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the unibrow files [19 Mar 2002|09:58pm]
[ mood | laughing my ass off ]

It was 2 AM and Aaron had way too much coffee and not enough sleep. This conversation was the result.

Aaron: I:P
Aaron: beware the unibrow!
Crickett: have you been practicing that or something?
Aaron: no... but it is important to educate people about this rising phenomenon among people so they can avoid the tragic reprecussions of being taken over by a unibrow
Crickett: well, consider me converted because now I want to tell people about this cause and what it's doing to our nation
Aaron: alright....
Aaron: then you will need to know our slogan!
Crickett: yes!
Crickett: tell me!!
Crickett: lol
Crickett: shit
Crickett: that's damn good
Aaron:I was thinking of posting signs on the streets like the 'truth" smoking campaigns....

"One out of every 3 people past the age of puberty has been attacked by the unibrow"
Crickett: and you know, that is so true
Crickett: why just the other day, I passed a boy with a case of unibrow-itis
Crickett: it was horrible
Crickett: just terrible
Crickett: I wept for him
Aaron: we must save this poor boy!
Crickett: how do we do that!?!?
Aaron: i`m going to start a television station with a big multi-colored hair monster ho, who will tell everyone that they will never achieve a bi-brow unless they send the hair gods at our t.v. station their life savings
Crickett: this is a most excellent plan
Crickett: that is something I want to be apart of!!
Aaron: then I will mention something about religious jargon, yada yada, and 90% of the population will have no choice but to comply with our demands!!!! bwahahaahaha!
Crickett: this is brilliant, just brilliant. It's very Montgomery Burns-esque
Aaron: excellent!
Crickett: yeess
Crickett: we must promote this heavily
Aaron: i`m going to need a street team
Crickett: ooh!! ooh!! pick me!! pick me!!
Aaron: they will go around with tweezers and razors
Crickett: I can do that!! can I use duct tape too?
Aaron: and they will ride around on those trendy scooters while innappropriately pointing the tweezers away from their bodies, plucking at every unibrow as they scoot by
Crickett: LOL
Aaron: only in extreme conditions where there are more than 100 hairs per square cm within the centermost section of the unibrow
Crickett: aaron, you've gotta be pulling this stuff from the deepest reaches of your ass, I swear
Aaron: then ductape is a must... and if the ductape cannot remove the hair, we will simply place a flesh colored band-aid above the nose on the center of the eyebrow so that the unibrow cannot release stray hairs and infect others. It also gives the clean, distinct appearance of a bi-brow
Crickett: LOL
Crickett: aye aye SIR!!
Aaron: yes... and the employees will have gang paraphernalia, so when the people get attacked by the pluckers, they will simply think it was a drive by plucking, and nothing personal.
Crickett: wow, this is very well thought through
Aaron: you cannot fight a serious issue like this sitting down!
Crickett: no, you must stand up!! stand up and pluck!!!
Aaron: thats right! If you dont stand up and pluck, you will fall for anything you hairy f*ck <---at which point, I completely lost it and fell out of my chair laughing


Aaron: I think i`m gonna call my company mascott...yOU-kNee
Aaron: yOU-kNee the unibrow
Crickett: oh jesus....
Aaron: no! jesus distinctly has two eyebrows
Crickett: lol
Aaron: yOU-kNee brow will be one GIANT eyebrow, positioned vertically, with arms, legs, feet, hands, a head with eyes, a mouth, and a unibrow horizontally over the eyes
Aaron: and a giant afro
Crickett: wow...sounds fabulous
Aaron: yea....
Aaron: and he will rap...
Aaron: yooo! i be da eye brow plucka yo! wheres my tweezers, need to pluck your ho!

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minimum time, maximum bullshit [13 Mar 2002|03:43pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]

I am wearing the biggest shit-eating grin at the moment ((why would someone who ate shit be grinning? just a btw thing)). It has taken more almost precisely 3 hours to write out my 6 page paper that I have been neglecting. It's due tomorrow so I had to finish it tonight ((wouldn't have been able to do that if I were still working!! go with it, it's my twisted veiw of optimism)). It's not my best work, but it'll probably get me a fairly decent grade. I love it when papers go straight from my brain, my fingers fly over the keyboard and writer's block isn't an issue.

Oh yes. Today is good.

Aside from my brain, I would like to thank the Spencer Davis Group, whose song "Gimme Some Lovin'" has fueled my creative juices and allowed this paper to get finished. Woohoo baby!!

