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Unconventional Crush

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Article: Who Stole My Chi? [22 Mar 2002|10:17am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Delerium ]

A masseuse in Florida stole my friend's chi. It happened during a Swedish spa get away (or so she swears). She concluded this when she returned home from vacation and found gym workouts she'd spent a year mastering impossible. Instead of cranking out her usual pull-ups, she could only hang from the bar like a limp dish towel. For months, she was physically and mentally drained, despite sound sleep and a healthy lifestyle. Her doctor ruled out the usual culprits, such as mononucleosis and iron deficiency. The only explanation, she thought, was that her energy -- what Chinese medicine refers to as "chi," an invisible, non-cellular force that pulses through the body -- had been stolen by a certain Floridian massage therapist who was now tooling around with it, feeling great.

While my friend may sound looney, there are actually many people who subscribe to this thinking, as alternative therapies increasingly infiltrate American culture. "Human energy vampires are out there," says Jane Wurwand, president of the International Dermal Institute, which trains skin-care therapists. "Needy people are attracted to the massage business because thay can suck energy from vulnerable bodies and take it for themselves."

Aleta St. James, who calls herself an energy healer and success coach, says she's helped victims reclaim their snatched Chi, using hands-on therapy, visualization, and clairvoyance. "During massage, you are trusting, so if the person touching you has delpleted energy or is focused on his or her problems instead of you, they can steal energy, or unload their own."

Even if you dismiss such talk as esoteric hooey, think -- really think about this: Have you ever felt exhausted after talking to someone? Are there people you intentionally avoid, but you can't put your finger on why you don't like them? Have you gotten a bad feeling from a masseuse, and felt dizzy or unusually tired afterward? Most of us can relate to these examples on some level. But are these bad vibe moments signs that your chi has been leeched by an energy vampire? Or is there a more scientific explanation? ....

"Massage promotes chi circulation," says Yubin Lu, PhD in Chinese and dean of the American Academy of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. "Therapists can consume chi because they're manipulating its flow," he says. This idea doesn't sound so out there when you consider that energy fields are actual and measurable: The BioEnergy Fields Laboratory, a high-tech electronics laboratory in Malibu, has recorded the reality of the human auric field and energy "transactions" between people, according to Valerie Hunt, EdD, the Laboratory's director and professor emeritus of physiological sciences at UCLA.

Maureen Moon, past president of the American Massage Therapy Association, says the best proof of energy transference during massage is to focus on how it feels to be touched by another person. "You feel something beyond skin touching skin. That's energy," she says. david Bond, a chiropractor in Encino, California, agrees: "When people touch, they exchange energy." A client who is angry or stressed, he says, can transfer feelings or ailments to the therapist as easily as an unfocused therapist can drain a client. (Eventually, the theory goes, therapists learn to protect their energy through practices such as centering and meditation.) ....

Truth is, other people can bring you down. Psychologists note that being around stressed-out people or environments is stressful. "We can sense if someone is angry or a situation is uncomfortable, during massage or otherwise. Our brains release hormones and adrenaline, which signal the body to be on the defensive," explains Robert Thayer, PhD, professor of psychology at California State University in Long Beach. When eventually we relax, the post-stress rush may cause us to feel drained, he adds.

Maybe my friend's chi wasn't stolen. Maybe she was stressed by other factors in her life and wanted a scapegoat. It's alos possible that she's nutty as Skippy. I don't know. but massage has a cumulative effect -- the more regularly it;s administered, the more healing it can be, while one session will only lend a good unwinding. So, even if my friend's chi was snagged by the Floridian masseause, it seems she should have bounced back quickly. "If she had come to see me," St. James says,"I could have helped her visualize her energy back in one session." This in mind, i gave my friend St. James's number -- in the name of good Karma, of course.

--Nancy Serano

20 Gaks| Weeeooooweeeeoooooweeeee!

St. Pattie's Day Photo [21 Mar 2002|10:51am]
[ mood | energetic ]
[ music | Rusted Root ]

The only acceptable photo that i am posting from St. Patrick's Day at Kieran's Irish Pub. I look ridiculous in all the others, otf course -- which i'm sure was planned by the bastard with the camera! I'm in green, and that's James getting a kiss from the waitress:

45 Gaks| Weeeooooweeeeoooooweeeee!

Ostara [21 Mar 2002|10:08am]
[ mood | energetic ]
[ music | Rusted Root ]

Yesterday marked the Spring Equinox, or Ostara in my family tradition. Ostara is the Sabbat (or religious holiday) marking the first rites of Spring, and dedicated in some traditions to Oester, a fertility goddess. It is from Oester that we get the name Easter, another holiday close by, and it is no surprise that eggs are the symbols of Oester -- and consequently another part of the Easter tradition most people know. While decorating eggs, dancing around the may pole, and Oester have fallen out of my family's celebration of Ostara, i have kept my own personal practice going on my own.

