Tyree's journal

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Sunday, February 3rd, 2002
8:59 pm
1. First Name: Brandi
2. Hair Color: Blonde (but i want it black)
3. Middle Name: Tyree
4. Hair Style: uhm...long and...blonde.
5. Eye Color: one blue, one green
6. Height: 6'
7. Location: Frankfort, KY
8. Birthday: 4-30-87
9. Zodiac Sign: Taurus
10. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: No, thanks for rubbing it in.
11. Do you have a crush?: Not really...honest.


1. Favorite Animal: Ducks and Penguins
2. Favorite Sport: Bowling/Rollerblading
3. Favorite Color(s): Purple
4. Favorite Friend(s) Offline: LeAnn, Both Laurens, Kaci, Jenny, Becca, and those other people who i forget their names.
5. Favorite Friend(s)Online: Erik
6. Favorite Song(s) of the Moment: "Sweet Talkin' Woman" Five Iron Frenzy
7. Favorite Movie Quote:
8. Favorite Store: Hot Topic
9. Favorite Feeling: COnnecting deeply with someone
10. Favorite Shoes: Any kind that ft and are comfy.
11. Favorite Fragrance: Happy
12. Do You Wear Make-Up?: Sometimes a lot, sometimes some, sometimes none. Depends on my mood.
13. Which is more important, personality or looks?: Personality, of course. I'm not exactly one entitled to be picky about looks. ^^
14. What kind of personality do you like in a guy/girl?: Smart, funny, nice.
15. Do you move fast or slow in a relationship?: Slooooooow like a snail.
16. What is your idea of the perfect guy/girl?: oh geez. smart, funny, nice, gets my humour, and my odd obsessions, and...i dunno.
17. Would you ever ask someone out?: if i ever was brave enough to.
18. Do you prefer blondes or brunettes: either, i love everyone.

Love, Life & Friends

1. What is the first thing you notice about someone?: hair, then shoes, then eyes.
2. Whens the last time you cried?: like...3 days ago?
3. What do you want to be when you grow up?: a rich research psychologist
4. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: two of them.
5. Do you want children?: :/ No?
6. How far have you gotten?: uhm...no comment.
7. Do you like someone right now?:of course. i like a lot of people.
8. Do they know?: of course.
9. Do you have a best friend?: more than one actually, but they're all in diff states than i.

Within the last 24 hours, have you..

1: Had a serious talk?: no. *pout*
2: Hugged someone?: Yes.
3: Gotten along well with your parents?: hahahahahAHAH. that never happens.
4: Fought with a friend?: Nope.

Do you like to..

1: Give hugs?: Yes.
2: Give back rubs?: no
3: Dance in the rain?: I LOVE IT!
4: You ever have that falling dream?: Yep. SPLAT!
5: What is on the walls of your room?:Nothing yet, still have to paint, then i can put my mant many things up.
6: When you chew gum, what kind?: i don't chew gum.
7: Do you use chapstick?: nope.

In the last month have/did you..

1. Drink?: lots of sode, yes.
2. Smoke?: Fuck no
3. Drugs?: Drugs are bad, mmkay.
4. Have Sex?: only with myself. BWAHAHAHAH.
5. Made Out?: *cough*
6. Go on a date?: *cough*!
7. Go to the movies?: twice!
8. Go to the mall?: nopers.
9. Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: nope, but i would LOVE to
10. Eaten sushi?:only once.
11. Been on stage?: actually...yes.
12. Been dumped?: nope.
13. Had someone be unfaithful to you?: not unless lauren is cheating on me with david again...
14. Watched The Smurfs?: I wish.
15. Hiked a mountain?:nope/
16. Made homemade cookies?: out of a box.
17. Been in love?: only with farfie.

More stuff..

1. Are you popular?:BAHAHAHAHHAAH
2. Are you pretty?: not at all.
3. Do you have your own phone line?:no, but i do have a cable modem. rock on!
4. What is your favorite word to say?:nyah
5. What is your favorite phrase to say?: rock on [currently]
6. What are you doing right now?: talking to erik and bopping around to david bowie.
7. What song are you listening to?: david bowie - young americans
8. What are you wearing?: Jeans and an avalon t-shirt


