Monday, February 4th, 2002
6:19 pm - In which I post meaningful song lyrics, and you can likely guess the rest.
It's all ending I gotta stop pretending who we are... You and me I can see us dying...are we?
Let's end it on this Give me one last kiss Let's end it on this Let's end it on this...
My, my what a mess we've made of our precious little lives these days It appears a big fucking tornado has twisted us up recently Best wishes have been made for you You never had no say it's true...
How interesting that only now did my grandma give me a teddy-bear for when I miss Kara. Well, no matter how things turned out... even if this is for the best, I'll always miss her.
If you're reading this, I know I've said it before, but I don't regret being with you. So long and thanks for all the... hm, fish doesn't work too well, does it? lol Well, you get the idea. =)
current mood: thoughtful current music: No Doubt - End it on This
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Tuesday, January 29th, 2002
11:52 pm
11:50 pm
Does anyone else find it funny that I often have to shop in the kids dept. for clothes? The biggest stuff there is usually just right for me, and a lot more common than the smallest size in adults. Sigh, lol.
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Monday, January 28th, 2002
4:58 pm
of course, my close second was:
You tend to prefer your computer to any console, and you seem to be on the sarcastic side, especially when compared to your Penny Arcade sidekick Gabe, but that's okay. Cause you actually do most of the writing and HTML work around there, and even if you get overshadowed Gabes art sometimes, you know you're the REAL genius around there. Just watch out for radio active scorpions...
Which web cartoonist Are You?
current music: Goo Goo Dolls - Flat Top
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4:57 pm
You seem to be a little depressed at times, and tend to be sarcastic, but all you really want is some love. You also seem to have trouble in believing in yourself despite how good everyone tells you that you are, I mean come on, you're the artist of Megatokyo
Which web cartoonist Are You?
current music: Goo Goo Dolls - Flat Top
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Friday, January 25th, 2002
6:42 pm
ok, whew. it hasn't been passed yet... and I certainly don't expect it to pass.
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6:27 pm
Tuesday, January 22nd, 2002
11:04 pm
that was a helluva scare.... two of my partitions as well as my DVD weren't showing up for some reason, so I checked to make sure all drives were plugged in... they all were... so I kept tooling around in my case.. gave up, turned it back on... no video. monitor in constant standby. everything spun up, it all sounded fine... but no video. weird I thought... so I plug my monitor into the other comp I have here, and it works fine. So I start plugging stuff in and out of my comp and eventually I notice that when I turn it on I'm getting random clicks from the speakers, and the lights on the keyboard flash randomly, so I try a different power supply. Still nothing. I pull my case out and put it back a couple more times, trying random stuff... I unplug my floppy drive, it seems to boot up fine. so I plug everything else back in, stand it back up, and it does the same as it did before. well shit, I thought. I pull my case back out and lay it down to plug the floppy back in, and what falls to the bottom of the case? I very LOOSE, and very HOT screw. I guess it was shorting something on my mobo... don't ask me how it got loose, as I've got no idea and don't see any screws missing offhand. thankfully everything seems fine now, there seems to be no permanent damage. sigh. =)
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9:51 pm
Anyone know anything about sword etching? I've got a Pakistani short saber, and I'd like to put some elvish runes on the ricasso.
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9:33 pm
7:37 pm
btw, a notice for those trying to get in touch with me... for reasons beyond my control, my cell service has been disconnected. I hope to be with a new carrier in a couple months, in the meantime... use my home phone or icq/e-mail.
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Sunday, January 20th, 2002
1:59 am - im not dsrunk
Aaargh! My name is...
Aaargh! My name is...
Aaargh! My name is...
Ken matey!
hahahahahha, rooooooofle.
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Saturday, January 19th, 2002
6:07 am - rofflemayo
[23:08PM] damnit0045: j0 [23:08PM] *** Auto-response sent to damnit0045: I am currently away from the computer. [23:09PM] damnit0045: Bastard. [00:43AM] Poser4GH: j0? [01:08AM] damnit0045: hey [01:08AM] damnit0045: LAN up in here tomorrow. [02:15AM] damnit0045: if you wanna come tomorrow give me a call [05:34AM] Poser4GH: up where, who, huh? [05:46AM] damnit0045: My house [05:46AM] *** Auto-response sent to damnit0045: I am currently away from the computer. [05:46AM] damnit0045: Bastartd [05:47AM] damnit0045: humm [05:49AM] Poser4GH: whose house... who *is* this? =) [05:49AM] damnit0045: oh yeah [05:50AM] damnit0045: I forgot. [05:50AM] Poser4GH: damnit0045 doesn't ring any bells, and you've given me no clues =p [05:50AM] damnit0045: It's Miller. [05:50AM] Poser4GH: haha [05:50AM] Poser4GH: ok, then [05:50AM] damnit0045: So yeah. [05:50AM] damnit0045: Now that we've got that covered.
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Tuesday, January 15th, 2002
1:07 am - in which I re-post because the stupid WAPblogger interface was, er, stupid... and posted in the wrong journal.
h3h3, I'm posting this from my phone... How 1337 is that? =p
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Monday, January 14th, 2002
1:00 am
Wednesday, January 9th, 2002
12:48 am
Hm, was about to go to sleep, and happened to notice that it's the 9th.
Happy B-day Sparky! =D
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12:24 am
Tuesday, January 8th, 2002
9:07 pm - In which people piss me off. Severely!
Sigh, why the fuck do people have to give me crap all the time? I know they're just messing around, but it pisses me the hell off! No matter how many times I walk kara to her car, even stand out there with no shoes on the freezing asphalt until I see her drive away... no matter how many times I hold the door (or at least try to) for kara, as well as any random person who happens to need through... no matter what I do, someone finds some way to tell me that I am in-fucking-capable of being a gentlemen. I swear... the next person who says something about it to me is likely to get my fist halfway down their throat. I'm fucking tired of it. I'm overreacting, yes, but it's fucking annoying. I don't bitch at everyone else when they don't open a door for someone, pull someone's chair out, seem them to their car, etc. Why do I deserve that shit? Goddamnit.
current mood: aggravated
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Monday, January 7th, 2002
1:28 am
Sunday, January 6th, 2002
5:53 pm
current music: Lord of the Rings soundtrack - 6 - At The Sign Of The Prancing Pony
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