LiveJournal for *~*Feliciliz*~*.

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Wednesday, February 20th, 2002

Time:3:53 pm.
Mood: bitchy.
Yo....I'm leaving in, like, half an hour for All State. I'll see all you guys on Monday. Call my cell if you wanna talk; I'll have it with me (shouldn't be long distance).

BTW.....sorry if I was a little curt to anyone today -- just wasn't in the best of moods, nothing against anyone. Sorry.

}*KiSs Me LiKe YoU mEaN iT*{

Tuesday, February 19th, 2002

Time:10:40 pm.
This is where I say I've had enough
and no one should ever feel the way that I feel now.
A walking open wound,
a trophy display of bruises
and I don't believe that I'm getting any better.

Waiting here with hopes the phone will ring
and I'm thinking awful things
and I'm pretty sure that few would notice.
And this apartment
is starving for an argument.
Anything at all to break the silence.

Wandering the house
like I've never wanted out
and this is about as social as I get now.
And I'm throwing away the letters that I am writing you
'cause they would never do,
I would never do.

So don't be a liar,
don't say that "everything's working"
when everything's broken.
And you smile like a saint
but you curse like a sailor
and your eyes say the joke's on me.
}*1 kIsS*{ ~^*^~ }*KiSs Me LiKe YoU mEaN iT*{

Time:5:06 pm.
Mood: accomplished.
Wahoo! I got my tragus pierced today! Supposedly, it's, like, the most painful didn't hurt all that bad though. Dude...Phil had me, like, wigging out about it! I went over to Eric's around 3:30, and him, Rick, and Saun were just leaving to get Phil, so Saun stayed and we chilled at his house while we waited. He has, like, a bazillion pets! Lizards.....he has a really phat chamelean. And his cat's as docile as Jezabel (like, you can do anything to it). Haha. So finally the other 3 guys came over. We just, like, talked for a bit. So finally either Eric or Rick (not sure which) was like, "So when you gonna start stabbing people?" Phil's like, "You ready?" Wow...that was a comfort. :o) And then Saun.....grr....he was my gripper--I held his hand so I could grip really hard if it started to hurt! He was sayin all this like, "Oh there goes the needle!" "Oh shit, what did he do?!?" things like that....grrr......Kim was supposed to be my gripper, but she had to do a spanish project....pffft....doing work....what's that about?!? :o) The bar's really big (like, it's one that's fine in Phil's ear, but my ear's smaller than his!). We'll change it, we're just gonna let it heal a little bit first. So for now, it sticks out, but ah well....I went through with it! I didn't punk out! I'm very proud of myself. It's something I've wanted to do for a lil while (Ahh my dreams, right? What I'll aspire to....) Hehe. Let's hope I don't hit it at guard....that would be bad..... :o)
}*KiSs Me LiKe YoU mEaN iT*{

Monday, February 18th, 2002

Time:11:58 pm.
Mood: sleepy.
Yay! Genny's journal is pretty now, too! (I think I like doing this too much....haha) I think I'm gonna end up changing mine, cuz I'm gettin bored with it. But later. :o) **yawn** Bed time! G'nite!
}*KiSs Me LiKe YoU mEaN iT*{

Time:11:30 pm.
Mood: giddy.
So today was another good day. Came online after I nearly died coughing in bed, so decided I couldn't sleep anymore. Talked to Becky and beautified her journal. That was fun. Then went to visit Kim at work (again) :o) We had fun. I went to CVS to get some shampoo and conditioner, and went to see if Josh was working. He was, so we decided I'd come pick him up around 7 or 8ish and we'd go for coffee or something. Got my shampoo/conditioner, and also got some new nail polish (the chrome kind....yeah I'm a dork!!!). Haha...did my nails in Coneheads! (Kim wasn't too happy) So me and Kim start playing MASH (that game is SO much fun!!! LOL), and she's all like, "John's not coming...he won't show..." yadda yadda yadda. I kept telling her he would. Few minutes later, he squeezes through the doorway. Told ya, Kim! So we had fun. Then I went to go get Josh and we went to Starbucks (two days in a row with Caramel Macchiatos!! *num num!!*). That was really cool. We should do that again, Josh! Talked about...stuff. :o) Took him back, came back to buy Kim a Caramel Macchiato, and went back to Coneheads. Haha....MASH!!! I think John wants me dead....just a guess.....Hehe....I made it hard for Kim to clean up. I kept throwing things at John (well he's a big always feel good about your aim cuz you can't miss!) and sticking signs like, "Kim is SMRT" and "John is SMRT" and such on the windows with Windex (it has more uses than just cleaning the windows.....) Haha...and I taped one of the MASH games up there so that people passing would read it. We locked up and all, and went down to visit Doug at Wawa. Came back down, and realized that the MASH game was still taped up inside! Oops! Hadda go in and turn the code on and off to get it down. Haha. So then me and Kim showed John guard stuff -- rifle, sabre, and flag. He was very scared. As well he should be! But we were safe....for the most part.... :o) So took Kimmy home. Then came online, and now I'm making Genny's journal pretty. :o) I like doing that.....It's fun!
}*1 kIsS*{ ~^*^~ }*KiSs Me LiKe YoU mEaN iT*{

