LiveJournal for Chelsea.
Thursday, March 21st, 2002 |
Today I didn't feel like going to school. I haven't been up to it lately. Feeling down. Probably my damn horomones. Blech. Don't worry Chelsea. It will be over on Sunday. I don't know what I am sure of anymore. I have been confused about a thing or two. I hate it if you know what I mean. Nevermind. So how was your day? I never ask you people. I should more often. I enjoy you people. Some I have even grown to love. Like friendship-wise of course. Chelseas don't believe in love after all. Thank you for the ride Marlon. You rule. You're like my twin or something. Only a guy and better looking. Hahaha. I love you man! Well, have a nice day. I won't be. Poor Francois is clawing at death's door. Ah, my beloved friend. |
[5 friends][ let's play] |
Wednesday, March 20th, 2002 |
This morning would prove to be a giddy day when i opened the door to find jugs-i mean, um, kat at the door. Me and Barb got in the car and we drove to Shiny's house. Marlon knocked, but there was no answer so he proceeded to throw rocks at the window. The bastard wasn't ready. We waited and he got in the car and then we went to get carlos. Carlos, on the other hand, was ready. He nakedly walked to the car. Just kidding. But i think Marlon wanted it that then he gets in and we go to get San..who wasn't there because he was on his way to Shiny's house. So we find him and he gets in the car. Next we drive to South Pasadena and while that is happening Katherine keeps messing with the radio and I swear I was going to kill her. So she finally decides on some spanish station. So here we are in the car, a few asians, some mexicans, and Marlon listening to "spanish rock" and going to CoCo's. Then we get there. And Marlon says "Here it is! CoCo's!"..and it wasn't. Everyone was like "what the hell?" Yes. Leave it to old reliable Marlon and his assumptions. The place was Shakers which looked a lot like Sandie's. So we go inside, table for 7, sit, eat, chat. Carlos told us about his sister's parrot that he almost killed. Then he went to make out with Marlon in the bathroom. Just kidding..or am I? So we pay the bill, get in the car, and go to school. Had like 30 minutes to kill so we hung out at Rick's. Then pussy Santana came over with some guy and we ditched them 2 minutes later. Cunts. Went to school and that was that. Today sucked ass. Except the morning. Thanks for a fun time guys. Where is the next trip?...IN REAL LIFE! |
[6 friends][ let's play] |
Tuesday, March 19th, 2002 |
I went to the bus stop with Shiny and we conversed about our unhappy sex lives and how we were going to end up all alone and crap. We wondered about Ed and were angry that he gets to drive to L.A. and purchase $3 porn. What kind of nonsense is that?! We were mad and wished we could do the same. Then we got on the bus and just sat there while I complained about my body aches and all the lovely stuff that you get when it is that time of the month. It was lame. I read his penis manual and we both learned new things. Just like Mr. Rice said. You learn something new everyday. You bet. I learned that you should all buy "The Book of the Penis". It is very informative and quite interesting. Oh, and they say that circumsized isn't actually cleaner. There are like some risks involved in getting it done, but at the same time an uncircumsized penis can cause some discomfort during intercourse and it is easier to get venereal germ stuff trapped in the excess foreskin. Oh well, just keep 'em tidy folks. I should do my article now. |
[1 friend][ let's play] |
Monday, March 18th, 2002 |
My trust in others I suppose is sometimes too lienient. I have told people some things about myself and trust that they won't say anything. I get scared sometimes and paranoid that someone will slip...then I will pay. Trusting people is hard. I don't think I have made any wrong decisions thus far in telling anyone about specific things. It is okay though. But if I have told you anything that is a secret or personal I hope you won't say anything about it. This doesn't include Barb. She is the only one I trust with my life. Forgive me if I sound brash, but I have to be honest. I love you guys. |
[let's play] |
Sunday, March 17th, 2002 |
I love the rain. It makes me feel calm. I was laughing at Marlon online because we had a funny conversation. I suppose I get a little out of hand sometimes. Boo. Francois didn't have much of a birthday celebration. I was home all day. Period should arrive tomorrow. I want to come straight home. Hope I did good on my tests. Blah and all that madness. |
[let's play] |
Happy Birthday my dear Francois. You have been apart of my life now for 11 years and although you piss me off sometimes, you are like a dear friend and I am so glad to have you as a part of my family. I know this sounds a bit siily because he cannot read this, but I will write it anyway. Eveyone deserves to be written about in a nice way on their birthday. Today is Francois' day and St. Patrick's Day. Well, today isn't his real birthday, but we chose March 17th to be his day. The vet said he was born in March, but that was when he was already 7 months old. So we weren't sure. Well, I love you Francois and I hope you have a lovely day. My finger still hurts. |
[let's play] |