I usually spend the Sabbats in a cast circle, in meditation on things past, present, and future. I set goals, thank my Goddesses, my Guides, and others who have helped me, ask for aid in areas i need help with, and also set personal sacrifices. This time i gave up drinking alcohol until the next Sabbat -- which i thought would be quite difficult for me, but definitely within proportion to what i asked for help with (which i am not telling you!). I also am giving up all prideful pursuits and stubborness. Meaning that i am going to break down and beg my parents for money. Eh. Painful.

The evening was wonderful. I chatted with Nic over the pad thai he picked up for us from King and I, and then as i smudged the apartment and cleansed it. I sat in my circle for quite some time, and it was quite rejuvenating and grounding. I oiled my mala and all of my candles with Myrrh. Then Gav came over and we watched a movie and dumped water on each other. Good times.

Today, i should mention that i look hot as hell. Ok, maybe not hot as hell, but i definitely and attracting the attention today. You know those morning when you wake up late, rush around to get ready, step out the door, and suddenly you're a rock star? That was me today. I was complimented all through the skyway today on my hair, my backpack, and even my mala. About halfway through i picked up to tag-alongs, a girl and guy who have seen me pass through before. I got the distainct impression that the girl, who was cute as hell, was trying to set me up with the guy she was with. I wasn't having any of it, though. I soaked up all their compliments, enjoyed the conversation until we got to the TCF tower, and then bid them good day. Only to pick up another tagger in the elevator bank!

And as i walked into the office, i was showered with chocolate again -- from Alyssa this time. Today is a good day!

41 Gaks| Weeeooooweeeeoooooweeeee!

Burning Candles Essay [21 Mar 2002|08:54am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Van and Cheryl ]

In every culture there is some form of symbolic burning, and the most common of these forms is the burning of candles. Aside from its practical uses, fire is often used as a medium for cleansing, creation, and inspiration. Candles provide an easy, portable, and in most cases, time-specific way to utilize the symbolic properties of fire in a way that is safe and easily modified.

In energy work, candles provide light without the disruptive and destructive flux of electric lighting. They also provide a focus, helping the practicioner to concentrate more specifically on whatever task they are working on. They are often used in meditations to help the mind relax and provide an external means of shielding, so that the user may devote more energy to the actual meditation. Magic users utilize candles to continue their work beyond their initial spellwork -- as the candle burns, it provides a reminder to stay focused, and it lends it's specific vibrations to the rest of the work. Usually, the vibrations, or the quality of the energy a candle sends forth, are determined by color, scent, etc, which i have gone over in previous posts. Many religions also use candles symbolically to represent a physical manifestation of their beliefs. Catholics are probably the most widely recognized of these -- utilizing all sorts of different varieties for their various alters to Saints, deceased loved ones, and their High Alters to the major dieties.

Since candles have a definite burning time, energy work can be timed to extend longer, beyond the actual practitioners physical work, or timed to end with the actual work. Some work requires a taper candle to be marked in segments and burned a little bit each day, while some will call for votives that burn quicker all at once. I once read of a spell in the Wiccan tradition that required an enormous pillar candle, which was to be burned completely from start to finish -- a process that would have taken months! In some cases, once the flame is sparked, there are certain rules to follow regarding when and how they may be extinguished. Many Christian, Jewish, and Islamic traditions require holy candles to be extinguished only with special snuffers. Energy work usually requires that a flame be left to burn itself out, lest the flow of the work be broken. Candles set to burn in prayer or worship are almost never extinguished, and left to burn as a mark of honor and respect to the object of the prayer or meditation.

Since specific belief systems are all different, and i don't really have time or space to run through even a small portion of them (for which you are thanking me at this point, i'm sure), i will let anyone who wants more specific information just email me.

Blessed Be, all.



Quote of the Day [21 Mar 2002|01:00am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Delerium ]

"When you are in a rush you don't really think about positioning, you just want to get it in."

