The Bolinas Clinic For Multi-Orgasmic Studies' journal

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Sunday, July 15th, 2001
1:05 pm - Wow, Full Disclosure
So was confession good for the soul?
It's almost a habit for you, I noticed. 3 or 4 confessions in 6 weeks. Next time try a priest. It's quicker and it doesn't waste MY time. So before you go off into your own little sick twisted lying world of purple skies and forked tongues... Let me just say that I hope you enjoyed your little game..
I'm sure you'd be a little surprised to find out that it wasn't quite the game you had in mind though.... Take a glance back in time here, and you'll find that you never existed.
Ever see the Truman Show? You're on Candid freakin Camera Babe, and we all had fun playing.

Play ME like a game? I *AM* the Game.... and you were the best game of all.

current mood: rejuvenated
current music: Motorhead - It's All About the Game

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Saturday, July 14th, 2001
8:12 am - To Catch a Thief
Step 1: engage target in something seemingly harmless so as to establish a link between your computers (like a file transfer through AIM or MSN Messenger)

Step 2: open up an MSDOS window on your computer, type in netstat -n
This will show a list of all IP addresses connected to your computer (like the person you're transferring files with, get it??)

Step 3: any IP listed as "established" on that list is the person you're linked to. WRITE IT DOWN.

Step 4: type that IP address into any old IP tracker you have laying around the house. I prefer Visual Route Server at

Step 5: sit back and watch as the tracert runs its course, telling you exactly where that person you're transferring with is located, right down to the city. Hell, it'll even run a WHOIS and tell you what freakin software the server is running!

*See, the important thing is, it doesn't tell you the location of the ISP they are using.... It tells you where in the world their computer is located..

That's how you can unequivically tell that someone who swears they are in, for example, San Diego and living with their cousin is in fact living, ohhhhh, I don't know... say Farmington, New Mexico. Regardless of whether they are in one place and "dialing up their old ISP in NM" or not, the IP never lies.

current mood: accomplished
current music: Pink Floyd - Have a Cigar

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12:05 am
Just a sample of what is occupying my time this night....



needed for Key West
locations. Starting at
benefits, profit sharing,
vacation, and paid parking.
Please apply in person at
The Shell Warehouse in Mallory Square.
Ph (305) 296-4557
FAX (305) 292-5536

Needs full time
Sales Person. $9 hour.
Must be flexible.
500 Duval. Ask for Sharon.

Unfurnished bedroom w/ closet in 2bd/1ba. Great location. $600/mo. or $150/wk., util. included. F/L. Quiet, responsible person preferred. 293-0205.

To share 2BR/1BA apartment in Old Town. A/C.
No smoking, no drugs. $600/month F/L/S
Call 587-4520.

My struggle to find reasons to stay in San Diego is waning by the day. There is simply NOTHING here to compell me not to leave. If I knew I could survive somewhere like Key West I'd have left yesterday. Fact of the matter is, I need a shitload of money to get there with even a portion of my stuff, and be able to survive during a job hunt. It wouldn't have to be South Florida... but it would have to be somewhere comparable in climate to there, or San Diego. Nowhere snowy, I don't think. (Sorry Angel)

I just don't know, but it's become very apparant that I wouldn't really be missing anything if I left. I mean I AM happy here, but I'm sure I could be just as happy somewhere else.

current mood: contemplative
current music: Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here

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Friday, July 13th, 2001
11:53 pm - Music Trader here I come
Do you people have ANY idea how many times I've bought Pink Floyd The Wall?? I've lost count. Then I get home tonight, just wanting to hear a few soothing melodies while I wind down and not only is Disc One scratched to hell and unreadable... but Disc Two is MISSING!!
Life is unfair. I'll make due with Wish You Were Here but it just doesn't have that same "depair on the brink of insanity" vibe I was looking for.

current mood: aggravated
current music: Pink Floyd - Welcome To Machine

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Wednesday, July 11th, 2001
7:22 pm - ok
FINALLY got the Cam figured out....
I'm on right now, while I try to cook dinner...

Pray I don't do anything illegal.

current mood: photogenic

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Saturday, July 7th, 2001
8:25 pm
Evidently camarades sucks.... they dont like my home network so my cam wont show up properly...

so if you cant see it HERE,
then try itHERE.

ACHMED says Hi.

