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mike patton's slut(ryan)'s journal

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Sunday, February 24th, 2002
11:18 pm - we gota help the children
something funnys going on,

what no no really
just weird
as life is,

i saw my freind sid, who i have not seen in years,

yevin sent me this cool new kmfmd song, its awsome
i cant wait for all the new stuff by them to come out,
i got the new dvd with all this concert stuff on it
its nice,

sims is fun
i can not think of anything to say

im going to sleep


duck and cover,
thank you and goodbye

pig crap

he he he he(bevis laugh)

ok im out for real this time
shut up
also working on new track with adam, we going more electronica now
becuse are use of samples from the other band project just is nicer with these loops we made,
i wana find a dj to fuck em up and send em back for us to fuck with some more thatd be nice
i been trying to learn turntables on my own but its hard when you dont own em, so ibeen messing with at a freind house,
i been coming up with some nice effect on acid pro
anyhoo im REALLLLLLY out this time

current mood: mellow
current music: PIG: wrecked

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Wednesday, February 20th, 2002
1:11 pm - ship of fools(stone of exile)
whats up
nothing much here
just wanking about

i was gunna say something


is it so wrong to want something so bad it seems selfish, yet you only want this thing todo good and the best for other people
yeah so call me selfish will you
fuck that
im me that all


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Saturday, February 16th, 2002
7:32 pm - blizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz dar dar dar.....
what up,
answer mE!!@!!@

not really,

hows it going
today we had play pratice
it was all right
kinda moving slowly but whatever stuff happens
thats life,
my dads gunna get me a groove box for my bday
which is like gunna be very nice for my music shit,
im a spoild brat what can i say
i really do have a nice life,
i gusse i should stop bitching and complaning well iv cut that down a bit from when i use to,
hell back in jr high shit
i was like
a pissed of little boy
but i alwasy kept it to myself and high school i started trying to stick up for myself but only was regarded as a bitch
i hate that
i just wana do the right things you know
be cool with all people and not deal with assholes
but like i said thats life
time for me to stop bitching and move on
i have a feeling ill still bitch but hey its human nature
i think i have the mind set of a girl
i think if i was a girl id get away with half the things i want to do and say,
but at the same token girls get alot of shit for what they do it sucks
if a chick stands up for her self then shes labled a bitch, thats messed up,
or if she had sex alot then shes a slut but if a guy has sex alot hes a pimp what the fuck logic is that
aww darn soicty
see why i bitch heh
well im not bitter
things just suck here and their but life is amazing and fucking awsome and im very very thankful and happy to be alive
but at the same token im a human being so i have my gay flaws,
flaws that have sex with members of the same sex
lame ass joke
i been playing the sims alot
such a fun little game
that new outkast song is stuck in my head i luv it
"and the whoooooooole wolrd luvs it when you on the news"
i should pick that cd up
i still need to get that live nin stuff,
im out of herererere,
peace out

----some weirdos

current mood: amused
current music: buckethead: track 1, i forget the name

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Thursday, February 14th, 2002
4:11 pm - yum dirt
whats up, its my birthday today
we haw im 19 now
look out
theirs another one
here it comes once more
yeah im off to work
nothing much more to say
oh working on my birthday
its no bigge i have like a 5 day weekend i found out so ill party* then
peace peeps

*party defentions may vary
example:dorittos with salsa well watching fight club
wehaw now theirs a party
nigggggggah what

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Wednesday, February 13th, 2002
7:52 pm - what about us, boom be doom boom be de, what about us
word up peeps,
going to a movie premeer
look whos back
little room mate nicky
back to wine and bitch about life(kinda like what im doing except about him)
i dont know
he fucking is an ungreatful bitch,
my parents take him in let him live here for free and the fucker has to wine about shit around this house
well fuck him
im sick of hearing and taking his shit
jesus sorry nick we where only trying to give you a place to stay untill you get on your feet you lazy fuck

ok that was fun
im a whore
what can i say
but im not a whore when it comes to nick becuse nick can fuck him self
i luv the guy to death and he will alwasy be my freind but i its time i told him strait up to get his shit together