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[07 Mar 2002|01:06pm]
Things I must do:

-go to mall and pick up paycheck
-go to bank and hopefully deposit more money than I leave out *crosses fingers*
-pick up pictures from Safeway so I can finally finish at least one whole collage
-skip class and the boring as presentations which are wasting valuable research time and go to the library and read the books I have and hope I can focus on something.

This research paper that I need to get done for English is finally getting me nervous. I'm all gung ho for doing something about medical ethics but I can't find anything that these sources all have in common and that I would be able to find more info on. I need to have 10 sources and it isn't looking good, dammit.
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TWO DREAMS [07 Mar 2002|12:02am]
[ mood | amused ]


This cranial adventure began at the Sizzler, a now nonexistent restaurant. I was out with my parents and Angela, whose baby shower I missed on account of the fact that my mom's car broke down on me ((this is true and another story entirely)). We had invited her out to dinner with us, I think to make up for the fact that I missed her shower. We were seated at this U-shaped booth with my mom sitting next to Angela and my dad sitting across from me. Our waitress, who was either an actress on a show I used to watch or someone I see all the time in my waking life, had straight brown hair with heavy bangs and was wearing a tux without the jacket. After she came over once, Angela started telling us about this car accident that she had been in. Both her teeth and her left eye had to be fixed and her front tooth was a light brown from it and her left eye, which had to be operated on, was a dark brown, whereas her other eye was green. I never remember ordering, but the strangely familiar waitress brought up shrimp and crab legs and then promptly sat down next to my dad and began chatting with all of us. I looked down at the table and when I looked up, my dad had disappeared and changed into the waitresses' husband whose name was Bear. He was wearing a red t-shirt while the rest of him was pretty nondescript. Somehow the topic of religion or spirituality came up and Bear started asking my mom all sorts of questions about what she believed in and then said that he would like to talk to her privately. The waitress smiled and then scooted off her seat to let the two of them out. My mom walked off with Bear around a corner and into a hallway. I sat at the table with Angela for a few minutes, neither one of us speaking, and then got up to see what was going on with Bear and what he was telling my mom. I walked over to the hallway where they were standing which looked like it belonged in a hotel and not a restaurant. Bear was holding my mom's hands in his and using them to make a point. I could see that my mom was all right and Bear seemed pretty focused, so I walked over to the two elevators about 30 feet behind them and pressed the down button ((funny how a restaurant on the ground floor has an elevator)). The elevator went down one floor and when I stepped out, I knew I was back in Iowa. There were windows in the hallway that let the afternoon sun in ((it was night at the Sizzler)) and the dorm hallway was done is shades of pale green and rose and looked like it would be more suited to a hotel hallway rather than being in a dorm. I started walking down the hallway and this guy told me that Kevin Spacey was going to walk out of this certain dorm room. He pointed to it and as I looked over, the door opened and out walked Kevin Spacey, who was supposedly a student there. The guy who told me about it disappeared and I walked over and started talking to him. He was incredibly nice and was talking and joking with me as I kinda followed him down the hall. Someone stopped him to ask him something and while he was occupied, I looked around at the walls and on the wall behind me was this poster and on it was this picture of a huge mound of pumpkins and gourds, the kind you would see at Thanksgiving. This reminded me of a movie Mr. Spacey himself was going to be in ((it was a totally legit reason in my dream too)) and I went over and asked him about it. He started telling me about the movie and I was getting completely enthused to see it and then the dream ended.


I was walking down the sidewalk in a quite neighborhood in Seattle. The streets were lined with one story houses and green lawns. This guy, Levi, who works at the Cingular kiosk near me in the mall was there. He was walking down the street and when he saw me, he came over and started talking and joking with me. In life, this guy has only talked to me to try to get me to buy a cell phone from him. In my dream, we were laughing and talking about his girlfriend ((I think he might actually be married or something)). He led me into one of the houses because we lived there. In the "living room" there were two bunk beds set so they made a 90 degree angle. Levi sat on one and I sat on the other. Above my head were adjustable lights ((don't ask me why they were attached the bottom of the mattress because I couldn't tell ya)) and I turned them so they illuminated where I was sitting and pointed one in Levi's direction. I remember thinking that one of my friends used to sit on that bed and when I looked up, Levi's girlfriend was sitting right next to him. I knew that the three of us were roommates as we were laughing a joking.

