Syrxx's LiveJournal
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Below are the 30 most recent journal entries recorded in Syrxx's LiveJournal:

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    Friday, December 21st, 2001
    9:10 am
    I am passing this along...
    Got it at work...


    8:43 am
    Happy Holidays!
    This is the last day I will be posting until sometime next week. I drive back to my wonderful wonderful home on the 26th with my family in tow. I also pick up the boy tomorrow which I am ecstatic about. I miss him mucho!!! Today is the office party and tonight it K's housewarming party for which I have no gift. Must go shopping after office lunch.

    Can't type much or even very well on this laptop. I keep hitting the caps key when I go for the A and there isn't an E key so I have to stick my finger in the hole (hehehehe, I bet I know who makes a comment about that wording!!).

    Seeing as how this is my last day online for a couple days (for real this time) I want to wish y'all a very merry one full of friends and family and good food!
    All the best for the holidays and the new year to come!!!


    (4 XOXOXOs | xoxoxo?)

    8:42 am
    Stolen from bifemmefatale...
    You're Ani DiFranco!

    The Punk Politician

    (4 XOXOXOs | xoxoxo?)

    Wednesday, December 19th, 2001
    2:58 pm
    Everybody all together now...
    ;) You know who you are... (I thought I would be more official this way *grins*)

    (2 XOXOXOs | xoxoxo?)

    Tuesday, December 18th, 2001
    10:48 am
    I couldn't stay away! Of course I can't type as much (no E key so I have to try and hit the missing key area just right).

    I will eventually get to responding to comments but until then... I miss you! Hello!

    (13 XOXOXOs | xoxoxo?)

    Monday, December 17th, 2001
    6:24 am
    Over the river and through the city to sister's house I go...
    Last post for maybe 10 days. *yikes* I can't even be away from lj for a weekend let alone 10 days!!!

    So in case I see/talk to no one in the next week or so, I am alive (and bored in Ohio) and missing y'all!
    Smoochies and happy holidays and all that fun stuff!
    I love youuuuu!! Bubye!!

    Current Mood: blah

    (7 XOXOXOs | xoxoxo?)

    Sunday, December 16th, 2001
    8:27 am
    So that is how you do that!
    I drank way too much beer than could possibly be good for me. Way fun party at the boy's boss's house. Met an incredible woman who could just well be a heroine for me. *grins* Incredible! Left the party about 4am and went to IHOP and had breakfast. Got to bed about 5am and was back up at 8am. I rolled over right onto the boy's book... I don't even remember him reading before bed! But I am (surprisingly) not hung over. And I am so not going to be able to function at work. Then back home to wash laundry and pack up for tomorrow's drive. *sigh*

    Right now I think I need another cup of coffee and another bottle of water.

    Current Mood: awake


    Saturday, December 15th, 2001
    3:04 pm
    I have a headache...
    It has been like a week with this pounding head! *grins* Although this could have something to do with the beer I drank last night. *grins* Boy and I walked around the city and I contemplated getting my ears pierced again. Way cool shops with leather galore. Saw an incredible metal bra and chastity belt. I want! If only to hang on my walls. There was something about the metal bra with the nipples poking out. It attracted my shiny metal craving. Maybe I will save up and go for it. Also saw the plaid bondage prom dress up close and personal. It is very cute but I am not sure I could pull it off. I would have to be much taller than 5'1". And I saw the pink fuzzy Tuk creepers. I may have to invest in those for the 10th Vegas Elvis wedding extravaganza. Way too much at the store... I think I found them cheaper online.

    Tomorrow is my last day on livejournal until after Christmas! I leave Monday morning for Ohio and I am not taking my computer with me. So I don't know that I will have many regular posts until after the 27th. I don't know what I will do! I don't think I can go cold turkey!

    Tonight is the boy's boss's party. I think I would rather go to bed early. I am kinda stressed about the trip back. As usual. I do it to myself. This wouldn't be such a big deal if I got a job here in Evanston. But no job around here will pay what I am making now. At least no job that I want to do. I'd love to work in Kamala (if only for the discount) but I can't live off a Kamala salary.