Time:1:32 pm.
Mood: happy.
Oh oh oh! I found out that for ECU, I have to get a new computer.....oh darn......maybe I'll get one that actually likes me? Actually, I think the printer hates me even more than the computer.....damn technology.....
}*1 kIsS*{ ~^*^~ }*KiSs Me LiKe YoU mEaN iT*{

Time:1:28 pm.
Mood: shocked.
Yeah, recent discovery: If you took any quizzes by fire4ice way back when and posted them in your journal, you're not gonna get the picture of your results anymore. Now you get a nice toilet bowl with shit in it. See?
}*KiSs Me LiKe YoU mEaN iT*{

Subject:I gotta peeeeee!!!!
Time:12:39 am.
Mood: cheerful. today was a VERY fun day! At church, we sang (of course), and played bells. Bells is always an adventure! Go bass clef!, Sheldon, and Brian manning the bass clef. We all played completely new parts today! All three of us have never all been at practice together before. Hah...quite an experience!
After church, me and Katie (she's cool...go see her journal, then add her to your LJ friends.....) went out to lunch at Lite Bite ("LB Daniels", the law firm....). It was awesome. We sat at the little booth right behind the counter. The two hostesses were Mia something-or-other, and Shaina Mitchell, so we talked to them the whole time. And our waiter was Marc Calderero, so that was even more fun. Katie got to get food from the kiddie menu *shhhh*. "Hey, can you jack me?!?" Lol....there was all kinds of food "swapage" going on. We got a free Milky Way. *yum* "Very discrete!" Hahhaahahah....good times, good times!
So me and Katie decided that we wanted to watch Coyote Ugly. Then later she mentioned that she wanted coffee. Well, Starbucks is right next to Couch was our destiny to get coffee!!! "If your destiny includes coffee, it's gonna be a good day. If your day includes eating lunch next to police officers, it also includes a lake. That's gonna be a bad day." Lol.
So we go to Couch Potatoes, and Erica DiUllio's working. Haven't seen her in forever! Awesome. So after she finds where they hide the movie, it was out. :o( But there was a whole stack of un-shelved videos that we could look through. Well, we went and bought her food from Wawa, and she looked for the movie for us. Came back, and YAY!! She'd found it. So she rented it to us for free. *shhhhh* :o) So then we went for our coffee -- caramel macchiatos, of course!
Then we went to Katie's house to watch the movie and finish up our coffee. Went online for a bit afterwards, and decided on a background for her journal (I just finished making it cool). Then I left to go pick Kim up to take her to work, and Katie had to go out to eat with her family.

Get to Coneheads with Kim, and eventually John comes in. Haha....we had soooo much fun! We stayed, like, an hour after closing. We played MASH!!! Lol....soooo funny. 666 kids! I'm gonna be busy! Arg....I, like, died coughing about 77 bazillion times. *whew*.......John just laughed at me. **sniffle sniffle**....thanks....:o( Hehe. We locked John out for a bit (ehh....he was smoking anyways....what a surprise), and he started humping the door. Lol....I spit my water out all over the floor. *oops* :o) When we finally left though, we had to be careful of the killer CATS! They're the evil Coneheads Cats!! They just might take off a leg!!! Just when me and Kim were about to pull out of the parking lot, I'm like, "You DID lock the door, right?" She's like, "Uhhh......dammit! I don't remember!" we turned around and went back. She RAN to the door (to avoid the cats, of course!), and RAN back to the car while I screamed at her frantically. Hahaha.

