erin lynne's journal [entries|playmates|8 days a week]
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(11 lies | tell it like it is)

35. "Stewardesses" is the longest word that is typed with only the left hand. [13 Feb 2002|05:02pm]
[ mood | lazy ]

okay so i should be studying for mans food or watching statistics but instead im playing dragonrealms =D (well to be fair i watched two stat lectures i just have one left, the teacher is just so fucking annoying its hard to watch that many straight w/o wanting to keel her) and cant stop now, i have six ppl listening to teaching ^_~ oh boy.

im still wondering what kinda teacher gives a test on v-day night at 8:30 and 9:20 (im in the 9:20 bunch). thats kinda fucked up. i guess it doesnt matter its just a day like every other day (like everybody on my friends list keeps saying heh) but thats kinda stil messed up =( screw you uncle marty (thats what he calls himself)

j0 is darkwing duck.

(1 lie | tell it like it is)

long as god can grow it my hair hair hair hair hair hair hair [13 Feb 2002|01:17am]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | change of hizeart ]

i was bored earlier tonight so i broke out my crimping iron for the first time haha i crimped my hair and i look RADICAL and 80s. i took a picture but i look like a hippie so only john+kirshie+eddie get to see my totally tubular hair.

mans food is really lame and boring and im having difficulties studying so ill just do that tomorrow. this change of heart is lame and boring too, must... find.. more hair to do. ^_~

(22 lies | tell it like it is)

moulin rouge > LOTR [12 Feb 2002|02:18pm]
[ mood | hyper ]

my lord and savior of the day is jesus carlos for taking me to get my wittle jetta. it now has working windows and htey did the shit that yer supposed to have done at 10,000 miles (i have like 9800) so now i dont have to take it back for that. yay!!

im torn, LOTR's and MOULIN ROUGE are both nominated for best picture jeepers! haha im going to have to go w/ moulin rouge tho *waits for ppl to comment like "wtf lotr's is the best movie ever"* no im sorry, i <3 moulin rouge and if you dont like it you can KISS MY HONKY WHITE ASS. im debating driving back to school, even tho ill have to park at reitz (good luck finding a spot there at this time and the majority of those meters only let you put in enough $ for 40 minutes ugh nm ill take the bus i just talked myself outta that one) id i wasnt gonna play ddr today i wouldnt even go back cause we all know computers in modern society sucks donkey shlong and anus.

(4 lies | tell it like it is)

[12 Feb 2002|11:34am]
wtf? its 62 today and yesterday it was 88. oh silly gainesville why is your weather so strange.

(10 lies | tell it like it is)

aim yentas unite (that means you jo) [12 Feb 2002|12:30am]
[ mood | loserish haha ]

81% addicted to Instant Messenger. How about you?

i think its cause im a yenta tho so screw you imaddict dot com teehee

(7 lies | tell it like it is)

fucking all pro imports, ill shoot you. [11 Feb 2002|06:49pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]

okay heres the update on my fucking car, i call the place back at like 5:40 and i get the cashier lady adn shes like how may i direct your call, and i tell her i need the vw service place... she tells me they all left for the day and im like well ive called there three times and nobody called me back is there a way to find out if my cars done... she goes and checks and its fucking been done like all day... she tells me she is leaving but if i can get there before 6 i can pick it up, i cant its too far so im like thanks anyway... now i dont know when i can get my car tomorrow cause i have school/test/ddr and john has school til like 7 and im FUCKING PISSED OFF LIKE A MOTHER FUCKER.

(6 lies | tell it like it is)

ih8uolypmicsbutatleastyoudontfuckupdaysofourlives [11 Feb 2002|04:08pm]
[ mood | relieved ]
[ music | mens luge or something cause im lazy ]

kirshie looked up my car problem and apparently its a really common thing in vw jetta's hehe thats good tho so they should prolly be able to fix it pretty fast and itll prolly be warrenty and now i dont feel like somebody sabotaged my car. i think ill go pick up john from schoooool. i hope i dont miss him tho cause he doesnt know im coming. i wish there was a way to let him know but his cellphones here w/ me at his apt =/ hopefully ill catch him before he gets on a bus hehe

(2 lies | tell it like it is)

ketchup onion and peanut sunday [10 Feb 2002|03:37pm]
[ mood | awake ]

goodmorning? i guess hehe its 3:40 but whatever. time to do hw/study. i hate you sunday afternoons.