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Tuesday, February 12th, 2002
12:22 pm - let me give you the reason to fuck me up nigga , bum bum bum bum OOOO bum bum bum it was you,
ahh msi is the shiz nit,
what up all
i been reading respect dem comics so now im talkingl ike im strait out of da studio chillin with the wu
not really
well i have been reaidng those comics
their sick ill
how ever ill sick can get

i went to this alterntive press comic convention with my freinds and bro,
that guy who draws jthm, sqee and devi comics and made the show zim was their,
mr vaasssqueeeeeez himself,
he signed my brothers bad art book and drew spooky on the cover,
and i handed him a beat up shitty paper and he drew a little picture and signed it
so fucking cool,
that was fun,
that was intersting to walk around that place tooo,
i bot a book by the first raptoonist,
it was cool
today i have play pratice for this play im doing in san jose
jesus i have a shitty part
i think my acting skills are like going down hill
i think its becuse im not truly gay at heart
all the people their are so fruity
i mean im not a gay basher
im even partly bi myself
but jesus these people are fruity
their stuck up jerk wads to
but whatever
the play so far is kinda fun
my parts are realyy buh
they alwasy give the same roles to the same people
its geting old and shitty
fucking place im fed up with it is the company im doing the play for
you should all nuke that site
heh naw i dont really hate em that much but they get on my god damn nerves with their flaws and shit
oh well everythings got flaws
it just happens these flaws are pissing me off to much
but oh well whatever,
im not alone either alot of people know what i mean who do plays for them and shit,
adam my band mate has the lead,
so i been hanging with him alot
we recorded a song for his chicky baby in the studio two nights ago, i just produced it he played and sang on it, fun times
im off
let me shout out to my readers,
i hope secret cheifs 3 tours sometime soon
or even faxed head ooooo yeah
kmfdm and pig are coming too
good stuff
no more randomniss

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Thursday, February 7th, 2002
12:36 am - weeeeeeeeeeeeee awww arg oooh ouch my spine
this just in,
linkin park is a joke
i mean i dont want to sound like
a winy 5th grader
linkin park
i mean i keep to myself about bashing other bands becuse i know some shit i like alot of people hate
jesus christ

just let me
think for

oh and one other

*spew* come ONNNN!@N!N!N!NN!N tHATS NOT PUNK
thats fucking
out my ass POP too
freckkkking SUM41, tell you what ill take the other 59 and get my ass out thank you,
and one other,
i mean
come on
is this metal?
spew spew spew

listen to some stop metal
now that stuff is fun
im not claming to be some hardcore guy
im not i just like music
and i get in to it alot
of all kinds
but i hate crap
and insults to music
i hate it
and theirs al ot of it but im picking on these 3 bands
fuck slipknot
fuck sum 41
and fuck fuck fuck linkin park
crawling in my skin,
crawling in my ass
hah that was smart i said ass
im so bad ass
weee heee heee
what the fuck are you talking about ryan
im talking about shit
shit shit,
thats what those 3 bands are shit arse spew
now you may be asking if i really hate these bands
well not sum 41 their really bad ass
they have such talent
i mean they are much better then yes or frank zappa,
becuse they are so funny
hoo hooo those boys
i get a kick out of em
i also do enjoy slipnot i luv to shove painful things in my ass as well
but i dont like linkin park
and fuck slipknot and sum 131424 also
and yeah

i think im done here
peace out
if you happen to like those bands sorry,

sorry you such a jerk

current mood: ditzy
current music: mindless self indugence:track 4(heres a lame band for ya)

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Wednesday, February 6th, 2002
11:57 pm - a word of luv
if you wana feel world peace listen to tomahawk album
and track 6 at 1:33
feel the peace

yOUR DEAD BWAaaaaaaaaa

ill start talking about fantomas or faxed head lot to next time
i swear

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11:51 pm - this meat will beat me a wanky
im tired, heh
how is u;s doing,
today went by to damn fast
oh wait
awwww yeah
this beat could win me grammy
i luv it
sorry heh anyways i had to rock out at that part
um i cant
remember what i was gunna say
i been listing to the new secret cheifs 3 like a mother fucking
book m
pure fucking god damn good stuff
mm music
im off to sleeepy
peace out