So I came home, watched the end of a movie, then came online and played with Katie's journal. All in all, a very good day!! A much needed fun day!
}*1 kIsS*{ ~^*^~ }*KiSs Me LiKe YoU mEaN iT*{

Sunday, February 17th, 2002

Time:11:08 pm.
I am Saturday's Child

What day are you?

Click here to take
the quiz!

You are like a rockstar...only in Dutch.

Find out what YOUR inner non-sequitur is!

quiz by A.V. Phibes

}*KiSs Me LiKe YoU mEaN iT*{

Time:12:52 pm.
I'm a combo of these three

ROCK CHICKYour personality type is ROCK CHICK. You rock, girl! You love music and couldn't live without it. You are drawn to partners who seem slightly dangerous and you probably live a fairly unhealthy lifestyle. Despite your obvious femininity, you long to be accepted as "one of the lads" and have an unfortunate tendency to get drawn into drinking contests.
Click HERE to get your own personality doll

GOTH GIRLYour personality type is GOTH GIRL. Drawn to the darker things in life, you enjoy scary movies and walking in graveyards. Your favourite colour is black and you probably own a cat.
Click HERE to get your own personality doll

PARTY ANIMALYour personality type is PARTY ANIMAL. You love the nightlife and can be seen partying away when most people are getting UP from bed. You think nothing of blowing a week's wages on a handbag just because it perfectly matches those shoes you spent LAST week's wages on. One day your excessive partying will catch up with you, but until then... the night is young!
Click HERE to get your own personality doll
}*KiSs Me LiKe YoU mEaN iT*{

Saturday, February 16th, 2002

Time:11:37 pm.

Where's your corner of the Twilight Zone?

Take the Twilight Zone test!

Which David Lynch character are you most like?

Hahaha.....almost like LULU!!! (oh the memories...)
}*KiSs Me LiKe YoU mEaN iT*{

Thursday, February 14th, 2002

Time:10:44 pm.
Mood: tired.
So I was waaaay tired in school today. I couldn't stay awake for the life of me! Well, I stayed up most of the night just coughing. Eventually, my mom came up and gave me some cough medicine that's loaded with codine (it's prescription for me). And then this morning, I took some decongestant pills, that weren't supposed to make me drowsy. They normally don't have that affect on me, but today they did. As it turns out (I just noticed this as I was taking some more a couple minutes ago), my mom gave me, like over 2 times what I should have had of the codine-loaded stuff!!!!! No wonder I was so tired today!!!!!!!
}*KiSs Me LiKe YoU mEaN iT*{

Time:9:47 pm.
Careful what you do
Someone's on to you
Careful what you do

Careful what you say
Cause you're on display
Every night and every day

Somebody's hiding in the great unknown
And every time you think that you're along

Somebody's eyes are watching
Somebody's eyes are seeing you come and go
Somebody's out there, waiting for the show
You've got no disguise
From somebody's eyes

Careful how you speak
Turn the other cheek
Be careful how you speak

Think a naughty thought
And if you get caught
Well, then boy, you've bought a lot of trouble

Somewhere there's someone with a perfect view
And they're just dying for a little peek-a-boo

Somebody's eyes are watching
Somebody's eyes will never close, never sleep
Somebody's after the secrets that you keep
Who's got alibis
From somebody's eyes?

Never laugh to loud
Never leave a crowd
Never dress risque
There'll be hell to pay
If you've ever had anything to hide
Think twice before you step outside

Somebody's eyes are watching
Somebody's eyes are following every move
Somebody's waiting to show they don't approve

Nothin satisfies
Somebody's eyes
Ain't no alibis
In somebody's eyes
You've got no disguise
From somebody's eyes


I sit and watch the rain,
and see my tears run down the window pane.
I sit and watch the sky,
and I can hear it breathe a sigh.

I think of him,
how we were,
and when I think of him,
then I remember,

In his eyes,
I can see
where my heart
longs to be.
In his eyes I see a gentle glow,
and that's where I'll be safe I know.

Safe in his arms,
close to his heart,
but I don't know quite where to start.

By looking in his eyes
will I see beyond tomorrow?
By looking in his eyes
will I see beyond the sorrow that I feel?

Will his eyes reveal to me
promises or lies?
But he can't conceal from me the love
in his eyes.

They're like an open book.
I know their every look,
and most of all the look that hypnotized me.