Saturday, March 16th, 2002 |
What day wouldn't be complete with my beloved friend? So we went to the library to gather some books for our psyche book report. Kevin claimed he had to look for a car so he didn't go with us. We then went to rite aid and I bought some hair ties and bobby pins. While we were in line, some guy purchased a great amount of ice cream and a green box of Trojan condoms. Me and Barb came to the conclusion that the green was for st.patty's day. We were picked up by my mother and while waiting saw a dove trying to rape another dove. Like it is strange. Wherever we go, we seem to see 2 birds going at it. Hmm..I dunno. We ate the Hat..mmm pastrami. Watched crouching tiger, hidden dragon. |
[4 friends][ let's play] |
Friday, March 15th, 2002 |
You are all at Sadies and I was talking to Marlon, but got disconnected and when I came back he left. This sucks nuts. No one is on and I'm sure I should be doing something useful with my time, but I dunno. It is pretty early. Me and Barb were playing litterati, but she left and I ended the game. No one is on. Wooo woo wooooooooooo. |
[let's play] |
Thursday, March 14th, 2002 |
Yes..for the millionth time..sorry Barb...I was talking to Jessica yesterday and she was telling me about Albert's birthday being tomorrow and all. It reminded me how lame I was when I told him I liked him. This was like almost over a year ago now, but I cannot get over it. I sometimes get mad at myself. When I told him how I had felt, the friendship was over. It was all my fault. I was so devastated by this that I have decided to never again tell a guy I fancy him. I would rather have the friendship then to have the guy hate me or ask himself, "why her?" and be grossed out and slowly drift away form me as the days go by. Oh well, I suppose I shall roam the earth single for life. |
[let's play] |
Wednesday, March 13th, 2002 |
Went to steve's house and played scrabble. It was fun. You have a lovely home, steve. Very nice. We then journeyed to the mall and there I bought Moulin Rouge. Yay! Kevin bought some gay emo pin. Dork. Diane and Steve got their Sadie's clothes. Thanks for the ride steve! |
[let's play] |
Monday, March 11th, 2002 |
I doubt I will go. I am too fat. Unless a miracle happens I will go. I highly doubt that though. It isn't like any of you want me there'll be just like at school. I better start to excercise then. Well, I don't know. Prom is for couples. Blech. | ||||||
[6 friends][ let's play] |
Sunday, March 10th, 2002 |
My lovely friend Barb came to visit me at my house today and we tormented Carlos and Marlon. The boogers. I had interesting conversations today online. We took some pics. We was bored and all. Watched the tele. and that was the end. |
[let's play] |
I finally saw the movie. That was sooo good. It was sad though. That Jen chick was a little cunt. It was way different from how I thought it would be. Very good though. I thought it was kind of kevin or something. |
[let's play] |
Saturday, March 9th, 2002 |
[1 friend][ let's play] |
[1 friend][ let's play] |
Got some shoes, a book, some earings, tongue ring berrings and a grumpy attitude. I saw Matt and Stephanie at Hot Topic. So my mom says to me at the mall, "you should smile more." And I say, "what for? It is a waste of time. And besides, Chey is still alive." This is the 2nd time someone has told me to smile this week. Fuck all that. I am old, fat, negative, and tired..very tired. I was so sad today and wished death on my self in the worst possible way. I don't care. I wish I were a child again. Care free. But we can wish in one hand and crap in the other to see which gets filled first..and we all know which will be filled first. The one you're crapping in. Whoa wis' I..shoot me in the eye...have a pie..and let me die. |
[1 friend][ let's play] |
Woke up this morning to the sun at around seven a.m. Decided to go on the computer and play the sims. I wish I could play with the expansion packs though..but somebody forgot to bring the original cd..GEOFFREY. You mutt. Well, I think I will go type my final draft essay paper to get it out of the way..Jenn and David I hope you don't forget to do yours. Ha! I should kick myself. You bright people would never forget to do yor papers...I hope Yeah anyway, are you going to pass the bill or what?!?!? |
[let's play] |
Friday, March 8th, 2002 |
Sooo tired. We all had a blast at Matt's house. We had a Kevin Smith movie marathon..Whoo. It was cool. I liked MallRats the best. So funny. Boo boo kitty fuck! |
[let's play] |
Thursday, March 7th, 2002 |
Yeah, me and Barb were looking Murdoc's "winnebago" and he is sick. Like in real life. Yeah, I know they are cartoons and all, but when you look at his surveilance cameras, he has one looking into Noodle's room..that is kind of pervy really. I don't know. Then he has porn on his computer and a Charles Manson tomagatchi. And like a voodoo doll of 2D..yes me and barb poked it with was funny, but it is bad enough that he has no eyes already..stupid Murdoc. Dirty old man. Kevin enjoys seeing him like 1/2 naked though. It is what he told me. don't you lie now. |
[12 friends][ let's play] |
Tuesday, March 5th, 2002 |
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[1 friend][ let's play] |
LiveJournal for Chelsea.