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Miss Jess

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*stolen* [21 Mar 2002|04:00pm]
[ mood | flirty ]
[ music | Good Friends are Hard to Find -MXPX ]

"But I thought he liked me. It was all going so well. I can't take it, you know? Not again. Why me, you know? My life is so fucking shit. I'm just a worthless piece of nothing shit. Everything I do is shit, or it turns to shit, or I turn it to shit."

i stole that from someones LJ. but its true about me. sorda.

I heard about your trip.
I heard about your souvenirs.
I heard about the cool breeze, in the cool nights,
and the cool guys that you spent them with.
Well I guess I should have heard of them from you.
I guess I should have heard of them from you.

Don't you see, don't you see,
that the charade is over?
And all the "Best Deceptions" and "Clever Cover Story" awards go to you.
So kiss me hard
'cause this will be the last time that I let you.
You will be back someday
and this awkward kiss that tells of other people's lips will be of service
to keeping you away.

I heard about your regrets.
I heard that you were feeling sorry.
I heard from someone that you wish you could set things right between us.
Well I guess I should have heard of them from you.
I guess I should have heard of them from you.

I'm waiting for blood to flow to my fingers,
I'll be all right when my hands get warm.
Ignoring the phone, I'd rather say nothing.
I'd rather you'd never heard my voice.
too late to be gracious
and you do not warrant long good-byes.
You're calling too late.

why! its the one and only famous Dashboard Confessional.
i LOVE that song. =]

later kiddos,
Comments: 2 sloppy kisses - kiss me.

[21 Mar 2002|03:51pm]

Take the you STOOPID quiz.

another quiz created by Peta

boredom...really stinks..*lites a candle*
Comments: kiss me.

allstar pitcher..isnt really a allstar pitcher [19 Mar 2002|09:20pm]
[ mood | dead ]
[ music | The Best Deceptions -Dashboard Confessional ]

let me set the scene for you: grrls locker room after gym class. ok there is this really plump grrl im my class and she has a friend thats plump too. ok..one of the plump grrls, goes behind the cheerleading matts (which are like really really tall and round) and she finds a softball, throws it out and the other plump one gets it. then she goes to the door, winds up her arm (like a fast pitch allstar softball player), but she doens turn her arm like all the way around, she just turns it someother way. i cant explain it. me, whit and jessica just busted out laughing. we can all do it like her too. ya need to see us do it! =]

im all dorkish right now...
im talking to this guy friend im tellin him everything..
just walla go i said brb i gotta pee..
haha im a dork.

ok..shoot me someone, i hate my fuckin class. they are fuckin pricks! *bang bang* *says thank you!*

im out..

no one loves me =[
-miss jess


Comments: kiss me.

burnt like a roll in the toaster oven.. [16 Mar 2002|09:59pm]
[ mood | relaxed ]
[ music | Get Up Kids.. ]

~so today me, allie, mom and daniel went down to Nags Head for the day. we arrived there around lunch time. went to my Uncle Jerry's cottage, which is still in the 'building process'. it looked nice. its got a pool, hot tub and gonna have a pool table. its gonna rawk this summer when we go, that is IF we go. anywho..we went to the outlet malls and stuff. didnt see anything. got on the beach around 1 ish or so. we laid out til bout 2:30 or so.
~we went to 17th Street Surf Shop for me some clothes and what not. i got a few things. while i was in the dressing room, i was looking in the mirror and im like 'wtf! im burnt!' i was so excited! haha..i hate being burnt, but later on it turns to tan! haha well we left there and found a bathroom for me, cos i really really had to go. we finally stop at the outlet mall and i see Chris Smith standing with is parents at their car. i turned the other way so we wouldnt see me. haha im so rude! yea, if he says anything ill be like 'you saw me? nah, i think it was my twin sister.' =]
~it was about 5:30-6 or something and we went to Dairy Queen, got some blizzards and all. so....me and mom decide we want sum din-din. so we stop at Food Lion and get 2 plates. they was alright. they gave us some kinda roll or something. so daniel took one of em, took a bite, then said it was nasty. and threw pieces of it out the window. hes like 'im feeding the seagulls' and there wasnt any around. it was hilarious. we finally headed homeward.....................(ok? ive gone crazy with the dots!)...
~when we got to Courtney Tinkham's house, i saw a dog run across the road. i was like 'dog!!' mom slammed one the brakes. and there was 2 ppl walking on the side of the road, with 3 damn dogs. guess who it was?! it was fucking Chris and Courtney. and this is at 8 o'clock at night, walking the damn dogs?? how stoopid. my mom said 'get outta the damn way!' it was funny. then she said something else, but i wont repeat it. =]

i actually had a fun day, saw some cute guys. haha im a dork
ya shoulda been there!

im out, im burnt, im tired

-Miss Jess

Comments: kiss me.