-- Gavin

13 Gaks| Weeeooooweeeeoooooweeeee!

Is it true? [20 Mar 2002|12:54pm]
[ mood | swamped ]
[ music | Dance With Wolves ]

Test Results
You think of yourself as being Horny, Healing, Calming, and Lucky.
Others think of you as being Diverse, Adaptable, Endearing, and Giving.
Your relationships can be described as Deep, Inspiring, Mysterious, and Challenging.
When stressed, you feel Remote.
Take this test here.

14 Gaks| Weeeooooweeeeoooooweeeee!

Lyrics: Break Me [20 Mar 2002|11:05am]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | Jewel ]

I will meet you in some place
Where the light lends itself to soft repose
I will let you undress me
But I warn you, I have thorns like any rose
And you could hurt me with your bare hands
You could hurt me using the sharp end of what you say
But I am lost to you now
There's no amount of reason to save me

So break me
Take me
Just let me fill your arms again
Break me
I'll let you make me
Just let me feel your love again

Feels like being underwater
Now that I've let go and lost control
Water kisses fill my mouth
Water fills my soul

So break me
Take me
Just let me fill your arms again
Break me
I'll let you make me
Just let me feel your love again

Kiss me once
Well, maybe twice
Oh, it never felt so nice

Break me
Take me
Just let me feel your love again
Break me
I'll let you make me
ust let me fill your arms again
Just let me feel your love again ....

-- Jewel

5 Gaks| Weeeooooweeeeoooooweeeee!

Lesson for today [20 Mar 2002|09:35am]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | Edie Brickell ]

K-at ihw ahw pen herew.

"Work is pain today."

41 Gaks| Weeeooooweeeeoooooweeeee!

Purple Star [19 Mar 2002|10:19am]
[ mood | peaceful ]
[ music | Gladiator ]

9 Gaks| Weeeooooweeeeoooooweeeee!

Parade of Exes [19 Mar 2002|09:28am]
[ mood | apprehensive ]
[ music | Amanda Ghost ]

This dream actually made me feel guilty, and i think that is why i am posting it. It was very short, but loaded with strong feelings, and i think that is why i also remember it so well.

I am standing in a park, and it's almost dark. The sky is purple, and the sunset in the distance is brilliant orange and red. I am not familiar with this park, but it is full of tall, old trees and numerous paved paths. It was damp and foggy, and very cold.

Along these paths, all of my exes are wandering towards me -- and i do mean all. The only exception is Nic, who is currently living with me, but other than that, even some people i had only dated a few times had joined the ranks. Not that there were so very many -- i just felt an intense sense of apprehension and anxiety as they walked towards me. One by one they passed by me, and each of them wanted me to fuck them. One by one, they would come up to me and beg me to fuck them.
Now, normally fucking someone in a dream is all fine and good, but not your exes, in a park, or for the reasons they wanted me to ....
They wanted to make me feel guilty for treating them badly,and this was their way of convincing me that i owed them a fuck. Believe me, i did feel awful. I kept apologizing to each one as he came up, over and over. There were a couple who were especially hard on me, saying things like "everything was fine, and then suddenly i didn't know what hit me" and "you ran away instead of even trying to work things out." Lordy!

I stood my ground, though. I felt like shit for hurting them, of course, but that was no reason for them to try to guilt me into sleeping with them. I apologized to each one, politely declined the sexual invitation, and sent them on their way. As they passed by, they wandered off, and evaporated into mist, and then into nothing, as though set free. I began to feel better and better as they started disapearing, and pretty soon, i began to feel a strong sense of pity for them, rather than guilt. One very persistent guy offered to fuck me instead, if i was so dead set against fucking him. I grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him, shouting "It's over! Move on dammit! You had just as many problems as i did, and that's just the way it was .... there is nothing more between us."
"But i'm in love with you," he said.
"No, you're not -- you are in love with who you wanted me to be. You never really saw me for who i was." And then i sent him on his way, a startled look on his face, and he faded into mist like the rest.

That is pretty much how it went. It didn't take all that long, and suddenly i was alone in the park.

I blinked, and in that instant it was warm and sunny, and the park was Loring Park, a familiar park a few blocks from where i live. Standing in the middle of the park was a man, and i walked over to meet him. It was Gavin. "Are they gone?" he asked.
"Yes. All of them," i said, smiling. Gavin smiled and i took his hand, as we turned and walked towards the sculpture garden. He had a picnic basket, and it was a wonderful Summer day. I felt very peaceful and happy.