(2 lies | tell it like it is)

[10 Feb 2002|02:15am]

(3 lies | tell it like it is)

yay my new bg owns j00 (and yo mama) [09 Feb 2002|05:53pm]
[ mood | hungry ]

i redid my livejournal yet again! (click, itll open in a new window so you can still see yer friends page you lazy bastards) and i superly like it. johns parents are here and we are going out to dinner and either movie/tehmall later. im starving i havent eaten yet today so i hope we go eat soon hehe mmm sawamura ^_~

(20 lies | tell it like it is)

spongebob has a sailormouth just like me [08 Feb 2002|01:16pm]
[ mood | determined ]
[ music | days of our lizzives ]

im actually gonna do it this time (lose ten lbs) im eating healthy choice f00d (a carrot accidentally snuck in my mouth in its attempt to make me vomit w/ its poisonie taste, almost as bad as tomatoes) for lunch heh im doing it weight watchers way cause that worked for me before, even tho im not gonna go in to any weightwatchers places or shit. im actually going to do it this time before it gets out of hand.

so im watching days of our lives and its really annoying today. seans a big pussy and he should tell belle the deal w/ jan and brady needs to admit he digs chloe (my favorite name of the moment) and sammi is nuts and austin is retarded and i love kate so i want her to steal will again when lucas comes out of the coma ^_~ ER is so much better than days hehe but whatever i <3 them both

i need to get dressed im gonna go play ddr w/ j0! im actually going to wear a sports bra this time har har. johns parents are coming in tomorrow and staying til sunday =D i think were gonna take em to the movies and coldstone tomorrow night hehe MMM COLDSTONE DOES NOT HELP MY DIET AT ALL but ill like not get icecream or something (willpowerrrrrrrrrrr) im having bad acne problems this week =`( all concentrated on my chin. i havent had problems in over a year (since orthotricyclin, you know, the one in the commercials w/ the this could be, an ever lasting loooove song) i need to go to the mall today (yes i said NEED heh but its true i need to get like this chick i birthday present or something i dunno and i need to get one of those huge obnoxious vday cards for my mom, the only ones at eckerds were like DEAR LOVAR, and my mom isnt my lover)

i got my favorite episode of spongebob!!!!!!! sailor mouth! ( click meh )

(8 lies | tell it like it is)

i <3 ER its my favorite show ever [07 Feb 2002|11:30pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]

ER made me cry and i missed the new friends (thats your cue to tell me what happened in the comments) and this mans food sheet says my average caffeine intake per day is 124 mgs, the sad thing is i way under estimated my diet coke intake, im talking like at least halfed. i hate the fucking winter olympics its fucking up all my tv next week, who the hell wants to see curling on tv =( screw you olympics.

(6 lies | tell it like it is)

note: I AM TOTALLY JOKING [07 Feb 2002|05:33pm]
Poll #18654: omfg i h8 lj it never works wtf
Open to: all, results viewable to: all

is it an omen that the jewelry st0re sent john a vday coupon?

View Answers

yes he should go buy you somethingblingbling
26 (55.3%) 26 (55.3%)

no woman! shut up and be thankful he doesnt beat you.
13 (27.7%) 13 (27.7%)

vday sucks AND YOU SUCK.
8 (17.0%) 8 (17.0%)

(14 lies | tell it like it is)

i do the wash because i have a vagina [07 Feb 2002|05:06pm]
[ mood | giddy ]
[ music | genuwine - so anxious ]

my boyfriend just informed me that b/c i am a woman i have "the wash gene" after i complained that leaving my jeans in a pile on the floor makes them wrinkley, then i folded all the clothes and put them awayyy which i dont mind doing, as long as its in little increments, like a load at a time, not three waa waa im whiney. ummmm were gonna go to chilis tonight and see mattx0rz at work and eat bbwings and chips! im excited yay.