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Friday, July 6th, 2001
11:22 pm
It's so hot here..... the fan's on but it has to be about 80 in here.
Sleepy now..... exhausted.... fried... need sleep, can't wait any longer...
So tired.... so, so tired... of... everything?

What's YOUR excuse?

current mood: drained
current music: no music necessary

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10:18 pm - The Legend Of Achmed Continues
Once, while I was sleeping, THIS mysterious vision appeared hovering over my head...
It was HIM!

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8:48 pm - Attencion
OK, I felt like I should make some formal announcement...


If you just see Achmed, I'm away the moment...

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Thursday, July 5th, 2001
10:19 am - GRRRRR
what the hell's the dilly-yo with MSN Messenger?? everytime i sign off and back on, my buddy list has been deleted... YOU HAVE PEES'D ME UFF.

***UPDATE 10:58am***
ohhhhh..... THAT explains it.

current mood: pees'd uff
current music: My "Wild Things" poster falling off the wall

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Tuesday, July 3rd, 2001
11:07 pm - The True Warrior Poet
1943 ~ 1971

I suddenly remembered earlier that today was the 30th anniversary of Jim Morrison's death. He was found dead in his Paris flat by his girlfriend Pam Courson, at 5am on July 3rd 1971.
Morrison's body was never viewed by anyone besides Pam and the doctor who was summoned to sign the death certificate. He was buried at Pere Lachaise cemetery in Paris, a place of artists, literaries and poets.

I for one would love to be among the millions who still believe that Jim faked his own death just to be free of his fame. But unfortunately, I like to think he really did pass on, so I can continue to believe that part of his soul is in me; see, I was born almost exactly nine months after his death. It would explain a LOT more than if he were still alive.

VH-1 ran a special of their "Legends" series on the Doors tonight, narrated by Henry Rollins. In summation, Rollins stated how Jim & the Doors were the ultimate example of 1970's social dichotomy; they were both communion and rebellion, love and hatred, peace and war. They were, in his true words, the antidote that contained the poison.

"Did you have a good world when you died, enough to base a movie on?"

current mood: contemplative
current music: The Doors - The End

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8:55 pm - It's The Simple Things Really...
Party time in the San Diego Confederacy. AKA "why I love my friends".

From Ocean Beach it ALL looks like East County.

current mood: chipper

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5:00 pm - ::doing the debt-free dance::
Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.....
Hate me because my student loans got discharged today!

current mood: ecstatic
current music: Naughty By Nature - Here Comes The Money

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12:48 am - trying something here...
so rare are the fields
where flowers grow
that we may bask in their beauty
below the summer sun

and so fleeting is the time
we have to spend there
for once we learn to love it so
the chill wind of autumn calls us home.

copyright 2001, Alex Muzquiz ~ Obsidian Press

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Monday, July 2nd, 2001
12:02 pm
The Date Is: July 2
The Time Is: 11:55am
I Am: Just Alex
My Hair Is: gone
My Shoes Are: flip flops
I'm Wearing: "Irish Kevin's" t-shirt and black trunks
I'm Eating: nuttin
I'm Drinking: water
I'm Listening To: Rob Zombie, "Living Dead Girl" remix
I'm Feeling: constructive
I'm Thinking: I wish I had someone to wash my jeep with
I'm Going To: work in about an hour
I see: empty cans of Slim Fast, everywhere!!
I need: an accomplice
I find: nada.
I want: happiness
I have: memories
I wish: I was driving the southwest
I love: someone
I hate: playing the game
I miss: kissing someone good morning.
I fear: dying alone
I feel: energentic
I smell: ocean breeze incense
I think: I should shave my head today
I crave: an ultimate cheeseburger
I wonder: If I'll meet someone this week
I regret: nothing

current mood: saucy
current music: Marilyn Manson - The Dope Show

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11:24 am
I have a new Favorite Song Lyric of ALL TIME.

Took the cash and just about to dally
till Peaches, beat down, ran from out the alley
Delay? her beef now placed upon a player
300 pound pervert don't wanna pay her
Hittin' my Ho strollin'? I don't like that...
Hold my pink fur derby, I'll be right back.

current music: Slick Rick & Dana Dane - Pimpin' Ain't Easy

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11:15 am - Radio Radio
Overheard on the radio while driving around this morning...

