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alcohol superhero

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(what a wonderful puddle!)

[23 Jan 2002|11:19pm]
i used to be everything

come and get some

because i've been lied to all this time...... [23 Jan 2002|10:53pm]
[ music | brandston - leaving ohio ]

maybe tomorrow will be better

i hope for the best and recieve the worst, it makes me sick to know that i could be a better person and i'm not

band practice tomorrow, huzza, horrah for 3/4 of our band, cause we don't have a drummer yet

and i have a dentist appointment tomorrow so my teeth are all pretty and shiny and yay

shannon is genius.

i still have some homework to do tonite even though i don't have school tomorrow, mother's a bitch and a half.

maybe i can get sex tomorrow, and if not SOMEONE'S GOING DOWN, BITCH!

linds's sweet 16 thingy is this saturday, and yay i can make passionate love in her attic
i can
i never said i would
but that's what it's for, dotcha know

and jenna's cousin was lying, he doesn't think i'm hot, and i am completely fine with this.

i hate being a teenager.

bitzofpunknska: some day he will just be on the other side of the bed
bitzofpunknska: and u can be like "roll over... i need some action"
bitzofpunknska: and there u go
bitzofpunknska: just like that
bitzofpunknska: nst nst nst

some fucking day


(what a wonderful puddle!)

[23 Jan 2002|08:27pm]
[ music | moneen - what the weatherman forgot ]

moneen is really good
i feel the need to kill kill kill
double rawr
my dad's getting me a greek salad for dinner, yay.

and then she lived happily ever after in her own little fantasy world of good grades and punk rock and perfect boys that love perfect girls and baggy pants and lots of snood and no stupid fuckups like me so go away before i kill you and make a lunch out of your forearm.


(4puddle splashers///what a wonderful puddle!)

[23 Jan 2002|05:14pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | brandston - new favorite pastime ]

today was fucking dumb

and my clarinet lesson was cancled

and i'm crying and i don't know why


little boys make little girls angry, it is a proven fact

i'm so fucking stupid i cannot even express it in words

everyone, just go suck on someone's flaccid penis and leave me the fuck alone.

(what a wonderful puddle!)

[22 Jan 2002|11:11pm]
[ music | the gloria record - grain towers, telephone poles ]

tomorrow after my only midterm a bunchesness of us are going to pizza with some peoplzzezz from hauppauge and such
and then we are going to go back to andrew's or something, i dunno i didn't even ask him yet, i think, i don't really remember tonite, was a blur of talking of sex, it was funny haha.
so then if we do go back to andrew's we'll make everyone watch a movie or something and we'll have sex
or we won't
but we can pretend to
and it'll be FUN!

(what a wonderful puddle!)

[22 Jan 2002|09:07pm]
[ mood | cranky ]
[ music | kind of like spitting - blue period ]

god damn this should be everyone's favorite song
or something
we ar having the most fucking interesting conversations ever, tonite
all of us
and yes i know that fuck means sex
woo woo woo
wowwww i need to get out more

linds just sent me this
who can say 'awwwwwwwwwwwwww'?
except i look ick
but that's ok
that was at the weezer concert
september 29th.
yay for lookin' hottttt

the end!

(4puddle splashers///what a wonderful puddle!)

[22 Jan 2002|04:37pm]
[ mood | exanimate ]
[ music | the smiths - this charming man ]

i HATE homework and i don't want to write these 3 essays
and i complain way too much but that's ok cause you all love me anyway
who gives a fuck about whatever the hell it is i'm writing about?
i need more sex


oh well
enough of this.

(what a wonderful puddle!)

you are all getting sick of these, and i REALLY need a life, but whatever [22 Jan 2002|12:45pm]
Hair colour: bleach blond
Eye colour: right green, left brown
How many times have you dyed your hair?: a bunch? i dunno
What colour(s)?: red, other red, purple, bleach
Ever worn eyecolour changing contacts?: i tried em to see if they could make my eyes the same color but nothing worked.
Favourite body part: none. uhm. yeah none
Body part people compliment the most: my hair, i guess.
Ever been told you resemble a celebrity?: well, i've been told a bunch of different things, but none of them are true
Piercings?: yes
Where?: 2 in each ear. 3 14gs and 1 9g
Tattoos?: none
Braces?: used to
Ever shaved your head?: nope
Height: 5'4"

