flow = (some mess of constants)pressure1 + (more mess)pressure2... I think, I've just confused myself. I could always create an approximate surface using taylor polynomials and lots of derivatives, and polynomials are infinitely easier than all of the logarithms, exponents, and trig that I'll be dealing with. I think for now, that's the best approach until I can figure out what exactly this formula is doing... |
Wednesday, February 20th, 2002 |
I was given an assignment I guess you could say. It's totally voluntary, but it's hard, & I'm going to challenge myself to get it done right. One of my mom's customers wants me to fix his computer program to figure the first and second stage discharge pressure of a three stage reciprocating compressor... I have no clue what that means. Anyway, I need to get 3 numbers to be equal by changing the pressures. No problem, right? Well, the volumetric flows (the numbers that need to be the same) change whenever you change the numbers. When you change the first pressure, it affects all three, and when you change the second, it affects the second and third. Surely I'll be able to think of a way to use that fact to my advantage, but right now it's just a very abstract thought & I haven't implemented it yet. I wrote some code that can make the first and second flow equal, as well as the first and third, and the second and third... but whenever I do that, the one not calculated is horribly off, and when I go back to change a pressure, all of them are wrong... So, this is my project at the moment. I have some sample data that this will be used for, and it's awful, awful, awful, when you try to backtrack & figure out the formula. It's even worse than before. I stopped when I filled up a page & realized I was like 1/3 done with ONE volumetric flow... I know it's possible (theoretically) to figure the exact numbers needed algebraically, but I'm sure not up to the task, not with what I might get paid. I didn't do much today. I went back to sleep around 10 because I was feeling ill, slept too long, and didnt' wake up till 2. I messed with some computer homework, then went to class. We're now approximating surfaces by using planes, and we'll soon be using taylor polynomials to fit surfaces to one another... can't you just feel the excitement? Yeah, I know I can. Once again, I've filled up another entry with technical babble and stuff I hope I never see again. I'm going to study up on this gas measurement stuff, so maybe I can figure out this math problem sometime before I die ^_^ |
Tuesday, February 19th, 2002 |
Everyone told me it wasn't possible to do our programming assignment in javascript, because it uses pointers, but I proved everyone wrong & did it anyway just now. Turns out that it passes nearly everything except booleans by reference instead of value. That means... it works! It's great too, because since javascript is object oriented (to some extent), I don't have to mess with some of the nonsense I had to otherwise! I think I'm going to turn this in. I wonder what she'll say when instead of getting an exe, she gets a webpage with a few buttons. Probably something like "YOU FAILED!!", but ah well, the guys up at school will get a kick out of it. I'm too tired to write about what actually happened today, so I'll spare myself from reading about it in the future. Someone give me a programming project!!! |
Sunday, February 17th, 2002 |
My life really needs direction at the moment, I just seem to be floating along with whatever is there at the moment. I want to be a leader, but of what? I want to be in charge of something, but how? I need to asking so many stupid questions, but why? I should stop writing sentences with the same format, but can I? I think I can use just one more question mark, but will I? lol, Yes, when looking for answers, I go to two places. One would be the obvious, lol, humor and general nonsense. The other would be God. Unfortunately, lol, I go to the former much more often than I should. I finished my homework early. It took me about 20 minutes, half of which was spent finding out how to use pointers in C#. Turns out that you have to declare every class, method, etc. that uses pointers as unsafe. Basically tells the computer, "I know what I'm doing & I can handle it if I screw up". I haven't found any built in functions for memory allocation, other than the stackalloc keyword, and if you use that, you're not able to free dynamic memory, only allocate it. It is then destroyed at the end of the block in which it was declared. So much for using dynamic memory in main(), huh? I'm going back to watching the DVD's I rented. Maybe I won't get sidetracked by girls coming online to whom I must speak to! I'm such a loser lol, I need a job. To paraphrase a friend, "A bored Noel is good to no one"... |
Wednesday, February 13th, 2002 |