    Ahh, such is life. I need to go clean the house and finish watching The Handmaid's Tale which came in the other day. DVD has no added features. Just the trailer. *sigh* I need to reread the book again. Maybe I will take it to Ohio to read while I am there.

    Current Mood: thirsty

    (2 XOXOXOs | xoxoxo?)

    2:53 pm

    Which Rocky character are you?

    Current Mood: restless

    (2 XOXOXOs | xoxoxo?)

    Friday, December 14th, 2001
    5:31 pm
    yay for the boy!
    We are heading to Chinatown for shopping and eating tapas (thanks repoman) and going to Chicago Comics again! I saw the Reservoir Dogs action figures there complete with cut off ear. I want! Boy is not amused. I showed it to him and he just said nice. *grins* It takes so little to make me laugh. I want a Mr. Blonde with razor and ear! Sweet!

    I am not going to Jo-Ann Fabrics for a sewing foot tonight. Gonna have to finish the quilt at sis's house because I do not want to try and track down a store that sells sewing feet for my machine. I would rather go shopping in Chinatown and get moon cakes! Hmmm, I wonder if I can put a bag of moon cakes in my backpack without smooshing them...

    Where's the boy?? I want to go! I should make sure I have an umbrella and gloves in my backpack... I am soooooo impatient. ;)

    Yay!!! Boy is here! I am out the door!!

    Current Mood: happy

    (2 XOXOXOs | xoxoxo?)

    1:31 pm
    Curses! Foiled again!
    The quilting foot on my sewing machine broke. A little metal bit flew at me in the middle of a seam and I couldn't figure out where it came from. There is this little Y bar that holds the foot up and in place and the right part of the Y is broken. I can still sew but slowly. I need to finish this quilt and I don't know where I can get replacement feet for my Viking. I could bring the machine to Ohio and hit the Joanne Fabrics there but I need to finish this now. Not next week. I won't have the time next week.

    Boy and I are hitting the city tonight! Chinatown and then Clark Street. Christmas shopping and dinner out. Maybe I can talk him into El Jardin again. Who knows. So many choices! Maybe we will just eat in Chinatown. I adore Won Kow. I wonder if they serve dim sum in the evenings?

    I have an idealized vision of the Mafia. I watch way too many Mafia movies. It is in the blood. ;) I just watched Prizzi's Honor. Those kind of movies always remind me of my dad. Family story is he was asked to "make deliveries" for an Italian family but he struggled with it and had to say no because my mom had just had me and he didn't want to bring his new family into anything bad. I guess my grandfather was way pissed. There is another story along those lines but I am not sure if I want to type that one out. It makes my dad look sort of bad and he really isn't. Just a loud-mouthed old Italian guy. But he is my dad and I love him and I don't want anyone saying anything bad about him. :)

    Current Mood: busy

    (4 XOXOXOs | xoxoxo?)

    10:12 am
    I am awake...
    Friday... how did it get to be Friday so quickly?? I have so much to do before Monday morning. I fear I will never get done. My parents quilt is still sitting on the table full of pins. I have so much last minute shopping I will never finish. I wanted to order the surprise box from Archie McPhee but it will cost me $14 to ship because I waited so damned long. That is almost the cost of the box! The boy still hasn't decided on something for his mom and I am tired of always being the one to shop for gifts. I leave her gift up to the boy now and if there is any last minute shopping do do for her, it is his responsibility. I can't find anything for my grandma. She has everything and nothing I see is good enough. She is my only living grandma. (Not exactly true, my dad's step-mom is still living but after she blew off my niece and nephew, I will have nothing to do with her... long story...) And grandma is technically my step-grandma, my step-dad's mom. She has always treated my sis and I as if we were blood related. There was no difference between my step-brothers and my sis and I. We were all treated the same growing up. I will always love her much for that. My sis and I tell her that a lot. It really was important to us growing up.