1. Cold or hot?: Cold.
2. Lace or satin?: Satin!
3. Blue or Red?: blue
4. New or old?: old
5. Rain or snow?: oh man...probably...rain.
6. Give or receive?: give. as corny as it sounds...
7. Wool or cotton?: Cotton.
8. Rose or Daisy?: Rose.
9. Private school or public school?: homeschool.
10. Chocolate milk or plain milk?: plain, 2%
11. Celsius or Fahrenheit?: Fahrenheit
12. Spring or Fall?: Autumn
13. Inny or outty?: inny
14. Now or then?: now, definantly. nostalgia is depressing.
15. How many fingers am I holding up?: 18.
16. Scent?: eh?
17. English or Math?: English FOO.
18. Bath or shower?: Showers.
19. Bedtime phrase?: "love you, night, see you in the morning"
20. Self-stick or lick?: Self stick
21. Cursive or print?: a mix of both.
22. Do you like surprises?: Good ones obviously! $1,000,000 surprises? WOO!
23. Paranoid or Cautious?: More paranoid.
24. Heights or Crowds?: Heights.
25. Half-full or half-empty?: all empty.
26. Top or bottom?: Top.
27. Do you/Would you dye your hair?: i want to dye my hair black!
28. Speeding or running red lights?: uhm...running?
29. Gold or silver?: Silver!!
30. Bad habits?: Biting nails
31. Piercings?: labret, eyebrow, tounge, ears.
32. Erogenous Zone(s)?: brain. ^^
33. "Maybe" or "Mebbe?": Mebbe?? What the FUCK? Who says that?!
34. Snore or talk?: Talkity.
35. What do you wish you'd done?: Been happier!
36. Fetish?: gay men. god yes!
37. Do you have one of THOSE voices?: i quite love my voice.
38. Jammies or naked?: Jammies, damnit.
39. Neurotic or psychotic?: erotic.
40. Do you talk to yourself?: all the time.

current music: Nightmare Before Xmas - Sally's Song

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8:28 pm - GOD i love tests

current music: Savage Garden - You Can Still Be Free

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5:36 pm
i've started to not have titles on my entries. interesting.

anyway. i had a nice weekend. i went to a lock-in at the YMCA with some friends on Friday night, and then had another friend sleepover Saturday.

the lock-in was fun. it was like an orientation thing for a teen group where we volunteer at places and stuff. very cool. we talked about that a bit, and then we got to swim...yay! swimming is fun. and then we watched shrek. ^^ it was the first time i'd ever seen it, it was pretty awesome. nyah. *dances about*

then kaci came over saturday. wai! fun. we watched earthian...yay!...and newsies, and parts of labyrinth, and the farfie episode of weiß kreuz, and stayed up til 3am and played with makeup, and drew some pictures of these two guys we made up who are lovers. *nod*

i need to practice the guitar. i hate having to take lessons, bah. its just like it was for piano, i liked to play, but i didn't like to play when people told me i had to play. grr.

i think i shall go draw a picture. maybe. or take a nap. or watch a movie! so many choices.

i don't want to go to school tomorrow...or maybe i do. it'll get it over with. its weird, the way time is. for me, the days go slow, but the weeks go fast. *nod* i have to ride the bus tommorrow and tues too, which is cool, because the people on me bus are pretty awesome. i only say that of course, because they let me sit in peace and stare out the window until i get off and don't disturb me. and then i get the house to myself until 11. wai!

i am going to get a job as soon as i can. and maybe then i'd have some $$ to buy some cool crap.

dammit! *internal monologue: must finish homework and organize school notebooks... *end internal monologue*

i think i'll go work on my homepage. ^^

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5:20 pm
i wanna dye my hair black. i think i'll pester my mom to let me do it. *nod*

current music: Soggy Bottom Boys - I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow

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Tuesday, January 29th, 2002
7:30 pm - i am inspired...
kaci inspired me to write. imagine that!

okay...uhm....so....well. *cough* today, in biology, i had to present. gack. we had to do a poster on a genetic disorder, and i did mine on autism, because, you know, autism is interesting. so, i get up there, and i totally screw up. well, its not as bad as all that, but hey. i'm nervous, and i can feel my hands shaking, and i'm pretty sure i'm blushing. ^^ but it was cool and stuff anyway. my poster was awesome, this guy was like 'hey, can i hold the awesome poster' (the guy kaci put ideas in my head about, thankyouverymuch, hmph) so he held my poster, so that was cool. but i got through it, and i don't think i looked too stupid up there. a lot of people had questions, too, which was cool, i felt all...important. *raises eyebrows* yeah, its pretty sad, eh?

hmm, other things that have happened....

oh! okay, you know the electronic babies? that you carry around. and they cry? *nod* of course you do. i get to carry one of those around on thursday, it's lovely. *cough* for parenting, of course. *sigh* i...just...can't wait. err...

current mood: amused
current music: Hanson - MMMBop

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5:18 pm

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5:15 pm
See what Care Bear you are.

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Monday, January 28th, 2002
4:00 pm

*cough* too bad we don't get movie channels.

good thing i have the movie.

just thought i'd share.

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Monday, January 21st, 2002
1:23 pm

Merry Brandybuck

If I were a character in The Lord of the Rings, I would be Merry, Hobbit, heir of the Brandybucks and a friend of Frodo's.