ps. i dont know what morose means

current mood: morose
current music: tomahawk:track 6

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Sunday, February 3rd, 2002
2:06 am - i can still feel you, even so far away
i dont care what they say , fragiles still a god damn awsome album
anyways, what up
i not been here long time

i been hanging with ron
hes a coo guy
i been hanging with adam
we havea new angle for our band, our music and way of recording it
much more electronic whore ish
oo yeah
this music will be an electronic whore style babay mmm sexy
anyhoo im tired i type more tomroe i promisceakjl

current mood: silly
current music: nine inch shemales:the way out is a dildo

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Monday, January 28th, 2002
10:26 am - yo da do da do da do ya ya y ay ay aya
hello, i started mixing some beats for this trip hop shit, i been using loads of samples i luv sampling to much, i was up at 4 am not being able to sleep one night and i recordedlike 15 mins worth of infomercials and weird weird shit of tv, a word to all who luv to sample for electronic music, watching american tv at 4 am has the perfect stuff, so now i started building my first sample archive, i luv it, i been useing phat and funky loops program for this new track im working on , its nice, i used some sounds from the outside sampler cd, and i mixed in a few loops my freind found on line, mixed with some of my own samples i made, i wana get adam in the studio to lay vocals down, i think i wana do a few flows on this new track but not sure we may not even use it this is my first trip hop track useing the acid pro program, its very nice i just need to work with it still, im pretty comfy with it but not 100 percent, i also got fruitloops and i think i may use that for my solo shit, i just wanted a loop creater for this trip hop thing, and acid pro is working perfect for dat.
now that i have some what of a grasp on it i think i might start composing tracks on paper, writing them out and shit them trying to create a sound scape on acid for it, and add all the "musical" stuff from the br-8, like horn parts we plan on having a trumpet player and a trombone do some nice parts on some songs, and do all the vocals off br-8 and do all my digital stuff in loops off acid, it will give me a neater sound instead of doing it all live like the boogiemen stuff,
i found i can experment with acid pro and add my own st yle, im diging it to much,
we wana tryand get alot of guest local artist and freinds of ours to help us out to give us a nice range of sounds, we want it TRIP HOP but still expermental but yet still down to earth but still weird, i want people to groove to it but still say *whoa thats weird shit* but like it heh
oh well thats my goal
is that not evey artist goal,
and if they dont like our style oh well
we make music for the sheer love it,
and its worked so far, no selling out yet woohoo
peace out

current mood: blank
current music: fantomas page 28

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Wednesday, January 23rd, 2002
4:55 pm - iv got a fetish for latin girls
my pal rach had this on her site so i had to steal it,
becuse im a wop its whatw e do, damn i need me some pasta
her journal is at
shes da coolist