    Of course, typing that up is bringing tears to my eyes as I remember my grandma (my mom's mom). She died around Christmas in 1991 and was buried on my 21st birthday. Will be 10 years ago this year on December 22. She had cancer. Was diagnosed late. Grandma complained about stomach aches and was chugging the Pepto-Bismol for months. I think she finally went to see the doc about the same time my sis graduated high school. I can remember being at the graduation party and talking to my grandma about seeing a doc. That would have been June 1991. It went pretty fast after that. I remember the Sunday she died. Boy and I were living together. We were sleeping in because I didn't have to go to work until later in the day (I was waiting tables at Chi-Chi's in Canton). I was laying there and it was maybe 8am'ish and I heard the phone ring. It kept ringing and I refused to answer it. I knew what what going to be said if I answered it.
    So I left it ring.
    My roommate answered it later and when I got up, he told me my mom had called and I needed to call her back right away. I shrugged it off and said I would call her back after I got home from work. I got ready and drove to work. When I got there Fred, my manager, pulled me into the office and said my mom had called and I needed to call her back right away. I told him I would call her after my shift. He said no, I would call her now (Fred was a good guy and we were pretty tight). I think I put up a fight because around there things got pretty hazy. I remember calling and my mom telling me grandma died early that morning. I remember crying and I remember Fred telling me to go home. I kept insisting I would work my shift. He told me to go home and take the rest of the week off. And he would find my replacements.

    I called my parents just a minute ago but my mom wasn't there. Talked to my step-dad for about an hour. He is a good guy. Is very good for my mom. I am going down to drop off a niece or nephew at their place on the 10th anniversary (I have to pick up the boy from the train station by their house). I hope my mom is okay.

    (7 XOXOXOs | xoxoxo?)

    Thursday, December 13th, 2001
    5:10 pm
    I am speechless...
    I have a wrapped secret surprise sitting under my makeshift Christmas tree.
    Dixie, I love you.
    Thank you!
    *big hugs*

    Current Mood: loved

    (1 XOXOXO | xoxoxo?)

    3:26 pm
    This perfume is making me all mellow and smiley. I like!

    Of course, this is all being countered by The Wedding Singer which always make me moody. I think it is the music. And it is romantic. And I miss dating. I love being married to the boy but I miss the romance and getting to know someone new and that first kiss...

    Current Mood: moody

    (8 XOXOXOs | xoxoxo?)

    2:23 pm
    Boy has been nice...
    Boy _____
    Nice, but has room for improvement. Could be better listener. Has a kind heart. Often sets a good example for others. Was very nice last Saturday!! Hopefully, will keep up the good work!

    Hehehe... he wasn't that nice on Saturday. ;)


    2:22 pm
    *sigh* Looks like a big fat chunk of coal for me...
    Christine _______
    Nice, but a few naughty marks. Good sense of humor helps others to laugh. Manners show improvement, though must keep working on being polite. "Please" and "thank you" go a long way!!

    Have you been naughty or nice??

    Current Mood: mellow

    (4 XOXOXOs | xoxoxo?)

    11:02 am
    Don't shoot me but... is almost time for Jerry Springer! *grins* I must just be cultured white trash.

    Current Mood: silly

    (2 XOXOXOs | xoxoxo?)

    9:45 am
    Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy!
    I mailed out gifts! Guess who is getting them! *grins* I even got to the post office at 9:01am at opening and there was still a line right to the door. And I spent too much at Walgreene's. How does that happen?? I went in for tootsie rolls!

    Either my net connection is down or the work site is having problems. *ahhh* Work site. Figures. KSU doesn't have the greatest connection. Always going out.

