LiveJournal for [a walking open wound].

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Saturday, April 20th, 2002

Time:6:44 pm.
oh yes, and i forgot to mention.. gallery update. timewishedaway
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Time:6:37 pm.
it's funny how people pretend to care, but don't really give a fuck.

is anyone actually reading this?
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Tuesday, April 16th, 2002

Time:5:20 pm.
so i miss you... a lot.
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Friday, January 11th, 2002

Time:4:46 pm.
i'm so sick of this fucking livejournal. enough with all the drama.

this is it. the end.
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Friday, January 4th, 2002

Subject:animal rights workshop
Time:11:08 am.
To: Las Vegas Animal Advocates
From: Sean Diener
Executive Director
Utah Animal Rights Coalition

Dear Friends,

On Behalf of UARC I?d like to thank you for your support and participation with our protests at the NFR this month. We couldn?t have had this measure of success without you.

Furthermore we were very impressed with the dedication shown in your city, and see tremendous potential for the establishment of a wonderful animal rights organization. With the proper training, experience, dedication and hard work, Las Vegas will have a powerful voice for the animals.

With that in mind we have worked with organizers in your city to schedule a half-day workshop to help you learn about activism, and animal rights. UARC will be bring dozens of our activists to LV in January with hopes to strengthen our network of activists between states.

I hope to see all of you at this workshop, as it is a vital step for the growth of your animal rights community. The workshop will be held at 1:00PM at the address below.

With any other questions, please contact UARC?s Jared Kubly at 801-581-9432 or, Heather Paulson 702-338-2642 or,

In Defense of All Animals,

Sean Diener

Where: CSN-West Charleston
Building B, Room 105
6375 W. Charleston Blvd.
Agenda for Las Vegas Workshop

1:30 Why Animal Rights, Do animals suffer?
Taught by: Harold Rose, UARC?s Fur Campaign Coordinator
-Why should animals have rights?
-How do we know animals feel pain?
-What rights do animals have?
-Is any exploitation ok? Experimentation
2:15 How are animals abused?
Taught by: Sean Diener, UARC?s Executive Director
-Factory Farming
-Fur and Leather
-rodeos, zoos, circus?
3:30-4:15 Break

4:20 Why vegan?
Taught by: John Hughs, Committee member of UARC
5:10 The Animal Rights Movement
Taught by: Sean Diener, Harold Rose, John Hughs,
-Organization/ networking
-Starting a movement in VEGAS

i'm really excited about this since i missed all the rodeo protests. spread the word...
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Wednesday, January 2nd, 2002

Time:11:18 pm.
i felt so great walking today. it was beautiful outside... most of the trees in my neighborhood are just now sheding their leaves. watching them fall was so soothing and refreshing. i didn't want to go back inside.

it's like a four month autumn..
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Time:11:32 am.
i've added more photos to my gallery since i first posted the link here, so... go look :-)
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Monday, December 31st, 2001

Time:2:40 pm.
my little star is fading fast.
the only beautiful thing i can have with me at all times is withering away.

is it not inevitable that beauty will always find a way to escape my longing grip?
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Friday, December 28th, 2001

Time:8:53 pm.
the light you gave me still shines so brightly.. countless others have come and died away, but yours continually illuminates every inch of my skin, as it has for almost two and a half years.

remnants of what has been lost.
long gone but still with me.

some things i will never understand.
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Time:8:51 pm.
why was i up until four o'clock in the morning?
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Time:8:48 pm.
Mood: cold.
just got back a few minutes ago.. hung out with phil for a couple hours. he's leaving tomorrow afternoon. i'm glad i got to see him for a little while.

never eat ice cream + wear a skirt when it's this cold outside.
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Time:4:00 am.
goodnight world. i am content.
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Time:1:52 am.
Mood: excited.
Music:sunny day real estate - snibe.
my photography =

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Thursday, December 27th, 2001

Time:1:20 pm.
i stayed up incredibly too late last night. ugh.
getting up at 12:30 doesn't make me happy.

shower + bag balm for ink
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Time:1:05 am.
i'm drooling over death cab for cutie merchandise... :-\
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Time:1:00 am.
You have an air of intelligence about you, some might even perceive you as being stuck up. You seem like you may be a nice person when you're not throwing one of your ever-present hissy fits and being a bitch to everyone. And take off your socks when you make whoopie, he hates it!

Take The "Which Kevin Smith Female Are You?" Quiz!!
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Time:12:51 am.
left-over chestnut stuffing is so f-ing good.
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Time:12:47 am.
oops.. maybe i should say yesterday since it's after 12? i'm sleepy.
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Time:12:46 am.
today was a lot more fun than i anticipated. it's all about wednesdays and fridays. :-D
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Wednesday, December 26th, 2001

Time:1:58 pm.
i'm off to get inked up. yay.
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LiveJournal for [a walking open wound].

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