somebody everybody pls suggest mp3s for me to dl cause im getting tired of listening to teh same ones over and over again and i have to overpower the person living next doors horrid bass. HELP MEH!1

okay wtf why wont my fucking polls work i HATE YOU LIVEJOURNAL

(4 lies | tell it like it is)

slim fast, its your life feed it right [07 Feb 2002|02:41pm]
[ mood | okay ]

here i am, skipping computers and modern society for the second complete week in a row. i already have assignment three done (its been done like two weeks heh) so whats the point? its fucking cold out and its raining and im not feeling like waiting around an hour in the computer lab so i can go to that stupid class where i learn absolutely nothing ^_~ the only reason i woulda stayed: ddr. but j0 is muy tired and taking a nappie-poo so this little ling-ling went h-0-m-e to johns apt.

john just limped in, he hurt his ankle pretty bad adn wont let me take him to the infirmary or anything =( last week when i got my nails done the chick cut my pointer finger on my left hand, now the fuckers infected and all red and swollen and pussing and hurts waaaa. but my nails look really cute. i guess ill use my time wisely and study or something, i have two tests next week (joy!)

(8 lies | tell it like it is)

i h8u statistics [06 Feb 2002|05:57pm]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | printer noises ]

j0+meh went to look at apartments today. we spent like three hours doing it hehe i think we got a lot done, at first wed like every apartment we looked at more than the last, but we finally came across one we didnt like ^_^ so we realized it wasnt just excitement making us like each one more than the last. now i must go watch two hours of boring stat, today is gonna be a full day, apt hunting --> stat watching --> grocery shopping --> room cleaning --> studying --> teh wash --> sex --> jenny jones --> sex. look at my cute new panda icon =D me = lingling

oh ps: the usual suspects is a fucking awesome m0vie.

(7 lies | tell it like it is)

me + ddr fifth mix = true love [05 Feb 2002|05:41pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | RE-VENGE - Matsuri Japan ]

DDR FIFTH MIX I LOVE YOU! IM GONNA HAVE LIKE MILLIONS OF YOUR BABIES! hehe yay so reitz got fifth mix, it rules. at first i was confused cause i had so many choices but now im happy and dl'ing new ddr songs so i can be on the ball. the only bad thing: we have to wait longer to play now cause everybody is down there checking it out. i even got a high score (on basic) ^_~ me so happy. j0 and i are gonna go look at apt's tomorrow too. what a happy day this is. it was funny we sat down in my computer class adn the teacher goes "yeah today we are gonna finish watching the net" *jo adn erin laugh, get up and leave in the middle of his sentence* haha

(9 lies | tell it like it is)

the " m" key doesnt work and its really anoying and i pissed off haha thats supposed to be I'M ugh [05 Feb 2002|02:52pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]

okay so im in teh coputer lab (the M doesnt work and i dont care so im not gonna keep going back and like POUNDING the key so live w/ y entry hehe) anyway yeah aim express is fucking up, the kb sucks and the onitor sucks and ugh hehe

its so cold outside brrr i dont like it, its aking my eyes water and my nose run worse than it already was running for the past week =/

so my public relations teacher wasnt there today (yay) and i got an apartent booklet thing and looked through for all the apartents near by that are furnished, two bedroos and allow dogx0rz ^_~ now j0 and i have to go look at them , which shouldnt be hard to fit into our busy schedules =D were going to go see the new ddr achine (5th ix) after my 3:00 class, i all excited even tho we are both feeling kinda shitty so we prolly wont play ore than 1 game. off to get a diet coke (in ze bottle for 85 cents!) and use the little girls roo before class, toodles!

haha one funny note, i talking to dan and i keep trying to put daMN but its ending up like "dan" and he keeps going "what?" i thought that was funny, okay now bye forreal and appriciate your jizzu free keyboards cause this coputer lab shit is horrible.

(10 lies | tell it like it is)

sorry im posting a lot, but this is funny [04 Feb 2002|09:28pm]
[ mood | african ]
[ music | khai - lick my neck, my back (my pussy and my crack!) ]

Take the "Which
Nationality Are You?" test
at OuchCryManson

(11 lies | tell it like it is)

new hair cut for me! [04 Feb 2002|08:04pm]
[ mood | excited ]

next time i go home im getting my hair cut like this (yes, its a mullet):

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