That dissolved and I was standing in the middle of a crowded mall in the UK with my parents. We walked by this silver store and my parents tried to convince me that it was Silverworks, the store I work for. I looked closer at it and saw that it wasn't it as was turning around to tell my mom just that when I saw Ryan Webber. Ryan Webber is this guy I had a huge crush on in high school. He was a total sweetie and a big nerd, the kind of guy no one but you thinks is cute. He was the editor in chief of the school paper the first semester I was on staff. I was totally smitten though nothing ever came of it. And then there he was, walking over to the mall's food court in this mall in the UK,the last place I would ever except to see him. I told my mom I would catch up with them in a minute because I wanted to see something. They went on to another store without me and I walked over to the food court, which actually looked like a restaurant with booths and tables set up everywhere, everything having a refined and dark ambiance to it. I walked/jogged up to Ryan to say hi right before he was going to sit down at a table full of friends. We got to talking ((I remember being amazed that he actually remembered me)) and he started picking up his stuff from the booth and he told me that he knew I liked him in high school and his friends kept telling him to do something about it but he never did. We were about to leave to go for a walk and I looked up at this door and I saw my mom walking toward me, looking pissed off. I started walking away from Ryan, toward her, trying to calm her down before she got pissed off that she had been waiting for me and I hadn't shown up. That's where that one ended.

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[02 Mar 2002|11:12am]
[ mood | ecstatic ]
[ music | sound of my joy ]

I am about to scream with happy joy because something I've long to see for ages is goinng to happen on April 19th.


Every time the man does stand up on tv, I am there. When I found out he was going to be in Seattle I almost screamed while at work. Mom gave me her credit card, I set my alarm for 10:50 am ((which I'm really glad I did cause I was OUT)) and now here I am with these seats ((check out section 13, row B, seats 7 and 8 baby))

My mom is going to kill me because the tickets cost $221 ((I can picture Amy going "Ouch!")) but I'll pay for them out of my tax return like I'm doing for my trip to Colorado as well ((if that ever happens)).

But now, today cannot deflate my mood because every time I think "I get to see Robin williams do stand up," I start getting giddy like an N'SYNC fan.

Yes ladies and gentleman, today is freaking AWESOME!!!

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Emily's baby shower [17 Feb 2002|09:58pm]
[ mood | thoughtful ]

It's amazing how much freedom you give yourself when you decide to blow off your homework in favor of fun. This week may be my "fuck it" week and I couldn't be happier about it.

I went to Emily's baby shower tonight. I've known Em since we were both 12 and complete and utter dorks, which makes me smile to think about. Now she's almost 20 and married and pregnant. When I got to the apartment complex, I could not find the "cabana" where the shower was supposed to be and walked into the rental office to ask. I opened the door and there was a bright "It's A Girl!" sign over the entryway, so I figured I lucked out. I had to park down the street at a strip mall which I was not happy about, especially since I would have to walk back to my car by myself when the shower was over and that part Everett just plain creeps me out. There was 4 people there who were close to Emily's age and the rest were all large middle aged women. The only people who recognized me besides Em and Angela was Em's sister, Allie, whom I haven't seen in ages. She's still working for Estee Lauder and still as big mouthed as ever, both of which I like. I sat on the outskirts, not really wanting to be there and playing games such as "How well do you know Emily?" which consisted of a questionnaire with question we were supposed to answer about Emily and then there was another "game" where we had to name as many songs as possible with the word "baby" in the title or in the song. I wrote 2 down and then quit. Emily made out like a bandit though. Tons of clothes and bottles and pacifiers and the like. After presents were open and cake was had, most everyone left with the exception of 4 or 5 people, myself included. I sat next to Em on the couch. Our conversation consisted of asking me when I was working and that was it. Then I hugged her good-bye, told her I'd call her and walked back to my car.

I got into my car and started driving and thinking that all I really have left from our friendship and the days we used to hang out all the time or some photos and memories. I still have my half of all the pictures that were taken in one of those photo booths in the mall in my wallet along with some tickets left over from a fun park that we went to for her 12th birthday. Skinny little Emily is now someone that I barely now and who barely knows me. As I was driving, I was absent-mindedly listening to the radio and "I'll Stand By You" came on. I started singing along with it, off key, of course, as is my way, and I didn't notice, but I had started crying. I don't know why either. As soon as the song was over, my tears were as well.

It feels strange to think that I've known her since we were 12, but don't know her at all anymore.

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you know you're going to have a bad day when... [03 Feb 2002|01:14am]
You know you're going to have a bad day when you take People's "Hunk-o-Matic" quiz. The little blurb with the link said this: "Will Smith? George Clooney? Take our quiz and see which gorgeous guy best suits you."

So, I take the quiz. Who do I get as my stud muffin of love?

"Your perfect match? STEVE MARTIN."
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looking back [31 Jan 2002|12:20am]
It all started with a girl on a bus who saw a guy and thought, "Wow. He's beautiful."

That's all.