    I need some more coffee. Can't wait until Christmas so I can open the percolator that sis got for me! *grins* She got the boy and I for the gift exchange and before that she had told me if she got me, she would get me the percolator. And she likes to tease me with hints, only this one I guessed so now I have to pretend surprise. *laugh* She has been doing that for years. Yay for the percolator! She has one that her man's dad bought for them and I fell in love with it. Makes the best cup of coffee outside of Costa Rica! I really don't drink much coffee, 1-2 cups a day. I used to drink 1-2 pots a day, one of those 12 cup pots at that. My gyn doc about had a heart attack when I told her (and I am bad, I don't go every year like I should... docs scare me). So I cut down and started drinking more water. Discovered that that was the cause of all my headaches also... not enough water. So now I don't pop aspirin on a daily basis (yeah, that was what shot up my Walgreene's bill... 100 Excedrin tablets). Except this week, that is. This crazy weather is playing with my head and I have had a headache for about a week now.


    Current Mood: bouncy

    (2 XOXOXOs | xoxoxo?)

    8:20 am
    I am up...
    Only up. Not awake. Not joyous. Just up. I have to go to the post office this morning and then hit Walgreen's and maybe People's Market. *sniffle* I miss Whole Foods! It won't be open again until I leave for Ohio!! I need coffee sucrant, energy cubes and soap! I don't even know if People's Market carries the brands I want! *argle bargle*

    Almost ready to take off! I know I am gonna have to stand in line at the post office. They only ever have two women working the counter at 9am. It is the holidays! You need more than two people. But then again, there are only two registers up there.

    Oh yeah, new oil for me! Went shopping at Kamala and got a new scent called Satyr. Yummy spicy scent that smells of cinnamon and cloves. I am enthralled. I finally found a cinnamon scent I can wear! Byway!!!

    Current Mood: busy

    (2 XOXOXOs | xoxoxo?)

    Wednesday, December 12th, 2001
    7:33 pm

    See which Ab Fab character you are!
    click here

    quiz made by xqueeniex

    (5 XOXOXOs | xoxoxo?)

    4:45 pm
    Bah humbug...
    Quilt not coming out perfect (I am way too picky) so it goes to my parents for Christmas. My mom will never notice and anyway, she tends to hide handmade gifts unless they were made by a non-family member and sold in a shop.

    And another thing! Why is it family members insist on addressing card to Mr. and Mrs. Boy Lastname?? My family even! I have a first name and it isn't Mrs. Boy! I despise being referred to as Mrs. That's it! I have had it! I am changing my last name back to my maiden name! Then they can't call me Mrs. Boy Lastname because it won't be my last name! *arghh* I just don't get it... anyone who knows me knows I don't do the good little wife routine. I am an individual! Not someone else's property! *pulls her hair out* My big pet peeve!

    *shakes her head* I am gonna totally get all pissy if I don't change the topic. Hmmm... what to do... finish pinning the quilt top to the inner fleece stuff. Don't think I am gonna tack the layers together tonight. This weather is giving me a headache and I can't focus well enough to sew a straight line. Methinks, hot shower and some Simpsons and King of the Hill. Maybe wrap some gifts. I am so behind in gift purchasing (although I did purchase two online today) but at least I have the boy all shopped for. And my niece and nephew. I need to get some things for some people at work and also a housewarming gift and ornament for K at work who just recently moved in to her new home. She is wonderful and scheduled her party for when I was in Ohio! Yay K!!

    (4 XOXOXOs | xoxoxo?)

    3:47 pm
    The email that just came though two work addresses...
    From: []
    Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 1:19 AM
    To: Us@Work
    Subject: Interesting News

    Hello Folks!

    Ever Wonder How Male Porn Stars Have Such a Huge Cock?
    All the Secrets Revealed, Natural Enlargement, Our Methods
    Are Doctor Tested And Approved! Gain 1-3 inches Now! Go to and check it out for yourself!
    You are in an opt-in list, if you do not want to be contacted
    by this party again, simply email:
    with the word REMOVE in the subject. Sorry for any problems caused!

    (10 XOXOXOs | xoxoxo?)

    2:13 pm
    Okay, I have been sucked up into the world of tests...


    2:01 pm
    Well now!!

