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Sunday, March 10th, 2002
5:03 pm - "may the power of ponch compel you"
Fuck spelling. i need to move out. fuck. fuckkkk. i hear rumor that i'm supposed to be arrested for an incident involving pie filling.

(4 shiny new thoughts | quit yer bitchin, start a revolution)

Thursday, March 7th, 2002
6:52 pm - what's wrong with this picture? study it for a while

(1 shiny new thought | quit yer bitchin, start a revolution)

10:17 am
ahh.. first period. matt stayed up all night and he has lost his mind. Downplay needs to play prom.

(2 shiny new thoughts | quit yer bitchin, start a revolution)

Wednesday, March 6th, 2002
2:23 pm

Which Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy character are you?

(1 shiny new thought | quit yer bitchin, start a revolution)

2:05 pm
james got himself an lj.

(1 shiny new thought | quit yer bitchin, start a revolution)

1:58 pm
some people completely missed the point i was making. oh well, i'll drop it.

(2 shiny new thoughts | quit yer bitchin, start a revolution)

Tuesday, March 5th, 2002
5:22 pm
well i guess i should just go be emo like everyone else did. oh wait theres not a movie to inspire me.. damn.

(2 shiny new thoughts | quit yer bitchin, start a revolution)

10:49 am - ...............
there's a few things that have been pissing me off lately. i've heard a lot about how since ben and michael joined an old school punk band they think they know a lot about that type of music. then there's people like sam who talk about how punk sucks but then begins to like it, because rather than think for himself he'd like to mindlessly follow ben. personally i think the volatiles were a lot better with just danny, luke, and adam. sure they have more people going to there shows now, but i don't want to see them turn into the monstrosity that was doomtown. and p.s. how many people out there see music as one of the most important things in there life?

(26 shiny new thoughts | quit yer bitchin, start a revolution)

Monday, March 4th, 2002
2:49 pm
man, p.o.d. blows some fuckin ass

(2 shiny new thoughts | quit yer bitchin, start a revolution)

1:43 pm - random shit.
i hate the kids in this art class. i hate high school in general. today on channel 1 they were making a big deal about how one american soldier got killed in afghanistan. do they really expect to have a war and not loose an american life? gah. oh well i'm going to post a quote i heard today. said by shane carter: "high school is when you are supposed to fuck as many chicks as possible, just get them drunk, and fuck them. that's what i'm going to do from now on." needless to say, his whore of a girlfriend broke up with him last night.

(4 shiny new thoughts | quit yer bitchin, start a revolution)

10:24 am
my computer died.
p.s. the day before flogging molly the business and one man army are playing the shim sham club. (march 29)

(quit yer bitchin, start a revolution)

Friday, March 1st, 2002
2:11 pm - this ones for nik

(4 shiny new thoughts | quit yer bitchin, start a revolution)

10:53 am - those crafty bastards
i just remembered that sign in front of the church in st.martin that said "god accepts knee-mail" heh. they kill me.

(1 shiny new thought | quit yer bitchin, start a revolution)

10:37 am - ::and it's gonna be the death of us, just you wait and see::
talked to rachel a lot last night. i enjoyed it. we went to dustin's and made sure he was still alive. of course his toe has faded from a blackened color to a dark brownish red, and he's told no one, and will neglect to ever get it checked out. yeah. i think i'm gonna go put in some job applications today. i'll also have to bum some money off of people at school because i dont' have enough gas to get home. isn't there a volatiles show tonight at magic moments?

p.s. cheer up keegan, go out, have some fun.

current music: Operation Ivy ~ healthy body, sick mind (stuck in my head)

(1 shiny new thought | quit yer bitchin, start a revolution)

Thursday, February 28th, 2002
2:38 pm - a laugh a minute

danin showed me this today, its gregg webb and some others kids' band. ha.

(2 shiny new thoughts | quit yer bitchin, start a revolution)

1:46 pm
note to dustin: cut the mohawk thinner, but not shorter, and put it up.

danin just came in mrs.richmonds room and borrowed my shoes.

(quit yer bitchin, start a revolution)

10:58 am
oh yeah, and dustin gemmill ended up with the brokenest (that's right brokenest) toe i've ever seen. you know, kind where you can look at it and see the crooked bone about to jut out, and it's a jet black color.

(1 shiny new thought | quit yer bitchin, start a revolution)

10:21 am - less than jake
the less than jake show was great, as is to be expected. now it has left me sleep deprived and cold, but it was well worth it. it was alot of fun though there was one person in the crowd i was about ready to beat to death. anyway..i just took off my hoodie and smelled every inch of it to make sure there wasn't any of that vomitous new orleans post-show smell on it. there wasn't. i'm good.

current mood: cold

(quit yer bitchin, start a revolution)

Wednesday, February 27th, 2002
8:41 am
hello we're the rx bandits. we've decided to cancel the tour. no more new orleans date.

(5 shiny new thoughts | quit yer bitchin, start a revolution)

8:39 am
we need a venue on the coast. one where bands would actually play.

(2 shiny new thoughts | quit yer bitchin, start a revolution)

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