God. It was all so simple when I saw him on that bus the first time.

I've been rereading about my Iowa experince which is quite the chronicle. From two strangers on a bus, to two people almost engaged, will to turn their lives upside down for each other, to two friends
who don't quite know where they fit with each other.
This is Adrian and I.

Damn. Something has to happen soon. Something is waiting to happen.
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oh, but it can.... [29 Jan 2002|09:36pm]
click to take it!

You're slick, sleek, and you waste no time when there's a mission to be taken care of. You do what you're told, even if it sometimes means risking your life. You care for others to such an extent that you'd do anything for the ones you love. Not only that, but you're stylish, original, agile, and passionate.
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[12 Jan 2002|09:54pm]
277 pages of the most dry, boring, long winded crap ever written. And I have to finish it by Wednesday. In addition to working. In addition to interviewing Em and then coming up with a rough draft by Tuesday. In addition to my other 2 classes.

Who the hell writes this crap anyways!?!? I feel my eyes drooping everytime I start to read it.

This is not the way to be spending a Saturday night. I'd rather be working.

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you're shitting me, right? [10 Jan 2002|07:18pm]
[ mood | shocked ]
[ music | What Is Love - Haddaway ]

A cosmic joke is being played on me. This is why these first days of the new year have been reality angst and problem free. I'm going to type out a list of facts for y'all and you can see how what I found out a few hours ago is so completely fucked up that it has thrown me for a whirl.

Met Mike Kubacki in the spring of '99. Had short but intense "thing" that borders on being called a relationship on crack.

Stopped talking to Mike right before my senior year. Started hanging out with Mike's best friend Jeff. Had a blast with Jeff. Tried to make amends with Mike in early 2000 but that didn't work. Stopped talking with Jeff in February 2000.

Left for Iowa in August of 2000. No contact with either Mike or Jeff at this point, but I still thought about Mike far more than healthy. In November 2000, I email Jeff to see how he is and to tell him that I miss him and all that crap. See Jeff in December 2000 while I'm home for Christmas.

Continue emailing Jeff for quite awhile until I found out the Mike beat the crap out of Jeff in March, thereby getting him arrested and kicked out of the house he was living in with Jeff. Emailed Mike to find out what the whole story was because Jeff wouldn't tell me jack. Mike wouldn't tell me much and I stopped emailing him.

Jeff and I started "dating" sometime in early April. Easter weekend was my first run in with Adrian. Fooled around with Adrian while still technically "dating" Jeff. Neither of them ever find out about the other.

Come home in early May of 2001 and end things with Jeff because of Adrian and the absolutely insane level of absolute intensity the relationship has been brought to. No contact with Jeff, except for one nasty email from him, ensues.

Intense "thing" with Adrian which has lost it's intensity, but not the weird relationship we have. Plans for me to attend school in Lincoln are made and then decided against. Every time I got curious about how Mike or Jeff were doing ((it happened occasionally)), I'd ask Corey, a mutual friend. Was at work during one evening in July when Mike walked by. We talked, I gave him my phone number, and he said he'd call me. He never did. Talked to Corey later and found out that Mike is going back to school at Edmonds. Good for him.

Head to California to go to school, doesn't end up working out. Work full time until this January of 2002 when I decide to go to school at Cascadia. *cues Twilight zone music*

This afternoon, I walk into my English class and sit next to Jihan. We start talking about Jackson and senior project and things like that. We're both silent for a minute when she turns to me and says "You remember Mike Kubacki? He's in my College Strategies class on Tuesday evenings."

It was then that I stopped breathing.

For the rest of the class, I was pretty much in a panic attack. How in the ever holy HELL did this happen??? Look at everything that's happened. How is it possible that him and I are both going to the same school at the same fucking time after everything that has happened to me in the past year!?!?! This can't be no fucking coincidence either.

What worries me more than anything was the fact that I found myself telling Jihan to remind me on Tuesday so I could go with her to say hi.

And then my heart started pounding.

I don't know what I'm actually going to do come Tuesday when class ends at 5:20. I do know now that I'm scared.

I'm scared.

I'm scared of what I might do and even of the fact that I might actually want things between Mike and I to start up again. To get rid of the memory of Adrian touching me. And never once kissing me. And how cheap and used that makes me feel now.

I can't even fucking believe this.

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Crickett goes to school ((and blabs on about other crap)) [09 Jan 2002|11:17pm]
[ mood | long winded ]

Welcome Readers.

It is approximately 11:20 am and this girl is, you guessed it, BORED OFF HER ASS. What I wouldn't give to be able to have a laptop at work.

