Dumbass' LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Dumbass' LiveJournal:

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    Friday, October 5th, 2001
    3:00 pm
    "you gotta burn that building down"
    lala im fucking hyper. today was my first day back. it was sundae day and for $1.5o i got me a sunday. i'm listening to gob and they make mwe hyper. i got to meet 2 members of gob and they were fuckin cool man. bahbahbah bahbahbah bahabbahabahaba. yay im stoked i have monday off and it's friday. tonight im going to the foran game then off to the bowling alley with a bunch of people. it should be unboring. lauren is dating danny and it so cute. such a cute couple. i hope i don't see her tonight. blah. but fuck her, im happy.

    Current Mood: hyper
    Current Music: gob - hear you calling
    Tuesday, October 2nd, 2001
    9:47 pm
    turd soup
    my dad and i got into a fight. my mom was in yale yesterday and got a blood transfussion. i've been outta school because i'm sick. everything sucks. i'm gonna dye my hair purple. drugs suck and if you do them i think your fucking weak and pathetic. i hate those kids that say they're not cool and they are. fuck them. i'm not cool, and im fucking truthful. my therapist says so; that i'm "truthful". he also hinted that he doesn't wanna see me anymore because he feels the treatment isn't working. no mothing fucking shit sherlock. my dad saw my ex at robert treats, where she works. she sold him a pumpkin. fuck it. sell me a goddamned pumpkin. i supposed to get my hair kut thurs. i dunno with my sycho dad up my ass. friday is a football game. im gonna go and get made fun of again. and see my ex, and wish that she didnt hate me. then we're gonna go bowling. then in sunday i might go to stephanies. dammit, i dunno my way around waste haven yet. i'll hafta get me a map. till then...

    Current Mood: bitchy
    Monday, October 1st, 2001
    11:54 am
    we are so fucked it bin laden releases chemicals in the US. if he does he'll prolly send his little fucking soliders to NY which is next to CT so I'll be next to die. i've been very paranoid. not only about that chemical warfare shit, but i feel like something really bad is gonna happen to me or someone i love. my psychotherapist put me on another antidepression. i'm sick and not in school. my ear hurts. my nose is stuffy. my throat hurts. if i wasn't wearing a gas mask when the chemicals hit i would die.
    Thursday, September 27th, 2001
    8:29 pm
    "i hear voices in the air"
    thank god for jewish holidays. it seems everyone is making plans but leaving me out. my mom wants me to turn off my music as usual. *sigh* i had to write a book report on Salad Days for english classe. book reports make me wish i didn't know how to read. they take all the fun out of the book. i watched hannible today with my dad, whoopie. it wan't as good as i had excepted it to be. i hate when that happends. having high expectations for something than have it suck. well, the movie didn't really suck, but it wasn't amazing. i have this need to be amazed right now. amaze me dammit.

    Current Mood: unamazed
    Current Music: Lennon - Couldn't Breathe
    Saturday, September 22nd, 2001
    2:16 pm
    Screaming is the result of too much silence.
    SpeeeeeeeedKills: i had this dream last nite that i got this kitten and i kept on losing it kus it weas so small and in the same nite i had a dream that my friends house was possessed and they had to call in a preist and it was lke the exorcist and it was fucjking skary kus it was sooo fucking reall said the fish to the monkey, jon. one day i'm gonna learn how to spell and win a gold damn spelling medal. and i wear like a stain. why did it take my parents so long to fuck and make me? dammit i wanna be older. common, even like 3 years older would fucking rock. i swear to god.. if i end up doing nothing today im gonna fucking kill someone. grrr im so dangerous. we have a school maskot. his name is fish. he is a fish. it swims around in a fishbowl. when the kids try to hurt the fish i yell and kik them in the shins. bloody bastards. i hate joesph a. foran high school. i'm gonna go throw beans at it and laugh, said the shark to the little rhino.