Fave band. well. top 5: braid, kind of like spitting, mineral, jimmy eat world, brandston, and a lot more but yeah.
Play an instrument?: clarinet, guitar, keyboard/piano, but i suck now
Ever played an instrument in front of an audience?: yes a lot.
What band would you sell your soul to see?: braid, but they broke up so no. haha

Favourite item of clothing: uhm i dunno. i like my get up kids shirt and my hey mercedes hoodie.
Favourite clothing store: hot topic, haha.
Favourite clothing label: whatever.
You most often shop at: hot topic.
Item of clothing you want: a braid shirt ):

Favourite actor: i dunno
Favourite actress: i dunno
Best looking female celebrity: i dunno
Best looking male celebrity: bob nanna...
Ever met anyone famous?: well yeah, some peoples in bands, like hey mercedes, nfg, the ataris, hotrod, appleseed cast, etc.

Last movie you saw in a cinema: AI, that was a long time ago, and it sucked.
Fave movie: ferris bueller's day off, girl, interrupted. others, i dunno.

---[What do you think of when you hear the word...?]---
Water: haha i thought it said walter, man i'm dumb. i think if showers?
Summer: lovin'. had me a blast. hahaha.
Snow: is on the ground now.
Dance music: bleck
Metal: metallica, and mr. ferrante, and death metal for life, and many other things cause metal is big here. haha.
Hair: mine is spikey.
Children: i hate em.
Computers: internet
Australia: dijerido.
America: yep.
TV: kids in the hall.


Mt. Dew or Surge?: code red, focker.
McDonalds or Burger King? neither.
Coke or Pepsi?: coke
Rather marry the perfect lover or perfect friend?: a combination thereof? ok that works.
Sweet or sour?: sour
Chocolate or vanilla?: chocolate. dark chocolate.
Tea or coffee?: tea
Sappy/action/horror/comedy?: comedy
Cats or dogs?: cats
Cooler Ranch or Nacho Cheese?: neigther.
Mud or Jello wrestling?: ew?
With or without ice-cubes?: with
Milk/Dark/White chocolate?: dark. and semi sweet.
Shine or rain?: rain
Favorite season?: all in there own special way. haha
Strawberry or Cherry?: strawberry
Skiing or boarding?: neitherrrr
Biking or blading?: neither. but biking i guess.
Cake or cookies?: whichever
Cereal or toast?: neither
Car or truck?: car
Night or day?: night.
Gloves or mittens?: either.
Pager or Cell phone?: cell phone
Bunk bed or waterbed?: bunk.
Chewing gum or hard candy?: either.
Motor boat or canoe?: moter boat


Boxers or briefs?: boxers. PLAID! ahhhhh
Long or short hair?: short. and spikey, or sometimes moppy. haha.
Dark or blonde?: doesn't matter. depends on the person.
Tall or short?: don't care.
Mr. Sensitive or Mr. Funny?: both. mr. supercutenessness. haha.
Dark or light eyes?: doesn't matter.
Hat or no hat?: eh, not really.
Ears pierced or no?: not unless they are guaged. not huge guage, but like 4 or 2.
Tan or fair?: fair.
Freckles or none?: i like freckles, yay.
Stubble or neatly shave?: shaved
Rugged outdoorsy type or sportsy type?: neither
All american, homey G, or grunge?: GRUNGE. haha. naw, none.
Accent or American?: brittish accents asjdhaldfjhlskdfhs oh man oh man.


Color?: all colors.
Number?: 13
Drink?: peach iced tea
Animal?: i dunno.
Holiday?: none.
Quote?: hmm. i dunno. i have a lot. 'shut up'. haha.
Sound?: musicccc. good music. gum popping. hahaha j/k
Ice cream flavor?: mocha chip or mint chip.
Song Ever?: braid - a dozen roses.

(1puddle splasher///what a wonderful puddle!)

i took what i wanted, but i didn't have what i want. [22 Jan 2002|11:43am]
[ music | the movielife - valens ]

dammit i'm still all !!!!! from last night cause i don't feel like doing homework and i'm just basking in the warm glow of starbucks memories and alpine bakery pastries and being on this little natural high, i'm floatttingggggggggg
more weeks should be spent like this rather than in school.
tomorrow is the one midterm i have
then i am freeee the rest of the week
but i am
i dunno
i'm not gunna do my homework
i just gunna sit here and smile for a while.