I went to my first English 102 class yesterday and have come to the conclusion that the instructors at Cascadia are sadistic little shits. What I had been looking forward to was the same first day shtick that I had at Iowa - they hand out a syllabus to all 400 of you, go over it and let you leave. As first days go, I think is the best method possible. Did this happen yesterday? Of course not! We all got the syllabus and then had to fill out a questionnaire and then interview someone else that we didn't know.

Icebreakers? Interviewing classmates? Sweet Lord give a break. But, this is community college and when there's less than 20 of you in a class, these things are bound to happen. I ended up interviewing Nehzmi's sister, Jihan, whom I don't technically know but remember seeing at the bus stop every morning. ((yep, official geek right here. I rode the bus to school right up through my senior year.)) So the class brainstormed questions to ask and came up with what has been dubbed "cheese whiz" questions by the staff and instructor of my high school paper, The Stiqayu. Cheese whiz questions include the following: what is your favorite song? what are your New Year's Resolutions? etc. I can tell that good things are in store for this class because they came up with every cheese whiz question known to God and man. The interview itself was pretty painless, but for someone who spent 2.5 years on staff for the Stiqayu ((I wouldn't have minded being literally on top of a few staff members)), it's highly amusing to be asking cheese whiz questions and then watch as people give the answers very serious thought. The following is an excerpt from our interview:

Jihan: "So what are your New Year's Resolutions?"
Me: "Well, I didn't make any this year. I drank an entire bottle of Boone's Hard Lemonade and then went to bed at 10:30 because I had to work the next day." ((excitement personified))
Jihan: "My New Year's Resolution? Well, I decided to try to be a vegan for a month..."

And on the interview went with her interviewing not only me, but herself as well. I can only imagine how much smoother things would go in journalism if the reporter was the middle man and people simply interviewed themselves.

Our first assignment in English is to interview someone a then write a story on them. For this seasoned journalist, this should be a walk in the park. Then I ran into a problem because this time around, no one is going to give me the name of the interviewee and nudge me in their general direction. This was going to require some actual thinking. Damn. I went through a mental list of my friends and decided not to go that route because I have done it in the past. I wanted some attention grabbing. PENIS. See, now that is attention grabbing. I needed the same effect but in human form. Of course, it was then that I came up with the perfect victim/person to interview...Emily. I know she is the right choice for the following reasons:

#1 She is 19
#2 She is knocked up
#3 The guy who knocked her up actually married her
#4 She loves to talk about herself

I consider #4 to be the biggest reason to interview Emily. So much information, both relevant and useless, will spew from her mouth that I'm bound to be able to fashion something ((mental toilet paper)) from it. Of course, being both mature and a seasoned reporter, I'll have to restrain myself from asking questions like; "Are you going to keep your legs together after the baby is born?" "After you pop Alyssa out, will you let me glue that dime between your knees?" " Is your husband's dick really as thick as your wrist?" It would be wrong to ask these types of questions, you see, because you will only get a yes or no answer. Otherwise, these are important questions that should very definitely be asked.

After I got home, I decided to get some work done for my online class. We were supposed to find 2 sites on how to evaluate information on the net and then post it on the discussion board. Easy enough. So I went through the posts to see what other links people had already found so as not to post the same thing twice and then found my 2 sites. It was easy. Too easy. Instead of adding a new thread like they were supposed to, people put there posts as replies, thereby doubling the number of posts to sift through as well as the number of sites already found. Upon discovering this fact, you could hear me in the next county screaming the following: "YOU MORON!!! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO HIT 'ADD A NEW THREAD,' NOT REPLY!!! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO KNOW HOW TO WORK A FUCKING COMPUTER YOU MORON!!! *continues looking through posts* GOD, HOW CAN YOU BE SO DAMN STUPID!!! THIS ISN'T THAT HARD YOU DUMBASSES!! *sees that the 2 sites I was going to use have been taken* YOU DUMB FUCKING BITCH!!! YOU TOOK ITHICA!!! *volume increases even louder* FUCKER!! YOU STOLE THE SITE I WAS GOING TO USE AND YOU STILL DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE A FUCKING COMPUTER YOU STUPID FUCKING BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Whereupon my mom walked into the room and saw me strangling the monitor for lack of a person, told me to watch my language, and then slowly backed out of the room.

Scoffing at my online classmates, I posted my links as new threads and then went to smirk at my handiwork when I discovered that my posts also looked like the rest of the so-called replies. Ooops.