I woke up to find Bastet lying on me, purring.

39 Gaks| Weeeooooweeeeoooooweeeee!

St. Patrick's Day [18 Mar 2002|12:22pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Buddha Barr III ]

Alrighty then, up until this year, i had no idea -- but two people so far have reported to me the true meaning behind St. Patrick's Day. Here is what David had to say about St. Patrick, and it pretty much sums up what i have been told:

"Well if history serves me correctly, he was responsible of getting rid of the druids and celts out of Ireland by killing them all. Weren't they sort of your people? Funny how the Catholic Church would worship such a man. Then again with the history of the Catholic Church nothing surprizes me."

Well, i had no idea, really. My family always celebrated it as an Irish heritage sort of thing, so i never thought to research it any further. Silly me.

51 Gaks| Weeeooooweeeeoooooweeeee!

Blue Star [18 Mar 2002|09:31am]
[ mood | relaxed ]
[ music | Tori Amos ]

11 Gaks| Weeeooooweeeeoooooweeeee!

A quote to end the week .... [15 Mar 2002|04:22pm]
[ mood | horny ]
[ music | MPR ]

"The beauty of life, does not depend on how happy you are, but on how happy others can be, when they are with you! To the world, you may be one person, but to me, you are the world .... To love someone is to define a mircale in them that no one else sees. "

7 Gaks| Weeeooooweeeeoooooweeeee!

Brick wall at the end of the tunnel [15 Mar 2002|11:14am]
[ mood | frustrated ]
[ music | Matthew Sweet ]

You know how they say there is always a light at the end
of the tunnel? Well, there is a brick wall at the end of mine. I got a notice from the rental office yesterday, and my rent check bounced! So, i checked my account balance and it is
-51.00. What the fucking hell is that!! I know i am nt the best at keeping track of money, but i have not spent a cent! Where did it all go? Into the void, obviously.

So, no partying for me this weekend as i had planned. And the paycheck that i was FINALLY going to come out $300 ahead on next week -- well, poop on that. I am now $500 behind again. It is now time to put the "Freak Out and Scream" plan into action, followed closely by the new and improved "Sell My Body On the Street Corner" plan. Seriously, though, i have emailed Jerry at the Theater to see if they stil love me and want to give me a few days a week. That would be cool, since i'd be in the theater loop once again! Tickets anyone? But until that time .... eh, who can say. I'm sure i will come up with a way survive until then, without driving everyone i know crazy. My mind is working overtime today, spinning gears.

I can only hope that this serves some sort of purpose in the end. Something positive? Lordy ....

On a bright note, Nic comes back from San Antonio tonight! His flight plans have been hopelessly delayed and re-arranged, so i can't have the party for him that i was going to throw tonight, but that's alright. As long as he makes it in ok, and the Army hasn't messed him up too much. He'll be staying with me until he finds a job and a place to live, so my studio will be decorated in camo and dirty dishes in short order! He's agreed to pay half the rent while he's there, which i said he could forego as long as he kept the place stocked with food. Between the two of us, that's more than half the rent.

On the way in to work this morning, an Indian man asked me to take his picture in Greenway Park, with the piles of snow and ice behind him. We chatted for a bit after -- he is going to send his family in India pictures of the snowstorm aftermath, as they have never seen snow. I can't imagine not having ever seen snow, and then trying to imagine what it's like. Water that isn't liquid? Piles of white powder that fall from the sky? His family will be quite incredulous, he said. Nice guy. I forgot to ask him why he was here. Perhaps he is one of the 40 people that Amex has imported to train as our replacements? I can only hope.

And Chris brought me a chocolate bar this morning as well. I am in heaven!

Blessed Be


12 Gaks| Weeeooooweeeeoooooweeeee!

Yellow Star [15 Mar 2002|09:00am]
[ mood | trapped ]
[ music | Dido ]