1. Name:holy smokes joe, that are on to us, i mean ryan..
2. If there are 3 wells (love, beauty and creativity) ... ? that question can not even start to make any bit of sanity, moron!
3. Do you wish on stars?: i whould but then they whould ask me a favor
4. What is the most disgusting food you have ever eaten?:pussy, hah not really but this question was begging for a perverted answer haha
5. Would you kill someone?: what s tupid question, of course i have
6. Got any animals? How many?2,a grey cat whos mine, his name is hobbes and my brothers dog montey uh not dog i mean god..
8. How many people live in your head (including yourself)?:fuck this insanity stuff,
ims ure everyone has more then one thing living in their head
9. What TV show or movie best describes your life?:kids in the hall(mm my fav show as well)
10. Do you like your handwriting?: its funny, i write like a five year old
11. Who are you jealous of?:my dick, he gets all the fun
12. What kind of person do you want to marry?: i dont know ask me in 2 more mins.
13. What is your favorite lunch meat?: i like beef jerky
14. Are you liking this survey yet?: they are so much fun hehe
15. Do you think that the people on the gap commercials are cool?: oh yeah i luv people who can dance, woop woop
16. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: fuck yeah, id wana fuck me
17. Are you a daredevil?: dare wanker
18. How big was the biggest mango you ever had?: whata perverted question(tits tits thats all thats on your mind evil survey)
19. Have you ever told a secret that you swore you wouldn't repeat?: yup yup,
20. Water or juice?: water
21. Bath or shower?: none aw if people knew how serious i was on that statment
22. Do you pray?: yeah,
23. Have you ever met anyone famous?:mike patton, well i talked to him for a bit at the tomahawk show so he probly whould not remember me, aw that was bliss, hes god you know.. i wana have a big long talk with him some day,
24. Do you think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?:someone say pot,?? where, *whips out pipe*
25. How do you vent anger?: jerk off
26. Are you trendy?: oh yeah
27. Are you passive or aggressive?: passive i gusse i dont wana be passive it sucks.
28. Who is your idol?: not mike patton
29. Who is your second family?: vanessa
30. Do you trust others easily?: um sometimes, hmmm
31. What was your favorite toy as a child? my bike,
32. What class in school do you think is totally useless? : hahah< HAHAHA
hahAHahAHAHAHahHAHAHAhA ha ha ha and hooo i say
33. What is the punch-line to your favorite joke?:tittys(im such a smart guy, tits funny (cave man laugh) oog oog boobs so funny oog oog
34. Do you like sappy love songs?: yes very much seriosuly
35. Do you think your life so far has been good?:i cant complane, even if i do.
36. Which was your best Halloween costume?: this awsome pink princess dress, i wore it was my ex girl freind, well she was my girl freind at the time, it was so luverly to wear, aw good ol times.
37. Have you ever been on radio or television?:radio long time ago as a little kiddy
38. Do you keep a diary?: what do you think im typing coo coo face
39. Have you ever intentionally hurt another person?: yeah, i suck for that
40. What brand of shoes do you wear most?: converse or skectures
41. Have you ever been in a mosh pit?: few times, for morbid angel and um perfect circle, and all the mike patton shows i been to
42. Do you want a boyfriend/girlfriend right now?: yes
43. Do you feel understood most of the time?:when i talk to vanessa, yeah
44. do you drink milk?: fuck yeah like leon in that movie with natile portman
45. Would you rather have a sore throat or an upset stomach?: sore t hroats do not hurt that much unles syou talk, we can all do with me being quite for a while heh
46. How many people do you actually talk to on your
buddy list?:fuck this question, um 4, and theirs like 60 on their, the internet is so gay
47. What is the new saying that you've been using a lot?:i dont know
48. Song of the moment: mr.bungle(vainty fair)
49. Do you keep your underwear and socks in the same drawer or in a separate one?: all on the floor hommie.
50. Did you pay money to see "Honey I shrunk the kids"?: i think my parents did, i cryed when the ant died, he was cute and cool
51. Would you rather be hot or cold?: none, i like a mix balance, i know that was not the question but what are you going to do hurt me,
52. Who is your crush?: i dont know
53. What was the best Christmas present you received?: to many
54. Could you be a vegetarian?: yeah someday i dont know lets find out
55. What word do you use when you think something is good?: that sure is good. wait thats not one word oh well i use SICCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
56. What band has the funniest name?: linkin park(jerks)
57. Would you ever bungee jump?: i dont know, i wanted to a long time ago
58. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them
off?: no, only when i wear the converse im sucha trendy bitch. well i only have those shoes becuse i needed them when i was in the play "west side story" for this thing in san jose, but i like em their nifty
59. Who are your favorite talented white rappers?: i seriously like eminem i think hes talnted i luv his music alot.
60. Would you rather wear uniforms to school?: only the girls kind
61. Have you ever given money to a bum?: yeah alot,they need beer yo, id want beer if i was a bum
62. What are you worried about right now?:shock SHOCK SHCOK CHA CA CHA CA CHA CA (we all know what part of the mrbungle california album im at, hehe,
63. Do you ever wear overalls?: i use to, not any more, perhaps if i do drag full time ill do the cutesie girly thing, thats be cool
64. Do you think you are strong (emotionally)?: hmmmm i dont know
65. Do you hate anyone?: hahaha, um WOOhaw
66. Do you eat hot dogs?: oh yeah
67. Do you regret anything?: oh yeah
68. Who do you love?: lots of stuff
70. What are you going to do next?: put in the tweaker album
71. Are you going to send this to everyone you know?: only god, shes a cool chick, alanis is god you know it kevin smith hit the nail on the head heh ah yeah
72. What is your favorite quote?:"we started to make shitty music, are next album whould of been called piece of shit"---mike patton on faith no more..
73. Name people you want to thank for their friendship:vanessa, jamie,adam cambell,
stasiu,troy,nick,adam page,nathan,my cat hobbes
74. Have you ever considered a religious school?: yeah its called YAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGG
75. What is the thing you are most proud of?: my abbilty to jerk of 4 times in a row and not die,
76. Is the glass half full or half empty?: mmm*Drinks it up* all gone now
77. If you could have two things given to you to keep for the rest of your life, what would they be?: trent reznors studio, and chrstian agulras closet, oo i luv her clothes, they are such perfect drag queen clothes
78. Pepsi or Coke?:root beer bitch