My mom turned the heater up too high last night, and I woke up at 6:00 am. I usually get up at 2 pm! Soooo that means I got somewhere around 3 hours of sleep last night with all the getting up to go into a colder room I was doing. If I type anything stupid, that's why... I still haven't decided which awful programming language to use. In other news, I was looking around at DeviantART, and came across something called War of Genesis III with some awesome character designs. Anyone care to tell me a bit more about it? |
Monday, February 11th, 2002 |
Ok, I did exactly what she wanted me to do and more on my take home exam stuff. She counted off for "incorrect output"! I know it was right! When I went & asked her about it, she said "she only wanted the bottom item off the stack, nothing more"... yeah, that's what I did, if you take something off the bottom, then the second to bottom item is now the bottom thing. Also, on my Stack Copy method, she counted off, just because I tested to see if it was indeed a copy or an instance of the same stack! I spent 15 minutes explaining it to her & it's like she didn't want to admit she was dead wrong. I mean, I know she didn't look over my source code very well! lol, Reason being because there was a page missing... and that page included the method I was testing... oops? Anyway, she didnt' even bother to notice that. Yeah, enough complaining, I did horrible on that test. With these added 6 points I rightly deserve, I got 44/50. Yeah, that's most of them right, but I don't want anything but the best. I think I'm developing that "must do better than everyone" attitude that got me through high school. I once did 2 1/2 years worth of work in a year, just to beat someone. lol, I wish I had someone to compete against now. I do so much better when I want to beat someone! I had an idea earlier... to start programming all my projects in horrible, HORRIBLE programming languages. I found one that had 8 operators, and none of them took any arguments, instead, they all operated on an arbitrarily sized stack! lol, I thought it was a great idea! Or I could always learn INTERCAL! That is the most horrible stuff I've seen in a long time, if not ever! It's a thousand times worse than the most evil BASIC, FORTRAN, or COBOL variant you could think of. There's always FALSE... it's a jumbled mix of awful regular expression type stuff... now if I could only choose which one is the least able to understand & I'll be fine :) |
I ate 3/4 of a pizza (literally) since I posted earlier too. Ah well, guess I'll find something else to eat while I'm watching the movie. Now that I've seen the preview for Unbreakable on here, however, I'm thinking maybe I should watch that instead. Guess it really doesn't matter, as I've seen everything a million times. I don't feel like paying attention enough to enjoy Young Frankenstein, & I've already seen Trigun & Cowboy Bebop today. Yes, these are the biggest of my problems, isn't my life hard? lol, Yeah right, that's what she tells me all the time too... bah, now I've gone & thought about someone again! | ||||||||
Sunday, February 10th, 2002 |
I want computer equipment that I have no possible hope of acquiring. An aluminum Lian-Li case with a plexiglass side window, neon lights, removable hard drives & fans, DVD writer, GeForce 4 Ti, the list goes on... Other than that, I've slept and played about 5 hours of SSB:M today. Actually, now that I think about it, it's been more like 7 1/2. I have no life lol I've got the Dungeon Master's Guide I've got a 12-sided die I've got Kitty Pryde and Nightcrawler too Waiting there for me Yes I do, I do I've got posters on the wall My favorite rock group Kiss I've got Ace Frehley I've got Peter Criss Waiting there for me Yes I do,I do In the garage I feel safe No one cares about my ways In the garage Where I belong No one hears me sing this song In the garage I've got an electric guitar I play my stupid songs I write these stupid words and I love every one Waiting there for me Yes I do, I do In the Garage by Weezer... lol, it's the all-time loser's theme song! I love this song, though... I can't say I like Kiss nor have anything to do with dungeons & dragons, but bah, to heck with it! lol, I've had too much chinese food, leave me alone |
I turned it off last night because it was being too noisy. With the fans on, and the drives spinning, I couldn't go to sleep. Anyway, this morning when I turned it back on, it started making a horrible noise, it sounded like someone was sticking a pen into the fans. I checked it out, of course it seemed to be nothing, and after a few minutes it went away. However, I noticed on my motherboard next to my RAM slots, only two of them are 133mhz! That's horrible! I've got 640 MB's of RAM, and the 256 MB chip was in the 100mhz slot. I quickly switched it to the first slot, and stuck an old 128 in the 100 mhz slot... What I'd really like to do is get an all-aluminum full tower case, an Athlon XP 2000+, and a new motherboard. Of course, I don't see that happening until I get a job, which could be a while... | ||||||||
