Welcome Readers.
It is approximately 11:20 am and this girl is, you guessed it, BORED OFF HER ASS. What I wouldn't give to be able to have a laptop at work.
I went to my first English 102 class yesterday and have come to the conclusion that the instructors at Cascadia are sadistic little shits. What I had been looking forward to was the same first day shtick that I had at Iowa - they hand out a syllabus to all 400 of you, go over it and let you leave. As first days go, I think is the best method possible. Did this happen yesterday? Of course not! We all got the syllabus and then had to fill out a questionnaire and then interview someone else that we didn't know.
Icebreakers? Interviewing classmates? Sweet Lord give a break. But, this is community college and when there's less than 20 of you in a class, these things are bound to happen. I ended up interviewing Nehzmi's sister, Jihan, whom I don't technically know but remember seeing at the bus stop every morning. ((yep, official geek right here. I rode the bus to school right up through my senior year.)) So the class brainstormed questions to ask and came up with what has been dubbed "cheese whiz" questions by the staff and instructor of my high school paper, The Stiqayu. Cheese whiz questions include the following: what is your favorite song? what are your New Year's Resolutions? etc. I can tell that good things are in store for this class because they came up with every cheese whiz question known to God and man. The interview itself was pretty painless, but for someone who spent 2.5 years on staff for the Stiqayu ((I wouldn't have minded being literally on top of a few staff members)), it's highly amusing to be asking cheese whiz questions and then watch as people give the answers very serious thought. The following is an excerpt from our interview:
Jihan: "So what are your New Year's Resolutions?" Me: "Well, I didn't make any this year. I drank an entire bottle of Boone's Hard Lemonade and then went to bed at 10:30 because I had to work the next day." ((excitement personified)) Jihan: "My New Year's Resolution? Well, I decided to try to be a vegan for a month..."
And on the interview went with her interviewing not only me, but herself as well. I can only imagine how much smoother things would go in journalism if the reporter was the middle man and people simply interviewed themselves.
Our first assignment in English is to interview someone a then write a story on them. For this seasoned journalist, this should be a walk in the park. Then I ran into a problem because this time around, no one is going to give me the name of the interviewee and nudge me in their general direction. This was going to require some actual thinking. Damn. I went through a mental list of my friends and decided not to go that route because I have done it in the past. I wanted some attention grabbing. PENIS. See, now that is attention grabbing. I needed the same effect but in human form. Of course, it was then that I came up with the perfect victim/person to interview...Emily. I know she is the right choice for the following reasons:
#1 She is 19 #2 She is knocked up #3 The guy who knocked her up actually married her #4 She loves to talk about herself
I consider #4 to be the biggest reason to interview Emily. So much information, both relevant and useless, will spew from her mouth that I'm bound to be able to fashion something ((mental toilet paper)) from it. Of course, being both mature and a seasoned reporter, I'll have to restrain myself from asking questions like; "Are you going to keep your legs together after the baby is born?" "After you pop Alyssa out, will you let me glue that dime between your knees?" " Is your husband's dick really as thick as your wrist?" It would be wrong to ask these types of questions, you see, because you will only get a yes or no answer. Otherwise, these are important questions that should very definitely be asked.
After I got home, I decided to get some work done for my online class. We were supposed to find 2 sites on how to evaluate information on the net and then post it on the discussion board. Easy enough. So I went through the posts to see what other links people had already found so as not to post the same thing twice and then found my 2 sites. It was easy. Too easy. Instead of adding a new thread like they were supposed to, people put there posts as replies, thereby doubling the number of posts to sift through as well as the number of sites already found. Upon discovering this fact, you could hear me in the next county screaming the following: "YOU MORON!!! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO HIT 'ADD A NEW THREAD,' NOT REPLY!!! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO KNOW HOW TO WORK A FUCKING COMPUTER YOU MORON!!! *continues looking through posts* GOD, HOW CAN YOU BE SO DAMN STUPID!!! THIS ISN'T THAT HARD YOU DUMBASSES!! *sees that the 2 sites I was going to use have been taken* YOU DUMB FUCKING BITCH!!! YOU TOOK ITHICA!!! *volume increases even louder* FUCKER!! YOU STOLE THE SITE I WAS GOING TO USE AND YOU STILL DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE A FUCKING COMPUTER YOU STUPID FUCKING BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Whereupon my mom walked into the room and saw me strangling the monitor for lack of a person, told me to watch my language, and then slowly backed out of the room.
Scoffing at my online classmates, I posted my links as new threads and then went to smirk at my handiwork when I discovered that my posts also looked like the rest of the so-called replies. Ooops.
I, foolishly, decided to IM Adrian last night. I don't know why I do this because I always end up yelling at the monitor in the hopes that he can somehow hear my commentary on how he's pissing me off. Anyway, he said he had an important question to ask me and told me to check my email. I had no clue what the question was and why it was so important, but as soon as I saw the email's subject (("Blue or Silver?")) I knew he was asking me about motorcycles. Sure as shit, he's looking for a new bike. He sent me the links for 2 that he liked and asked me which one I liked better. There's the blue one and the silver one. As soon as I laid eyes on those two sweet sleek little things I was having a "When Harry Met Sally" diner moment. Oh God yes, how I would love to have one of those between my legs. I told him that I liked the blue one better because I wanted the silver one for myself. I had spoken too soon because he then sent me a link for this one. and I damn near died. THAT is the one I would get if I ever decided to buy a motorcycle. Screw finding a man. That bike is "the one".
The conversation eventually disintegrated into talk of me visiting him, possibly in April. I don't know why I would do this but it's highly likely that I will. I want to see Kirsten, whom I do miss despite our rare communication. My plan would be to spend a couple days in Lincoln and then have Adrian drive me over to Ames and spend a little while with Kirsten. I'm not sure how keen I am on going to a university, staying in a dorm, eating food service slop in addition to sharing a bathroom with 30 other girls on my vacation. I am more than the fool it takes to do this though, and still enjoy every minute of it.
The mall is an evil, evil place. I'm sure I've mentioned this before and am likely to do so again. I swear that every single frickin' time I have to go pee and am just about ready to leave to go do so, someone comes and either A) "just looks" for 15 minutes OR B) asks a truly bonehead question, such as "where are your gold toe rings?" More often than not, situation 'A' occurs and I politely ask if they need any help and they tell me no, they're just looking. There I'll be, standing and "doin' the dance" that lets everyone within sight distance know that I have to pee except for those directly in front of me. I'm getting to the point where "doin' the dance" to alert people that they should let me either go isn't cutting it. I'm just going to have to arm myself with a bullhorn, stand next to them and repeat the following whenever someone holds me up from taking a piss:
At which point, I will sprint to the bathroom, only to be confronted by the fact that there's a line. Again.