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[21 Dec 2001|10:19pm]
[ mood | sober ]
[ music | ruby - short staffed at the gene pool ]

The morning I got up to begin this book I coughed. Something was coming out of my throat: it was strangling me. I broke the thread which held it and yanked it out. I went back to bed and said: I have just spat out my heart. --anais nin

This big hollow sun is burning out of control.
Love is raining down on my lamp light.
if want is luxury and need is revenge,
then need was burning holes in me last night --song in head

I've had time to write a book about
the way you act and look.
I haven't got a paragraph.
Words are always getting in my way.
Anyway, I love you.
That's all I have to tell you,
That's all I've got to say. --guess...

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this is a fun good stupid test [21 Dec 2001|02:59pm]

If I were a Dead Russian Composer, I would be Aleksandr Borodin.

Son of a 19th Century Russian prince and a...non-royal...mother, I went to medical school and became a biochemist. Most people, however, (and probably my twenty cats as well) agree that they'd trade all of my scientific discoveries for another set of "Polovetsian Dances."

Who would you be? Dead Russian Composer Personality Test

It's beautiful outside. I wish I had my digital.

I've realized something about the seasons.
fall-Winter: most inspirational and creative time of year for me.
winter-spring: most likely time for me to be relationship oriented

summer is not my time of year, it's the time when I'm most likely to get depressed or confused or go in the wrong directions. fall through early things are all good. fevruary is always really long. sometimes march-april-may fuck me up because i try to do too many things.

Lately I've been sleeping a lot. This allows me to dress up which is fun.

I feel uninspired by the LJ lately, alas, though I feel creative elsewhere. hmmm. I miss lover a LOT....
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[20 Dec 2001|12:25pm]
[ mood | hmmm ]
[ music | ben harper ]

I never remember to log in and appreciate all of those friends only posts. Plus that's really the good stuff anyway...

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[17 Dec 2001|09:47pm]

Take the Corporate Mascot Test at Willaston's Lounge!

I've just been hanging out with my family for the past few days and relaxing and sleeping and this is good. Tomorrow I think I might venture out into the rest of the universe and deal with the other humans. ugh.
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[16 Dec 2001|01:38am]
Ick. I'm at home typing on my little brother's laptop in the dark so if typos are exrteme it's notn my fault I can't see my fingers, and myn as usual masive fingernails are slipping all ovfer the keys.
I'm lonely and bored and probably will continuously be so for mthe next two weeks. My old job, who has been saying I could totally come back for winter break just told me today that they are over staffed and don't even have a SINGLE shift for me now. Bullshit. lame-o. and i really could've used the moeny. So basically I have nothing to do in santa cruz for TWO WEEKS. ugh. AND i miss lover so awfully much. I got stuck going to a punk show tonight, which was, par usual, incredibly awful. Skinny white boys skipping in circles and ramming into each other. Sounds like a bizarre comming of age ritual in some weird alternate culture. anyway, I was explaining to some friends how entirely incredible our showerhead is at home and I told myn friend carrie that when she comes down to visit, she will be forced to shower, and she retorted that she was gonna do the 8 hour hound ride down just to try the shower and then someone said let's all just head on down right now, and I said you don't even realize it, but I would SO do that in a heart beat. I want ton be home, with my lover. I never really understood thatn 'home is where your heart is' thing, but it's totally true. My heart is with my Love, and anywhere he is, is home.

so i'm totally pitiful, but I love him. make fun if you like, but other than being stuck here for two weeks, I'm happier than anyone else I know, and a hell of a lot of it is due to this incredible t5hing we two have.

I'm really cold, and tired. sleep now.

gabe, i miss you, loves, Adria. and give skitzeta some tummy loves for me.
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A Lesson in Holding [06 Dec 2001|11:05am]
[ mood | alive ]
[ music | ruby - Paraffin ]

I love to hold.
To love is to hold with an open palm
A loose grasp
Will you hold please?
I hold.
Many yearn to be held
My love is not holed
It is whole and I hold it out to you.
Here in the rain.
(the sky was holding water)
Don't worry,
The love won't get messed up by the water.
Once I found all the pieces
and held them
in my head
in the best way
since then,
the love has been sturdy and reliable
High performance.
I feel the rain
dripping down my neck
I hold the backs of my arms
I feel their cold back to warmth
As I hold the sight of you in my eyes

On a walk last week
You gave me a prickly seed thing you'd found
to hold in my hand because it would feel strange.
I took the prickly seed thing and gently
put it in my palm and held it for a while
hold it
touch it
feel it
explore it
I held it for a long time,
And asked you if you wanted it back
No- you'd held it enough by watching me.