(what a wonderful puddle!)

[22 Jan 2002|11:22am]
[ music | pohgoh - worst case scenario ]

The CD/song that...
-you listen to while angry: glassjaw - eyewtkas
-reminds you of your best friend[s]: hotrod circuit - power of the vitamines
-reminds you of your family: elliott smith - xo. best cd ever.
-reminds you of your childhood: any greenday, offspring, rem, gin blossoms, matthew sweet, etc.
-you listen to while sad: braid - a dozen roses, kind of like spitting - blue period, glassjaw - piano
-you listen to while happy: braid - a dozen roses. haha. the anniversary - d in detriot
-you listen to while restless: well i always listen to music when i'm lestless. brandston - potential getaway driver
-you listen to while lonely: braid - a dozen roses. the song for all occasions. no knife - academy flight song
-reminds you of someone's death: nothing really.
-you sing in the shower: braid - a dozen roses. leave me alone
-you dance to: glassjaw. woooo
-reminds you of school: mineral - slower
-reminds you of your first love/crush: uhm. well that never happened. so yeah.
-reminds you of an event: any weezer songs, any hotrod songs, i dunno.
-you would want at your funeral: braid - a dozen roses. the song for TODAY'S YOUTH. hahah
-cheers you up: braid - forever got shorter, saves the day - hold, something corporate - konstantine, texas is the reason - dressing cold
-depresses you: braid - a dozen roses, pohgoh - friend x, saves the day - the art of misplacing firearms, the impossibles - this is fucking tragic.
-you will never grow tired of: any braid song, any kind of like spitting song, any mieral song, weezer, the get up kids - something to write home about, the ataris, dashboard, jimmy eat world - clarity, the juliana theory - emotion is dead, and a lot more.

now it's homework time.

(what a wonderful puddle!)

[21 Jan 2002|11:21pm]
mmmmm today was a FUN day!
went to starbucks for ferrante studying at like 2:30 with pepa and jenna
oh man so many people were in that tiny little starbucks
i forced (with severe lashings) andrew and walter to come, they came at 3
went to guitar at 4
came back to starbucks at 4:45
me andrew walter cait jenna chels and may went to baja grillll for dinner
then cait left
and then may left
and the rest of us walked to alpine bakery to visit dania
then chels got picked up
then we walked back to starbucks
and got bored
then we went to jenna's, the 4 of us did
and watched empire records
i had fun
did you?
lotsssss of funnnnnn
i need sleep
and drugs
i feel drunk
i really do
not that i know what being drunk feels like
and not that i drank
but still
the end!

(2puddle splashers///what a wonderful puddle!)

[21 Jan 2002|12:06pm]
i want to wake up in the morning with someone i love cause that must be nice and now i'm gunna do more of my homework before i vomit out of cuteness.
i need sex.

(what a wonderful puddle!)

i found this somewhere. it's dumb. i'm bored. [21 Jan 2002|10:48am]
[ music | kind of like spitting - the short story long ]

If I were a stone, I would be: obsidian
If I were a tree, I would be a: plain old oak tree.
If I were a bird, I would be a: parakeet
If I were an insect, I would be a: smushed up ant on your shoe
If I were a machine, I would be a: sex machine...harharhar
If I were a tool, I would be a: hoe!. no. uhm. ok, yeah.
If I were a fruit, I would be: pear
If I were a flower, I would be: a rose. or maybe 12 of them.
If I were a kind of weather, I would be: a downpour
If I were a mythical creature, I would be: god. mmhmm
If I were a musical instrument, I would be a: moog
If I were a kind of profession, I would be: photo journalist
If I were a dog, I would be a: i don't like dogs. so i'd be the anti-dog. hah.
If I were an animal, I would be a: moose. they are so cool.
If I were anything in the world, I would be: a condom. no. i'm kidding. i'd be a makeout session. mmhmm.
If I were a color, I would be: puce. haha.
If I were a fragrance, I would be: not lucky brand. so i'd be. i dunno. shut up.
If I were an emotion, I would be: pessimistic
If I were a state or feeling, I would be: loved.
If I were a vegetable, I would be a: carrot.
If I were a sound, I would be: an orgasm. no. i'd be good music.
If I were an Element, I would be: phosphorus.
If I were a season, I would be: autumn.

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