If I'm wise,
I will walk away
and gladly.
But sadly I'm not wise.
It's hard to talk away
the mem'ries
that you prize.

Love is worth forgiving for.
Now I realize,
everything worth living for
is there,
in his eyes.
}*3 kIsS*{ ~^*^~ }*KiSs Me LiKe YoU mEaN iT*{

Wednesday, February 13th, 2002

Time:10:56 pm.

What is YOUR Highschool label?
}*KiSs Me LiKe YoU mEaN iT*{

Time:10:30 pm.
Mood: calm.
Grrrr....everyone's so pissy!! Grrr with me, people....Grrrrr with me!!!!



See? Don't we feel better?!?

}*3 kIsS*{ ~^*^~ }*KiSs Me LiKe YoU mEaN iT*{

Tuesday, February 12th, 2002

Time:11:23 pm.

What Where You in a Past Life?
}*KiSs Me LiKe YoU mEaN iT*{

Time:10:46 pm.
Yomoosekid: howdy

Auto response from Sr iaLi VnR: yo, I'm watchin tv or some movie right now. call me downstairs if you need something!

I love Yomoosekid!!!

Yomoosekid: yea u do
Sr iaLi VnR: haha; only as much as you love me
Yomoosekid: sweet finally u feel the same way!!
Sr iaLi VnR: :o)
Sr iaLi VnR: so how're you?
Yomoosekid: tried
Yomoosekid: and i miss u
Sr iaLi VnR: awww, well I miss you too
Yomoosekid: i knowu do
Yomoosekid: come to school tomrrow
Sr iaLi VnR: hopefully I will
Yomoosekid: sweeettt
Yomoosekid: yay
Sr iaLi VnR: haha
Yomoosekid: i gtg c ya tomrrow
Sr iaLi VnR: hopefully
Sr iaLi VnR: bye
Yomoosekid: u better be ther
Sr iaLi VnR: I'll try; just for you
Yomoosekid: yay!
Yomoosekid signed off at 10:31:07 PM.

Now ya see, Sarah? Me and Josh actually do get along!
}*1 kIsS*{ ~^*^~ }*KiSs Me LiKe YoU mEaN iT*{

Time:8:25 pm.
Mood: scared.

I apparantly missed a World Cultures test today....which means ESSAY MAKE UP!!!!


Kill me now!!

:o( **cries**
}*KiSs Me LiKe YoU mEaN iT*{

Time:4:16 pm.
No, I'm not a Britney fan, I just think the lyrics to this are good.

I used to think I had the answers to everything
But now I know
That life doesn't always go my way
Feels like I'm caught in the middle
That's when I realize


I'm not a girl, not yet a woman
All I need is time, a moment that is mine
While I'm in between
I'm not a girl

There is no need to protect me
It's time that I
Learn to face up to this on my own
I've seen so much more than you know now
So don't tell me to shut my eyes

CHORUS - repeat

But if you look at me closely
You will see it in my eyes
This girl will always find her way


(I'm not a girl) I'm not a girl, don't tell me what to believe
(Not yet a woman) I'm just trying to find the woman in me, yeah
(All I need is time) Oh, all I need is time
(A moment that is mine) That's mine
While I'm in between
I'm not a girl, not yet a woman, no no
All I need is time, a moment that is mine
While I'm in between
I'm not a girl, ooh
Not yet a woman
}*KiSs Me LiKe YoU mEaN iT*{

Time:3:42 pm.
Why Kissing Is Good for You!!

a definite must read
}*KiSs Me LiKe YoU mEaN iT*{

Time:3:36 pm.


You are very perceptive and smart. You are clear and to the point and have a great sense of humor. You are always learning and searching for understanding.

Find out your color at!

goodbye to you
Which Michelle Branch song are you most like? Find out!