Friday, February 8th, 2002 |
After months of waiting, I can finally see again! My new glasses came in! Yes, I have no life, this will have been the highlight of my day I can guarantee. Either this or the fact that my brother is gone for the weekend. :) lol, They're probably really stupid looking, but then again, what is new? Black plastic rimmed dork glasses is what my brother calls them. BAH to him then, I like them. Ok, that whole paragraph was extremely pointless, stupid, and full of bad grammar. I'll be running off to eat now ^_^ |
Thursday, February 7th, 2002 |
I went & took my computer science test earlier today, and I can conclusively say that I did horrible on it! Ah well, no use whining over it now, what's done is done. I was proud of the fact that I got my programming part of it right. I can program just about anything to work better & faster than anyone in my class can, but I don't study, and it caught up to me this time. I rented more Cowboy Bebop DVD's (again, I've seen them all but one). And I can't get Andy's stupid cowboy whistling out of my head now! Of course, it doesn't help that I'm listening to it at the moment either. ^_^, Anyway, I had an idea for a website, so I think I'll go get to work on it. Then again, I really like my 3d software I just reinstalled, so I may be doing that. In any case, I need to stop writing in this first. |
Wednesday, February 6th, 2002 |
I had a math test today, I started studying one hour before it started. I learned everything I know about vector dot and cross products in that time. It's a really good thing I remember stuff easily, because if not, I'd be in a world of trouble right now. There were only 5 questions, 3 of which were extremely easy. The last one asked for the equation of a plane perpendicular to two others. I know I got the vector in the normal plane right, but I'm not sure I got the equation of the plane from that correctly. Ah well, too late to worry about it now, guess I'll just have to study 2 hours in advance next time! lol Other than that, today was uneventful. I woke up at 9, but fell asleep again & woke up at 3. I then proceeded to play video games with my brother (why he didn't go to school is beyond me) until 4. I don't remember what I did from 4 till 4:40 lol, and at that time, I began studying for my test. Of course, I was late for class, & was the first one finished... no big surprise there. I'm going to try to go back to sleep now, hopefully I won't feel like crap again when I wake up tomorrow. :) "And I'm known for my bullets never missing thier mark. Espically if it's the heart of a beautiful lady. BANG!" -Vash the Stampede |
Tuesday, February 5th, 2002 |
...a cheap scanner! I've drawn 3 Vash pictures that I'm now quite fond of. They're by no means that good, but I think it's the best drawing I've done in quite some time now. Almost makes me think I can draw! lol, I want a scanner so I can post these. I'll have to go check Best Buy tomorrow on that Microtek one I wanted. Ok, nothing new to report ^_^ | ||||||
I really wish they'd come in soon. I couldn't hardly see in my computer class, and I'm not about to give up one of my coveted seats on the back row! ^_^, Anyway, I turned in my project today, along with a sappy letter, much like the one I wrote here a few days ago. I sure hope she accepts it, for if not, I'll be in a heap of trouble. I just finished watching Tenchi Muyo in Love again, for no reason in particular. I spent the last half of the movie drawing a horribly deformed Vash the Stampede. lol, The pose I have him in doesn't show off any of his finer qualities. He's giving an incredibly dorky thumbs up. It's from the first episode, when he says "Well, did I work off the donuts and the ten double dollars!?" Guess you gotta see it to understand. Enough senseless rambling for now, as I do believe I feel inclined to go get a drink and start another movie whilst drawing some more & becoming sleepier. |
Monday, February 4th, 2002 |
When I went to the movies, I saw one of my friends, Charles there. lol, He said something along the lines of, "Hey man, I'm sorry, I think I kind of made Professor Lee mad, and she's grading extra hard now." Well thanks a ton, just what I wanted... tougher grading from a teacher who won't say what she wants to begin with! lol, Ah well, I know my project works flawlessly anyway, so I'm not too worried about it I'm eating warmed up pizza and watching Tenchi Muyo in Love right now. I think it's the most eventful thing I've done all day. I sure wish my glasses would hurry up and be finished, as it would be very nice to be able to see what I'm doing throughout the day. Time to go get more pizza... |
Sunday, February 3rd, 2002 |