[14 Mar 2002|07:32pm]

So which letter of the alphabet matches YOUR personality, huh?

Comments: kiss me.

depression....gets every one at some point in their life.. [12 Mar 2002|09:28pm]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | I'll Catch You -Get Up Kids ]

yea..im depressed, i think. but i dont know what over. thats the bad part. i guess its cos i dont have a b/f or something. oh well..i hate everything. *hits herself*

tonite i was taking a bath and i was shaving my legs and all of a sudden i cut my knee. so now i have to wear a bandaid. it hurts. *waaaaa! crys*

god..i hate my life..i wish i was someone else..

Comments: 2 sloppy kisses - kiss me.

[11 Mar 2002|10:41am]
im at skool...haha
Comments: kiss me.

why does everyone like me? [10 Mar 2002|05:33pm]
[ mood | hot ]
[ music | The Good Fight -Dashboard Confessional ]

i just got back from playin basketball with myself and my dog. haha im a dork. i think i won..Molly just kinda sat there and looked at me like i was dumb. haha crazy dog

im hot..and smell like outside...and i need FOOD! and WATER!

im out..


p.s- someone told me friday that they liked me. wtf?

Comments: kiss me.

okay..im gonna be a total dork right now.. [08 Mar 2002|09:32pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Starry Configurations -Jets to Brazil ]

yanno what i really hate?
when u put chapstick on yer lips, then go outside and the wind is really really blowing. and all of a sudden yer hair gets stuck to yer lips and all the chapstick comes off. that really bugs me. but i guess it doesnt go for guys, just us grrls with semi-long hair. =]

today was cool, i think. i got to leave early from skool @ 9. cos i had a orthodontist appointment. and here's the good part...i got em off! represent! *woot woot* they feel so weird and they are slick and stuff. they are prreeetttyyy!!! =] everyone was like 'wow, did u get yer braces off?' im like 'yea'. but really i was about to say 'nah, they are invisible!' hehe..

didnt do much today. watched to NC State game w/ Allie, Daniel, Mum and my cuz, Scott. hes a trip..like totally. he left after the game was over. me, allie and daniel went outside and shot sum b-ball and hit sum softballs....
~heres the 'other' okay part= daniel was throwing me sum softballs, so i could like get better at catching it, cos i cant catch worth poo. then i hear a truck coming. i dont pay much attention. then it gets closer and its a lil blue truck. guess who it was? chris. he waved and i just stared at him. wtf?! im so stoopid. so my sis waves and is like 'who was that?' im like 'chris'. greeeatt..i have to see him come by almost everyday cos he dates Miss Courtney 'Big Tits' Tinkham! hahahaha im such a trip.

well im gonna go..

peace and chikin grease!
-Miss Jess
Comments: kiss me.

uh huh...yup...bored, yet again.. [07 Mar 2002|03:06pm]

This quiz says absolutely nothing about your personality. Take it!

Comments: kiss me.

umm....quizzes....and umm...im bored.. [06 Mar 2002|09:26pm]

Would you survive a horror movie? Find out @ She's Crafty

Which "Saved By The Bell" Character Are You?

Take the "How immature are you?" Test

created by sami

yup yup..im b-o-r-e-d! =]
Comments: kiss me.

[06 Mar 2002|09:03pm]
[ mood | thirsty ]
[ music | The Whole World -OutKast ]

I so love making preps mad...hehe..im a evil lil grrl =]

jlsbessie05: ewww...look who it is...
jlsbessie05: ewww eww a prep
StOrY 1505: spare me
jlsbessie05: bite me
StOrY 1505: no thank u
jlsbessie05: *rawr*
jlsbessie05: *hex's you*
StOrY 1505: bia
jlsbessie05: bia...
StOrY 1505: BIA
jlsbessie05: whats that? some kinda gay ass term for making fun of people?
jlsbessie05: it aint working
StOrY 1505: figure it uot urself BIA
jlsbessie05: umm..no
jlsbessie05: bia...
jlsbessie05: whatever
jlsbessie05: oh thats right, u preps at nea dont know shit bout nuttin
jlsbessie05: my bad
StOrY 1505: bia
jlsbessie05: how patheticicaly sappy...thats the only word you know
jlsbessie05: what a dumb ass
StOrY 1505: bia ur mama bitch
jlsbessie05: umm...that doesnt make sense
jlsbessie05: like yerself
jlsbessie05: i seriously dont know why u dont have back problems..
jlsbessie05: hahahaha
jlsbessie05: excuse me while i go laugh
StOrY 1505: jelous are we? EAT SHIT AND DIE BIA
jlsbessie05: nope not JEALOUS here
StOrY 1505: u fat bia
jlsbessie05: i just dont want back problems
jlsbessie05: like you
jlsbessie05: look at them stretch marks..fat cow
StOrY 1505: i dont have back probles dumbfuck
jlsbessie05: yeah whatever..we all know you do
StOrY 1505: oh yeah like u would know
StOrY 1505: i sure
jlsbessie05: someone might
StOrY 1505: bye
jlsbessie05: later whore
StOrY 1505: bye slut mutha fucka
jlsbessie05: ooo wow
jlsbessie05: a big werd
jlsbessie05: im skers
jlsbessie05: skerd
jlsbessie05: riiightt
jlsbessie05: wow!
jlsbessie05: u can spell
jlsbessie05: im so amazed
StOrY 1505: :-D
jlsbessie05: *sarcasim*
StOrY 1505: :-D
jlsbessie05: dont get so excited
jlsbessie05: over nothing
StOrY 1505: :-D
jlsbessie05: eww...nasty yeller teeth
jlsbessie05: hahahaha..bitch
StOrY 1505: dumb fuck
jlsbessie05: fuck dumb
jlsbessie05: :-D
StOrY 1505: owww oh no u hury y feelings not i dont even know u
StOrY 1505: go fuck a cow
jlsbessie05: sorry..cows are my friends..