In the movie, I am played by Dominic Monaghan.

Who would you be?
Zovakware Lord of the Rings Test with Perseus Web Survey Software

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Sunday, January 20th, 2002
8:03 am - obsession
and i finally got another memory card for the playstation, i'm so very happy. now i can play fianl fantasy 9 without worrying about dying and having to start all over again. yay! joy! ^^

and now, without further ado...i shall go eat breakfast.

current mood: happy
current music: Jimmy Eat World - Authority Song

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7:59 am - guitargoddess
Wow, I am so proud of myself. I just destringed, restringed, and tuned my guitar for the first time. I'm just so cool....

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Saturday, January 19th, 2002
9:07 am

Go Faeries!!

Take the What Faery Are You? Quiz!

This quiz was made by lia

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Sunday, January 13th, 2002
3:51 pm - a beautiful mind
yep, mom and i went to see it last night. it was very very good. i was happy that mom even went to see a movie with me, she never does. ^^ but yeah, very very good movie. its not one i'd go see again in the theater, like lotr, but i'll probably rent it again when it comes out.

i also wanna see 'the time machine' and some other movie that was previewed at a beatiful mind that i don't remember the name of. ^^

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Sunday, January 6th, 2002
7:20 pm - LOTR again!
Heh...I went to see LOTR AGAIN last night with a friend....that was cool.

I also went skating Friday night....it was okay, but it was too damn full of stupid people. But still fun. Er...lol.

I'm having so much fun making CDs....*grins happily* I'm listening to one right now, in fact...bwah ahah!

I have inspiration to update my personal page all of a sudden. Wow. That hasn't happened in a long time...

We have 3.5in of snow here. Hopefully, hopefully, school will be cancelled tommorrow. *hope*

current mood: joyous
current music: Silverchair - Tommorrow

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Monday, December 31st, 2001
10:38 am - ff7
wai! i've just been playing final fantasy 7 for the first time ever, and i'm addicted. ^^ i never really got around to actually playing many games, so, i borrowed ff7 from a friend, thinking that certainly i would die soon and completely suck at the game anyway. but, i don't. not yet, anyway, and i'm hooked. lol. just thought i'd share.


happy new years eve!

or something. ^^ i myself will be celebrating by playing ff7 til after midnight, probably.

current mood: addicted
current music: Alien Ant Farm - Movies

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Saturday, December 29th, 2001
1:17 pm

Take the What Should Your New Year's Resolution Be? Quiz

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11:13 am - again.
well, i DID post what happened yesterday, but obviously it didn't post it up, or something. *sigh* anyway!

mom and i went to the sunshine center, this place where we're going to volunteer and stuff. and i get to make their website! yay! i get to make it! i feel so very powerful.... oh! and there was this hot guy there, and he kept looking at me and stuff. we looked at each other and smiled, you know. cool stuff. the lady was talking to us about the organization, and when she gave us the tour, he followed us! it was pretty cool...and he kept standing next to me. ^^; he was gorgeous too, a model type face. ehehe.

what else? oh! i got me hair cut. three inches off! i love it so much, it looks a lot better.

and we went shopping. i got some awesome pants, and a shirt, and a hoodie jacket. wai!

and that was my cool day.

and now i have to go get ready to go to my friend's and watch LOTR!

current mood: awake
current music: Jimmy Eat World - The Middle

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Friday, December 28th, 2001
1:17 pm - LOTR!
Heh. Guess where I'm going tommorrow? To see Lord of the Rings! WAi! ^^; I had been invited to a party by a girl, you know, and I was going, and yesterday she called to say I'd need to be over earlier, and I was all... why? And she was all....because we decided to go to an earlier showing of LOTR. And then I was all....o.O;;;;! I didn't know we were going to see that! [she hadn't mentioned it, at all]. So, yeah, I'm all happy....

current mood: accomplished
current music: Jimmy Eat World - The Middle

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Thursday, December 27th, 2001
3:13 pm - notebooks
i have this weird thing about notebooks. any type. graph paper notebooks, 3 ring binders, spiral notebooks, binded ones, journal things. isn't it lovely to open a brand new notebook and then think 'oh, the things i'll do to you, you quivering, vulnerable, virgin notebook'. well, *i* think like that. hmph. anyway. i love notebooks. they're so...neat...and consice. and i love things that are nice and self-contained. i have tons and tons of old notebooks lying around from years ago...i love to flip through them. its like they're little time capsules from a different stage in life. its wonderful. notebooks are almost...sensual.

er...maybe i've been thinking about farfie too much lately...

current mood: hot
current music: Nine Inch Nails - Closer

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Wednesday, December 26th, 2001
10:41 pm

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