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(2 chocolate penis .-. whats this?)

[21 Mar 2002|02:25pm]
[ mood | thirsty ]
[ music | dave draimen ~ forsaken ]

SCORE!! my mom let me stay home from school today since she's on vacation this week. slept til noon... sweet deal. she said shes gonna get me mcdonalds too... double score. should do homework. i probably wont though. i want some chocolate milk!!!!

(1 chocolate penis .-. whats this?)

[19 Mar 2002|07:03pm]
[ mood | cynical ]
[ music | watching wheel of fortune ]

Disney Princesses
Which of the Disney Princesses are you?

but my eyes are blue????

bored...bored...bored...bored...home alone...bored...bored... anyhoo my mom called a driving school so HOPEFULLY i'll start classes next week. i need a license so bad. its embarrasing. im almost 18 and dont even have a license... nevermind i havent even driven yet! this self hating is giving me a headache. jeff took the disney princess too... he's belle too. freakish. i have homework to do. i dont feel like doing it though. i literally feel like doing nothing.

(whats this?)

[17 Mar 2002|01:23pm]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | david dramen ~ forsaken ]

i got out of work early today... supposedly im sick. haha. it pays to be paler than average! tired as hell though.

yesterday: went to jeff's house for awhile... i tried some mary jay wana... nothing happened. jeff though got completly stoned off his ass. funny stuff. seth was there too. he just got a buzz. went to the pink floyd light thingy. was good, especially with the pot still in effect somewhat. whooooaaaaaa... is all he could say. too many things going on in my life... im afraid my stress will make my hair fall out. i miss the mall. work sucks. school sucks. i need a license. ok im out.

(whats this?)

[16 Mar 2002|12:01pm]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | static-x ~ this is not ]

i want to cry but i dont know why. I HATE THIS!!!!!!

(3 chocolate penis .-. whats this?)

[13 Mar 2002|04:11pm]
[ mood | lazy ]
[ music | rob zombie ~ never gonna stop ]

bored. talking to daveo. i havent talked to him in a LLLLLLOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGGGG time. jeff might be going to NH this weekend. but he said he might be able to stay home by himself.......... and i want to get out of work for sunday. i officially hate my job. its stressing me out too much. when i get my license, im GONE!! my new mission in life. oh yeah took some appitude test for the military (along with everyone in my shop)... should be interesting what the results will be.

(whats this?)

[07 Mar 2002|03:50pm]
[ mood | thoughtful ]
[ music | static-x ~ machine (great cd) ]

You've been the stodgy cerebral for just about long enough. Now is the time to shed that old and brittle skin and let a new and more youthful you come out for a while. Tune into the physical, the sensual and the tactile. Dance to melodies that nobody else can hear, and let yourself be moved to tears by things nobody else can see. Perceive the world through your hands, fingers and skin. Enter a world where words are totally unable to contain or convey the wonder and mystery of the experience.

thats today's horoscope for me. i just thought it was thoughtful...whoaaaaa.

(whats this?)

[06 Mar 2002|03:34pm]
[ mood | thirsty ]
[ music | ozzy ]

half day of school today for some parent/teacher meetings that are going on today and next thursday. everyone else's parents are going to these meetings... its mostly about our senior year in general (which is important) but my mom isnt going. "i dont feel like going and hopefully its no big deal"...if it is a big deal, im SCREWED. well i dunno. my bus driver took us seekonk kids on the bus to burger king. i saw some funny thing on tv and i laughed so hard while drinking my SODA that it came out of my NOSE. and no ash... there wasnt a penis on tv. choked on my gum too... danger! danger! i feel weird.... speaking of which we got our school pics back.......... i actually dont look stoned this year. just a little "dazed". bored. i'll probably play my friend jame's version of an online RPG game. its neato... im an evil elf i think.

(whats this?)

[02 Mar 2002|12:00pm]
[ mood | groggy ]
[ music | ~~complete silence~~ ]

Witches were tied to you, and burned to a crisp. A classic, though not very nice. People probably tiptoe around you a little.

What torture would you be?

Where's your corner of the Twilight Zone?

Take the Twilight Zone test!

I'm so like Homer!

I'm Homer, who are you? by Lexi

Which Rock Chick Are You?

i'm bored. its noon and jeff still hasnt called me like he said he would... suppose i could call him.. but im too lazy and my voice sounds still sounds groggy cause i just got up an hour ago.

(6 chocolate penis .-. whats this?)

[26 Feb 2002|04:56pm]
[ mood | dorky ]
[ music | alice in chains ]

shop was ok today. my teacher wasnt there today so the two other teachers had to sub. they had no clue what we were doing... but they signed off our labs anyway assuming that we were right. score! i brought a 20oz bottle of coca cola to school for lunch... and drank it all in 2 minutes after jeff dared me to. the prize... a piece and a half of gum. SCORE!! finished all the labs... onto a project that looks horrifically simple... but i know it'll blow up or not work for me. jeff went to sears today to apply for a job... discounts on "tools" and lawn mowers with cup holders... SCORE!!!!

(whats this?)

[25 Feb 2002|09:40pm]
[ mood | pissed off ]
[ music | mushroomhead ]

i hate everyone(almost) and everything... die die die die!!!!!!

shop was good today... got my work done while kath sat around moaning about her project not working, but not doing anything about it. not my problem anymore thank "god". my and jeff "flirting" made seth sick almost. home sucks. mom is never home anymore... cant blame her... and joe must have something stuck up his ass since he's so fucking irritable and moody.

oh yeah, New Hampshire was wonderful in every way possible. im just sorry that we had to come back to this shithole of a state and i had to drag my ass to the ultimate pile of shit that is my work. got yelled at by managers and ignored by the majority. nothing unusual. as soon as i get my license(i now have a purpose) im getting another job. maybe something that can incorporate my knowledge of electronics tech. instead of how to bathe a dog.

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