    Current Mood: grumpy
    Current Music: barbara walters having sex with huge downs.
    Wednesday, September 5th, 2001
    9:11 pm
    jessica alba is hot
    monday i went to radio 104 fest. i saw throne, grover dill, good charlotte, jimmy eat world, cold, poetic pan, lorenji shift, sum41, new found glory, sibil, stroke 9, and blink 182. some other bands played but i didn't see them. lauren and i lost lindsey and joan fer awhile which sucked but we eventually found them... after an hour and a half. i got to meet nfg, sum41, and dave navarro. i'm still waiting for my piktures to get developed. blink 182 was fucking funny. mark told everyone to give his bass the finger and threw it on the ground kus it kept on making this fucked up noice. then he came out with a cape on. they had fucking cool pyros and had "fuck" spelt out in fire. there was 26,000 people there. trippy. i got a mosh pit started during good charlotte which was stopped by the coppeers kus it was "too violent". haha. im still in fucking pain. black and blue all over. im watching the simpsons right now. its the best fucking show ever. skinner:"good lord mother i can see your figure." skinners old mom:"oh stop it, you see more when you do my mole check." skinner:"mother what i do for my allowence is between you and me." haha.
    fuck me, fuck you. fuck you to fuck me. fuck it.
    Thursday, August 30th, 2001
    9:25 pm
    ah juilya is so hot *fucking drool*
    today was my first day of school. i had a fucked up morning. school starts at 8.30am. my drive kouldn't find my house and pick me up untill 9.30. On our way to cedarfuck we almost get into a car accident, and my driver swirves up onto a curb and pops his to tires on the right side. my fucking luck. i don't get to school till like quater after 10. other than that the first day was pretty cool. i have some fucking cool friends there. ow i have a sour on my toung. dammit. anyway...
    tomorrow should be ok too, it's a half day. mandy moore the whore needs to die.

    i love juilya, she is fucking hot.

    Current Mood: indescribable
    Current Music: watching mmusa so i kan get a glimpse of juilya
    Monday, August 27th, 2001
    9:12 pm
    ?mary... had a little, mary... little lamb?
    im all suprised and shit kus for the last hour and a half mtv as bin actually playing music. im like stunned. they played staind and alien ant farm in a row and i was happy. i haven't bin able to write anything is this little journal thing kus everytime i try it get's fucked up. i wrote sum songs today. im not gonna write the lyrics here kus that would take too long but the tittles are: "Beauitful Tomorrow Today", "Drowning Slowly", "Elapsed Applause", "Last Stance", "Optimistic Pessimism", "Attempt At Home" ,"Perfectly Wrong", "Unfixable", "Slight Tears", and "Michael". im so lame. and yes, michael is an ode to michael jackson but you wouln't know if i didn't say that. My band is so emo. yah, were so emo that nobody knows who we are except us. and were gonna open up for bands that nobody knows about. and we're gonna put out an Ep then break up. and everyone will say that we where sooo emo. Watch out mother fucker, we're Gawz.

    Current Mood: cold
    Current Music: that p ditty song is on and it's fucking ketchy
    Thursday, August 9th, 2001
    9:56 pm
    "No, not the lock down... pleeease..."
    Tonight christina, timmy, carl, maria, katelynn, liz, the new girl whatever her name and matt and his girlfriend came over swimming. there like no fucking water in the pool from the water fight. tomorrow im going to see legally blonde again then at about 6 im leaving to go camping.
    thats where my sorry ass is going. lindsey was supposed to come with me and claire but kerry is comming to stay with her sew i think lauren is gonna come instead. i fucking hope she can come otherwise its gonna suck ass.

    Current Mood: weird
    Current Music: I'm watching some Lifetime movie.
    Wednesday, August 8th, 2001
    12:57 pm

    thats the website of the shithole i was placed in. it's know as one of the worst in the state. lucky me.
    12:44 pm
    skinnemerinki dinkie dink skinnemerinki deeww
    i have to go to see my probation officer today. fuckity yucking shmuck. it's so fucking pointless. he's just gonna tell me who he thinks io am as a person which is shit, and then show me how not understanding he is with mental cases. he'll give me a curfew i won't follow and tell me to go to school. he'll then procede to ask me about my friends which i will tell him are all crack smoking hippy whores and then on my way out i'll tell him to go fuck himself. i won't actually say that because if i did i would be thrown back into the fucking mental hospital faster than you can say skinnemerinki dinkie dink skinnemerinki deeww.

    Current Mood: rejected
    Current Music: Dashboard Confessional - The Best Deceptions
    Wednesday, July 18th, 2001
    9:34 pm
    "Didja get a cup of soup with that haircut?"
    I stayed in bed almost all day, untill 5pm actually. I've also avoided talking to people. I suppose I am just being anti-social. This week I've been at Grace Baptist Church being a helper with VBS. I was in the groups up untill 6th grade kus then you become a helper. It's pretty fucking cool even though it's at a church. me, Carl, Christina, Maria, Joanie, Tommy, Tim, and Magnus fuck around all day and sing the lame "god freaky themed songs" with the kids. and we get to like make crafts like crowns and drums. I like to steal sodas, play freeze tag, and tell the little children about non-conforming, the damage of censoring things and people, and anarchy. One of the little girls told their parents and I got in trouble. I was asked by the pastor to "stay home wednesday". haha. oh well. Sue asked me if I wanted to come to Philly friday but i said no. I'm still pissed at what happened last tim when I was supposed to go there. Ow i just bit my toung. I made brownies today. Oh ya, they were hella good. I put a bit of peaunut butter in them and chocolate chips. Yum. I'm retared. smile everyone *twitch*