What is 'to hold'
But to appreciate, respect, regard?
The thesaurus didn't believe me:
Grip grasp clench clasp clamp control prison possess
Leaves are held together
By branches that hold them up.
The old woman watching us through her window
Holds her cat and I hold your hand in the rain.

I held a maple leaf
Beside my hand
And I inspect
Hand by leaf
Side by side
The creases the veins
The five finger ties
From this holding
I now hold
A new respect
Leaf and hand
Side by side.

Holding isn't needing
It's more of a loving
It's a kind of choosing.
People don't learn to love until
They've held themselves enough
Turned themselves over
to look at the underbelly
to take themselves gently
hold in the palm of the hand
hold for a while

Along the path
branches hang down on all sides,
fruits, nuts, seeds, pods,
begging to be plucked
yearning to be held
I let the sky pick up my mind
hold it in its air
now everything is
reaching to be touched
touching to be seen
seeing to be heard
hearing seeing reaching touching
always to be held

I don't remember when
Where I learned to hold ideas
But that's the way to do it.
Regard it
Hold it
Feel the way it touches you
Explore it
For as long as it wants to be held
(it'll tell you when to put it down
you just have to know what to listen for).

I don't like to hold things
when I can't pay attention to them.
Like when I'm riding my bike
It's a kind of focus.
Like how there are only three things you can do with a mouth
You can make words
You can make smoke
Or you can make kisses
Holding is the same.

On the wharf last year
You gave me a kiss to hold in my mouth.
I had never really held a kiss before.
I take your kiss and gently
put it in my mouth and hold it for a while
hold it
touch it
feel it
explore it
enjoy it
I even gave it back afterwards.

That is how to hold things.

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this is the best internet test I've taken. EVER. [05 Dec 2001|10:13pm]
[ mood | i have a pen in my teeth ]
[ music | f Erik Newson ]

I am a Fish with a Bicycle.

My poetry kills cows, but only with an acute sunset. Four score bald men take their coffee for a walk with my conveyer belt. Death pays those who interfere with my green amusement.

Are your giraffes on fire? The Utterly Surreal Test

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num num2 [05 Dec 2001|12:39pm]

I'm a White's Tree Frog!

Also known as the Smiling Tree Frog or Dumpy Tree Frog due to the nature of its appearance, this frog is a very hardy creature and a favorite pet of amateur frog owners, although some pet owners complain that they are not active enough. These frogs love to eat, which can make them quite fat, hence their "dumpy" appearance. Unlike many frogs, these frogs do well with other frogs of their species and are fairly friendly. They like a warm and moderately humid habitat and eat larger insects like crickets, cockroaches, locusts, moths and beetles.

What kind of Frog are you?

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num num [05 Dec 2001|12:21pm]
This is a quote to live by:
"....genius is childhood rediscovered." --Baudelaire

Today is my last day of classes. . Yester day i did a whole buncha research on Anne Waldman (she wrote "fast speaking woman" and Co-foiunded teh Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics in boulder). She's really cool.
for my assignment I had to write a poem in her style, and I really didn't have her typical emotions running through me but neverthless it turned out to be a really cool poem. I'll put it up here later. I sort of took her cue in that, FAst Speaking Woman was sort of based on this Shamaness's all night chanting mushroom ritual, so I based my poem on ideas, realizations and experiences I had when I first did mushrooms over thanksgiving break.
Do you ever forget that you have a body? It's one of my favorite things to remember, i think that's why i always forget it.

OOOH! goodie we have the internet at home now! OOOOOH boy!

These are from a newsletter I get (SF gate's Morning fix) First one is funny, the second is just good.