I, foolishly, decided to IM Adrian last night. I don't know why I do this because I always end up yelling at the monitor in the hopes that he can somehow hear my commentary on how he's pissing me off. Anyway, he said he had an important question to ask me and told me to check my email. I had no clue what the question was and why it was so important, but as soon as I saw the email's subject (("Blue or Silver?")) I knew he was asking me about motorcycles. Sure as shit, he's looking for a new bike. He sent me the links for 2 that he liked and asked me which one I liked better. There's the blue one and the silver one. As soon as I laid eyes on those two sweet sleek little things I was having a "When Harry Met Sally" diner moment. Oh God yes, how I would love to have one of those between my legs. I told him that I liked the blue one better because I wanted the silver one for myself. I had spoken too soon because he then sent me a link for this one. and I damn near died. THAT is the one I would get if I ever decided to buy a motorcycle. Screw finding a man. That bike is "the one".

The conversation eventually disintegrated into talk of me visiting him, possibly in April. I don't know why I would do this but it's highly likely that I will. I want to see Kirsten, whom I do miss despite our rare communication. My plan would be to spend a couple days in Lincoln and then have Adrian drive me over to Ames and spend a little while with Kirsten. I'm not sure how keen I am on going to a university, staying in a dorm, eating food service slop in addition to sharing a bathroom with 30 other girls on my vacation. I am more than the fool it takes to do this though, and still enjoy every minute of it.

The mall is an evil, evil place. I'm sure I've mentioned this before and am likely to do so again. I swear that every single frickin' time I have to go pee and am just about ready to leave to go do so, someone comes and either A) "just looks" for 15 minutes OR B) asks a truly bonehead question, such as "where are your gold toe rings?" More often than not, situation 'A' occurs and I politely ask if they need any help and they tell me no, they're just looking. There I'll be, standing and "doin' the dance" that lets everyone within sight distance know that I have to pee except for those directly in front of me. I'm getting to the point where "doin' the dance" to alert people that they should let me either go isn't cutting it. I'm just going to have to arm myself with a bullhorn, stand next to them and repeat the following whenever someone holds me up from taking a piss:


At which point, I will sprint to the bathroom, only to be confronted by the fact that there's a line. Again.

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and I almost cried [03 Jan 2002|07:16pm]
Well, heeding Corey's advice about a new or clean installion of Windows after he put in my DVD drive (love that boy), I did just that today. I took a deep breath, backed up the Simpsons episodes that Corey gave me, and then proceeded to put my poor little baby back to factory settings. Let me tell you, it was damn painful to hit "yes" when it asked me for the last time if I was sure I wanted to delete all the programs that didn't come with the computer. I almost cried as I watched the computer work it's magic. I kid you not.

I went to the bank to cash my paycheck and then went to the mall to pick up a few things. I don't know why I decided to go to the mall on my day off when I could have just as easily have bought the stuff after work tomorrow, but I did. I bought a Skip Dr. from FYE along with a little cd holder. Then I went to Hot Topic and bought a damn awesome t-shirt, which says the following:

Carton of Eggs..................$3
Ski Mask........................$14
Tickets to a Britney Concert....$54
Egging the crap out of America's Pop Princess

Can't wait to wear that one. Hells yes.

I've gotten AOL reinstalled (obviously), webshots, and musicmatch currently downloading. I still have to get windows media player, quicktime, real player, winzip, and winmx downloaded. Yeah, I know that's a lot of media players, but I like to have my options. There's some other stuff that needs to be taken care of, but isn't too big a deal. The only thing I really care about is all my mp3's which I backed up a long time ago when I thought my computer was going to crash. I decided it would be too much of a bitch to download everything again.

This is my project for tonight. Ode to joy. Still, it's kind of nice to start over with my computer because there was a lot of crap that was messed up by the time I left Iowa. The fabulous thing about the net is that if you found it once on there, you can probably find it again.

My online class started today. I have to write a 200-300 word autobiography by tomorrow, I think. The whole thing is kinda weird. I haven't yet ordered the books for that class and should do so soon. I can't believe I'm going to start classes on Monday. I've gotten into the groove of working so much that doing something that I should be doing, like going to school, seems foreign. Hopefully, it'll be ok and I'll be able to juggle work and school without becoming bald from stress. At least this means that Paul can't have me work as much!! Mwahaha!!!! Rock on dude!!!