thats it
whoa that was long,

current mood: full
current music: tweaker:years from now

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Tuesday, January 22nd, 2002
4:39 pm - spare transmission from the one armed siscor, cut away, cut away
or something like that,
whats up
gunna sing up for ner classes tomrow
or something
yeah must fin up these 2 bloooody years
i cant think o fmuch to type
oh gorllliazzzzz concert
san fransico, at da war place,
so anyone in that area wana come with me hah
ill end up going with my band mate and my bro,w hich will be great we should invite nathan to hes cool,
im out
cool runnings


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Monday, January 21st, 2002
2:35 am - my bodys floating down the muddy river
im happy
becuse i met
a great girl
i really want to get to know her
i talked to her on the phone and shes just awsome
yeah, her names vannesa, i hope i spelled that right heh,
i wana get to know her , alot more if i can
if she will let me i want her to get to know me alot more too
i like her, alot
shes just
all right well im out of here
its funny that people can still amaze you,
strait up

peace out

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Friday, January 18th, 2002
6:27 pm - Theme from to kill a dead man
my own survey jigga foo...

1.what is your name: sir ryan tomasello

2.what is your quest:to find the cup of christ

3.what is the air speed of an african swallow:what? I dont know that "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" old are you:(comes back to life) im 18 old do you feel:45 or 65(get it stasiu whahah 65, bang bang ow) this question thing your making up very gay or kinda gay:yes its gay it likes people of its on survey like gayniss

7.are you going to give up asking stupid question in an atempt to be funny but have failed:i might keep at it see where i can take it you know you are talking to yourself:am i?

9.yes, you are talking to youself and justifying it by calling it a "survey" and then adding these ":" at then end: oh really, whoa i was not aware asshole

10.dont call me an asshole you son of a bitch:i can call you whatever i want becuse your stupid

11.your stupid:your a towel

12.your a towel!: um ok

13.see you just stole that whole stupid thing and towel thing from south park moron:SO WHAT you went along with is cock sucker

14:hey! i dont suck cock, you um fool: oh fool thast a good one

15.hey man, back off:OOOOOOOOOOO BACK OFF, did you stay up all night thikning of that one

16:im not talking to you anymore:wAAAA look at the baby, *mocking tone* Im NoT TaLkInG TOOO yOu AnYmOre, haha stupid baby

17. .....: ok come on i was only having a laugh dont hold it aginst me

18. .....: come on ask me a question ill behave COME ON...

19. u swear you will be nice?: yeah now come on next question

20.i dont belive you:fine whatever im just gunna sit here then

21:fine do that: ....

22.oh copy me will you: hah we are the same so im not copying you dumb ass

23.HAH by calling me dumbass you called yourself dumbass, DUMBASS!:HAH you called me dumbass too..

24.yeah but what dose it matter becuse im you and you allready did that so it dose not matter your still a dumb ass: ???