8 Gaks| Weeeooooweeeeoooooweeeee!

Lyrics: Deep Water [14 Mar 2002|10:50am]
[ mood | alright ]
[ music | Grace Jones ]

you find yourself falling down
your hopes in the sky
but your heart like grape gum on the ground

and you try to find yourself
in the abstractions of religion
and the cruelty of everyone else
and you wake up to realize
your standard of living somehow got stuck on survive

when you're standing in deep water
and you're bailing yourself out with a straw
and when you're drowning in deep water
and you wake up making love to a wall
well it's these little times that help to remind
it's nothing without love

you wake up to realize your only friend
has never been yourself or anyone who cared in the end
that's when suddenly everything fades or falls away
'cause the chains which once held us
are only the chains which we've made

when you're standing in deep water
and you're bailing yourself out with a straw
and when you're drowning in deep water
and you wake up making love to a wall
well it's these little times that help to remind
it's nothing without love, love, love
it's nothing without love

we've compromised our pride
and sacrificed our health
we have to demand more
not of each other
but more from ourselves
'cause when you're standing in deep water
and you're bailing yourself out with a straw
when you're drowning in deep water
and you wake up making love to a wall
well it's these little times that help to remind
it's nothing without love, love, love
it's nothing without love
it's nothing without love

-- Jewel

2 Gaks| Weeeooooweeeeoooooweeeee!

Three Amigos [14 Mar 2002|09:16am]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Jewel ]

Owen, Julia, and Tony are the three most dangerous people in the world. They will kidnap you in a dirty Acura and force you to sift through the strata of 80's tapes, shoes, and miscellaneous no-longer-recognizable items in the back seat. They will make you listen to songs such as "Big Booty Women." They will drag you to a piano bar and force you to drink jumbo cocktails while an ancient man named Ward plays the piano for strangers singing so far off key the vinyl booths shake and buckle. They will tell stories about each other that will make you laugh until your stomach hurts. Watch out!

Tony will sing a few songs from various musicals, quote Audrey Hepburn, say "hideous" way too many times for a straight boy, and discuss the finer points of building an engine from scratch.

Julia will get her breasts stared at by champaign sipping Audrey Hepburn wannabes, screech a song or two while thankfully facing the other direction so as not to see the expressions on our faces, and bend over numerous times so that we may see her g-string strap.

Owen will be constantly embarrassed by tales of his colorful past, scoff at you for not being able to quote Audrey Hepburn, and entertain you with his octopus story -- complete with visual effects.

After we left Nye's last night, we had to stop at White Castle (apparently, this is a tradition) for chicken rings. Now, i don't know about you, but last time i checked, chickens didn't grow in doughnut shaped rings. I passed. We did, however, have to wait for HOURS for the one employee who was actually working. And by work i mean that he was staring at the wall as though it had sprouted eyes and a mouth and was imparting to him the knowledge of the ages.

We reached my apartment with our collection of chicken rings and suddenly my bed was over run, glasses of water were flying, and Owen hurt his knee. I also acquired a lighter at some point. Lordy.

When are we going out again, guys!

22 Gaks| Weeeooooweeeeoooooweeeee!

White Star [13 Mar 2002|05:38pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Kabbah ]

6 Gaks| Weeeooooweeeeoooooweeeee!

Office sleep politics [12 Mar 2002|12:20pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Edward Scissorhands ]

We have a long standing tradition, here at Amex in the Inter-Company Transfers department, of secretly napping at our desks without getting caught. As you can imagine, in a workplace as heavily monitored as this, it is quite a challenge, yet we have all developed our own strategies which all seem to be fairly successful. We share them around, so as to watch out for each other -- and our boss has been none the wiser for the entire three years i have been here.

My strategy is the easiest. I can fall asleep sitting up straight, staring at the monitor, with one hand on the mouse. Since my back is to the door, as long i remember to turn off the screen saver, i'm set.

Jenny capitalizes on "women's issues" with the male Team Leaders. She hunches over in her chair as though she is cramping, and sleeps that way.

Peter, being the more inventive of us all, throws paperclips on the floor. He then sleeps with his head on the edge of the desk, and one arm dangling to the floor. Upon being discovered, it appears that he is simply picking up paperclips off the floor.

Angela is a bit braver. Since she tends to collect boxes of paperwork and piles of shipping envelopes and such around her desk, she crawls underneath and takes a nap curled up with her sweater for a pillow. No one has ever bothered to check for her under the desk.

Timari simply goes to the bathroom for 30 minutes at a time.

Alyssa falls asleep with her head bowed, arms folded, and one hand on her chin, "deep in thought."

And then there's Chris, who piles all of her work on her back and pretends that she was ambushed.

All in all, a very creative team, in a very exciting and challenging environment, being very productive.


7 Gaks| Weeeooooweeeeoooooweeeee!

Fortune Cookie [12 Mar 2002|10:08am]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Autonomous ]



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