*then she got off...makes me mad when someone doesnt say bye. oh well.

today sucked butt. no one seems to want to talk to me anymore at skool. is it cos ive changed? is it cos im different? whatever...

we got report cards yesterday....5 A's, 1 B and 1 C. thats okay. im satisfied. im original. im not a geek. im me. =]

k..im out..like a fat kid in dodgeball.


Comments: 2 sloppy kisses - kiss me.

[05 Mar 2002|03:32pm]
[ mood | bootylicious ]
[ music | The Middle -Jimmy Eat World ]

Who's Your Inner Music Industry Diva? Find out @ She's Crafty

hehe..im so gwen! shes like totally awesome!

Comments: 2 sloppy kisses - kiss me.

yer still all that matters to me... [04 Mar 2002|03:10pm]
[ mood | gloomy ]
[ music | Broken Hearts and Concrete Floors -Dashboasd Confessional ]

i wish i had somone. like someone to hold on to when im scared, sad..whatever. but i just want someone..anyone.

blah, im a pathetic loser face dork biscuit or something.

im out, maybe ill go walk around town and have sex with any randumb guy..=\

-jessiker (im a dork, go ahead admit it! whore!)

Comments: 4 sloppy kisses - kiss me.

dont ask... [02 Mar 2002|12:39pm]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | I'll Catch You -Get Up Kids ]

lets see. yesterday, what did the fuck i do? oh yeah. i went to skool. grr..skool. and i so hate it. and guess who was there AGAIN? yup, chris. of course, courtney was, yet again, huggin on him. i told him to tell me 'hey', the last time i talked to him, or else i was gonna rape him. but do u think he said 'hey' to me? his so called "buddy"? HELL NO! do i like not exist to him anymore? come on, hes only a friend and cant say 'hey' to me..oh well. so i guess ill have to rape him. i dont think courtney will like that to much. hehe..im evil.

after skool yesterday i went to the Eye Docta'. cos my left eye was hurtin like shit. there was something elese in my eye, besides my contact. come to find out, i have a Torn Cornea! haha..its funny to say that! *dork* so..i have to take sum kinda drops every 2 hrs, this weekend. starting monday i have to take some more drops 4 times a day. yup, this means NO CONTACTS FOR A WHOLE WEEK! ack..what am i gonna do?! i have to wear my dorky glasses. but hey, they look sexi on me! haha..riiightt =] but! but! i go back thursday to see if it is still torn. well i still have to wear em friday cos i get muh braces off! hehe...i rawk! i think. =\

today...i think im going to my cousins bee-ball game over in Franklin, VA. i might let muh drop me off at the skate park, if it dont rain. like i would go there! hehe

well i out...
moms gone to a*town to get sum CHICKEN! BAQ BAQ! (inside joke) haha.

luv ya a whole lot!
Miss Jess

P.S-i downloaded 2 songs yesterday..im proud of myself. im listening to one right now..it wants to make me cry.

Comments: kiss me.

guess who was at MY skool today.. [27 Feb 2002|09:32pm]
[ mood | silly ]
[ music | The General -Dispatch ]

ick..why was he there, you ask? he was with *coughbitchcough* courtney tinkham. she was all huggin on him and stuff. me and mum's convo:

mom: 'whose courtney huggin all over?'
me: 'i dunno' *looks out window*
mom: 'prolly them Hertford County boys'
me: 'yea, prolly' *saddend*

looking at him and courtney brought back sad memorys of me liking him. it hurt, a lot. maybe matt is right, maybe i can get over him. sooner or later that is. geez, is she prettier than me or something. last time i checked, she wasnt. shes not the cute lil country/punk grrl that i am. well, maybe shes got bigger boobs than me, but hey! is that all guys want?
i didnt think so....loser

lets see..what i did today ---->
i went to skool.
sat during boring usless classes.
got pissed off in English (and last thursday, it was funny)
came home.
did sum hmwk.
went to muh room.
listend to No Doubt.
phone rang.
it was muh homie, Matt.
then i had to go.
i went to town.
ate supper.
went to see muh g-ma and g-pa.
and now im here, typing this.

im a dork.

oh! oh! i sported my new converse's off today.
everyone was jealous. i could see it in their eyes..im so evil.

im out, whore.