25.oh sorry did i confuse you: no just shut up im going to get some root beer wait come back please no i was kidding no wait: (no response)



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6:12 pm - its true, not like you do..
anyhoo hi
i was up late last night(as alwasy)
listing to they might be giants, and watching the music videos
i was gunna watch a perview movie at my freinds movie place he works out but i was not in the mood to sit down so i walked home and listen to music all night heh,
i listen to like they might be giants, perfect circle, and abunch of junk.
i was reading my dads new remix mag he got in the mail*i take em now* heh
i read an awsome artical on "the angel" who is this female artist who is a producer, composer, and a dj/turntablist. shes fucking awsome from what i read, she use to use the same methods when she started like im useing now, i could relate to her article and her methods, im a fan now, i had to download some her junk offline and its just amazing, i luv her style and recording style
i wana work with her someday
good shit.
also i was listing to perfect circle and reading an email by this awsome girl who i met who lives like in redding cali i think it was
her names vanessa, shes an amazing being.
anyhoo yeah i been thinking about her and the things she been saying alot,
well im out
peace out
cool runnings

"no body loves me, its true, not like you do"
----beth gibbons

current mood: calm
current music: portishead:lot more(sour times remix single)

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Wednesday, January 16th, 2002
5:53 pm - i never felt this much alive, your day has finaly come, so wear a hat and do the dance and let this.
Music and Lyrics: Dunn

Before you advertise
All the fame is implied
With no fortune unseen
Sell the rights
To your blight

While I'm dulled by excess
And a cynic at best
My art imitates crime
Paid for by
The allies
So invest

Now I'm finding truth is a ruin
Nauseous end that nobody is pursuing
Staring into glassy eyes
There's a vintage thirst returning
But I'm sheltered by my channel-surfing
Every famine virtual

A tribute to false memories
With conviction
Cheap imitation
Is it fashion or disease?
Remains a mouth to feed

Sell the rights
To your blight
And you'll eat

See the vintage robot wearied
Then awakened by revision theories
Every famine virtual

current mood: awake
current music: faith no more:gentile art of making enemys

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3:36 am - jesus h lordy
this just in
fantomas is mother fucking awsome

just wanted to let you know

serious if your ever depresed listen to fantomas and you will feel great
or tomahawk
or anything with the mother fucking sexy mike patton
(if he fucks mothers is still under questioning)
hah id hate to be mike patton and stumble on to these fans and be like
*jesus my fans are weird*
but um yeah no better fans i whould think
he digs us you know it

current mood: chipper
current music: fantomas:der golem

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Tuesday, January 15th, 2002
5:05 pm - and the rain sets in, its the age of man, im cruz me baby cruz me
hah no i will fin my story on the next next post i meant on the last post
for this post has an important msg,
please folks PLEASE
do not lite your puubic hairs on fire,
i know it may be the rock star tred,
BUT PEOPLE in japan are geting hurt by this harsh american custom
so im pleding all my readers * all none of you*
please spred this important msg out to the masses,
becuse a flaming pubic hair, is not your freind
thank u
*sniff sniff*

oh and heres a poem for shits and giggles *teehee*
that im gunna write up at random, i might turn it in to a 60s hippie pop song for no reason,

i wonder if i can be the default
in her life,
in her life,
i wonder if sometimes i can just be the man for her
in her life
in her life
if i where to stick needles inside my skin
do you think she would say, "hey you lets begin"
i wonder if i can be the mault
that she drank
that she drank
i wonder if sometimes i can just be the plan for her
smoke dat dank
smoke dat dank(hey it ryhmes sue me)*toke toke*
if i where to stick matches in my ears
do you think she would say, "hey you queer"
i wonder if i can be the asphalt
in her life,
in her life,
i wonder if sometimes i can just touch her hand
in her life
in her life
if i where to stick a knife inside my heart
do you think she would say, "hey you lets start"
*sing high up sintra style now*
you and me............................ e e

heres a clip of someone im chating with on aol for no reason
TheBwaaMan: oh hey, I was eatin, an watchin t.v.
garbagemaiden: anything good on tv
TheBwaaMan: just the usual
garbagemaiden: dick and porn right
TheBwaaMan: yep, all the time

now heres a made up chat thing to make fun of the chat rooms on yahoo ro something