    Current Mood: I have to pee.
    Current Music: Blind Melon - No Rain
    Wednesday, July 11th, 2001
    10:06 pm
    "oh let me taste your tears scott... mmm yummy your tears are so sweat, scott"
    I'm watching southpark. haha it's fucking funnie.
    i'm fucking bored. fuck. fuck. fuck. haha glicks voice is funnie. things are funnie. i'm retarded. jenean garafolo (spel?) is on glick now. i gotta watch. she's my hero. *starts singing that song "hero"* fuck me please. bi.

    Current Mood: recumbent
    Current Music: Ivana Santilli - Sun + Moon = Tomorrow
    Tuesday, July 10th, 2001
    10:50 pm
    "I'm all about the sex."
    Shit I'm such a slacker, I keep on putting off wrting about my boring life in here. Um ya. The concert at Toads fucking rawked. I'm still in pain though. Chris from Dashboard Confessionals gave me his water bottle. I shed a tear of joy. I made friends standing in the phone booth and had "eye sex". haha, long story. I'm going to Philly with Sue on Thursdays. I'm fuking happy about that. I need to get the fuck outta Milford, Connecticut. Grrrrrr.

    "Your a Drunk Punk, Smelly Skunk!"

    Current Mood: Mother Fucking Tired
    Current Music: The damn air conditioner.
    Tuesday, July 3rd, 2001
    5:55 pm
    In a little while i'm to see some fire works with Christina, Missy, Dan and Maria. i love going to fireworks and being really annoying, clapping and shit. i'm so lame. i dyed my hair back to pink today. i think i like pink the best. today i had to go back to court for the insident that i had with my dad. grrrr. i had to plead guilty or the judge would have just rejected my statements and sent me back to the hospital. boo. i now im gonna hafta go on probation till in 16. so fucking 6 months of some dumbfuck guy telling me what to do. it rilly sucks, but it's fucking better than the hospital. tomorrow is the morningside neighborhood piknik for fourth of july. shit, all the neighbors think i'm rilly fucked up and i know they talk shit about me but they always do that fake nice thing. bastards.

    Current Mood: cynical
    Current Music: Exploited - Anarchy
    Sunday, July 1st, 2001
    6:22 pm
    "Fall out of the window and I'm never commin back."
    Today I went in my pool alone and just layed on a tube for about and hour and a half. I was raining at one point. Very peaceful. I felt fucking cleansed. I'm just killing time online till I can watch Bug Juice and make fun of the kids. It makes me smile. *twitch*

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: Beck - MTV makes me wanna smoke crack
    Monday, June 25th, 2001
    5:28 pm
    "i wanna have control, i wanna perfect body, i want a perfect soul."
    I'm barley able type kus my eye is gone all fucking blurred on me and i have to rub it. that sounded odd. anyway i got tickets to the saves the day/dashboard confessionals show at toads place and a kick ass black electric accoustic guitar today. so i guess it hasn't been the most terrible evil fuct up day of the year so far.

    Current Mood: okay
    Current Music: Radiohead - Creep
    Sunday, June 24th, 2001
    10:57 pm
    "hey there shitty shitty bang bang how do you do?"
    um yea. im watchin southpark. last night i went to the irish festival (the fesh) in north haven with joe, sue, claire, and kate. black 47 was playing and they fucking rocked. i got beer spilt on me which kinda sucked but i didn't rilly fucking kare. we left at about 11.3o and then ended up driving around new haven trying to find a pizza place to eat at kus sally's wasn't open. today i went back to the fesh and saw the wolf tones and i had an indepth argument about wether or not(!) the I.R.A. is a terrorist organization. i had this argument with my dad, he kan be such a dumbass. they are not a terrorost organization to klear things up. both days i saw a hole bunch of my irish kusins i hadn't seen for like 6 years. it was odd. the word shit has bin around for 6oo years, i thought i'd share.

    Current Mood: cold
    Current Music: rehab - it doesn't matter
    Wednesday, June 20th, 2001
    3:58 pm
    damn the man - save the empire!
    tomorrow is my last day of skool. fuck yea. my mouth feels weird. i'm a chipet. rape me. i gonna go reed poetry. bi.

    Current Mood: tired
    Current Music: Green Day - Uptight
    Monday, June 18th, 2001
    6:54 pm
    *cough* .dork. *cough*

    go there and sign the guestbook then spread the addy around like an STD.

    Current Mood: nerdy
    Current Music: No Doubt - Sunday Morning
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