Miss Jess

P.S-im jealous of Dave =]

Comments: 4 sloppy kisses - kiss me.

*runs around chanting 'i got sum chucks!'* [25 Feb 2002|05:13pm]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | Not a Day Goes By -Lonestar ]

ack im so happy!!!! ok..i need to chill. well, muh converse's are red and they are mules. ack..they just slip on! they totally rawk. and im so fucking happy!!!! *big smile*

i got like 10 shirts and a zip up hoodie. i was in shopping heaven or something. hehe..i rawk..i think.

im out..my mom is making me do sum sq3r..grr..

no skool tomorrow! fuckin a!

luv ya,
Miss Jess

Comments: 2 sloppy kisses - kiss me.

some days ya gotta dance.... [24 Feb 2002|04:02pm]
[ mood | sniffle...i cant breathe! ]
[ music | Plain Morning -Dashboard Confessional ]

okay...why doesnt anyone ever comment on my entry's anymore?
oh well

yesterday was the 'rodeo' and we got there round 6:40 or so and the fucking place had sold out....made me mad. but me and sara had fun time dancing in the parking lot. there was this firehydrant (sp?) and i went up to it, held muh leg up like a male dog. it was funny. i was yelling to my mum to get the camera, but she wouldnt. oh well..it was cool

didnt do a damn thing today.

i think im going shopping tomorrow. be like stacey and go 'shoe shopping' =] i think im gonna get sum converse's..MY DREAM COME TRUE!! =]

im out..
youth is in less than and hour...gotta get ready.

tHe FaMoUs MiSs JeSs

Comments: 2 sloppy kisses - kiss me.

I love you..and theres nothing you can do about it.. [22 Feb 2002|11:34am]
[ mood | ditzy ]
[ music | Shaniqua -Lil T and One Track Mike ]

heh..i saw that on a bumper sticker last nite at the movies. =]

seems like forever since the last time ive updated. ive been busy with exams and all. oh well.

overview of today:
not a damn thing =]

**sometimes i feel like ill never find the one guy that takes me for who i am and not what i look like. maybe there is a guy out there that likes me and just hasnt told me yet. but in the mean time, ive given up on boys. every one i ever like doesnt like me and then go get a grrlfriend. its like i have a disease or sumthing. grr...**

no skool today or monday or tuesday! haha this rawks my socks off! hehe

tomorrow, which is saturday, right? anywho..im going to the rodeo with mum, dad, allie, daniel, sara, reed, linda and chip. its gonna be fun! i can see myself, me a punk, going to see a bunch of cowboys..hehe..this is gonna be so dreamy. i gotta take muh camera and take pics of 'hott' guys for whitney, since she cant go. so ill go up to any random guy and say 'can i take a pic-ie of you?' and he'll be like 'umm..sure' and *snap* hehe..

im out...and im hungry..considering i just ate breakfast at 10:30...

luv ya,
Miss Jess

Comments: kiss me.

so true...so true.. [18 Feb 2002|09:38pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | The Most Depressing Song -Get Up Kids ]

A Girl

I shave my legs,

I sit down to pee.

And I can justify,

Any shopping spree.

Don't go to a barber,

But a beauty salon.

I can get a massage

Without a hard-on.

I can balance the checkbook,

I can pump my own gas.

Can talk to my friends,

About the size of my ass.

My beauty's a masterpiece,

And yes, it takes long.

At least I can admit,

Whenever I am wrong.

I don't drive in circles,

At any cost.

And I don't have a problem,

Admitting I'm lost.

I never forget,

An important date.

You just gotta deal with it,

I'm usually late.

I don't watch movies,

With lots of gore.

Don't need instant replay,

To remember the score.

I won't lose my hair,

I don't get jock itch.

And just cause I'm assertive,

Don't call me a bitch.

Don't say to your friends,

Oh yeah, I can get her.

In your dreams, my dear,

I can do better!

Flowers are okay,

But jewelry's best.

Would you look at my face,

Not at my chest!

I don't have a problem,

With Expressing my feelings.

I know when you're lying,

When you look at the ceiling.

Don't call me a girl,

A babe or a chick.

I am a WOMAN,

Get it, you prick?!

*this is a little forward i got from a friend. i do believe its true and quite funnny. =]


Comments: kiss me.

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