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Fritz Fraundorf's Journal

24th November, 2001. 3:58 pm.


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11th November, 2001. 4:07 pm. Life imitates art

Dancing AIBO debuts (link courtesy /.)

"The latest version of the robot, the ERS-220, is likely to prove just as big a hit because Sony is making the robot even more customisable."


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11th November, 2001. 1:48 pm. Hooray for me

I found out you can pay for LJ with a check (instead of just Paypal, which I can't use), so I can get a paid account after all :D. Yay, more user pictures! (Hehehe... I'm so hopelessly obsessed with making those ^_^)

And it turns out that LiveJournal is based out of Oregon :D. w00t!

Current mood: happy.
Current music: Final Fantasy X - Luka.

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9th November, 2001. 11:22 am. ^________^


Current mood: giddy.

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9th November, 2001. 2:10 am. WE GOT DEATH STAR!

It's not the east or the west side / No it's not
It's not the north or the south side / No it's not
It's the dark side / You are correct
Can't front in the Empire
To all you Vader haters out there / We'll blow your planet up

Why is thy bidding, my master?
It's a disaster / Skywalker we're after
What if he can be turned to the Dark Side?
Yes, he'd be a powerful ally / Another dark Jedi
He will join us or die

We got Death Star / Death Star!
We got Death Star / Death Star!
We got Death Star / Death Star!
We got Death Star / Death Star!
We got Death Star / Death Star!
We got Death Star / Death Star!
We got Death Star / Death Star!
We got Death Star / Death Star!

And you know that we got it / Death Star!
And you know that we got it / Death Star!
And you know that we got it / Death Star!
And you know that we got it / Death Star!

(Luke, get your ass over here right now! Quit monkeyin' around with that damn landspeeder? Where're the two droids I asked you to clean, boy? Did you clean your room?)

Uncle Owen, I know I'm on probation
I cleaned the droids; can I go to Tahashi Station?
I got a layaway on a power converter
But now you're treating me like a scruffy nerfherder

Luke, use the Force and run
Run to Dagobah
Run to Dagobah
Luke, use the Force and run
Run to Dagobah
Run to Dagobah

I'm Yoda / I'm a soldja
I'm mojin' and flowjin'
Don't be unwise / Judge me not by my size
You won't believe your eyes / Watch the X-Wing rise

Yoda, why ya bein' a playa hater?
You know that I must still confront Lord Vader
But, Luke, not ready are you
But there's a city in the clouds where they're keeping my crew
A Jedi's gotta do what a Jedi's gotta do
So now Vader, I'm comin' for you!

(Yeah, that's right, Artoo. Time to set a new course; we're going to Cloud City.)
(Ahhh, that's mighty good gin 'n tonic. Why don't you mix me up another? Things're about to get ugly.)

Impressive, now release your anger
You must have sensed that your friends are in danger
OHH, why you'd slice off my hand?
It's imperative that you understand
Obi-Wan would never bother / Telling you about your father
He told me enough / He told me you killed him
Then there's something I must reveal then

I'm your father / I'm your father
I'm your father / I'm your father
I'm your father / I'm your father
I'm your father / I'm your father
I'm your father / I'm your father

Knock him out the box, Luke; knock him out!
Knock him out the box, Luke; knock him out!
Knock him out the box, Luke; knock him out!
Knock him out the box, Luke; knock him out!
Knock him out the box, Luke!

Current music: Star Wars Gangsta Rap.

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8th November, 2001. 11:04 pm. KUMA NO PUUSAN!

The Japanese Trance mix of the Winnie the Pooh theme is the catchiest thing ever. Thanks, Sabacc!

Current mood: boppy.
Current music: Kiiyakissu - Kuma no Puusan.

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8th November, 2001. 5:07 pm. I have returned from the Dark World and now I am COMPLETELY-SMITTEN-FRITZ

Whew, it's been quite a while. Like 3+ weeks quite a while. And there's a reason for at least part of that absence, which I'll explain as I go through my story here. I really shouldn't have waited this long to update, because I realize I've unintentionally left a lot of people in the dark, and that's caused a lot of confusion as to what's up with me, as well as a few nastier incidents. I honestly didn't want to leave everyone out of the loop; it was a combination of laziness on my part (not updating my journal earlier) and a stupid assumption that word would get around quicker.

But I'll try to explain everything now.

So, yes, if you haven't already heard (*blush*), Tami (kitarin) and I are together ... and have been since 10/16.

And before I say any more about her (much as I'd love to ^^), let me back-peddle to how we got together.