I love the way you talk to me
I love the way you smack my ass
I love the dirty things you do
When I'm in control of you.


current mood: ummm... guess.
current music: Run~DMC - Degeneration X

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Sunday, July 1st, 2001
11:56 pm - Hum Dee Dum
THIS is the part of the evening where, IF I had someone to say it to, I'd be saying "I LOVE YOU" right before I crash for the night. That would be cool. No bells or whistles, just simple Love is that so much to ask for?.... I'm easy like that.
But since it's been a while since I actually WAS capable of human emotion, this is just the part where I turn on my Sonique player and go to bed....

G'night Jon Boy.

current mood: tired
current music: Massive Attack - Hunter Gets Captured By The Game

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9:14 am - Intimate Survey from LAMmy
Questions you wish your partner would ask, but are too afraid too.

1. Nicknames in bed (i.e. Tiger, pussycat..etc):
Big Poppa

2. Do your fantasies ever include but are not limited to..
With or Without Bondage?

Eh, sure we all fantasize but I could go on forever.... and yeah there's some bondage in there somewhere...

3. Bondage arragnment: Top or Bottom?
The term is switch, thank you very much!

4. What are your favorite intimate books? (i.e. cunnglis for dummies)
101 Nights of Great Sex, and..... uhh..... does "Variations" count?

5. Favorite mood music?
Massive Attack, Everything But The Girl, & Ravel's 'Bolero'

6. Ever fantasized about playing bedroom games(roleplaying/role reverse/crisotwister)?

7. Have you ever played any ?
ummmmmmm....... yes Mistress

8. Would you want to? (okay okay.. )

9. Favorite smells that make you all warm and fuzzy?
the morning after it rains, warm summer nights

10. Have you ever told your lover/partner/toy/mate candiate about any of your fantasies?
Selectively, VERY selectively.

11. Best erotic food?
whipped cream

12. Is cuddling usually a prerequisite after.. play time?
Well, if it's AFTER wouldn't that make it a POST-requisite??
It's not expected, but I dig it, just falling asleep in someone's arms...

13. Have you ever done a drive by "shooting"? (.. before you partner even knows what hit him or her, you've shot all your loaded blanks.)

14. Storms- good or bad for intimate moments?
all work and no play make Homer something-something.
all rain and no sun make Alex horny boy.

15. If there is one thing you would try intimatly with your partner, what would it be?
the holy trinity... hookers, midgets, and firetrucks

16. Shaven, unshaved, or trimmed?
Shaved can make a man feel like pedophile... While it IS required for it to be well-kempt, topiaries are NOT necessary.

17. Favorite sexy movies? (debbie does dallas does NOT count )
Do those Shannon Whirry movies on Skinemax count? how about the ones with all the playboy bunnies where Erik Estrada usually plays a cuban drug lord or an organized crime boss?
OK, OK... "Wild Things"

18. Do you have anything we should know about under your bed?
Ninja dust bunnies

19. Or attached to it?
no, the trapeze is out of commission right now

20. Does astroglide, restraints, and some whip creme ring any bells for you?
yeah, but I was young and I really needed the money

21. Have you ever tied someone up(or wanted to)?:
ohhhh yeahhhhh

22. Have you ever ever faked an orgasm ? :
Yes! Yes! ohhh godd YES!

23. Do you masterbate ?
Does the pope wear a funny hat?

24. Have you ever thought of a person of the same sex while masterbating ?
Just in that one fantasy I have where Mickey Mouse is jackhammering Jesus Christ in the doo-doo hole with a lawn dart, while Garth Brooks gives birth to something slightly resembling a cheddar cheese log on Santa Claus's tummy-tum.

25. Or someone other than your partner?
yeah, sometimes, but usually its true life experience.... more vivid that way.

26. Do you picture other people while having nookie with your choosen mate?
I've turned on the flight simulator once or twice.

27. Have you ever had to catch yourself from calling out someone elses name, other than the person you were with at the time?
Not at all.

28. Have you ever had "phone realtions"?

29. Have you ever fantasized about having sex with your partner at work?
god no, hawaiian shirts just arent sexy....

30. What is one of your most intimate fantasises?
No way in hell I'm scaring you all away.

31. Have you ever tried pop rocks on places other than your mouth?
hell no, that sounds dangerous!

32. What is one thing you would tell your partner right now if you could?
::looks at his hand:: "When you turn 50 I'm getting you a gold Rolex."

current mood: awake
current music: Pink Floyd - Set The Controls For The Heart of the Sun

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Saturday, June 30th, 2001
11:30 pm
Retards... JC cracks me up

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