Lesbians Ate My Homework
Two girls will be listed in their New Hampshire high school
yearbook as "class sweethearts" after the superintendent overruled
the school principal and said same-sex couples were eligible for
the title. Dover High School seniors overwhelmingly named Nicole
Salisbury and Ashley Lagasse as "class sweethearts" when the
yearbook staff conducted its annual survey to name students to
categories such as "most artistic" or "nicest eyes." Salisbury and
Lagasse, both 17, have been a couple for more than two years. "I
am shocked and appalled at the school's apparent support of
homosexuality and girls touching other girls and kissing each other
and probably doing icky things to each other with long smooth
slender objects that vibrate," said New Hampshire mother of three
Pauline Engleberry, as the universe looked over from the Elizabeth
Hurley thing and rolled its eyes and sighed and ordered another
round of mudslides.

Where opinion meets benign syntax abuse...
Dick Cheney Sucks Your Soul
Of Kid Rock, jingoistic Santas and far too many little flags on SUVs

Maybe it was the bloated black 3-ton Cadillac Escalade with the
huge chrome wheels and the low-profile tires and the tinted glass
and the awful thumping house music and the belching exhaust and
the 37 cupholders and the leather everything and the refrigerator
and the DVD and the automatic genital massager and the built-in
oil refinery and the shredded little US flag waving limply from the
antenna that did it.

Is this what finally killed any nubile traces of spiritual rebirth in the
New America? Is this what finally destroyed that new bud of hope,
the one that represented change and togetherness and a refreshed
perspective, honest communication and better sex and the end of
road rage?

Or was it was the latest piece of eager spam to careen into my
in-box, a plug for the $39.95 "Patriotic Santa" doll, "just in time for
Christmas," like they had to rush those 25-cent/hour Malaysian
sweatshop factory workers to get the thing to market right away.

And not to belabor the whole SUV thing -- but their grating ubiquity
really does cry out for endless gleeful derision -- it could've been
that incredible Chevy Tahoe commercial, so pumped with
proto-American aggro attitude and thuggish machismo you can cut
it with a chainsaw, all grunting deep-throated voiceovers and flying
mud and the Star Spangled Banner churning like a medieval chant
behind the screaming 0% financing promotional ad copy.

The message of course being that there's simply no better time
than a depressing post-traumatic kill-'em-all wartime recession to
dash down to your Chevy dealer to dump 30K on a 12mpg pollutive
tank you can't even parallel park, much less afford to fill with Saudi
Arabia's finest.

Then there's the USO benefit show organized by MTV and featuring
Kid Rock and J.Lo and Ja Rule, to be broadcast to all our
not-really-suffering 19-year-olds stuck out in the Arabian Sea for
three whole weeks. Barely talented multimillionaire egos preening
on stage -- yep, that's sure to make our boys feel all warm and

Was it the adorably self-whoring Hollywood PR machine offering
free, round-the-clock showings of formulaic military dreck like
"Behind Enemy Lines" and jingoistic revisionism like "Black Hawk
Down" to those same pimply troops on those same incredibly
expensive aircraft carriers, ostensibly to boost morale and give the
poor lads some monosyllabic ultra-violent faux-entertainment but
really just to pump the PR copy for a couple surefire domestic

Is it the multiple weeks of solid bombing with nothing to show for it
but a desperately poor dust-choked country razed into gravel, the
brutish Taliban regime now replaced by the brutish Northern
Alliance regime, the latter ironically now including many of those
very same defected Taliban soldiers now wearing rebel garb and
getting the chance to shave their beards and listen to bad AM radio
and kill each other over who gets to drive the old Taliban jeeps? Oh
yes, that was so worth it.

Is it the sinking awareness that terrorism is still just as much of a
threat as ever and this war-that's-not-really-a-war is only
exacerbating the general anti-US hate simmering deep in the black
and repressed hearts of roughly a half-dozen other furious Arab
nations, and is this a good time to mention that bin Laden will most
likely never be caught?

Not that it would make a difference if he were, given how his
terrorist network is extensive and intricate and spread throughout
Syria and Egypt and Lebanon and Iran and Iraq and probably parts
of Arizona and maybe Colorado and hey isn't that Dick Cheney,
grinning sinisterly in his bunker, surrounded by flying monkeys?

Whatever it was, anything resembling authentic American
patriotism has now left the building. It has been fully compromised,
commodified, assimilated, sold back to you as Old Glory designer
dishware and red-white-and-blue argyle socks and delicate
Christmas ornaments shaped like Tomahawk missiles, Ashcroft
wiretapping your calls to your shrink as you plead for another Zoloft

America has processed. America has digested. America is strong
and beautiful and proud and often incredibly backward and
values-impaired and run by giddy capitalists and enormous
corporations and Steve Case, all of whom would sell you their own
mothers dressed in cute glittery American-flag sweaters if it would
move product.

