Thursday [21 Mar 02]
11:40 pm
It's all about the jacket.
Leave it behind, and you will forever be free.
(1 itch |scratch)
2:07 pm
Nothing like spending your day filling cracks with caulk.
So many cracks, so little time.
12:34 pm
12:25 pm
11:15 am
I really have to stop writing Journal entries when I'm trashed.
This is no good.
My journal, or my life, is degenerating into a romp through sex, drugs, and music.
If only it was that easy.
10:57 am
Anyone have suggestions for adjusting to erratic hours of work? I'll be doing anything from 4pm to 12am or 12am to 6am, and everything in between. I'm wondering how this will affect my overall sleep habits.
There's always Zanax.
12:10 am
Beer. Bowling. Bong. Incubus. x 3 Atlanta Diner. Home. Bong. Incubus. Family. Friends.
These are the ingredients that have made a grand evening.
Tuesday [19 Mar 02]
10:18 pm
I had quite a bit to say earlier today, but clarity of mind has left me. I'll work on this for the next few days and see what I can come up with...
6:13 pm
Oh brother.
Drug testing for highschool students on the docket... Just one more step in Bush's "War on Drugs" and terrorism (see Super Bowl ads).
I didn't even use drugs until college, but I am completely against this type of movement toward further reducing civil liberties. A few of the Supreme Court Justices 'questioned the constitutionality of such a move' but the Bush administration has already come out and said there would be no problem of constitutionality.
Come on, guys, let's bring back Prohibition and see how rocking these United States can really get!
12:44 pm
Ah, yes, less than 24 hours and already a fight.
I love this life.
(1 itch |scratch)
Monday [18 Mar 02]
11:49 pm
3:38 pm
I finally said 'Fuck It' today and took a job as a server. Working any and all shifts. Filling in as a Barback when needed, and hopefully move in as a bartender as soon as someone leaves. Start Monday. Not exactly what I was aiming for, but it's all about compromise, I suppose. And the money.
If this doesn't work out after a month or so, time to pull out the stops and bring in the favors.
10:52 am
You know how you sometimes look for the solution to a problem, and you find several applicable resolutions? Unfortunately, none of them are exactly what you had hoped. So, you don't actually do anything about the issue, hoping that the ideal solution presents itself, or you can come to terms with one of the less attractive solutions? Then, maybe you're sitting around talking to a close fried or something, and they say, "Well, can't you do ...", and you think, "Yes, FUCK yes, I can!" and you wonder WHY you never really thought of that, because you had completed 90% of the solution months before and never realized it.
Anyway, that happened.
10:47 am
Meg's coming home today.
'Nuff said.
(1 itch |scratch)
12:46 am
Not exactly what I was hoping for, but it could be worse.
(1 itch |scratch)
Sunday [17 Mar 02]
10:31 pm
Nobody likes nothing.
I certainly wish with all my heart that it did not exist.
But wishing is not enough.
We live in the real world, where nothing does exist. We cannot just 'disinvent' it.
Nothing is not comprehensible: neither you nor i have any hope of understanding just what it is and what it does.
It is hard to know if nothing is actually nothing, and thus difficult to know if a policy of doing nothing is successful.
Nothing, however effective it may have proved up to the present, can hardly continue to do so indefinitely.
If I had to choose between the continued possibility of nothing happening and of doing nothing, i would unquestionably choose the latter.
Or the former.
--Stanley Donwood
9:08 pm
I'm pretty torn about this whole job thing.
Heh, I have absolute freedom, but no money.
I have to work now, no other choice, considering both Meg and I are out of work.
Not that I'm complaining.
But I have serious issues when I find out Incubus and STP are playing Music Midtown Friday and Saturday nights. Guarantee I'll be working then. And be a really pissed off bartender.
Better than defaulting on the mortgage, mind you. But I want my fucking cake, and I sure as hell want to eat it, too.
Not that I'm complaining.
I'll get over myself soon. Really.
(1 itch |scratch)
4:15 pm
I've been listening to 'The Virgin Suicides' soundtrack for a little over a year, and the rest of Air's music for the past few years.
Saw the movie today.
Very uplifting.
Highly recommended when you're looking for that positive message that really gets you through the day. Really made me pine for the highschool days, too.
(2 itches |scratch)
2:30 am
We have gotten complaints that this doll loses air and has split open at the seams when weight was applied.
I mean, come on... when a 300 lb. man gets it on with inflated rubber, something's bound to give. At least they're honest about it.
2:19 am
I'm in the wrong business -- ok, actually, I'm not in any business, still being unemployed and shit.
But, you know, when you're really bored on a Saturday night, you find out amazing things.
Like mark-up on sex toys/accessories is 100% and higher. There are few things more lucrative than that... Fast Food (.27 cents of food for every dollar you spend) and Alcohol (400-500% markup on shots) come to mind.
Now, if I could just combine fast food, alcohol, and sex toys. I think this may be the business plan that gets me through B-school.
(1 itch |scratch)
1:36 am
sex. drugs and alcohol. rock and roll.
three of these things are missing from my Saturday night.
all in all, i'd say we have quite a bit of room for improvement.
not to mention it's st. patty's day (eve), damnit.
(1 itch |scratch)
Saturday [16 Mar 02]
11:40 pm
Codeine is the only friend of many a reclusive insomniac come Friday and Saturday night.
- ----- That's why us extroverted narcoleptics keep the crazy shit out of the medicine cabinet and within arm's reach at all times.
9:36 pm
stir crazy.
stir crazy.
(7 itches |scratch)
9:26 pm
When you're bored and you know it... clap your hands (clap clap) When you're bored and you know it... write some code (code code) When you're bored and you know it, and you really want to show it, When you're bored and you know it... change your journal (change change).
Style that is...
1:42 pm
Crashed at about 10:30.
Just now got up from my 'nap.'
Feel like ass.
Warmed over.
Slept like I was on e or something. As in, I barely slept. And my whole body feels fucked.
Oh well.
Time to go play in the yard.