It all started a few weeks ago -- well, no, it all started several years ago, since I've had a crush on her for that long ^^;. And then it went through several fanfics over the past year where I really grew up. But you guys probably aren't here to read my life story, so we'll say it all started a few weeks ago when I got really depressed. Tami called me the next morning to see if I was all right and woke me up. (Ironically, a large part of the reason I got really depressed in the first place is that I mistakenly thought I'd offended Tami.)

That evening, when she came on IRC, she msged me to apologize for waking me up (not that she needed to -- I was really touched that she's called ^^;)... and we started talking ... and talking. And that was when I gave her the nick Selphie as a birthday present, and I started using Zell... and it just became really apparent that there was something going on between us. Somewhere in the conversation, she mentioned that she had always thought Zell and Selphie made a better couple than Selphie and Irvine ... and when I had first played FF VIII, I was expecting Zell + Selphie to get together, so I thought it was kinda neat that someone else agreed.

And so I said I'd write her a Zelphie fanfic ... not sure whether she had brought the Zell/Selphie connection just for what it was, or because she was trying to imply something with our nicks. I really wanted to believe that she was talking about us, of course (and she was), but I was trying not to get my hopes up. And since I knew she was going through a lot of troubles with other people, I didn't want to compound them by possibly making her feel guilty that I had an unrequited crush on her... but the signs seemed too great to ignore, and I really had nothing to lose and the world to gain.

So I spent the next week being totally inspired and plowing through Love Will Grow. I didn't update my journal during this time because it was impossible to talk about what I was doing ... given that Tami was reading my journal, and I also didn't want everyone knowing about it if my plan turned out badly. I still wasn't sure if Tami felt the same way about me that I did about her. Of course, it turns out that she spent the whole week wondering if I felt the same way about her that she felt about me. Meanwhile, we were still talking ... and talked on the phone for quite a while a few days.

I finished Love Will Grow very early on October 16th (BEST. DAY. EVAR!!1) and e-mailed it to Tami. When I got back from classes in the afternoon, I found a huge e-mail in my inbox from her, reacting in great detail to the story and basically saying that I did a great job of writing about her life ... and so she knew that, yes, I did feel that way. And that afternoon we talked on IRC again, and officially got together ^_^.

In retrospect, yes, we bother wonder how we both could have been so stupid. Stupid not to see how completely and utterly perfect we are for each other. Stupid to have both had crushes on each other for years but assumed the other wasn't interested.

But we're together now ^____^. And I honestly can't imagine what life before her must have been like ... I mean, I'm vaguely aware that I spent 18 1/2 years before finding my soulmate, but ... I have to wonder how I managed it. Because we really are completely alike ... and so perfect for each other... ^_^;;

Tami is awesome. I could go on for paragraphs about how much I love her, and I'd be happy to do it, but I need to wrap this entry up so I can get back to talking to her ^_^. Just talking to her ... thinking about her ... makes me so happy. And she's already done so much for me ... helped me to become myself, and inspired me to do a lot of things I thought I couldn't do, or never would do, or thought I didn't want to do. I feel like -- and know that -- I can, want to, and will do everything as long she's by my side. And I know that I've done a lot for her, too, which makes me feel great, not only because it means I've done something worthwhile (ego boost ^^), but because I care so much about her and really want nothing more than to make her happy.

And, judging by her accounts, she is :). And so am I. And, honestly, I've never felt as good in my life as I have these past three weeks.

I... so happy...

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

And so that's my story ... oh, as to why I didn't really update my journal. I didn't update at first because we hadn't gotten to tell key people yet, though within a week we'd broken it to everyone (or at least I thought we had -- apparently no one in #fret believed us, hence some of the odd events of the past week or so). And then it was just a matter of being incredibly lazy. But I do plan on updating my journal a bit more regularly now that I've got this massive entry out of the way.

So, let me clarify just a few things before I go ;):

1) I'm not gay. (Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course!;) ) Bi, maybe, but definitely not gay ;)

2) I haven't left #fret.

3) The person with the IRC nick "Selphie" is Tami, not the (retired) bot.


Current mood: loved.
Current music: Final Fantasy X - Besaid Island.

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6th November, 2001. 10:16 pm. Boy...

...that didn't last long! In true Logick Style (TM), I've burned out all my frusterations a flash of melodramatic overreaction and now look like a complete dork.

See you guys in #fret tomorrow =)

I'm so desparate for journal entries, though, that I'm going to leave it up just for the heck of it =p.

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6th November, 2001. 9:04 pm.

I know I haven't updated my journal in a long time, and I still owe you all a big long update about what's going on -- which I still plan to post!

But let this be my official notification that I'm leaving #fret and #envy. Don't expect to see me back there.

P.S. Human beings are a lot better than bots.

Current mood: outraged.

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17th October, 2001. 4:38 pm. Tee-hee

Current music: Final Fantasy VIII - Waltz for the Moon.

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