It is not a time for reflection. It is not a time for turning off the
consumerist firehose and getting quiet and trying to figure things

It is time for buying and bombing and getting used to the bitter taste
of the current situation, maybe years and years of it, and realizing
that, sure enough, everything has definitely changed -- except for all
those ways it's exactly, painfully the same.
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[03 Dec 2001|04:30pm]

If I was a work of art, I would be Pablo Picasso's Three Musicians.

I am colourful and provoking, always looking to break out of the mould and to pioneer new ways of doing things. I have a jaunty outlook and although I am a bit weird, most people have some idea what I'm about.

Which work of art would you be? The Art Test

On other matters, Anne Waldman is totally amazing. All who do not know anything about her, should look her up right now.

I think it's very funny that I am stressing out about how I am not stressed out enough about finals, etc.

I am pondering applying for a grant for some project. I don't know what this infamous project IS yet, though.

Steven Pinker is amazing too, but in very different ways than Anne Waldman is amazing. But right now they are two of my favorite people, though I would greatly appreciate it if they magically created a network between their brains and mine, following suit of Pinker's computational theory of mind..., and give me access to all of their brain-ful information.
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I don't know what just happened. [13 Nov 2001|02:45pm]
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[12 Nov 2001|12:44pm]
big floppy windy wet day

=> big woolen coat (blanket level comfiness) fuury hood.
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RAHGHJFYUDTYUE!!!! [09 Nov 2001|03:57pm]
My bike got stolen. RAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!

Anger. Extreme rage.

Where is Biko? She is Gone.

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Ignatius/Gabe and I on Halloween as American Propaganda, Sex and Violence [09 Nov 2001|02:15pm]
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??????????????????????????????????????????????????? [09 Nov 2001|02:02pm]
I'm in the ucen, they are playing cheezy kenny G remixes of "can you feel the love tonight" and there's this weird man squeaking and squeak/laughing to himself in either another language or really bad english


I'm having issues. I was doing really well for a while there and not there's all this crap that just got unearthed. Goddamn it. Well, in a way I guess it's just in time for Creation day, because art only really emerges out of pain.... i guess. No one ever writes about being happy excpt for christians and you KNOW they are just repressed liars.
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ANNOUNCEMENT [08 Nov 2001|10:42am]
Saturday is creation day.

BE motherfucking creative. Drop everything you are doing and write or play or sing or draw all that stuff you've been meaning to do for the past how ever long. Create! treat it like a test a midterm a deadline and DO IT! It's not something you can slack on because this is the one thing you are REALLY doing for yourself and no one else. No one is making you do this but yourself (I'm just trying to catalyze the reaction).

Good luck all.
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[08 Nov 2001|10:21am]
I really need to change my bio. I knew it would happen when I wrote it, but now I really can'r stand it. awfulawfulawful.



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Solution [06 Nov 2001|12:57pm]
I have found a solution to this problem of no one writing. New friends. I just perfer LJ to other methods of time wasting, so rather than search the internet for new and non-exciting sources of entertainment, I expanded my skimpy Lj horizons and there were exciting and vibrant creatures whom I know not one bit.

On another note, I think there are some vitally incorrect things going on in my head, and I need some restructuring. There is a spark that I've lost track of. I've become boring and stagnant, and those are two very bad things.

I want by energy back, and goddamn it I'm going to find out where the hell I put it.
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[06 Nov 2001|09:48am]
Why is no one ever awake and writing when I am really in need of my friends page entertainment!
This morning is BLAH! coffee does nothing and the day ahead is long! Other humans, live your exciting lives and let me watch as I must sit and wait and be bored by the universe.
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[31 Oct 2001|01:14pm]
I am puttering away at the ucen computers, one of which seems to die everyday. I tell the people when they sit down next to me, and get quite varied reactions. I just bought a wonderous bag all multicolored and made of recycled silk.
CLasses are getting to be rather droning and boring lately. I don't look forward to going to discusssion section run by this girl who knows no more about the subjuect than I do.


I'm excited about halloweening!! I wanna be at home RIGHT NOW making my costume with my wonderful lover!
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