Well, that's not entirely true. I went & got new glasses today, of course the 2 pair I liked were $211 & $180 for the frames alone... I ended up getting the $211 ones! ^_^ Hey, my dad has to pay half, so I got out cheap, gimme a break for having expensive taste, ok? Other than that, I walked around the mall... lol I was wearing my shorts & sandals in the freezing weather again. I had a long sleeved shirt & gloves on too... my hands were cold! They didn't get any warmer with the gloves on, but I left them on anyway. I was told I looked like Matt Damon and/or Brad Pitt today when I was getting my new glasses... lol thank God it was someone that women regard as good looking, I'm sure glad no one told me I looked like anyone strange... like Richard Simmons or something! Then again, I did have to give out dorky & somewhat displeased looks at the group of people who called my brother & I gay... lol, I'm the worst person to insult if you're looking to make me mad. I just stared them right in the eyes, laughed, and kept on walking, making sure that I didn't care for their existence one way or the other! After all that good stuff, we found a horribly maintained comic store (but then again, what comic store isn't) Anyway, I bought a Vash the Stampede picture thingy. It's number 45 of 500. To steal a line from Dumb and Dumber, "I lok it a lot"! I asked what ever happened to Cody's comics (the place I used to go to before it closed suddenly), and the owner told me that the lady there got sick & closed it all up. I really hated to hear that, as she was always nice to me & everyone else I know. There's no telling how much free stuff she gave me for no reason at all! We went to the movies after that... lol I am picking the movie next time! I warned everyone... there can come no good from a movie with Richard Gere in it! Who's really afraid of a guy who calls himself "Mothman" anyway? lol, It wasnt' so bad really, we had a group of guys behind us talking & joking around the whole movie! lol, Some guy sat there saying "Chapstick!" in a really weird voice for the first hour until it happened in the movie lol, after which, there was much rejoicing among us all. I have assignments due tomorrow, I'll go complete them now... |
Saturday, February 2nd, 2002 |
...In excess of seven times. I've been bored & that's what I've done all day, except play Halo for a while with my brother. I sure wish she'd give us another assignment, one that was actually either challenging, or if not that, at least interesting. I should rewrite my program in C++ so that she can run it without installing that .NET runtime, but I dont' plan on doing so. The most I might do to save my own hide is write a letter to the teacher, saying something like... Dear Professor Lee: In light of the emerging technologies surrounding Microsoft's .NET strategy, I have taken it upon myself to learn, and utilize these tools in my future projects. Currently, I have challenged myself to master Microsoft's new C# language, included in the upcoming Visual Studio .NET. Attached is Microsoft's runtime distribution, which will be needed to run my forthcoming programs. Thank you for your time. Noel lol, WHY in the world did I just write that? Ah well, I can guarantee you there's not a professor up there that wouldn't get suckered into letting me do whatever I wanted if I wrote it like that. "Challenge myself"? lol Who am I kidding here, I'm the laziest person on the planet! Besides, it's really no challenge, I just have lots of spare time ^_^ |
Friday, February 1st, 2002 |
Now our heater doesn't work! Not only the one for this part of the house, but the one for the kitchen & office is out too. It's FREEZING in here! And thanks to someone (coughmy momcough), I was way too hot last night. I guess she thought it would be a bright idea to throw an electric blanket over me while I was sleeping. Thoughtful huh? Yeah, I would have thought so too till I got too hot & started having weird dreams! Actually just two... the first one, I dreamed I was sitting at a convenience store in the car... and I was goofing off flriting with girls, screaming, & chasing robbers... lol, and my name was... Vash the Stampede! lol, I'm such a loser. The second, I don't remember much of, but I was with an old girlfriend & we were generally just picking on my brother & hanging out. lol, Once again, no one has to tell me, I know I have no life! Anyway, I've done nothing today & have no plans for tonight. My mom is complaining that my brother emptied the recycle bin on the computer in there. I don't want to be disrespectful here... but isn't that... what it's for!? It's not like a folder put on the desktop to be used at one's leisure, it does in fact serve a purpose. Ah well, at least my computer isn't screwed up! I think I'll go back to doing nothing now, as there seems to be no one online to talk to |
LiveJournal for Yoda the Stampede.