I started picking out charms to buy last night. It was really slow and I had already restocked rings and folded tissue paper and all that crap, so I was really hard up for something to do, so I started picking out charms I'd buy, amking sure that each one of them had a meaning. I picked out a set of handcuffs ((Amy knows why and that's all I'm saying)), a Space Needle, a cowboy hat to represent Kirsten ((she gave me one)), corn to represent Iowa, an owl because of my work at the shelter, a bear because that's UNC's mascot, and a motorcycle, partly because of Adrian, but mostly because I miss that thing a ton((I miss that bike more than I miss him!!)). I picked out a wedge of cheese and an elephant, a monkey and some other stuff just because I thought it was cute, but I might put it back. I'll have to think about getting this stuff before I buy it. Impulse shopping is my downfall.

I think I'll go in my room, crank my Madonna cd and do some dusting while I wait for this stuff to finish downloading.

Hmm, three good days in a row. Is this a trick or will this year actually be good to me?
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about last night [01 Jan 2002|09:35pm]
[ mood | relaxed ]

I rolled out of bed about 9 yesterday morning despite my attempt to roll over and fall back into some dreaming. I got up and showered and killed time until Teresa came to pick me up to see "Kate and Leopold". We were a little late when we got to the theater, but I figured we would be anyway. We settled into our seats just in time for the previews, neither of which looked like anything I would care to see ((Nicole Kidman as a Russian mail order bride? Oh please.))

Then came the even of the day, "Kate and Leopold." Oh hell yes. Swoon baby, swoon, and that's what I did. Being objective, it really wasn't that spectacular of a movie. I consider myself a bona-fide Meg Ryan fan, but I think her last good film was "City of Angels" sadly enough. It was decent, with some damn good special effects. Both Liev Schreiber and Natasha Lyonne were grossly underused, though Breckin Meyer was funny as hell as Mef Ryan's actor brother Charlie. Hugh Jackman's natural love of kids came out in this one scene that just had me smiling.

It was a decent movie, with a requisite happy ending. Sadly, there was no bathtub scene, which did not make this camper happy. Afterwards, Teresa and I wandered around Target for a little while where I discovered that "Someone Like You" had gone down in price, but I couldn't buy it because I didn't have enough money. Rar.

My mom bought me a bottle of Boone's and by 7:30 I was cleaning up my room and having my celebration a little early. I downed the whole bottle by myself, and was very nicely tipsy by 8:30. I had a little bit of a strawberry daquiri afterward, but didn't want to drink too much more. I was in bed by 10:30, content to miss out on watching the clock turn 12 and a new year begin.

I woke up at 7:30 and went to work. There was hardly any traffic on the road and hardly anyone in the mall. I got a lot of little things done that needed to be finished. Rings got restocked and polished, new earrings got made up and boxes got tissue paper in them. Mainly I was doign chores to keep busy because there was nothing else for me to do. By 2:00, I was falling asleep on my feet. I blinked REALLY big to stay awake. It wasn't too bad though. I'd take a slow day over holiday madness any time. I got my pay check too, which almost had me dancing. $478 dollars baby. Woohoo!! I worked 80 hours though, which caused me to wince. Ouch. Too much time spent at work, too little time having fun.

I made it until 6:00, somehow staying awake, and counted out. I was under AGAIN, which irritates the shit out of me. I can't figure out why the hell it keeps happening, but it does. I think my brain is just fried.

After work, I went over to Target and bought my very first DVD, "Someone Like You." Hells, yes, was I excited. I discovered that sales tax went up to 8.9% which is just fucking ridiculous. It's so damn expensive to live here, it's ridiculous. Glad I'm moving!!

Came home and ate and unwound. I drug my tower into the back room and hooked it up the monitor so I could watch my DVD. I watched part of the movie and all the extra stuff and played around a little (("ooh!! what does this button do?")). When I was done, I turned the movie off, smiled and said "I like my new toy." Most definitely.

So, today was been a good first day of the new year. Mellow day at work, mellow evening at work, and plenty of Hugh Jackman thrown in there as well. Now I'm off to bed, hopefully to dream of some Hugh Jackman-ness and to have another calm day tomorrow.

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[26 Dec 2001|10:27pm]
I think it's highly possible that I'm losing my mind. First off, I'm sick. I took a nap at 2 in the afternoon on Christmas day, yet could not sleep. I went to work today and had 4 milk shakes in the space of 6 hours, then came home and promptly threw up. I am bone tired but cannot sleep for any longer than two hours at a time, hence why I'm on here. Between the hot and cold flashes, the inability to breathe properly through my nose and my sore throat, I am not a happy camper. Thank you Paul for working me 40 hours. You bastard.

On the plus side, my mom found my "When Harry Met Sally" tape today, which was a huge relief because I thought I had lost it. Never lose your favorite movie.