}*KiSs Me LiKe YoU mEaN iT*{

Time:3:25 pm.
Mood: cynical.
So why do they make something like Valentine's Day? Sure, it makes couples celebrate being together, but for the most part, they should be doing that anyways. Then there's the people who lost their valentine, or just don't have one, or have one in mind, but he/she's just out of reach, as is the case for me. I know who I want my valentine to be, but it's not gonna happen. But I like his friendship, so I'm happy with that. But anyways, what's with Valentine's day? Pffft.....stupid holiday if you ask me. :o)
}*7 kIsS*{ ~^*^~ }*KiSs Me LiKe YoU mEaN iT*{

Monday, February 11th, 2002

Time:10:50 pm.
I wanted to be like you
I wanted everything
So I tried to be like you
And I got swept away

I didn't know that it was so cold
And you needed someone to show you the way
So I took your hand and we figured out
That when the tide comes I'd take you away

If you want to
I can save you
I can take you away from here
So lonely inside
So busy out there
And all you wanted was somebody who cares

I'm sinking slowly
So hurry hold me
Your hand is all I have to keep me hanging on
Please can you tell me
So I can finally see
Where you go when you're gone

If you want to
I can save you
I can take you away from here
So lonely inside
So busy out there
And all you wanted was somebody who cares

All you wanted was somebody who cares
If you need me you know I'll be there
Oh, yeah

If you want to
I can save you
I can take you away from here
So lonely inside
So busy out there
And all you wanted was somebody who cares

Please can you tell me
So I can finally see
Where you go when you're gone
}*1 kIsS*{ ~^*^~ }*KiSs Me LiKe YoU mEaN iT*{

Time:4:24 pm.
81% addicted to Instant Messenger. How about you?

Haha....would've thought it'd be higher!!! :o)

I'm cool!

What Pattern Are You?
}*1 kIsS*{ ~^*^~ }*KiSs Me LiKe YoU mEaN iT*{

Subject:ooh....and a trip to the ER as well!!
Time:3:59 pm.
Mood: sick.
*sigh*....And she misses yet another day of school.

Last night around 9:30, I came to my dad in tears. My back and neck hurt so tremendously bad, and when I moved them, I got really lightheaded and a bit of a headache. My throat was killing me, I couldn't breathe (my throat was really tight), I was shaking because I was so cold, and I hadn't been able to eat much of anything all day cuz I was nauseous. So my dad got out of bed and told me to lay down and he turned on the electric blanket for me while we waited for my mom to get home around 10. When she got home, they decided to take me to the Emergency Room.

So by 10:30 last night, I was checked into the Emergency Room, and they'd started examining me. My temp was 100. They ended up taking blood, doing, like, 4 rapid strep tests, and giving me an IV. They actually gave us the option of doing a spinal tap (to test for menengitis), but we decided against it (don't worry.....chances are I don't have it!!! I don't want to start some menengitis scare, so don't go and start worrying about it! hehe). So they called my doctor and told him to give me an appointment the next day (as in today), meaning I was going to be missing school again. All the doctors and nurses were all coming to see me. It was pretty funny. They're all like, "Oh I'm really glad you came in tonight!" "It was nice to meet you tonight!" "I hope you get better!" etc. They haven't done that to me before. Probably because there was NO ONE there, so I became the big thing. And my friend Mary's mom was there. So she was like, "What are you doing here?!" And her and my mom talked a bit. I finally left around 12:30ish, and when I got in at 1, I tried eating something again. Didn't work too well.

So today I had to go to my doctor so he could check me out. With two extra strength Tylenol to reduce fever, I had a 100.7 temp. We're still not quite sure what it is. Basically, they think it may be a sinus infection, so we're gonna wait about 3 days to see if the neck pain goes away. If it does, it's probably a sinus infection. If it doesn't, well.....who knows.

But then I come home today, and I was supposed to work at 2. I couldn't get anyone to work for me, since everyone was in school. I'd called Dottie, but she never got the message. I went into work and started calling people. Pretty much no one could come in until 4 cuz they didnt' have rides. I finally called Diana, and she said to just lock up the store for a bit and come get her and she'd work. So that's what I did. Arron said he'd come in at 4 if I couldn't get someone, so either way, I got someone to come in for me (**yay!!**).

So right now, my neck and back are killing me (it's like the feeling right before your back or neck or whatever cracks, and then it just doesn't...a constant feeling of that), a constant feeling of that when you stand up too fast, extremely tired, throat feels like I swallowed acid (yah..that's fun!) :o) , and feels like someone has their hands just wrapped around my throat, not letting you breathe all that well. Sorry to seem like I'm complaining! I know some people wanted to know what was up though.

On the plus side, the doc said I'm definitally out of gym for at least a week. :o)~

Been a fun weekend! :o)
}*7 kIsS*{ ~^*^~ }*KiSs Me LiKe YoU mEaN iT*{

LiveJournal for *~*Feliciliz*~*.

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