    Strawberry: 20/100 Pear: 20/100 Banana: 30/100 Tomato: 0/100 Lemon: 40/100

    Take the What Fruit Are You? test by webkin and aaronr!

    *grins* Guess I'll go make some lemonade!

    Current Mood: amused

    (8 XOXOXOs | xoxoxo?)

    1:55 pm
    Uhh... whatever this may mean...

    take this quiz to see what character or personality you're most like!
    by divachop


    1:48 pm
    I know I'm not supposed to but...
    I am bouncing between working and sewing. I have 5 days before the trip back to Ohio. And then it is little to no livejournal for me until December 27th. I am leaving my computer at home because Tyche and my luggage and the presents will not all fit into my Beetle. *sigh* I will have to work on a slow laptop while I am there. And first I will have to install the programs I need to use. I am sure I will accomplish nothing while I am there. Too much socializing and partying. Two parties on the 21st and then plans to go see Lord of the Rings with the boy and my brother-in-law. I really want to go see Vanilla Sky so I may do that when I just need to get away on my own. Things are gonna be hectic at my sis's since she is hosting Christmas this year.

    Strange dreams last night as usual. My cats were snuffing the life out of mice and gerbils and Adam Ant was singing Strip through it all. I haven't heard that song in ages! Which is bad because it made me think of Kate and all the badness and the destruction of our friendship about 5 years ago. I can't believe it has been that long since I told her to get out of my life. *shakes her head* Our mutual friend A said she is pregnant and due in January. I can't picture her being a mother. I know I shouldn't dwell on it because even if she did contact me, I doubt I would want to start a friendship again with her.

    Ah well... I should go pop some aspirin and get the velvet out of the dryer. I think I can get the quilt top sewn together before the boy gets home. I am still thinking I will give him the quilt. We'll see. If it is less than stellar, my parents will get it. *grins*

    Current Mood: artistic

    (2 XOXOXOs | xoxoxo?)

    Tuesday, December 11th, 2001
    3:13 pm
    I'm all right Jack keep your hands off my stack...
    I finally got my refund check in the mail for the dsl. $149.00 *woohoo!* And I sold two more videos. I still need to call the phone company about my bill. I got the new bill the other day and my local calls went down to 22 in a month. Compare that to the 223 and 317 I had previous months with Carolyn's line tied to mine. I just paid for about 4 months of her calls! I am just not up for the whole debate with the phone company today so maybe I will call them tomorrow.

    Hmm... I also need to find a place to eat out tonight after the boy and I go shopping. Anyone have any ideas? I am thinking maybe Mexican or Indian. Devon Street has numerous Indian restaurants so maybe we will head down there. I haven't had Thai lately either and that sounds good. :) I love eating out!

    Current Mood: busy

    (2 XOXOXOs | xoxoxo?)

    11:54 am
    Blue blue blue blue...
    I threw my fabric pieces in the dryer before they were completely air dried. Bad idea. I just turned the inside of my dryer blue. *laugh* I am sure that will go over well with the landlord. There were some stain wipes in my cabinet so I tried those out and got pretty much all of the dye out but the inside has a slight blue tinge that I am sure only I will notice. Good thing I didn't toss the piece of velvet in there also... it is drippy wet!

    Talked to my sis again today because she called to rub in she made me rice crispy treats for the holidays. Yay rice crispy treats!!!

    Current Mood: artistic

    (4 XOXOXOs | xoxoxo?)

    8:26 am
    D'ya think???
    This may be my Christmas present from the boy??

    Current Mood: amused

    (7 XOXOXOs | xoxoxo?)

    Monday, December 10th, 2001
    6:27 pm
    This should prob be a friends-only post...
    ...but I doubt my sis reads this so I will just leave it public.

    I called her today because she called me last night. Maybe I should start by saying that when my sis told me she was going to marry her man, I was furious. ( There was a good reason for it... )

    Current Mood: frustrated

    (12 XOXOXOs | xoxoxo?)

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