>>>>>>welcome to Young teen lovers chat>>>>>
<<<>>>smokeblunt420 grew brians and has left this god forsakin chat
sexyboy69:hey cow girl, i think cows are nifty
groovygirl:yeah they are : )
sexyboy69: : )
cowgirl:yeah my father owns a cow
groovygirl:hey sexy boy wana call me up, my fathers out of town ; )
cowgirl:my uncle owns a few cows.
kornsux666:man you guys are lame, SLIPKNOT RULES DONT YOU EVER JUDGE ME!!!!!
>>>>>kornsux665 left on account no on likes him, (besides slipknot sucks)
groovygirl:* takes of underwear*
sexyboy69: =D
cowgirl:my mom is a cow
groovygirl:lets go make a priv room mr sexyboy ; )
sexyboy69:OH boy can i pop your digital cherry
groovygirl: come to me big daddy
>>>>groovygirl left chat
>>>>sexyboy69 left chat
cowgirl:some times i like to play with cows utters..

well thats it for my post
we had some laughs
we had some fun
but now its done
before the japan people take us over
its gunna happen, come on have you ever seen blade runner,
eh eh>????
peace out all
ill fin my story i started two post back on the next post, i swear
---jigga foo

current mood: calm
current music: del tron 33:virus song

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12:09 am - what
ill add more to my story that i started on here later, i saw a freind of mine do this so i wanted to copy becuse i get a kick out of these thingys for no reason
now bite my chode..

Name: ryan
Birthday: feb 14th
Sex: male(sometimes)
Location: morgan hill

Seven things that scare you:
1. the unknown
2. people
3. death
4. bugs
5. saying the wrong thing
6. mtv
7. being alone

Seven things that make you laugh:
1. mtv
2. people
3. my freinds
4. my cat hobbes
5. god
6. life
7. kids in the hall

Seven things you love:
1. mayra
2. family
3. my cat hobbes
4. freinds
5. mike patton
6. music
7. feeling good and content, at peace
8. my mind sometimes
Seven things you hate:
1. mtv
2. my penis
3. my body
4. my mind sometimes
5. people
6. being made fun off
7. heh yeah....

Seven things you don't understand:
1. people
2. my mind sometimes
3. mtv
4. freinds
5. life
6. my penis (whats going on little fella?)
7. soicty

Seven things on your desk:
1. Monitor
2. Speakers
3. Mouse/Mousepad
4. keyboard
5. quake 3
6. my nice headphones
7. tea

Right now you are:
2. yeah...

Seven facts about you:
1. i make music
2. im standing right here, and your not.

Seven things you plan to do before you die:
1. mayra(not in that sexual way)
2. put out albums and make music my full carrer
3. write a book
4. get married
5. have kids
6. something i never thought id do
7. make peace, and find it

Seven things you can do:
1. make music
2. rap, and flow
3. sing
4. write poems and storys that are deep but down to earth
5. jack off
6. think(kinda)
7. i can dance if i want to, you can leave your fears behind

Seven Things You Can't Do:
1. buh!

Seven Famous People You Want To Meet:
1. mayra
2. mike patton
3. ray watts
4. trent riproar or reznor whatever
5. lucia
6. the two jhons of tmbg
7. the guys in mr.bungle

Top 7 songs people should give a listen -
1. tweaker(happy child)
2. faxed head-any song, shit, heh
3. kmfdm-spit sperm
4. pig:no one gets out of her alive
5. mr.bungle-goodbye sober days
6. they might be giants-Ana Ng
7. alanis:one hand in my pocket or that i whould be good,
8.fiona apple:any song shit shes a frecking mad man genius

Top 7 things that turn you on about your sex of choice(female)-
1. hair
2. eyes
3. smile
4. skin
5. face
6. ears
7. did i metion hair

Top 7 movies you watch all the time -
1. fight club(shit im gunna go watch that right now)
2. resvior dogs (hey, how do i know your not the fucking rat!)
3. edward siscior hands (B:give them to my freinds and loved ones)
4. hedwig and the angry inch(movie version) (i was born on the other side)
5. too wong foo (night and shining pick up truck)
6. maloun rouge (their was a boy)
7. 5th element (she's perfect)

Top 7 things you say the most -
1. "what?"
2. "oh my gwad"
3. "5 bucks!"
4. "sick"
5. "wank"
6. "blistering buggering hell"
7. "smeg"

o,k ill fin off my story i started on next post
peace out you smeg heads

current mood: contemplative
current music: nothing, i was listing to um no i was watching chasing amy

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