Here's all what I got for Christmas:
-black leather jacket
-black boots
-Sully stuffed animal
-"To Kill a Mockingbird" ((movie))
-"X-Men" ((movie))
-"Addicted to Love" ((movie))
-"Shrek" ((movie))
-"Until Now" by Anne Geddes featuring photos of the most adorable babies
-one pair of jeans
-CD's: Never Been Kissed soundtrack, Beautiful Garbage, Madonna's Immaculate Collection, Tonic's Sugar
-tool kit ((don't ask))
-$100 from my bitch of a grandmother
-$30 from my aunt and uncle
-huge ass poster framed for over my bed

I think that's about the it, though I probably should have asked for kleenex and cough drops with how I'm feeling now.

I think I'll read some more and then try, yet again, to sleep. Damn I wish I had some valium.
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warm and fuzzy story [18 Dec 2001|09:58pm]
A woman was leaving a 7-11 with her morning coffee when she noticed a most unusual funeral procession approaching the nearby cemetery. A long black
hearse was followed by a second long black hearse about 50 feet behind the second hearse was a solitary woman walking a pit bull dog on a leash.

Behind were 200 women walking single file. The woman couldn't stand the curiosity. She respectfully approached the woman walking the dog and said, "I am so sorry for your loss, and I know now is a bad time to disturb you, but I've never seen a funeral like this. Whose funeral is it?" The woman replied, "Well, that first hearse is for my husband."

"What happened to him?"

The woman replied, "My dog attacked and killed him."
She inquired further, "Well, who is in the second hearse?" The woman answered, "My mother-in-law. She was trying to help my husband when the dog turned on her."

A poignant and thoughtful moment of silence passes between the two women.

"Can I borrow the dog?"

"Get in line."
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[13 Dec 2001|11:55pm]

I have so much shit to do, it's coming out my ears. I had strange nightmares last night and didn't have the best sleep. Work was actually ok and there's nothing to bitch about there.

Ok, so what the hell did I just do with the mp3 I just downloaded and why the fuck isn't it showing up?

I had a verbal missunderstanding between Corey and I but now he is going to come with me to CompUSA to get my DVD drive. I don't know what the fuck I'm looking for. But now he has to take his friend home, so I won't be able to get that done until 3, which means around an hour and a half later, I'll get to leave for Amy and Trevor's. And get stuck in traffic.

I work 1-9 Saturday and Sunday. I work 9-5 the 18th and the 20th-24th. I feel irritated already.

I must think calm thoughts and eat my spaghetti-o's now.

I am the the tree...the tree is calm...I am the the tree
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big freak or smart single woman? [12 Dec 2001|12:24am]
[ mood | amused ]

I am contemplating which of the two I am, especially after today.

I have purchased what I call my "pseudo-man". No, I haven't sank so low as to buy a blow up doll. Instead, I have bought a full body pillow. Which I am going to name.

And maybe have Hugh Jackman's face screen printed on the pillow case.

Needless to say, I won't be going to bed alone anymore.

::hangs head in shame::

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SNL [09 Dec 2001|01:11am]
[ mood | horny ]

Oh my God.

SNL has just ended.

I am nothing but a quivering mass of estrogen.

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random [05 Dec 2001|02:58pm]
Well, here it is Wednesday and I'm sitting here with a cotton ball stuck to my forehead, hoping that the astringent it's soaked with will take care of the little bastards that have popped up. I have to work today and am halfway there with my khakis. I still have no idea what I'm going to do with my hair. It's a frizzy mess.

I finished reading "Animal Husbandry" last night. I almost want to go back and read it and hi-light certain spots, like a text book. I had to re-read the beginning to convince myself that the theories of why mean leave and why they're excuses are all the same were entirely ficticious in this novel. Sure as hell was believable to me. I decided that the movie was a companion to the the book. They really do go together. Of course, the book lacks Hugh Jackman, but is still good nonetheless.

16 more day until Kate and Leopold Amy!!!

I'll drop my ring off tonight and have them order a moonstone and then see about getting reimbursed for it by work. I don't think I should have to pay for it.

Someone was having something done to their house which made a hugely loud noise this morning that woke me up, which always pisses me off. I stayed in bed until the noise quit and then stayed in a little longer to daydream.

I made an advising appointment at Cascadia yesterday. I thought that I had Iowa send Cascadia transcripts, but now that I think about it, maybe they didn't. Maybe I had them sent to Shoreline. Shit. Anyway, I'd better call to find out which is the case so I can have them sent to Cascadia in time for my advising appointment. Have I mentioned how much I hate 405? Don't get me started.

I get paid on Friday!!! Woohoo!! I need to make a major deposit because I haven't done that with me last two paychecks.

Must go tame my hair now.
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